OP A&AIIST THG Lk4\Ld, P$(L2SIDf .14fn A, ~U L~1T(&5OI / AMI w p t 0'V Gr) Q-1 ACARTE 1ACHU A wT~EI- CRnr' CARP r THE OF 666- ) E R E B O Z O - N kA D T T City picket support solicited for continuing UFW boycott AP ;?3 KN(V5 FRKS LORA7 PO tXHAVE 1Td'SAY TN S r &OM - FOR X5EF F-A VI I If-t ~ 9I'73~~)T q /a^ N S5 By ALFONSO RAMIREZ EIGHT MONTHS have p a s s e d since the United Farm Workers Union called the grape boycott. To- day, the struggle continues. A&P, the nation's largest retail grocer, still continues to stock non- UFW grapes and lettuce. Yes, the lettuce boycott still continues. The UFW is also asking people to boy- cott Gall, Franzia, and Guild wines. Over the past summer, farm- workers were repeatedly and bru- tally attacked by thugs hired by the Teamsters Union. Thousands of UFW strikers and supporters were jailed and many beaten for nonvio- lently disobeying unconstitutional injunctions limiting picket lines to one person every 100 feet. The violence peaked in August with the deaths of two striking farmworkers. One was beaten to death by sheriff's deputies and the_ other was shot. UFW CONTRACTS are one of the best of any organized union group. They eliminate the racist and exploitative labor contractor system and provide for strict lim- its on unsafe pesticide use, exten- sive health and safety benefits aid the best wages farmworkers have ever received. These contracts re- present the first real change f o r farmworkers in a nation in which: * Farmworkers have a life ex- pectancy of 49 years, over 20 years less than the national average. A farmworker family of four, all working full-time, make an av- erage of only $2,700 per year. * An estimated 75,000 farmwork- ers are annually poisoned by the misuse of pesticides; of these 800 to 1,000 die each year. Most farmworkers come from seriously disadvantaged minority groups, principally Chicanos. Blacks, poor whites, Filipinos, Por- tuguese and other national minor- ities make up the farmworker mainstream. RECENTLY, a statewide UFW boycott meeting was held in Ann Arbor. Boycotters and organizers were present from throughout the state. Cities represented w e r e Lansing, Flint, Kalamazoo; Grand Rapids, Adrian, Ann Arbor and De- troit. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss and report on grape and lettuce boycott activities in these cities. Ways of forming new tac- tics and strategies to increase the success of the overall boycott were discussed. In Ann Arbor, UFW supporters have been on the picket lines since February. The picket lines and times of picketing have expanded. But more needs to be done. Please volunteer now! Call us and join us on the picket lines. The days and times of the picket lines are: Thursday and Friday from 2 to 6 p.m.sat the Huron and Maple Village A&P's, Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Stadium and Plymouth A&P's, and Saturday from 11 a.m. to S p.m. at all four stores. Alfonso Ramirez is a social work graduate student. .4, - r ghe Mir t a eau y Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1973 Some fundamental rights MORE THAN 30 years ago, the Wagner Act established collective bargaining as a fundamental right of working people in this country. Teaching fellows in this university are as entitled to that right as any group. However, the recently announced $3.75 million tuition surplus, and the subse- quent administration decision to allo- cate $2 million of this to the teaching fellows, have obscured that basic right. The $2 million allocation, which will provide a 5.5 per cent wage hike to TF's as well as temporarily subsidize the dif- ference between in-state and out-of-state tuition for non-resident TF's, paper over the more long-term struggle of teaching fellows for equitable treatment. The Regent's decision last summer to scrap the system under which teaching fellows and their spouses were assessed tuition at the resident rate regardless of their real state of residence still stands; the $2 million allocation merely mitigates its effect this year. TUITION RATES, which the Organiza- tion of Teaching Fellows had de- Sports Staff DAN BORUS Sports Editor PRANK LONGO Managing Sports Editor BOB McGINN ................Executive Sports Editor CHUCK BLOOM.............Associate Sports Editor JOEL GREER...............Associate Sports Editor RICH STUCK ..............Contributing Sports Editor BOB HEUER..............Contributing Sports Editor TODAYS STAFF:. News: Penny Blank, Della DiPietro, Chris Parks, Cheryl Pilate, Chip Sinclair, Ted Stein Editorial Page: Zach Schiler, C h u c k Wilbur, Ted Hartzell Arts Page: Diane Levick Photo Technician: David Margolick manded a return to last year's levels, re- main as they were, 24 per cent higher than last year. The University has still made little apparent move to end racial and sexual discrimination in the hiring of TF's as the OTF demanded. In other words, the fundamental de- mands of the OTF remain unmet