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November 13, 1973 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page

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Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

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See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 59 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 13, 1973 Ten Cents

Eight Pages


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Big game booked up
If you don't have tickets now, forget it. Armageddon
is sold out. Even reporters won't be able to get into the
"Final Clash" between Michigan and Ohio State Nov. 24,
according to the Athletic Dept. "We are completely
out of press seats and photo deck positions and the side-
lines are jammed with photograhpers," Sports Informa-
tion Director Will Perry said. Perry said he filled a
record 606 requests for press credentials for the big
game. Fourteen originating stations will feed the game
to a network of over 500. In addition to Ohio and Mich-
igan newspapers, reporters from papers in New York,
Florida and California will also be on hand. A crowd of
over 104,000 is expected to attend.
SGC names veep
Student Government Council has finally elected an
executive vice-president to replace Sandy Green, who
resigned for academic and health reasons several weeks
ago. The new veep-newly-elected Campus Coalition
SGC member Jeff Schiller - was elected to replace
Green, thus terminating a round of political maneuver-
ing that had included just about every member of Coun-
cil as a potential replacement.
Top schools cooperate
The University announced yesterday it is getting
together with Wayne State and MSU for a cooperative
venture aimed at improving the schools' extension and
adult education services. Beginning Dec. 4, each school
will host a series of workshops to share information on
upgrading the quality of extra-classroom educational
Happenings .. .
. . . are topped by another group of flicks in the
Astronomical Film Festival series at the RC. Tonight
in East Quad Auditorium at nine, they're showing Mars
and Beyond (a Walt Disney flick), Mare Minus Myth
and The Martian Investigators . . . a Lunchtime Con-
versation from noon to 2 p.m. at the League Rms. 4 and
5) will feature a discussion on women applying to gradu-
ate school . . . Cable 3 is presenting a special one
hour program on the Farah Slacks Boycott featuring
the UAW's Emil Mazey. It starts at 7:30 p.m. . . .
"The Future of Open Education in Ann Arbor" will be
discussed at an open meeting at 7:30 at Burns Park
Elementary School . . and College Young Democrats
hold their regular monthly meeting tonight at 7 p.m. in
the Henderson Room of the Union. Talk will center
on impeaching the President.
What a way to go
Robert Hershey died yesterday when he fell into a
vat of chocolate at a Pepperage Farms Inc., plant in
Dowington, Pa. Hershey was pronounced dead at the
factory when he was found inside a large chocolate
machine. Plant employes and a rescue squad had to
cut a hole through the side of the machine to retrieve
his body.
Citing McDonald's "Quarter-Pounder" which actually
doesn't weight a quarter of a pound, Rep. Benjamin
Rosenthal (D-N.Y.) introduced legislation yesterday
which would force the Federal Trade Commission to
take action against companies whose brand names mis-
lead the public. Rosenthal said he decided to swing into
action when the FTChrejected a complaintwagainst
McDonald's despite the fact that t h e i r "Quarter-
Pounder" which should weight 4 ounces actually weights
2 ounces.
- Princess can't cook
In an exclusive British Broadcasting Company (BBC)
interview last night Princess Anne told reporters she
can make breakfast and sew buttons, but doesn't think
she can "make a consistantly good cook." The princess
denied she was "boisterous, bossy or moody" but ad-
mitted to being "an old-fashioned girl" and somewhat
"square." Her husband-to-be, Lt. Mark Phillips, was
asked if it took courage to propose to a princess.
"You've got to be brave to propose to anybody," he

said grinning.
Juicers rejoice!
As part of Today's continuing service of bringing
good news to those of saddled with bad habits, we
present the following cheery word: Three scientists
has told the American Heart Association convention in
Atlantic City, N.J., that folks who drink have fewer
heart attacks than these who don't. The researchers
said a study of patients from the Kaiser-Permanent
Medical Care program in Oakland, Calif., revealed that
more teetotalers had heart trouble than persons in a
control sample which included drinkers.
On the inside .
.. . Sports Page features a column by Dan Borus on
"The Fat Man"-Ohio's Woody Hayes . . . Editorial
Director Eric Schoch writes about auto-mania on the
Editorial Page . . . and Bill Irvine pens a story about
folk singer Hedy West on the Arts Page.

