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November 17, 1973 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1973-11-17

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Eighty-three years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan


Illusica I



420 Maynard St., AnnArbor, Mi. 48104

News Phone: 764-0552


The University Musical Society's
presentation of the Modern Jazz
Quartet (MJQ) at Power Center
Thursday evening - the f i r s t
jazz concert among its usual class-
ical fare - indicates a heartening
trend: More and more people are
taking interest in music indigen-
ous to America.
And many great American com-
posers unknown or formerly pass-
ed off by most as mere popular
personalities are finally receiving
their due recognition. Witness the
revivals of Scott Joplin (even or-
chestrated), Stephen Foster, Eubie
Blake, new forays into little-known
Gershwin, and Columbia Records'
five year black American music
recording project.
The MJQ is one of jazz's few
premiere2ensembles and will be
together 22 years next January. Its

prafessioml demeanor - in tux-
edo attire and utter artistic con-
victio i and finesse - has won
over a much wider uJince then
most j .zzmen can claim.
Pianist John Lewis is the en-
szmble's chief compositional voice,
and the program demonstrated his
versatile talents comprehensively.
MJQ makes a big point of versa-
tility, for a perennial, objection to
jazz has been that the strings of
solos and ensemble choruses
"sound all the same."
In addition to Lewis' original
works (many of which created for
film scores) there were arrange-
ments of such classical works as
Bach's Prelude No. 8 from T h e
Well Tempered Clavier and Fugue
in D Minor, Gershwin's "Summer-
time" from Porgy and Bess, and
the Adagio from Rodrigo'sCon-
certo de Aranjuez for guitar.

The MJQ are clearly musical r
mantics in their lush, melodious a
rangements and expressive sens
ivity; work's apnrt from the di
-:nant, fragmeited lines and ope
ended improvisation of the ava
garde. Lewis and Milt Jacksonc
ibrsharp (somewhat like the x
lophone) as the group's melod
orators were perfect foils to or
To Jackson's opulent, melismat
cascades and bassist Percy Heath
and drummer Connie Kay's air
swinging pulse, L, e w i s counte
pointed with lean,' deft chops
the bare harmonic essentials. Tr
lustrous result reflected every b
of the 22 years of refinement.
The group goes to great length
in eliciting an astonishing rang
of colors and moods in inspiration
from the native music of Brazi
Spain, West Indies, North Afric,


the Middle East, classical works,
and jazz st.andards.
Especially notable in the second
categiry were gorgeous ballad-
type .rrangements of Rodrigo's
haunting Iberian guitar melodies
dialogued between vibe and piano
and the Bach prelude.

A not so affirmative action

While many of the MJQ's a t-
tempts at native musical deriva-
tions were frustratingly unidi)-
matic and often merely disguised
blues forms, its standard reper-
toire like "Bags' Groove" and
"Willow Weep for Me" sounded
as vital and exquisite as ever.

Hamlet through
the eyes of fools'


THE UNIVERSITY'S Affirmative Action
program has been attacked in the
past and deservedly so. As recently as last
summer the Department of Health, Edu-
cation and Welfare determined that the
University's three year-old program to
halt discrimination was still inadequate.
Thus when students criticize the Uni-
versity's Affirmative Action policy pre-
sumably the criticism would be that not
enough is being done.
But Thursday =night Student Govern-
ment Council provided further proof that.
such attitudes should not be taken for
granted when it came close to censuring
the program for somehow being "racist."
Defining a racist to be one who "re-
sponds differently to a person on the
basis of his race," SGC member Matthew
Hoffman said in his resolution that the
University has commited itself to minor-
ity enrollment "whether or not these
'minority' candidates meet the normal.
admission standards and thus, is dis-
criminating against all other groups."
Therefore, concluded Hoffman, "this
practice fits the definition of racism,
and so he proposed that SGC "censure all
the Affirmative Action programs."

