'V GREEK TRAGEDY A FARCE See Editorial Page C, 4e it Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom fl3a tjt FORLORN High-SO Low-42 See TODAY for details / Vol. LXXXIV, No. 67 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 27, 1973 Ten Cents. Ten Pages WE NEVER PROMISED YOU A ROSE GARDEN' ver t in 's Comm up weeds! !fYOU SEE NE~5 KAPPM CI76AU-M Rose Bowl notes . . .. from the nation's self-proclaimed number one sports fan, mum's the word on the Big Ten decision to send Ohio State, not Michigan, to the Rose Bowl. The Daily called the White House yesterday and was told by a lower eschelon presidential spokesperson that Nixon would have nothing to say on the decision. "Since the President has addressed the public twice in the last two days and hasn't brought up the issue, we can as- sume he isn't going to comment on it," the spokesper- son said . . equally tight-lipped was Nixon's-Vice President designate, Gerald Ford - a former Wolverine himself. An aide told The Daily Ford was "visibly upset by the decision" but wouldn't comment publicly because he felt it "inappropriate" . . . Gov. William Milliken apparently felt no such reservations, coming right out and proclaiming, "I sympathize with Bo and I think he's on the right track (in condemning the Big Ten)." --- and at least some loyal fans are taking matters into their own hands. A group of enterprising Markley Hall resi- dents have begun circulating a petition demanding that the Big Ten reverse its fateful decision. They plan to send the signatures to the commissioner of the con- ference. 0 Pals again? University Psychologist Wilbert McKeachie says the decline in student activism has brought with it an im- provement in relations between students and their pro- Fessors. In a recent study of tension-or the lack there- of-in 23 University classrooms, McKeachie found "very little hostility evident." According to McKeachie's study, the bulk of classroom talk consists of straight dis- cussions of course materials. "Only one per cent of coded conversation expressed overt hostility," McKea- chie says. 0 Up from the 50s Americans have grown more tolerant racially, po- litically and morally but are more cynical about gov- ernment, schools, federal courts and humanity in gen- eral according to a recently published report by three University sociologists. Their report-"Social Change in a Metropolitan Community"-is the result of a survey of some 1,881 adults in the metropolitan Detroit area. The survey asked some 200 questions which had been used in surveys in the 1950s in the Motor City. The re- port says the new inetropolitan Americans are more broad-minded than their predecessors of the 50s. They are more willing to take an unpopular political stand and believe their children should be free to pursue their own interests and think for themselves. Happenings ... are topped by a "Free Mini-Course" on "Environ- mentally Acceptable Use of Coal as Fuel." The course consists of a series of lectures and discussions beginning at 9 a.m. and running through 4 p.m. It all takes place at the Chrysler Center for Continuing Education on North Campus . .. the Psych Film Series presents Afri- caner and Paranoid Conditions, at Aud. B, Angell Hall from 4-5 p.m. . . . the Women's Film Series is showing The Black Women and Lavender in the UGLI Multipur- pose Rm. at 7:30 p.m. . . . there will be a lecture entit- led "Ten Years of Excavation at Gezer" in Auditorium A, Angell Hall at 4 p.m... . and from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. you can read (and perhaps sign) the rent control petition in the Tenant's Union Office on the 4th floor of the Union. 0 Arabs meet Arab kings and presidents meeting in Algiers yester- day for a postwar summit got secret reports on possi- ble tightening of the Arab oil squeeze and joint strategy for upcoming peace talks with Israel. Sources said the foreign ministers discussed possible ways of intensifying the Arab oil cutback designed to pressure the indus- trialized world irto more pro-Arab policies in the Mid- le East. At the same time, the ministers talked of ways of preventing the Arab oil weapon from harming countries whose policies are considered more pro-Arab, Such as France and some other members of the Euro- pean Common Market, the informants reported. 0 On the inside . . . .read all about "The Big Game" and its aftermath on the Sports Page . . . Editorial Director Erich Schoch writes about bureaucracy and change in LSA on the Edi- torial Page . .. and former arts editor Gloria Jane Smith President knew of tape flaw Woods admits to erasure in court WASHINGTON (Reuter)-Presi- dent Nixon knew seven weeks ago that part of a tape recording in- cluding one of his crucial con- versations about the Watergate scandal had been erased, his per- sonal secretary testified under oath yesterday. The disclosure, w h i c h could cause further embarassment to the President, came as Nixon gave up for court inspection, a batch of recordings of discussions with his aides dealing with last year's break-in and bugging of Demo- cratic party headquarters. THE INCOMPLETE tape is of a conversation Nixon had with for- mer White House Chief of Staff H. R. Haldeman on June 20, three days after the Watergate burglars were