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November 17, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-11-17

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For details see Today

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 63

Ann Arbor, Michigan--Saturday, November 17, 1973

Ten Cents

Six Pages

# I

Legal warning
Late last month 'U' law Prof. Joseph Vining warn-
ed that special Watergate Prosecutor Archibald Cox
had been illegally fired. This week's ruling by U.S. Dis-
trict Court Judge Gerhard Gesell confirmed Vining's
suspicions, but the good professor isn't content to sit
back and say 'I told you so.' He suggested yesterday
that by their "unquestioning willingness" the American
people let the President get away with an illegal act and
"take the law into his own hands." Vining further warn-
ed that unless Congress sets up new guidelines, there
is a possibility that new special prosecutor Leon Jawor-
ski might eventually meet the same fate as his pre-
Strike threatened
Custodial employes of the Ann Arbor school system
have rejected the Board of Education's latest contract
offer and union President Woodrow Shelton says the
workers will not be at their posts on Monday without
a contract. Though neither side in the dispute is willing
to discuss details, Shelton commented that the Board's
latest proposed contract included a wage hike be1w
the rise in the cost of living. Negotiations are scheduled
to resume this morning.
In a Today item in yesterday's Daily concerning the
use of teaching machines in education, we incorrectly
quoted psychology Prof. Wilbert McKeachie as saying
he was opposed to the concept of computerized teach-
ing. McKeachie, in tact, feels that compterized teach-
ing can potentially solve many of the problems teaching
machines have created.
Marty supports boycott
A spokesperson for Marty's clothing on N. State St.
announced last night that the store has agreed to support
the Farah pants boycott led by the Amalgamated Cloth-
ing Workers Union. Pete Goldstein, who represents the
Amalgamated says he's happy with the agreement and
that "the picketing is off at Marty's." He further agreed
that Marty's could sell its leftover Farah slacks. Mean-
while the Union will continue protesting working condi-
tions in Farah factories with local picketing at Feigel's
Clothing store.
Hlaber for labor
University economics Prof. William Haber, formerly
dean of LSA and presently advisor to the executive of-
ficers, was named head of a three-member panel of ar-
bitrators for the Detroit teachers strike yesterday. Ha-
ber, who has been an arbitrator for 30 years, recently
helped settle a Detroit police strike.
Happenings .. .
. . the Black Students' Arts and Cultural Festival
tops a light file of happenings on this Saturday. The
festival which features art, photography exhibits, craft
demonstrations, poetry reading, a jazz symposium and
musical entertainment will be taking place at East
Quad beginning at 11 a.m. . . . Neil Simon's The Prisoner
of Second Avenue will be presented at the Power
Center at 3:00 and 8:00 p.m. . . . those crusing in the
vicinity of Lafayette, Indiana can stop in and see the
Wolverines take on the Purdue B3oilermakers. Those re-
maining at home can pick up the game on assorted ra-
dio stations. Kick-off time is 1:30 p.m.
Sirica speaks
U.S. District Court Judge John Sirica said yesterday
he is opposed to legislation calling for court appoint-
ment of a special Watergate prosecutor. He set forth
that view in a letter to Sen. James Eastland (D-Miss.),
chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which has
been conducting hearings on the legislation. The bill
asking the court to appoint a prosecutor has picked up 55
co-sponsors in the Senate.
Catholic action

The U.S. Roman Catholics threw their support be-
hind Cesar Chavez's United Farm Workers in the union
effort to conduct free elections among farm laborers.
The call for a nationwide boycott of table grapes and
head lettuce was the first concerted political action the
Catholic group has ever taken. In offering the resolution
Bishop Joseph Donnelly of Hartford, Connecticut said,
"Chavez's union offers the best hope of protecting the
legitimate rights of one of the most disadvantaged
groups of workers in the American economy."
L.A. blaze
Officials in Los Angeles yesterday expressed fear
that the death toll in Thursday night's fire at the 60-
year-old Stratford Hotel Apartments might climb as
high as 52. Although many residents were saved, the
building's open stairwells allowed flames to Sweep
through the lower floors, trapping residents on the upper
floors. Such open stairwellg had been declared illegal
in 1973, but the apartment owners were given four years
to comply with the ordinance.
On the inside . .
. . . Roy Chernus reviews the modern Jazz Quartet
on the Arts Page . . . a piece on SGC and affirmative
action appears on the Editorial Page . . . an account of
1t tnight's ioe hattle with Michigan State graces today's