THIS ATTITUDE is disgustingly similar
to that expressed by Vice Presidential
felon Spiro Agnew after the University
agreed to the BAM demands in 1970, in
describing the agreement as a "surrender"
and a "callow retreat from reality." We
doubt that Hoffman is any more capable
of determining whether or not the Uni-
versity is hiring "unqualified" personnel
than Agnew.
Furthermore, it is difficult to under-
stand how attempting to ease racism
within the University itself constitutes
racism. The logic, incredibly enough,
seems to be that when whites are forced
to compete with minorities for positions,
the whites are being discriminated
Luckily, Dan Fishman and Marcia Fish-
man left the meeting so that a vote could
not be taken, but it is very disturbing
that if they had not, the measure might
have passed. ..
We hope that the proponents and sup-
porters of such action will reevaluate-
their thoughts on this matter. The pur-
pose of the Affirmative Action program
is to end discrimination, and to suggest
that is is discriminating against whites
while - slowly - being implemented is

hs William Shakespeare would have
e probably been quite amused to sae
ge the action in his most celebrated
ns tragedy told through the eyes of
two unimportant characters - two
a, fools.
Yet Tom Stoppard's play Rosen-
crantz and Guildenstern Are Dead,
performed this weekend by the Re-
sidential College Players, shows us
that indeed the story of Hamlet
is effective when told via Rosen-
crantz and Guildenstern.
But Stoppard's conceptions go
far beyond the story of Hamlet i*-
self. We are forced to examine 'he
idea that destiny is pre-ordained
and that there is no such for--e
as chance. Early in the play it is
established that no matter. which
path Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
choose, they will eventilally arrive
at the palace. The audience must
define reality and contemplate the
meaning of death.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are
certainly not, as in Shakespearc'a
play, mere clowning fools. They are
embodiments of Stoppard'a phil-
Under the direction if Kevin
Cooper, this production comes off
as generally enjoyable, but boasts
no distinctive high points. Tim
Prentiss as Rosencrantz and Sam
Sills (performing only Thursday
night), who understudies Guilder-
stern, both delivered their parts
a bit self-consciously, thougti Sills
especially warmed up as the play
If one can accept a female prince
of Denmark, Jenifer Levin er a s
fairly dramaticinher into"-preta-
tion of Hamlet. Notable also was
Annie Gladstone as Alfred, one of
the players, adding some humor
and some interesting displays of
Simplicity marked the produc-
tion's sets, costumes and lighting.
The stage was bare throughout ex
| cept for a bench in the first two

acts and a setting vagueb' sug-
gesting a boat in the third. At
most times the stage remained
fully lit, although Rosencrantz and
Guildenstern were in spots at the
play's end.




... a not so credible campaign

THE PRESIDENT, we are told, has
mounted a campaign to reestablish
his credibility. In the past few days, he
has met with many members of Con-
gress, pledged in a speech that he is "not
going to walk away" from his job, and
planned a trip to the South where he
will undoubtedly try to restore some mea-
sure of confidence.
This is not the first time that Nixon
ha's tried to regain a measure of credi-r
bility. In April, accepting responsibility
but not blame for Watergate and firing
counsel John Dean, he said-he hoped the
1,361 days left in his Presidency would be
"the best days in America's history."
Two hundred days have passed since
that address.
In the interim, Nixon has tried to we-
asel out of his predicament in several
ways. First, he invoked national secur-
ity: the people could net be told, for their
owin safety.,
THEN, AFTER Dean's testimony before
,the Senate Watergate committee, the
President declared that the affairs of
state were being held up. He could not
afford to be burdened with the matter
After his subordinates Ehrlichman and
Haldeman had failed to clear up their
boss's affair before the committee, and
News: Gordon Atcheson, Dan Biddle, Jeff
Day, Charles Stein, Eugene Robinson
Editorial Page: Zach Schiller, E r i c
Schoch, David Yalowitz
Arts Page: Diane Levick, Mara Shapiro
Photo Technician: Karen Kasmauski

the question of Nixon's secret tape
cordings loomed large, Nixon fell back
an old tactic: it seemed he was be
harassed by the news media.
It was fitting that Nixon chose a ,r
tors' convention as the place to publ
kick off his credibility campaign. W
his own home improvements he has ga
ed a certain personal notoriety in
field, but more important is his conn
tion to the interests of property2
management generally.
THE FUROR over Watergate and po
ical scandal has diverted attent
from the fact, for instance, that itN
under Nixon's Cost of Living Council t
profits rose 32 per cent in the third qu
ter. In a time when wages are be
strictly limited, such a profit rise is
And the fact that White House lawy
twisted some arms to obtain several c
porate contributions to the Nixon ca
paign hardly obscures the statement
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. chairn
Russell De Young that his company g
$45,000 "solely because we thought1
reelection of the President was in1
best interests of the country."
Big business support for the Presid
if it does waver, will be the last pillar
fall. Such a move by corporate lead
ship would probably sound the de
knell of the Nixon Presidency.
Nixon's current drive to restore co
dence is directed both at the busin
community and the public in gene
However, total lack of credibility amc
the general public, in addition to hisr
merous crimes against the count
should be enough to remove the Pre
dent in spite of business opinion.