The use by the University administration of surplus revenue generated by a stagger- ing tuition hike to grant a one year wage hike - and not a particularly substantial one at that - represents a blatant at- tempt to buy off the TF's and crush their infant organization. More importantly, by seemingly goug- ing undergraduates to pay the $2 million to the teaching fellows, the administra- tion may well have set students against the TF's and thus dampened both the TF's movement and whatever is left of student opposition to the tuition hike. THE FACT IS that this year's 5.5 per cent faculty pay hike comes out of students' pockets just as much as the equivalent raise of TF's does. And so do other University expenses. The real reason for appearing to pick the students' pocket does not lie in sub- sidizing non-resident TF's out-of-state tuition, as the $2 million allocation will do; subsidies had been a permanent part of the budget until this year. President Fleming, a former labor ar- bitrator, is familiar with the tactics of divide and conquer, and whether con- sciously or unconsciously he has used them effectively so far to both cloud the legitimacy of TF demands and undercut student support for the teaching fellows and demands for a tuition rollback. Teaching fellows must be allowed the right to bargain for themselves. And to repeat what has now become almost pla- titudinous, tuition must be rolled back. An auto By ERIC SCHOCH SOME POLITICAL scientists say th e i r sudden widespread use was the major contributing factor to the advent of urban sprawl. They are an important source of air pollution. The three major producers of them were the first, third and fifth in- dustrial corporations in the country by sales in 1972. And Americans love them, God knows how we love them. Cars. 118, 618, 162 of them were register- ed in the fifty states last year. Americans wash them, pamper them, tune them, wreck them, repair them, junk them, race them, live for them and die in them. Most of all, and most unfortunate of all, they drive them. All the time and everywhere. Despite the fact that the automobile is the Great American Fetish, the car as it is presently known is obsolete. Not be- cause technological breakthroughs have relegated autos to a backsteat position, but precisely because they haven't. IF YOU WILL excuse the term, the auto- mobile has been driven into obsolescence because its use has not been controlled, but in fact subsidized through billions of dol- lars spent constructing roads and high- ways. Thus most Americans' lifestyle cent- ers around the car, and the results are now out of control. Many political scientists pin the cause of urban sprawl to the automobile. Before the advent of the railroad, and later the trolley, cities had to be fairly compact so that the distance between people's resi- dences and their place of employment would be reasonable. Railroads and trolleys made some ex- pansion possible, allowing people to live farther away from their jobs. But this expansion was fairly limited to areas on either side of the transit lines. Impeach (Editor's Note: The following IF NIX( is the text of a speech given by fice, let u Nancy Wechsler, city council- he will o woman from the Second Ward, at Ford, or the Impeach Nixon rally in Lan- feller, or sing Saturday). . . . and may look fetish all that, slowly at first as only a few people could afford the luxury, quickly af- ter millions found the automobile within their economic grasp. . One could now live anywhere one wanted, almost. The constraints were still there, but they were greatly eased. It took less time to drive than to take the interurban lines, and your route wasn't limited to a track. You could live almost anywhere ".Americans wash them, wax them, pamper them, tune them, wrech them, repair them, junk them, race them, live for them and die in them. Most of all, and most unfortunate of all, they drive them." aissasistassistim iss:::::::::::::::............................. r ...t ............................ .sissem seld in southern California. In 1969 the Los Angeles metropolitan area was 50 miles wide and 26 miles long, and it hasn't stopped there. Its vast areas are connected by the stupendous number of freeways for which it is so justifiably fam- ous. The heaviest per capita concentra- tion of automobiles in the world can be found choking them. The problem is that if you want to get But this option is unacceptable. Shall we destroy the Alaskan wilderness and strip mine the western half of the United States so we can drive merrily about inour cars? AS THE ENERGY shortage grows, there will be stop-gap measures such as turning down the heat and rationing*gasoline. But they are just no good for the long, run. The first alternative is finding alternative sources of energy. But such things as solar energy, considered to be theoretically pos- sible, but won't be available for years. President Nixon's goal