arrested. Disclosure that Nixon knew on Oct. 1 about the scrubbing of part of the tape came less than a week after Nixon's assertion to Republi- can governors last Tuesday that he knew of no more time bombs ticking away about Watergate. White House lawyers admitted last Wednesday the tape was in- complete, but until yesterday it had not been known when the President learned of thi fact. NIXON'S PERSONALksecretary, Rose Mary Woods, took responsi- bility for the flaw in the tape, say- ing she accidentally scrubbed an 18-minute segment while trariscrib- ing the tape. Woods, in sworn testimony to Watergate Judge John Sirica, said she reported the matter immedi- ately to the President last Oct. 1 when she discovered what she had done. Woods said the President had told her that was all right because the tape was not among those he was under court order to turn over to Judge Sirica. PRESIDENTIAL spokesman Ger- ald Warren said yesterday Nixon had been unsure the incomplete tape was one of those under sub- poena when he told the Republican governors he believed no more shocks were in store. Woods told the court that she had been listening to the Haldeman tape and meant to turn it off momentarily while she answered a ringing telephone. "In turning around to reach one of my phones which buzzes and buzzes and buzzes," Woods said, "I pushed the record button down." TIS WOULD have the effect of keeping the recorder running but imposing a new sound over the previously recorded sounds. In this case, an 18-minute humn replaced part of a conversation between Nixon and his then White House Chief of Staff Haldeman. White House legal counsel have taken the position that the sub- poena, calling for the President to surrender recordings of nine con- versations between the President and his White House aides and po- litical advisers about the attempt- ed burglary and wiretapping of Democratic party headquarters in the Watergate office building, was confusingly drafted. See PRESIDENT, Page 10 Students will have say in VP seection The Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) de- cided yesterday to seek more stu- dent input on the nominations for the .vacancy left by the retirement of University Vice President Allan Smith. The group, which is the execu- tive committee to the major fac- Bo Big lashes out at Ten decision By DAN BORUS and CHARLES STEIN In the wake of the Big Ten Athletic Directors' shocking 6-4 vote to send Ohio State to the 1974 Rose Bowl, a visibly shaken Michigan coach Bo Schembechler yesterday lashed out at the directors, charging that their decision "was based on ignorance, petty jealousies and the exaggerated issue of Franklin's injury." Speaking before the weekly gathering of the 'M' Quarter- back Club, the five year Michigan mentor further charged that Big Ten Commissioner Wayne Duke unfairly influenced the vote by his handling of information related to Wolverine quarterback Dennis Franklin's injury. DUKE PROMPTLY LABELED Schembechler's charges "totally absurd."' Similarly, the athletic directors contacted by The Daily denied that personal vendettas played any role in their final decision, The directors' comments notwithstanding, the Wolverine field mar- shall urged the Rose Bowl committee to take the selection decision out of the hands of the directors. He described them as "incapable of making an impartial judgement." Obviously stunned by the weekend balloting, Schembechler went on to praise his squad in the most glowing of terms. "They did everything I ever asked of them," he recounted. "They outplayed Ohio State. "THEY EARNED the right to go to the Rose Bowl and to a man every one of them wanted to go. It's no secret that this isn't always the case." "With this decision," Schembechler added, his voice growing crisp and taut, "the Big Ten has shown that they put prestige above the players." The coach's claim that petty jealousies rather than gridiron per- formance swayed the vote has aroused the most bitter exchanges in this generally bitter affair. IT IS NO SECRET among members of the Michigan sports establish- ment that Don Canham has made enemies in his tenure as athletic director. One official referring to this situation said, "Let's face it, Canham Q is one of the most aggressive and influential directors in the whole con- ference, and a lot of people resent it. This vote was the perfect chance for them to get back at him." According to these same sources Canham is resented at Northwestern for his part in a decision prohibiting the Chicago Bears from playing their schedule at the school's Dyche Stadium. NORTHWESTERN Athletic Director Tippy Dye took issue with the. charge saying, "I don't think any personal grudges were involved." Michigan State, another school that cast its vote for the Buckeyes, has also tangled with Canham in the past year over the question of television rights to the Michigan-Michigan State game. See BO, Page 7 ises Wolverines' MICHIGAN QUARTERBACK DENNIS FRANKLIN: Was his broken collarbone the decid- ing factor in the Rose Bowl decision? ]i Decision stuns'M players By CHUCK BLOOM For 24 hours, 100 Michigan foot- ball players and all Maize and Blue partisans bathed in the euphoria of a Rose Bowl trip. The Wolverines had come back to tie Ohio's vaunted