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November 14, 1973 - Image 1

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See Today for details

See Editorial Page


Eight y-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 60 Ann Arbor, Michigan--Wednesday, November 14, 1 973 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

New intern pro grain of fered
A mass meeting for students interested in a brand
new, experimental Summer Intern Program in New York
will be held tonight at 7:30 in the UGLI's Multipurpose
Room. The program - sponsored by Career Planning
and Placement - is patterned after the highly-success-
ful Washington Intern Program. But there are signifi-
cant differences. All of the jobs offered are in business
and industry, including positions with advertising, fin-
ancial, and publishing firms. In addition, unlike its
Washington counterpart, the program's organizers are
asking employers to provide students with living ex-
penses for the summer. The jobs are basically designed
for liberal arts students, although any students who have
completed their junior year by this summer are eligible.
Applications will be distributed at toniight's meeting.
HRP petition to circulate
After a series of technical delays, the Human Rights
Party has begun circulating its 6,000-word Rent Control
proposal. If petitioners garner 3600 signatures from city
voters by the first of the year, the issue of rent control
will be placed on the April City 'Council election ballot.
HRP is asking anyone who would like to help circulate
petitions - including ones asking for the reinstatment
of the $5 marijuana fine and urging that City Council
members be paid - to contact its office at 516 E. Wil-
Fie gel's demo today
The Farah Strike Support Committee of the Attica
Brigade will be picketing Feigel's clothing store in sup-
port of the Farah pants boycott today between 12 and
3 p.m. Fiegel's is located on Main St. between Liberty
and E. Williams Streets.
Happenings . . .
...include an open meeting of Student Government
Council's own committee considering SGC reorganiza-
tion tonight at 7 in the SGC chambers at the Union .--
the Washtenaw County Democratic Committee is meet-
ing at 8 p.m. at the McKenny Union on the Campus of
Eastern Michigan University .. . Rackham Student Gov-
ernment's Executive Board convenes at 9:30 p.m. at
3526 Rackham . . . an introductory lecture on Transcen-
dental Meditation will be held at noon today (as well as
tomorrow and Friday) in Rm. 4111 of the Union . . and
the Ski Club mieets at 7:30 tonight in Anderson Mr D,
also in the Union.
Labor backs impeachment
The Huron Valley Central Labor Council, central body
of AFL-CIO affiliated locals in Washtenaw and Living-
ston counties, voted last night to support efforts to im-
peach President Nixon. The council, which represents
6,000 workers in Washtenaw County, passed a three-part
resolution demanding that Rep. Marvin Esch (R-Ann
Arbor) vote for impeachment, encouraging members
to attend Friday's town meeting on impeachment to be
held at 7:30 p.m. in Rackham Aud., and forming a spe-
cial Impeach Nixon Committee to work on petitions and
letter-writing for impeachment.
Gulf fined by court
The Gulf Oil Corporation was fined yesterday by a
U3. 5. District Court in Washington after pleading guilty
to making illegal contributions to the 1972 campaigns
of President Nixon and two other candidates. Judge
George Hart fined Gulf $5,000 and one of the company's
vice presidents, Claude Wilde Jr., $1,000 for violating
a federal statute against campaign contributions by cor-
porations. The company was occused of contributing
$100,000 to the Nixon re-election committee, $5,000 to that
of Rep. Wilbur Mills (D-Ark.), and $10,000 to that of Sen.
Henry Jackson (D-Wash.). The charges were brought
by the Watergate special prosecutor's office, and the
fines were the maximum allowed.
Kissinger praises detente
U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said in Peking
last night that the U.S. detent with The.People's Republic
of China was a necessity for all Americans, and would
be a constant factor in American foreign policy no mat-
ter what administration was in power. Kissinger was