of independence from foreign sources of energy by 1980 is not good enough; it would appear that it is necessary to be independent of pre- sent forms of energy by 1980 as well. But will 1980 be soon enough? One hates to sound alarmist, but even if the United States and the Arab oil producers sud- denly become fast friends, an unlikely pro- position at best, increased world oil con- sumption will severely limit this nation's fuel supply. THE ONLY POSSIBLE solution, whether it is voluntary, or is forced by events, is a drastic change in American lifestyles. People will have to quit consuming so much oil, which means they will have to quit driving so much. Unfortunately, Amer- icans built their lives around their cars, especially in places like Los Angeles. Ob- viously there is an inherent conflict devel- oping that could seriously disrupt the econ- omy. Unfortunately, most officials are preoc- cupied with piecemeal, short-term solutions to end the energy shortgae, while it is increasingly likely that needed energy sources will just not be available. Such a limited perspective could easily result in economic chaos and hardships more diffi- cult than lowered speed limits and cooler indoor temperatures. turns to nightmare you wanted, and white people decided the city core was not where they wanted. There were other forces contributing to the exodus tohsuburbia as well.sFor exam- ple, federal home loan pohiices were de- signed such that investments being aided by, the federal government had to be "sound." The result was that the realtors who were implementing the loan pclicy de- cided that investment in city cores were not sound hence if you wanted federal loan aid, you had to build in suburban areas. BUT THE major impetus for urban sprawl has been the automobile, and sprawl there certainly is. To check it out, one need only drive from Detroit to Pantiac. Even more striking is the case of Los Angeles. There have been many other fac- tors at work, of course, but the automobile has created the greatest monument to it- somewhere, you have to drive on them. There is no other way to get around, be- cause no one has had either the inclination or the foresight to install adequate mass transportation. SUCH A SITUATION is bad for people with low incomes. They're stuck. But now we have an energy shortage, and if there is no gasoline everyone will be stuck - es- pecially in areas like Los Angeles. The world situation has changed so that the oil supply to the United States will continues to be inadequate for the forsee- able future. The rest of the world wants its fair share and it will be years before the United States has the capabilities to produce more oil. Oil supplies are decreas- ing, so that more ecologically destructive methods will have to be used if people insist on driving gasoline-powered cars. the system along with Nixon ON is forced out of of- s not rejoice long - for only be replaced by a a Connally, or a Rocke- a Kennedy or a Strauss, though the government a little cleaner nothing SAM ERVIN said in all serious- ness that Watergate was the worst thing that has happened to the United States since the Civil War. While I support impeachment, I think Ervin's statement is ridi- culous. The U.S. and its government has been involved in far worse crimes than Watergate. The Vietnam war stands out as a blatant reminder to us of U.S. actions which have caused widespread death and de- struction - all for the sake of pro- tecting American investments abroad, not to protect democracy as we are told. The U.S. intervention in Chile which has created one of the most fascistic governments in the world is far greater a crime than bring ling a burglary or even rigging an election between two parties who stand for capitalism, apple pie, paternalism, and the status-quo. CERTAINLY, the poverty, the alienation, the lack of adequate health care, housing, or jobs for many Americans is criminal in a land of such wealth and power. Every worker killed as a result of cutting corners on safety to bring more profit to the employer, every woman who has died from an illegal abortion, every gay person given shock treatment, every black woman sterilized without her consent is a reminder of what is wrong with our society. Watergate is just a drop in the bucket. Certainly we must impeach Nix- on. To let him continue in office is to tell every politician in this country to go right ahead ripping us off. Our organizing to demand Nix- --y av u Litt 4t Ult1 :, 1U t 1 much will have changed. People will still be jobless, home- less, without adequate heastr care. Our foods will still be fiLed with poisons so the food comoanies can make more money. Five percent of the country will still ovn 60 per cent of the wealth. Women and blacks will still be semnd class citizens. Gays will still be consid- ered sick. Workers will still have no control over their working con- ditions. America will continue to intervene in