The Board of Regents yesterday
ordered the University's executive
officers to come up with a plan
for returning about $1 million in
excess tuition revenue to students
who paid fees this term. Final ac-
tion on the proposed refund is
scheduled for the Regents' Decem-
ber meeting.
The motion, proposed by Regent
Paul Brown (D-Petosky), recom-
mends that arrangements for re-
bate, reduction of tuition rates for
next term, or waiver of part of
next term's fees be made to cor-
rect an error in the recent 24 per
cent fee hike which brought the
University a $3.75 million surplus
Area rally
culls for
About 150 p e o p 1 e gathered to
demand the impeachment of Rich-
ard Nixon at a town meeting held
last night in Rackham Aud.
'The meeting, which was spon-
sored by the Impeach Nixon Com-
mitteeband the Union of Radical
Political Econimists (URPE), fea-
tured a broad range of speakers
including State Rep. Perry Bullard
(D-Ann Arbor) and Kathleen Foj-
tik, Washtenaw County Commis-
CHARGES OF "perjury, bribery,
and conspiracy" were repeatedly
leveled at Nixon.
"We have evidence to believe
that Nixon has committed these
felonies," Bullard declared.
Pointing to the ITT scandal, the
milk deal, and the "Vesco deal,"
Bullard contended that the charges
leveled dgainst Nixon "aren't er-
Jim Hood, a local fire fighter,
exhorted, "It's time Nixon stepped
down from his throne; his lying
has been the cause of much human
Although Congressman Marvin
Esch (R-Mich.) was not present
due to a "too heavy" schedule,
Bullard spoke of Esch's response
to the impeachment question.
"It is reprehensible for the Sen-
ate to pre-judge the President,"
Bullard quoted Esch as having
stated in the Congressional Record.
COUNTY Commissioner Fojtik,
a Democrat,, called for the im-
peachment of Nixon "through the
system." She also endorsed Vice
President-designate Gerald Ford
because "middle - America won't
help impeach Nixon until Ford is
in office."
Other members of the community
demanded that Nixon berbrought to
trial to face his 'c r imi nal
NOTING THAT many speakers
criticized the low turnout, the
meeting's chairwoman commented,
"this means that those present will
have to work even harder and
dedicate themselves even more."
The Impeach Nixon Committee
currently has 4,000 signatures in a
petition drive to impeach the Pres-

The Human Rights Party is also
circulating an impeachment peti-
tion, which has drawn 20,000 sig-
natures state-wide.






Details to be worked out at next

over projected tuition revenue
THE ACTION followed allocation
of $2 million of the excess cash to
cover new salary and tuition com-
mitments to the University's teach-
ing assistants.
The Regents excluded about
$800,000 from the refund proposal
on the grounds that this revenue
was generated- by unexpected en-
rollment of 529 extra students,
rather than by the tuition hike. The
excess enrollment was intended to
cover an expected loss in new std-

dents due to the fee hike, but the
loss failed to materialize.
In proposing the motion, Brown
said he felt the surplus must be
"returned to those who paid it."
"IT'S AN individual situation;
it's not a question for a majority,"
he said, rejecting the idea of a
decision through committee de-
liberations. "If there's one student
who wants his money back, it's our
duty to return it."
Brown urged speedy action on,
the refund, so that the students
who paid the excess will be the

ones paid back. "I do not think that
it's fair . . . to benefit a student
who comes next year-he's not the
one who paid it," he explained.
Prior to the vote on disposition
of the $1 million surplus, 20 mem-
bers and supporters of the Student
Action Committee (SAC) staged a
protest action, and one represen-
tative read a statement criticizing
the Administration for its handling
of the tuition hike and the resulting
excess funds.
THE REFUND motion passed
5-2, with Regents Robert Brown