speaking at a farewell banquet in the Great Hall of the
People before Premier Chou En-Lai and other Chinese
Leaders. Recalling Nixon's historic visit to China, he de-
scribed the President as a "pioneer." "But the journey
that was started by President Nixon has since become
a necessity for all Americans," he added.
Protestant leaders arrested
British troops arrested five Protestant leaders yester-
day in Belfast after a day of gunfire and explosions that
left 13 pole injured and a 15-year-old Catholic youth
dead. The arrests followed a government order Monday
that made two extremist Protestant groups illegal and
their members subject to arrest and imprisonment.
On the inside . . .-
the Editorial Page features a Pacific News Serv-
ice story on Latin America . . . Diane Levick previews
this weekend's Black Arts and Cultural Festival on the
Arts Page . . . and on the Sports Page, Albert Osborne
analyzes the Big Ten.

4 a.
Daily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY
NEWLY ARRIVED theater Prof. Arthur Miller speaks to reporters at the League yesterday.
By TOY SCWARTZsionas part of a mini-course on his works, and N
Adjunct theater Professor-in-Residence Arthur visiting selected writing, theater, and English i
Miller-playwright, Pulitzer Prize winner and classes. .E
1938 Michigan graduate-made his first public In addition, Miller is spending most morn
appearance yesterday as an academic by con- ings in his room at the Michigan League work-
ducting an informal press luncheon in the ing on a new play, tentatively titled "The Amer-
Michigan League's ornate Vandenberg Room. ican Clock," which he expects to help produce
Miller arrived quietly on campus Friday eve- . -and which will premier at the Powdr Center 9
ning for a planned one and a half week stay, -when he returns to the University for a
spent Saturday at the Michigan-Illinois football longer stay in the spring.
game with University President Robben Flem- Miller has been loathe to discuss the new
ing, and began meeting with* classes Monday. work either with the press or with students,
MILLER'S DUTIES as professor are infor- AT THEmm PRESS l~uncheon Miller coveress a
mal, and so far he has been dividing his time variety of topics but kept his answers brief and 6
between conducting a question-and-answer ses- See MILLER, Page 3
avamama oao m m m m a m o~siseo .smsassimsisasin msasae

hold o
CAIRO (Reuter) - All was
reported calm a 1 o ni g the
Cairo - Suez road yesterday
aft h' ster Monday nights fs-
fight between Israeli and Fin-
nish troops, but the Israelis
were maintaining their check-
point at kilometer 101 al-
though the six-point ceasefire
agreement calls for them to
pull out.
Both Gen. Ensio Sillasvuo,
the chief of the U. N. peace-
keeping force, and Israeli De-
fense Minister Gen. Moshe
Dayan, visited the two check-
points yesterday.
The brawl occurred at a second
checkpoint at kilometer 119 last
Monday night when the Israelis
started to dismantl aroposition set
At the checkpoint closer to Cairo
- kilometer 101 - the Israelis this
afternoon preventedr aconvoy pof
sons from passing through.
The Egyptians intended to take
the reporters to Suez town but
Israeli officers said they had or-
ders not to let the press party
Sillasvuo visited the checkpoint
early yesterday and "found the sit-
uation very calm" at checkpoint
119 and, he added, "relations be-
tween U. N. and Israeli units are
sillasvuo flew to Israel to discuss
the incident with Dayan and Arab
leaders pursued their prepara-
tions for an Arab summit in Al-
giers at the end of the month.
'The authoritative Cairo daily,
Al Ahram, said it would probably
take place on Nov. 28, and Arab
foreign ministersi wud mee in
24 to draw up the agenda, sure to
include thease of oil asd a politial
tary confrontation with Israel.
President Anwar Sadat of Egypt
conferred yesterday with two Saudi
Arabian ministers who said on ar-
rival here Monday night they had
comeato discuss thei weapon
of state for foreign affairs, and
Petroleum Minister Zaki Yamani.
On the checkpoint incident, U.N.
spokesman Rudolf Stajouhar said
Finnish and Israeli troops ex-
changed blows during the inci-
Tere hd been no trouble at the
day, he added. Asked at a press
briefing whether Israeli troops
were still manning their check-
point close by, he said, "I assume
Stajouhar declined to be drawn
by questions on whether the U.N.
had taken effective control of the
road, replying simply, "I said the0
two checkpoints had been set up."
Sillasvuo would decide in due
course on the take-over of other Is-
raeli posts all along the road, he
Altogether about 100 of the 472
Finnish troops in the Suez were
sent in to deal with the checkpoint
119 incident, which occurred after