foreign countries (as it has done under every Demccratic and Republican administration alike) - to protect American in- vestments. NIXON WILL be gone, but the country will still be fucked. Let us organize to impeacn not only Nixon but the whole god damn system. It is not the individuals in office who make the government unresponsive - it is the govern- ment structure itself and its yon- trol by business and industry. The Human Rights Party sup- ports Nixon's impeachment. But it also calls on Americans todr eect both status quo parties and their politicians and work for r e a 1 change - through third parties, through women's liberation, black liberation, gay liberation, work- ers strikes around working condi- tions - through any grass roots organization fighting for more equality, democracy and radical change. America will not cbanga as long as people here assume all we have to do is get rid of the horrible Re- publicans and put in some good Democrats. The Democratic party has never and will never be re- formed. the defeat of a pro-abortion plank in the Democratic Party platform - should win him the disgust of the womens movement and the left. The Democratic Party s dismis- sal of Jean Westwood (McGovern's choice to head the party) to be replaced by oil millionaire Strauss - a friend and political ally of John Connally - only too clearly shows the nation that the Demo- cratic Party wants no more Mc- Govern liberals, or liberals of any kind. OUR ONLY CHOICE, if we seek radical change, is to build a third party on the left composed of workers, racial minorities, gays, women and students. It must uncompr:mismngly push for redistribution of America s in- come and wealth, community and worker control of services such as health care, child care, housing, itransportation, education. We must fight for an end to sex- ism and racism. We must fight for a system that allows every person an opportun- ity for full human development. The Human Rights Party is such a party, and it is committed to the ONE economic system that stands for equality, where the chance or real human liberation is pos- sible: Democratic Socialism. IMPEACH NIXON - YES, SUP- PORT DEMOCRATS - NO. U' administration divides and conquers on the TF issue (Editor's Note: The following article was written by Sandy Silberstein and Doug Brown, members of the In- formation Committee of the Organization of Teaching Fellows.) DESPITE THE FACT that their economic demands for this year had been met, well over 400 teaching fellows from 32 departments met last Thursday anx- ious to form a permanent organization and quick to point out that the Administration's timing in granting their demands (one day before the scheduled meet- ing) had not put an end to their sense of solidarity. The primary concern of some TFs was that the administration might successfully be turning both the faculty and other students against them. Some students have been understandably disturbed by recent assertions that over half of a supposed S3.75 million tuition surplus has been used to accede to economic demands of the Organization of Teach- ing Fellows (OTF). Many teaching fellows are sus- picious of this figure. In a time of play money and bookkeeping tricks, the University has taken with one hand and given with the other. The University's an- nouncement that it has earmarked money taken from students to meet commitments made to TFs last spring, is a clear attempt to undermine student sup- port for a decent and fair TF wage. THE ISSUE AT hand is a grave one. We believe it is legitimate to demand of the University not only to those of students. Legitimate demands of all stu- dents for an adequate accounting of the reasons for tuition increase and for influence over the allocation of these revenues can only be weakened if the Admin- istration succeeds in alienating TF's from students. THERE IS A SIMILAR respect in which teaching fellows and faculty members have a common interest which should not be ignored. The current administra- tion plan for future payment of TF's who do not quality for resident tuition status involves increasing the allocations to departmental budgets for 'student aid'. A clear danger is that under such a plan, the sums available to departments would be the cause for divisive in-fighting between graduate departments and among teaching fellows. Such'a result would in- volve both faculty and teaching fellows in unneces- sary and unproductive strife, introducing unnatural divisions among natural allies. A further danger posed by the administration's pro- posed renumeration via student aid' is that it Would we1'ken the TF bargaining position as workers seeking a fair wage, rather than as students seeking finan- cial assistance. Only Friday, The Daily mistakenly termed our cost of living increase a 'stipend hike'., OVER 400 TF's attended the mass meeting Thurs- day, basically to express their scepticism and con- y . .. ,. ,, t " __ 1