(R-Kalamazoo) and Lawrence Lin-
demer (R-Stockbridge) opposing.
The Board named the sum $1.08
million as the amount to be refund-
ed to the students, but the figure
was based on quick calculations.
The actual amount returned may
in fact be slightly higher or lower.
Subtracting the $2 million allo-
cated to the teaching fellows and
the $800,000 that was generated by
unexpected enrollment from the
initial $3.75 million surplus, one
emerges with a figure of about
$950,000 for actual refund to stu-

dents-substantially less than the
Board's $1.08 million estimate.
All figures are approximate, how-
ever, and -come from rough esti-
mates made by members of the
Board. The only safe prediction at
this point is that the refund will be
in the neighborhood of $1 million.
THE EXECUTIVE officers had
opposed immediate disposal of the
surplus, favoring instead creation
of a contingency fund to cover
"unanticipated expenses" in the
next year. The Regents rejected
this proposal.
Proposals to allocate $60,000 of
the excess to the financial aid of-
fice for personnel costs and $150,-
See REGENTS, Page 3

Nixon sees end
to ol emba.rgo,
OKs pipel ine
there is a possibility the Arab oil
embargo will be lifted, President
Nixon signed legislation yesterday
p e rmit i n g construction of an
Alaskan pipeline to provide 11 per
cent of the United States' current
petroleum needs by 1977.


RECENTLY FIRED WORKERS picket last night in front of the American Health Spas - formerly the
American Massage Parlor - on Fourth St. The workers were protesting their recent firings, which
they say came as a result of efforts to form a union.
Workers0 stage protest

Vice President-designate Gerald
Ford added credence to the likeli-
hood of an embargo lift, testifying
to a congressional hearing that he
had just been told "1ne or more
Arab countries" are voluntarily re-
leasing oil to the United States.
Ford added he has not yet con-
firmed the report.
But well - informed A r a b oil
sources downplayed the rumored
change in the embargo.
"So far there is nothing to indi-
cate any change in this position,"
one source said~ Commented an-
other, "Unless there is a complete
Israeli withdrawal under the pro-
visions of the U.N. settlement, I
can hardly see how Arab countries
could lift their oil embargo."
THE PRESIDENT described the
pipeline bill, which provides a fed-
eral right-of-way, as part of ihe
nation's goal to achieve self-suf-
ficiency by 1980 and added that
environmentalists who oppose the
proposed 789-mile, $4.5-million pipe-
line would "have to cooperate."
He also indicated hewould seek
to repeal "a couple of the clinkers"
in the bill-amendments g i v i n g
broad new powers to the Federal
Trade Commission (FTC).
The pipeline, to be built by a
consortium of firms to carry oil
from the Alaskan North Slope to
the warm-water port of Valdez, has
been seen as a partial, long-ranve
answer to the current embargo by
Arab oil-producing countries on
shipments to the United States.
BUT NIXON' SAID at the bill
signing ceremony that there was
a "reasonable possibility that at
some time in the future we can
see some change with regard to
some of the Arab oil-producing
countries and the attitude towards
exports to the United States and
Europe . . ." He based his pre-
diction on "the real progress that
we have made inthe Mideast.'
"While that can happen," he
added, "even if it happened to-
morrow, we'd still have an energy
crisis this year."
Nixon said that when the pipeline
is completed in 1977 it will carry
about 600,000 barrels of oil a day,
or about 11 per cent of the nation's
daily demand. It has been esti-
mated that the direct and indirect
effects of the Arab embargo have
deprived the United States of be-
tween 1 million and 1.5 million
barrels a day.
SPEAKING to the environmen-
talists who previously have suc-
ceeded in blocking construction of
the pipeliAe, Nixon said that safe-
guards in the bill would protect the
Alaskan ecology. In any case, he
said, environmental concerns will
have to'come second while the na-
tion deals with its energy crisis.
"In the long run," he said, "we
can have both."
The environmentalists, who ear-
lier obtained a court ruling that the
pipeline violated right-of-way laws,
were expected to file new law suits
against it.
MEANWHILE, with administra-
tion officials at odds over the pros-
pects of gas rationing, Senate Dem-
ocratic Leader Mike Mansfield yes-


local massage parlor!