Israeli soldiers gave the U. N.
force 15 minutes to remove the
time) pjust over half an hour afte
the U. N. troops set up their posi-



After leaving the U. N. post, Is- Finns in Suez and Cairo
raeli troops later brought up some trians in Ismalia and
armoured vehicles and placed them Canadians in Cairo, and
around the checkpoint, but the near Suez.
night was quiet, Stajouhar said. In other Middle East

,276 Aus-
Cairo, 131
260 Irish

lDuring his visit early yesterday
morning, General Sillasvuo made
suggestions for practical arrange-
ments at the kilometer 119, the
spokesman said, but he gave no
The U. N. spokesman said there
were now 1,708 United Nations
troops in Egypt, including 537
Swedes in Ismailia and Cairo, 500

* Gen. Sillasvuo reported to U.N.
Secretary - Genera 1 Kurt Wald-
heim on the dispute overcete loca
line. No details were disclosed;
* Israeli Prime Minister CGolda
Meir said Israel would not .help
the stranded Egyptian Third Army
by retreating to the "non-existent"
October 22 cease-fire line;


signs pact

with med union

iThen Internsin-Rsdence Asso
tiated contract with the University
-the first such agreement in the
country between a physician's la-
bor union and a major university.
The contract grants the interns
stipends of up to five-and-a-half
per cent, the ceiling established by
the Economic Stability Program.
In addition, standard fringe bene-
fits covering sick leave, vacations
and insurance were described in
the contract .
BUT MORE important to both
sides was the agreement reached
concerning patient care considera-
tions-the major bone of contention
that occasionally stymied the dis
cuss ions.
While the contract did not pro-
vrsity rona issesarising in this
area, it did guarantee the interns
administrationwin tpatienttycarde
Interns will have positions on
,yirtually all the University Hos-

pital's committees-includinfg the
miteeispecifically charged wt
investigating patient care improve-
ments and post-graduate educa-
tional problems.
THE INTERNS will have rough-
ly one-third yf the seats on the
Council. Their representation on
other committees will vary.
The contract signals an end to
the turbulent - and occasionally
even stormy - negotiations which
began inl June.
But the Association's battle for
recognition as one of the four pro-
fessional labor organizations of
resident physicians in the country
predates the negotiations.
IN MARCH, ar1970, the Association
in a legal battle for recognition as
"agents to represent interns-in-
residence and post-doctorate fel-
lWh en the court backed the Asso-
ciation, recognizing the interns as
"both public employes and stu-
See MED, Page 3

The University Housing Council
(UHC) moved yesterday afternoon
to end the University's 14-month-
old policy banning non-union let-
tuce from dorm meals.
The matter will now be taken up
by the Housing Policy Committee
at a meeting late this month or
early in December. Observers ex-
pect a close battle in that body-.
THE UHC's ACTION yesterday
came on a three to two vote fol-
lowing an extensive and occasion-

ally emotional debate.
The motion to end the boycott
was introduced by David Lambert,
UHC representative from -West
Backers of the motion cited a
recent UHC referendum on the
question, which, they said, showed
a sizable minority of students do
not favor the boycott. The rights
of this minority, they said, are be-
-ing trampled by the boycott.
SUCH BOYCOTTS, they said,