RPP rn
Tribal Funding, an organization charged with allo-
cating revenue sharing funds for a variety of youth
services, has come under fire from several city of-
ficials for its decision to rent office space from the
Rainbow People's Party.
The officials, primarily Republican City Council
members, charge that as a result of overlapping
membership, the organizations are in effect using the
money to rent office space from themselves.
A tri-partisan council subcommittee reviewing the
matter, however, has found nothing illegal about the
arrangement although it has criticized the groups
for exercising bad judgement in making the deal.
THE SUBCOMMITTEE has temporarily cut off

arrangement stirs


funding to the organization until several safeguards
can be written into the contract, delineating itemized
Under the revenue sharing program adopted by
council last March Tribal Funding received nearly
$18,000 to finance youth services including a new
community ballroom, an indoor concert series, a food
cooperative and the Psychedelic Rangers.
To date the organization has received only $1,379
about half of which has been spent for office space
in an RPP owned building at 1510 Hill St., known as
the First Zenta Church.
RPP MEMBER FRANK Bach said Tribal Funding

has rented offices from RPP since last August only
because no other facilities were available. Although
many RPP members are involved in Tribal Funding
activities, Bach pointed out only two party members
serve on the nine-person board of directors.
Asst. City Administrator Michael Rogers, who ov-
ersees the revenue sharing program, has found noth-
ing legally wrong with Tribal Funding's action.
"There has been a good faith effort on their part
to perform on the contract," he said. Rogers added
that he believes the organization could not find other
office space in the city.
NONETHELESS, the council committee has recom-

mended that new guidelines be put in Tribal Fund-
ing's contract to guarantee the federal funds will not
be misspent. These guidelines will be presented to
council in several weeks but are not presently in
final form.
Subcommitte member William Colburn (R-Third
Ward) stressed that after two meetings with Tribal
Funding representatives he found the group had not
violated the contracts, although it "could have used
better judgment."
He added that "some individuals on council" take
the position that the organization's actions consti-
tute grounds to void the agreement.
See RPP, Page 2

recording mi,


-President Nixon disclosed
yesterday that he is unable
to find a recorded memoran-
dum he made of a conversa-
tion with former White House
Counsel John Dean, concern-
ing a meeting the two men
held last April 15.
The admission of the miss-
ing tape, the third piece of
missing Watergate evidence,
was made personally by the
President in a written state-
ment to reporters yesterday
and by Fred Buzhardt, White
House attorney, in testimony
before Judge John Sirica.
At the same time Nixon an-
nounced he would give the Judge
other material, including dictation
belts on which he personally re-
corded his notes of conversations
with Watergate-related figures and
written notes he took during some
of his meetings.
The new missing tape is a per-
sonal dictation the President made
about his impressions of his April
15 meeting with Dean.
According to Dean, Nixon told
him on April 15 that he had been
joking when he referred on an= ear-
lier occasion to the possibility of
raising one million dollars to buy
the silence of the convicted Water-
gate burglars.
SIRICA WAS informed last week
that the regular White House tap-
ing system, also failed to record
that April 15 conversation. White
House aides say the tape had run
out earlier in the day.
They also asserted that there
was no tape of a telephone conver-
sation between the President and
former Attorney2GeneralbJohn
Mitchell on June 20, 1972, because
Nixon used a phone that was not
connected to the recording system.
Presidential Spokesman Ronald
Ziegler openly acknowledged that
the credibility of the White House
might have been further strained
by yesterday's admission.
"I CAN SEE a dramatic news
lead, something else is missing,"
he said, but he insisted that the
President's decision to give Judge
Sirica other recordings and ma-
terial would end the Watergate
affair once and for all.
The President said he would
provide thescourt with:
-The portion of a dictation belt
containing his recollections of his
unrecorded conversation with Mit-
THE PORTION of the'dictation

belt on which he recorded his re-
collections of meetings with Dean
on March 21 last - meetings at
which, he has saidrpreviously, he
learned for the first time of the
extent of the Watergate affair and
its subsequent cover-up;
-Written notes he made during'
his meeting with Dean on April
15 and placed in his personal files;
-All other materials covered by
court orders.
HE AGREED THAT a group of

court-approved experts employing
the most advanced technological
methods should examine all tapes
for any evidence of alteration to
In related action, a House of
Representatives judiciary subcom-
mittee yesterday approved legis-
lation to create a court-appointed
special Watergate prosecutor to-
tally independent of President Nix-
The bill would authorize a panel
of three judges of the U. S. Dis-
See NIXON, Page 2



energy crisis

AP Photo
WHITE HOUSE LAWYER Fred Buzhardt arrives at U.S. District Court yesterday where he told Judge
John Sirica that still another Watergate-related tape was missing. The new tape is a personal memoran-
dum dictated by the President concerning an April 15 meeting with former counsel John Dean.


Israeli troops dismantle
U.N.,, roadblock to Suez

Like the rest of the nation, the
University community will be ask-
ed to tighten its belt and button
its sweater this winter in an effort
to conserve the ever dwindling
supply of power resources.
That appeal was formally made
by the University's Energy Con-
servation Task Force yesterday
which met to set down guidelines
on energy use. Appointed by Pres-
ident Robben Fleming last month
to deal with the impending energy
crisis, the task force yesterday
decided to:
temperature to 65-68 degres, ex-
cept in University Hospital;
-Uniformly reduce unnecessary
hallway and corridor lighting; and,
-Enlist public support and par-
ticipation for conservation efforts.
that the lowering of temperatures
in University buildings had already
been tried and further experi-
mentation with the plan would be
According to Donald Wendel,
plant department director, the
deans of the schools of education
and natural resources have agreed
to have their buildings used as
energy guinea pigs over the
Thanksgiving vacation.
WENDEL SAID that experts will
be able to estimate energy sav-
ings by shutting off the air han-
dling systems in the two buildings.
He explained that most buildings
are steam heated by both peri-
meter radiation - radiators a n d
heated overhead exhaust vents.