Seven fired employes, including
four masseuses, picketed yesterday
for nearly nine hours in front of
the city's only massage parlor in
protest of what they called anti-
union practices by the store's
Barb, Louanne, Penny, and Con-
nie-who were employed as topless
masseuses until they were fired
yesterday morning-paraded fully
clothed before the American Health

Spas (formerly the American Mas-
sage Parlor) with three store man-
agers who were also recently fired.
THE WOMEN claim the parlor's
operator, Larry Schultz, has inter-
fered with their efforts to form a
masseuses' union by firing them.
Schultz contends the women are
not employes, but "subcontractors"
-in the same sense as plumbers
are subcontracted by builders -
paid by him to perform topless

City lags far behind in Housing
inspection; cites staftf shortage

massages on the "Health Spa"
But the women say they will
prepare a court action against the
parlor management, and further
accuse Schultz of discrimination.
One of the demonstrators last night
claimed this was a result of all of
the women and two of the male
ex-employes being gay.
Connie - who joined with the
other women in refusing to give
last n a m e s - complained that
Schultz made them work in a re-
ception room that is "too cold for
the sleeveless, see-through, and
other appropriate colthing" worn
on the job.
SCHULTZ SAID he fired the
masseuses and the three store
managers because of their "bad
attitude" on the job, but would
not expand on that statement.
He added, "I can't control what
they do with the customers in the
rooms. They are hired solely to
give the customers massages."
The masseuses claim they at-
tempted to unionize after Schultz
cut their pay by 20 per cent and
added bathroom and ashtray clean-
ing to their massage duties.
BUT ONE of the women, Lou-
anne, conceded that the issue of
"subcontractor" v e r s u s employe
had to be settled before the mas-
seuses would take their case to

SKYLAB 3's astronauts blast off
flawlessly_, yesterday on thgeir
way to a rendezvous with t h e
giant space station orbiting the
earth. Astronauts Gerald Carr,
Edward Gibson and William
Pogue, making the last manned
American flight until mid-1975,
are expected to close out the
$2.6 billion Skylab program
with a record holiday voyage of
12 weeks.
army fight
in Greece
By AP and UPI
ATHENS, Greece - Army troops
and hundreds of policemen backed
by tanks stormed the Athens Poly-
technic Institute early yesterday,
violently ending a three-day occu-
pation of the 'school by students
calling for the overthrow of the
Greek government.
Tens of thousands of antigovern-
ment students and workers battled
police in almost every street
throughout the city.
AT LEAST two persons were
shot during the disturbances.
Helmeted riot police and men in
civilian clothes beat the students
with staves and lengths of pipe as
they ran from the school after the
army intervention. The authorities
moved in after tanks surrounded
the school.
One of the tanks which had sur-
rounded the Polytechnic backed
into the locked iron gates and de-
molished them. Troops then moved
swiftly in, firing in the air with
automatic weapons.
After beating students to the
ground, police left the wounded ly-
ing on the pavement in pools of
their own blood in order to pursue
more students trying to flee the
POLICE USED tear gas and sub-
machine guns in the clashes with
demonstrators in the city.
UPI newsman Royal Brightbill
saw one young boy fall to the
pavement fromga blow as authori-
ties moved in after tanks sur-
r r i n i t d t h A qc h n 1 a n d t h e s t u -

Thursday night, a catastrophic
blaze gutted a Los Angeles apart-
ment building killing 24 people. Ac-
cording to the fire chief, lives could
have been saved had the building
been in compliance with the city's
housing code.
It could happen here.
Because of a severe personnel
shortage, the city's Building and
Safety Department has been un-
able to complete anywhere near
the number of housing inspections

"The city has got to make up its mind if it is
seriously concerned about protecting the places
in which people lime."
-Asst. City Administrator Harold Rothbart

inspection. However, the process
also covers a building's structural
soundness, electrical system, and
numerous other items.

lines in that area as well.
ALTHOUGH city officials blame
the poor record on insufficient per-
sonnel - housing inspectors and

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