200 rally to backC

should be "a matter of individual
conscience" and not institutional
Opponents of the resolution to
lift the boycott pointed out that al-
though - a "sizable minority'' of
students oppose the boycott, over
three quarters of those polled reg-
istered support.
The referendum to support the
boycott passed 298-191 in the recent
October election.
PRESSURE ON UHC to drop the
boycott came from a number of
Paul Gustitus, UHC representa-
tive from the "Hill" dorms, said
he has received considerable feed-
cating disapprova ofstthenbctt.
And a resident of Stockwell Hall
presented UHC with an informal
poll purporting to show that Stock-
well residents want lettuce back
on their dinner tables.
David Faye, president of UHC,
opposed the ending of the boycott
saying; "In all the time we've had
this policy (boycott) I've never
heard one complaint against it. I
think what influenced members of
the council is the fact that you're
more likely to hear complaints on
this policy than praise. Few people
are going to call up and congratu-
late y o u for continuing t h i s
FAYE said the boycott affects
"three million Chicanos" and
termed UHC's action in dropping
support for it "bordering on rac-
Faye also said that the intention
of UHC had been to follow the re-

Waterg ate committee
votes to seek specil
Presidential meeting
WASHINGTON (Reuter) - The Senate Watergate Committee yes-
terday voted to seek a closed meeting with President Nixon to discuss
his part in the Watergate bugging and cover-up.
By a five to one vote, the committee agreed to ask for a White House
meeting with the President as part of its wide-ranging probe into the
Watergate affair and illegal financing activities during the 1972 cam-
paign. Nixon has not yet responded to the request.
THE COMMITTEE suggested that testimony by the President should
not be under oath but that a complete transcript should be made public
as soon as the discussion had ended.
The White House responded that Nixon has not decided if he should
agree to be questioned by the committee, although earlier this week,
when the possibility of a request was raised, Presidential spokesman
Ronald Ziegler said he doubted if Nixon would agree in view of other
steps he was taking to clear his name.
The committee's invitation to the President came as reports circu-
lated that Nixon was supremely eonfident that a tape recording of one of
his conversations with Watergate figures - a meeting with Presidential
counsel John Dean last March 21 - would prove beyond doubt that he
knew nothing about a cover-up until that day.
See NIXON, Page 3

A crowd of 200 persons rallied
yesterday on the Diag in support
of the United Farm Workers
(UFW) grape and lettuce boycotts,
and more than 100 marched to the
Huron St. A&P store to demonstrate
against the store for selling non-
unon products.
uRichard Chavez, brother of UFW
leader Cesar Chavez, appealed to
students at the rally to remain
active in spite of disillusionment.
w"SUeRE WE'RE discouraged when
of the government," Chavez said.
"But there are always people of
good will ready to fight injustice."
"W~e are fighting for dignity and
justice for farm workers every-
where. not iust in California,''

to do at the A&P," one shouted.
UFW S U P P 0 R T committees
throughout the nation have organ-
ized a consumer boycott of A&P
and Safeway stores, in an effort
to convince the retailers to buy
only UFW grapes and lettuce.
Shoppers are asked ,to avoid A&P
completely until the store manage-
ment reaches an agreement with
the union. ,
Following the rally, chanting
marchers wound their way through
the streetsthto td. A&P, accom-
At the Huron store, while march-
ers sang and chanted in the park-
ing lot, manager Charles Zanger
claimed, "Sure a thing like this
distracts from business, but I'm
not real upset. If A&P takes any

Cityvotes Moday ill ecid

City voters face two millage pro-
posals Monday that would provide
operating and maintenancesfunds
The schools are asking voters to
continue thepeseant 6.6 emill levy
approve an additional one mill
assessment for property and build-
ing maintenance.

If voters turn down the operating
levy, the school board would prob
June, Hahrdzesaidwbut suchna de-
lay would precipitate the same
funding deficits caussed thisya.
Severe cutbacks would come only
if the June millage were also re-
jected, Howard said.
SINCE STATE AID to education
hoe miraiiv haan ni1nenad for this

......................-.......... 'U.

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