magazine editors: tony schwartz marty porter contributing editor: laura herman sundaiy inside: magcazrne books - page 4 week in review -page 5 one string sam -page 6 Number 8 Page Three- FEA November 11, 1973 TURES They ofit: T of won By CHARLES STEIN THE WEED-COVERED p r a c t i c e football field tucked inconspicu- ously between US 23 and a run-down section of Toledo is hardly a fitting Y place for the world champions to do, their training. The yard-markers are barely visi- ble and there is garbage strewn carelessly about the field's edges. The noise coming from the midget football team that shares the turf is a further reminder that the bush leagues are never far away. If this second-class status irks him, barrel-chested Coach Bill Sout doesn't let it show. Clad in baggy shorts and a green windbreaker, Stout looks like any one of a thous- and coaches around the country. A whistle, trademark of the profession, dangles from the extension of his shoulders that passes for a neck. "Where are you supposed to be on that play, Jefferson?" he barks, shat- tering the silence of the late after- noon. "HOW ARE we going to beat Dallas if you don't know where to go on a 33?" "But coach," protests the offen- der. "Never mind, take a lap." As the squads heads toward the far corner of the field, Stout's angry glare melts slowly into a smile of justifiable pride. His Toledo Troopers have won 14 straight gimes in the last three sea- sons, often crushing opponents by more than 40 points. lay for the love he wild world men's foo tball has been limited largely color TVs and beer for football fans. to providing the family's To BE A woman football player in male America is to be a freak- something to laugh at like a lady wrestler or roller derby star. It was just this sort of comic figure Cleveland theatrical promoter Sid Friedman had in mind when he gave birth to the women's Professional Football League seven years ago. Starting with clubs in New York, Philadelphia and Cleveland, Fried- man managed to generate enough in- terest in his novel show biz venture to allow an expansion of the league several years later. From the outset, the new Toledo franchise didn't fit the Friedman mold. "The girls decided they were gen- uinely serious about football," says Nancy "Eric" Erickson, the squad's only Ann Arbor member. "We didn't want to be clowns. We wanted to be football players." THE TEAM'S attitude and eventual success on the playing field led them into frequent and often stormy conflicts with Friedman. According to team PR man, Frank Wallace, the league owner wanted the Troopers to throw several games. Beating opponents by overwhelming margins was apparently bad for busi- ness. Money also proved to be a bone of contention between Friedman and the Troopers. Though the league is called ':11":........ . . . . practices they are subjected to all the grueling drills and abusive com- sistants can dish out. The presence of Stout and his male colleagues seems anomolous in light of the team's recent bout with Fried- man, but the women respect the coaches and their relationship is not all that paternalistic given the type of discipline football demands. What makes women submit to that discipline? "Its just love," says Eric as she pulls on her jersey in readiness for another day of practice. "Either that or I've got rocks in my head." At 35 Eric is no stranger to the world of sports. As a 15 year-old back in 1952 she played professional base- ball for the now-defunct Kalamazoo Lassies. The league was organized during WWII when there weren't enough men around to satisfy the na- tion's love for baseball. "It disbanded around the end of the Korean War," she recalls a bit glumly. SINCE THAT TIME Eric has played softball, picked up a phys. ed. de- gree from the University and fixed a lot of shoes in her job at the college shoe repair. But she never played any football. "Football, remarks Eric," was a game we could never play. I took part in all the sports girls were supposed to, and even a few that they weren't, but football-no way." An ad in the paper, the Troopers sole method of recruiting, gave Eric her "chance of a lifetime." The c o a c h e s were initially skeptical about letting a 35 year-old rookie play a game designed for youngsters -especially when that rookie stood a mere 5' 5", 130 pounds. "Those first couple weeks were ab- solutely brutal," Eric recalls pain- fully. "I'd drive two hours a day for the chance to get black and blue marks all over my body. I was be- ginning to think it just wasn't worth it after all." But Eric came back. And the To- ledo Troopers are glad she did. After a rough training camp she earned a spot as starting middle - line backer and a leadership role among her teammates. O HEAR HER speak about those teammates is bit like listening to a lecture from Vince Lombardi. Eric firmly believes that a Toledo Troop- er uniform has changed the lives of a number of frustrated young wo- men. Sheila, for example, wanted to be a cheerleader more than anything else. Unfortunately