,. ' Tuesday, November 27, 1973 ' Mr S -i \\,( r. AILY Page Three _ __ WHILE WALL STREET PLUMMETS: Nixon claims 'energy New Greek regime fires generals to avert possible army counter-coup crisis only temporary' WASHINGTON (Reuter - President Nixon, assured Amer- icans again yesterday that t h e energy shortage was only tem- porary, but Wall Street plum- meted in reaction to his fuel- saving measures and uncertainty over the crisis impact on t h e economy. Nixon Sunday night announced several emergency measures like a proposed nationwide ban on Sunday gas sales as his first steps to tackle the crisis. A num- ber of congressmen, however, charged that these were n o t enough and there were predic- tions gas rationing might event- ually be necessary. The Dow Jones Industrial In- dex slipped sharply for the fifth greatest one-day decline in its history. The blue-chip barometer fell 29.05 points to 824.95 amid heavy selling on the New York Stock Exchange, where s h a r e prices last week had already dropped to their lowest level of the year. The president, addressing t h e Seafarers International U n i o n, reiterated that the oil shortage in the country was a temporary problem but he added that its duration depended on resumption of Middle East oil supplies. Arab states imposed a total embargo on oil to the United States because of its pro-Israel policy but that alone is not re- sponsible for the present situa- tion. An energy shortage has been looming for years because of sharply rising demand and in- adequate refining facilities. Nixon also told the Seafarers Union that his goal was to make the United States totally self- sufficient for its energy needs by 1980 so that "nobody can cut our lifeline." Congressional criticism of Nix- on's austerity plan as not being tough enough was tempered with a feeling by at least one lead-ig senator, Senate Republican lead- er Hugh Scott, that a wait-and- see attitude should be adopted. But even Scott thought ration- ing could come. "Eventually they might have to get to rationing, he said. Nixon, as part of his efforts to solve the, energy crunch, sched- uled a bipartisan meeting of con- gressional leaders tomorrow morning. Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfield and other Democrats were expected to stress their view that rationing would be a more equitable step than heavy federal taxes which have been talked about by Ad- ministration officials. Mansfield told reporters Pres- ident Nixon's measures were "a small step forward in thc- right direction, but the step is not long enough." The Senate Democratic ieader, who in the past has been some- what cool to Israel, said: "I don't know what steps we can take to encounter the embargo. The Arabs have us over a bar- rel, and I am not punning." Sen. James Buckley (R-N.Y.) thought President Nixon could do more to encourage increased production of U.S. fuel sources. - Sen. Henry Jackson (D-Wash. said Nixon's estimate that his steps would take care of 10 per cent of the anticipated 17 per cent shortage might prove correct but it would be more difficult to make up the remaining defic- iency. The President's actions were "just a beginning. Tougher and sterner measures must yet come," Jackson added. Another leading Congressman, Democrat Al Ullmaft, said a special tax on "windfall" profits by petroleum companies result- ing from the energy crisis was a ATHENS (Reuter)-The day- old Greek military regime today fired almost half the army's top generals in a step apparently de- signed to prevent possible army counter-moves after a coup Sun- day. The dismissal of six lieutenant- generals was announced in a de- cree by President Phaedon Gi- zikis after tanks and heavily- armed troops were ordered back to their barracks from central Athens and Salonica at dawn. Life in the two cities returned to normal with the lifting of a curfew today, and people flooded back to work. The new government, appar- ently confident of its military grip over the country, held its first cabinet meeting to decide on the outlines of its future policy. It is expected that the new prime minister, Adamantios And- rout Sopoulos, will soon announce what the government means by its proclaimed promise "to re- store peace and unity to the Greek people." But before announcing any plans, the leaders of the coup were clearly determined to pre- vent any moves for a counter- coup by supporters of deposed President George Papadopoulos, who has remained under armed guard at his villa since Sunday. Although the military chiefs ap- pointed General Gizikis as presi- dent, informed sources here said the real power among the mili- tary leaders is in the hands of Brig.-Gen. Dimitrios Ionnides, commander of the tough and highly influential military police. Oil boycott by Arabs 0 0 causing non-economic international effects By PHIL NEWSOM UPI Foreign News Analyst Because it had never happened before, no one really believed the Arabs could get together to en- force an oil boycott against the industrial nations. And because it had never happened before no one could have foreseen the wide repercussions beyond the purely economic effects. It demonstrated the frailty of American-Soviet detente. It put a new severe strain on U.S. relations with its West Euro- pean allies under NATO. It placed the nine-nation Euro- pean Common Market under an equally severe test. And, depending upon how the United States handles the prob- lem, it could lead to a shift in the balance of power in Asia. The Arabs could very well be right far beyond their original intent when they say things can never be the same again. In Europe it has strengthened the voice of France and perhaps added impetus to what would ap- pear to be an important shift away from policies linked to the name of the late President Charles de Gaulle. France never has looked favor- ably upon U.S.-Soviet detente and it was this that led to a bitter attack on the two super-powers by French Foreign Minister Mi- chel Jobert. The two, he said, achieved re- suits in the Middle East only by using "pressures and threats" aimed not only at Israel and the Arab states but at each other. Jobert also declared: ... if we wish to stay free, to participate in the determination of our destiny, we must tire- lessly pursue the building of Europe and our defense effort." He conceded a common defense depended upon political union, a 180-degree departure from the de Gaulle philosophy. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Volume LXXXIV, Number 67 Tuesday, November 27, 1973 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class postage paid at Ann .Arbor, Michigan 48106. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning during the University year at 420 May- nard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription rates: $10 by carrier (cam- pus area); $11 local mail (Michigan and Ohio); $12 non-local mail (other states and foreign). Summer session publshea Tuesday through Saturday morning. Subscrip- tion rates: $5.50 by carrier (campus area); $6.50 local mail (Michigan and Ohio); $7.00 non-local mail 'other states and foreign). possibility. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Ullman, acting chairma'1 of the House Ways and Means com- mittee, told Reuters an excess profits tax was "one possibility"Antage Year from Random House in dealing with any windfalls by the petroleum companies because AP Photo of higher prices resulting from Lt. Gen. Phaedon Gizikia, the new president of Greece, is shown ALL IN STOCK AT the fuel shortage. at a cabinet meeting held in Athens yesterday. UNIVERSITY DANCERS iornrr0 ?ihwk 4ip AT POWER CENTER H THURS., NOV. 29-8 P.M. FRI., NOV. 30-4 P.M. & 8 P.M. ?2 WORKS BY: GAY DELANGHE VE RA EMBR E E + LUCAS HOVING TICKETS ON SALE AT: POWER CENTER 12-4 P.M. $2.00 and $3.50 MUSIC SHOP-717 N. UNIVERSITY FOR INFO CALL 763-3333 sponsored by Dept. of P.E. FANTASTIC ART, ed. by David Larkin. 40 full page color plates. A mixture of surrealism, dissection, and color give us fantastic art. Larkin obviously stood around the Tate Gallery and others and heard young Am. vagabonds .. y - - '-"- - in Europe saying "Hey, man, that's FANTASTIC. pb. 4.95 FANTASTIC ART POSTERS. Reproductions of some of above plates avail- "1enior oo s o j able in large (3'x4') wall posters. 2.50 ea. Centicore Bookshops a 4"a0 a"" es.250. SEVEN ARROWS by Hyemeyohsts Storm. A unique and moving novel about 1229 S. 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