By cutting off the overhead
vents, energy is saved by eliminat-
ing heat necessary to warm the
fresh air.
Last weekend, the vents wazre
shut off in both North Hall and
the Administration Building. Wen-
del reported that the effects on
the Administration Building were
minimal although employes com-
plained about being "zapped" by
unusually heavy static electricity.
NORTH HALL, on the other
hand, experienced a severe drop
in temperature down to 58 degres.
Wendel attributed the drop to the
building's "ancient leaky steam
Wendel stressed, however, that
a reduction in heating on a cam-
pus-wide basis would be ,an enor-
mous undertaking.
"It will take a tremendous
amount of man-days to dismantle
and readjust heating registers in
every room in some 200-odd Uni
versity buildings," he commented.
He predicted the operation might
take all winter.
Claude Orr was charged with the
task of heading up the campaign
to inform dorm residents on ways
to save power.
In a pamphlet slated for distri-
bution to dorm staff members, Orr
recommends students close win-
ows, maintain minimum lighting
and take shorter showers to help
the conservation effort.
THE TASK FORCE further an-
nounced that it was studying the
possibility of reducing the speed
limits of University vehicles. In

(Reuter) - The shaky Mideast
cease-fire appeared shakier than
ever last night as Israeli troops
dismantled a United-Nations road-
block outside the town of Suez
following a confrontation with U.N.
The incident could delay the first
prisoner-of-war exchanges stipu-
lated under the six-point agree-
ment signed by Egypt and Israel
on a day when representatives of

several different countries held a
series of meetings on the issue of
peace in the Middle East.
An Israeli military communique
said Israeli soldiers took down the
roadblock at the western entrance
to the Egyptian town of Suez, said
by Israel to be completely sur-
rounded by its forces.
They acted when U.N. forces,
who had erected the roadblock
after dusk, turned down an Israeli
request to remove it, the com-
munique said. There was no im-
mediate indication if force was

Checkmate agrees to
boycott Farah pants

used during the incident.
lowing Sunday's ceasefire sign-
ing came after Israeli and Egyp-
tian officers met on the Suez-Cairo
road at kilometer 101 to discuss
implementation of the agreements.
Authoritative sources in Tel Aviv
said the meeting ended in dead-,
lock after two-and-a-half hours.
The sources said the two sides
could not agree on how to interpret
the agreement over the question of
the hand-over of Israeli check-
poinnts to the U.N. force.
In Cairo, U.N. spokesman Rudolf
Stajduhar said before last night's
incident at Suez that the two sides
would meet againtomorrow at the
request of one of them-though he
declined to specify which one.
UNDER THE agreement, Israel's
handing over of the checkpoints at
kilometer 101 and at Suez were
necessary preliminaries to the
P.O.W. exchange which the Red
Cross is waiting to arrange.
Israeli Prime Minister Golda
Meir, in London for a weekend
meeting of the Socialist Interna-
tional, pledged yesterday that Is-
rael would do everything possible
to make the cease-fire work.
She demanded swift action, how-
ever, on the part of the Syrians in

Problems plague

Dave Horning, owner of Check-
mate Clothes announced yesterday
that his store will not purchase any
more Farah slacks until that com-
pany's unionization problems are
The decision was seen as a vic-
tory for the Farah Strike Support
Committee which has been picket-
ing several local clothing stores
incl'iding Checkmate.

the workers' effort to unionize the
According to Horning, the store
had stopped buying Farah products
last year in response to student
requests. This fall, the Farah line
was re-ordered on the assumption
that the issue was no longer a con-
troversial one.
PICKETERS SAY they will con-
tinue to march outside of Fiegel's

Perhaps the venerable halls of
Hill Auditorium-which have seen
Van Cliburn, Leonard Bernstein
and innumerable concerts and bal-
let companies-were never meant
to see the era of the Moody Blues,
B.B. King or Judy Collins.
In any case, University officials
have decided the building was cer-
tainly not meant to tolerate the
smoke-both of tobacco and other

The new guidelines stipulate that
UAC-Daystar may not invite any
musical group or individual who
is likely to draw crowds that may
create such disturbances.
The agreement pertains to not
only Hill Auditorium, but Crisler
Arena and Power Center as well.
puts the responsibility for the
audience on UAC-Daystar, and as

right in the middle."
University Chief Financial Offi-
cer Wilbur Pierpont did not know
how the organization could make
this determination either, except
perhaps by reading reports from
other campuses.
"THAT'S THEIR problem, that's
their business," said Pierpont.
It's not the first time UAC-Day-
star has faced the prospect of hav-

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