in the world we call the real one, 200 pounders don't often qualify. As a Trooper, however, she has found a home - leading cheers, lift- ing spirits and simply feeling like she belongs. Terry a 16 year-old Chicano, came to the Troopers with a prison record and, as she puts it, "a chip on her shoulder the size of a football. "She ran a lot of punishment laps when she first came," remembers Eric, "but she's changed remarkably over the season. Now she knows what its like to be a member of a team. "1NE NEED ONLY watch the Troop- / i c i{ / r'6i says Eric, "we can probably kee them coming back. The trick is ge ting them out in the first place." G r o w i ng disenchantment wit Friedman among the ranks of w men's football also augurs well fc the Toledo future. Several other fra chises are reported ready to stri out on the independent route pi followed by the Detroit club. WITH A SERIES of nearby ind pendents, problems of schedu A -_ To be a woman football play- er in male America is to be a freak - something to laugh at like a lady wrestler or roller der- by star. "The girls decided they h '- or n- ke .o- were genuinely football," says- serious about Nancy "Eric" Erickson, "We didn't want to be- come clowns. We wanted to be football players." e- zI- Cindy Thomas x,} 4":4}}"Y.:':,::}:":: a ...........A........... .''}}}. r.:.... . . ..{'. . The defense has yielded a paltry 1 /2 points a game while the team's ace running back scored a mind-boggling 34 touchdowns last season alone. For their efforts, the Troopers were crowned champions of the world for the 1972 season. YET IN THREE years of football, it is likely that not a single Troop- er has taken home over $100. Joe Na- math makes more in the time it takes him to tie his shoes. The Troopers can blame their mis- fortune on the cruel twist of history that relegated men to the football fields, and women to the kitchens. For the Toledo Troopers, all 24 of them-are women. Twenty-four women who block, pass, tackle and generally play the game of football the way God intend- ed it to be plaved. professional, the term is largely a publicity gimmick. For the privilege of pounding out each others brains, the women are guaranteed only traveling expenses and medical insurance. WHEN SOME of that "guaranteed" insurance failed to materialize last season, the Troopers decided the time had come to part company with the czar of women's football. As compensation for the unpaid insurance, the Troopers kept all the equipment Friedman had allotted them. In retaliation, he has since barred them from competing with all league teams. The move has made scheduling games well near impossible. Only in- dependent teams in Dallas, Detroit and Los Angeles are available for competition. time. 17 year-old blacks have struck up improbable friendships with 32 year-old white housewives, without the slightest hint of tension or social stigma. Not surprisingly, the experience has also had its effect on off-the field relations. Laura, an affable offensive line- band have had their problems as a result of her new football career. "I wake him up at night with el- bows in the chest," she quips with an impish grin. "I try to explain it's only because I'm dreaming of throw- ing a great block." IN THE COURSE of building these friendships, the Troopers have put together a football team as re- freshing and unorthodox as the wo- Linda Jefferson who holds all of the clubs rushing records. As exciting an open field runner as one is likely to see, Jefferson runs the 100 yard dash in 11 seconds - a statistic that should convince skeptics that wo- men's football is for real. The Green Machine defense, as the Troopers call it, is equally impressive. Employing a series of different for- mations, the Troopers sack opposing quarterbacks and pick off enemy passes with reckless abandon. And as the 12/2 point a game aver- age of their opponents would indi- cate, the Green Machine bends but rarely breaks. The team is in a sense a throwback to the golden days of football, before computerized offenses and boring zone defense transformed the nnrt ing and long distance travel would be virtually eliminated. According to Eric, expansion may also be on the agenda for Ann Arbor. which is high on the list of prospec- tive sites. "You need a city where there's al- ready a large base of women ath- letes and a liberal enough attitude to accept the sport," - Eric relates. "You can't set up a team in Podunk where the dignified ladies will look down their noses at women football players." Speaking about her own future, Eric fully expects to be back at mid- dle-line backer for the Troopers next season. She, of course, wouldn't mind sharing in some of that future wealth, but at 35, doesn't really expect to be in uniform when that day comes. "Sure it would be nice," she says breaking into a broad grin. "But's let's face it, who really cares about money anyhow?" "WHO CARES ABOUT money?" Not the sort of comment you'd ex- pect to hear from a professional fonthau nlaver. hut it must be apnar-