Buckeyes. They had thoroughly outplayed the Bucks before 105,233 screaming fans packed more tightly than sar- dines in Michigan Stadium and mil- lions of armchair quarterbacks watching the proceedings: at home. BUT AT 2:01 P.M. Ann Arbor time last Sunday, the sledgeham- mer fell and crushed the rosy dreams of the Wolverines-leaving them feeling as empty as the now- deserted stadium. "We were all shocked," remark- ed senior guard Mike Hoban. "I just can't figure out their (the Big Ten athletic directors) decision to send Ohio State. I think we should have gone. "I imagine the decision had something to do with (Dennis) Franklin's injury but that wouldn't be fair. Anyway Larry (Cipa) is quite capable of running this team. He is a good passer, maybe even better than Denny," Hoban said. SOME PLAYERS displayed their feelings in more expressive lan- guage. "We got screwed!" ex- claimed senior tackle Doug Tros- zak. "It's a damn shame!" "If Franklin's injury was 'the reason we weren't chosen," tail- back Larry Gustafson said, "then that would be cheating us." "It's nothing but goddamn poli- tics!" snarled senior defensive end Don Coleman. "The athletic direc- tors were playing with us and we really got screwed in the end. I hope SouthernCal beatstthe shit out of Ohio State. I've got nothing against Ohio. I won't be rooting against them, but against the Big Ten." SOME MAY express anger, but a majority of the players just feel Coleman's running mate on de- fense, Walt Williamson typified the See PLAYERS, Page 2 Photo by BOB JORDAN AN ANGRY BO SCHEMBECHLER strikes a pose yesterday that seems to tell it all. City Counilpra season, By JACK KROST The widening uproar over the decision by the Big Ten athletic directors to send Ohio State to the Rose Bowl, has now extended to the hallowed halls of Ann Arbor's City Council. In a special session last night, Council unanimously passed a resolution.chastising theaathletic directors for their decision and complimenting Bo Schembechler and the Michigan football team on an otherwise successful season. THE RESOLUTION maintains, that "Michigan clearly demon- strated its superiority over Ohio State" in the game lastSaturday, and that "the people of the city of Ann Arbor oppose their (the ath- letic officials) decision." It concludes with the statement, "We know that Michigan deserves to be in the Rose Bowl." Councilman William Colburn (Rep.-3rd ward), who introduced the resolution,' said that his de- cision to bring the matter before Council was prompted in part by the avalanche of frenetic phone calls he received from righteously indignant Ann Arbor residents. THE NORMALLY reserved Col- burn also h d some untoward com- rnents for the Big Ten athletic di- rectors. "Their decision was so 1jgust . . . I can't even use the languiage I would like to describe rps Rose Bowl decision larger users were charged propor- tionately less. THE NEW SYSTEM further dif- fers in that it charges more over- all, representing an average 35 per cent increase, and should rake in considerably more revenues for the city. The move was regarded by many Council members as a first step towards water conservation. The new water rate ordinance, initially approved last week in a first reading, was given final ap- proval last night in a 6 to 4 vote, with Council members DeGrieck (HRP-1st ward), Thomas (Dem.- 1st ward), Jones (Dem.-2nd ward), and Benner (Rep.-4th ward) dis- senting. THE FLAT RATE scale was im- plemented primarily in the hopes of discouraging usage of large amounts of water by eliminating the previous graduated scale that favored large users. Whereas before, users who con- sumed more than 500,000 cubic feet of water would have been charged 18c per 100 cubic feet of water, and users consuming less than 1500 feet would have been charged 37c per 100 feet, everybody will now be charged at the same 33c rate. Objections to the new flat-rate water charge ordinance, were bas- ed primarily on the contention that it wasn't enough. COUNCILMAN D e G R I E C K maintained that to effectively pro- mote water conservation, the price. scale should have been graduated in the opposite direction, with larg- er users charged more. SKI-MASKED BANDITS? Three held By CINDY HILL Three men were arrested late m ..... Sunday nightfollowing an attempt- ed robbery at Howard Johnson's Restaurant on Carpenter Road at "My initia 9:45 and a holdup at a Forest Street a p a r t m e n t ap- started wo proximately 15 minutes later. In response to the doorbell of wasn't kids his apartment in the 600 block of Forest Street, E. J. Levy, the rob- bery victim, came face-to-face with a ski-masked bandit. "I OPENED the door and the cmvfl haiA naim" in my Cor P " T.PXT for armed robbery other men down the hall wearing ski masks, they called the police. ss d reaction was 'Is this a joke?' Then he ving the gun around, and I knew he ding." -E. J. Levy victim of an armed robbery THE THREE MEN are presently being held following their mid- night arrest-two for armed rob- bery, and a third for possession of stolen goods when Levy's initialed ring and other items were found in his possession. A police officer reported that the investigation continued through the night. He claimed that additional men were held in connection with the