"Altar Choir of Segd od aptist" sings away .. .
The Black Arts and Cultural Festival at East Quad, beginning last night and running through Sunday,
includes arts ranging from photography to a jazz symposium. Today's special activities include craft
demonstrations and a poetry reading.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are
Dead is a biting, sarcastic, funny
play. It can 'be interpreted on f'
ferent psychological, philosophical
and dramatic planes,ibut even to
see it purely for entertainment
would be a worthwhile experience.

Letters to T he Daily

_ _. _ _ ...

Join The Daily


Mideast forum

Lion To The Daily:
was ON NOV. 2nd the Michigan Daily
hat published an article entitled "vio-
ar- lence disrupts forum on Mideast."
ing Rather than report the facts, the
article was full of distortions vid
in- served to slander the Jewish peo-
ple as well as the just struggle of
yers the Arab people. Again and again
or- the article equated the criminal
m and fascist doctrine of Zionmsm
am- with the Jewish people.
of The facts of what occurred at the
nan meeting are very easy to under-
ave stand. Several Zionist disrupters
the tried unsuccessfully to prevent a
the democratic discussion of the Mid-
Sdle East situation. First they rrred
to take over the meeting by pre-
ent, venting the speakers from giving
to their presentations. When that fail-
ier- ed they tried to prevent the p~eople
ath at the meeting from carrying on
a a democratic discussion, arrogant-
ly insisting on giving lectures in
nfi- support of the fascist and racist
less theory of Zionism. One Zionist in
oral. particular showed open contempt
for the people at the meentg aid
Ong the democratic form of the meen-
nu- ing.
try, People were outraged at t Il e s e
. bullying tactics and demanded that
the Zionists keep quiet. But thevi
refused and so the chairman af
the meeting led the people by ask-
ing the Znonists to leave. But the
Zionists continued to disrupt the
meeting and finally had to be
shown to the door.
After this an excellent discussion
took place involving all the people
including many Arabs and Jews
where many different opinions
were aired. Thrhoghnut this discus-
sion the vicious nature of Zionism
was exposed. Zionist racism and
genocide against the Pa'estiniau
people were denounced and many
people spoke of the need for fur-
ther armed struggle in order to
liberate Palestine once and for all
from both U.S. imperialism and
The treacherous role of Soviet
social-imperialism was exposed
along with its policy of "no neace,
no war." The great unity of the
Arab and Jewish people was af-
firmed. It was pointed out that
only a small number of Jews were
Zionist and further that Zionism
is a class question ad only those
with close ties to U.S. imperialism
whether in Israel or the U.S. have
anything to gain by Zionis~n.
Looking at the meeting as a
whole it was a great success.
American and foreign stud je's and

now going to state something which
I should have long ago.
Many of your features and edi-
torials reek of self-styled folk
heroes who are laying down snide
and superficial descriptions of the
nip life here in Ann Arbor.
Too often, a slanted view is giv-
en of anyone who is not part of
the neat little cosmos of a Uni-
versity of Michigan student. Mr.
Parks' editorial, "Worm's eye
world view from outstate" i; the
latest such piece of radical chic
The whole tone of the article
sneers at the morality of people
who live outside of Ann Arb)r, by
using the example of .one legisla-
tor from Hudsonville. In f a ct,
Parks tends to capriciously throw
around the names of other towns
by using parenthetical inclusions
which are never explained.
The whole article is filled wih
generalities such as "For m a n y

out-staters it is an abiding be-
lief, heavily laced with racism,
that the people who live in the
state's urban areas are avenal
and inferior breed." Parks' only
verification of this statement is
a quote from the aforementioned
The whole article rings false be-
cause it is seemingly laced with
Parks' own feelings of superiority
over "OUTSTATE" people. All in
all, another example of student folk
hero journalism from the paper
that brought us the ridiculous ro-
manticising about Blacks on Ann
Street and a feature about the
right way to make dope brownies
and electric kool-aid.
-Jeff Gerber '74
Nov. 14
(Editor's note: in yesterday's Let-
ters to The Daily, the two headlines
wereinadvertently reversed. The Daily
regrets the error.)

Come in any afternoon
420 Maynard



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