Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Letters: Consumer advocacy service 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1973 J SGC: Beyond frivolity THE ACTION by Student Government Council Thursday night to reorganize itself into three standing committees ap- pears to be a credible attempt to make the Council more efficient in the face of its expanded membership. The three staniding committees, Rules and Resolutions, Finance, and Appropria- tions would act on legislation before it could be considered by the whole Coun- cil, hopefully providing a weeding-out process. The Council president would refer pro- posed legislation to the various commit- tees, while the entire Council could vote to bypass committee action if it felt the necessity. Because of this possibility of avoiding committee consideration of various pro- posals, it will depend on the actions of the Council members whether or not the frivolous motions that plague SGC every week will be dispensed with quickly or will continue to take up massive amounts of Council time. UOR EXAMPLE, Council member Pat- rick Heller provided some of the more important motions at last Thurs- day's meeting: Whereas: All elected SGC members are criminals, by the very fact of their being elected SGC members, and Whereas: SGC appoints personnel to aid it in its criminal activities and there- Editorial Staff CHRISTOPHER PARKS and FUGENE ROBINSON Co-Editors in Chief DIANE LEVICK ...................... Arts Editor MARTIN PORTER ........ .....Sunday Editor MARILYN RILEY .. Associate Managing Editor ZACHARY SCHILLER ............Editorial Director ERIC SCHOCH.....................Editorial Director TONY SCHWARTZ..............Sunday Editor .CHARLES STEIN ..... ............... ....City Editor TED STEIN .. E....... xecutive Editor ROLFE TESSEM . ,. ..........Managing Editor STAFF WRITRS: Prakash Aswani, Gordon Atcheson, Dan Biddle, Penny Blank, Dan Blugerman, Howard Brick, Dave Burhenn, Bonnie Carnes, Charles Cole- man, Mike Duweck, Tea Evanoff, Deborah Good, William Heenan, Cindy Hill, Jack Krost, Jean Love- Josephine Marcotty, Cheryl Pilate, Judy Ruskin, Ann Rauma, Bob Seidenstein, Stephen Selbst Jeff Sorensen, Sue z.rephenson, David Stoll, Rebecca Warner, DArLY WEATHER BUREAU: William Marino and Dennis Dismacnek (forecasters) Business Stff IMLL BLACKFORD Business Manager RAY CATALINO......s..sn. .Operations Manager SHERRY CASTLE....... ....Advertising Manager SANDY FIENBERG......... ........ Finatoce Manaer DAVE BURLESON .... Sales Manager DEPT. MGRS.: Steve LeMire, Jane Dunning, Paula Schwach ASSOC. MGRS.: Joan Ades. Chanta Bancilhon, Linda Ross, Mark Sanc-ainte, Su a n n e Tiberio, Kevin Trimmer. ASST. MGRS.: Marlene Katz, Bill Nealon STAFF: Sue DeSmet, Laurie Gross, Debbie Novess, Carol Petok, Mimi Bar-on SALESPEOPLE: W e n d i Pohs, Tom Kettinger, Eric Phillips, P e t e r Anders, R o b e r t Fischer, Paula Schwach, Jack Mazzara, John Anderson Sports Staff DAN BORUS Sports Editor FRANK LONGO Managing Sports Editor BOB McGINN ............... Executive Sports Edtor CHUCK BLOOM................Associate Sports Editor JOEL GREER.................Associate Sports Editor RICH STUCK Contributing Sports Editor BOB HEUER ...Contributing Sports Editor ROSE MARV6 fore all appointed SGC personnel are guilty of conspiracy in these criminal ac- tivities, Move: That all appointed SGC personnel be immediately dismissed. In a longer proposal, with 16 whereas' asserting the various legal bases of his right to free expression and alleging that council member Marcia Fishman tore down a "Smash SGC" poster he had post- ed in the Homer Heath Lounge, the hon- orable Mr. Heller moved that the "First Annual Adolf Hitler-Joseph Stalin Total- itarian Award for Success in Depriving Other Human Beings of Their Human Rights" be awarded to Fishman, and that she be asked to resign from SGC. THE REORGANIZATION, a serious proposal put forth by David Lambert, could possibly put an end to continual consideration by the entire council of such magnificent proposals as those not- ed above. It is, however, entirely up to the members. impeachment FOR SOME TIME now, this newspaper has called for the impeachment and conviction of President Nixon. The latest twists and turns in the Watergate have, far from bolstering Nix- 'on's position, merely added hilarity to the scenario. What' more could be said about the testimony of Presidential secretary Rose Mary Woods that parts of the Wat- ergate tapes are inaudible because they are obscured by the sound of dishes be- ing picked up, the President whistling or putting his feet up on his desk, or his guests shuffling their feet? O b v i o u s 1 y, impeachment proceed- ings must go on. The best way to ensure the continua- tion of attempts to remove Nixon from office is the organization and demonstra- tion of mass opinion in favor of his im- peachment. Today's state-wide rally on the capitol steps in Lansing, beginning at 2 p.m., represents one good opportunity of what we hope will be many to show support for impeachment. LOCALLY, THE impeach Nixon Com- mittee has been working in conjunc- tion with other groups to set up events during national Impeach Nixon Week, which begins today. A large turnout at 'Friday's 7:30 p.m. town meeting in Rack- ham Auditorium, to which Rep. Marvin Esch has been invited but which he has thus far refused to attend, is one con- tribution the city can make for the na- tional impeachment effort. TODAY'S STAFF: News: Dan Biddle, Jo Marcotty, G e n e Robinson, Ted Stein, Paul Terwilliger Editorial Page: Zoch Schiller, Eric Schoch Arts Page: Sara Rimer Photo Technician: Karen Kasmuski To The Daily: IN HER RECENT letter to the Daily, Cheryl Plavnick thanked the University Health Service for tak- ing care of her during her recup- eration from an operation at Uni- versityrHospital, after the Hos- pital refused to admit her. Dur- ing her years as a student, she was "frequently frustrated and an- gered by the type of treatment I 'eceived in the Medical Clinic." and "on the basis of my years of experience with Health Service, I was rather reluctant" to seek help there. Finally, she went to Health Service, feeling she had no "viable alternative." Much to her surprise, the treatment she re- ceived in the Infirmary was 'friend- ly, sensitive and competent. ' There are many students at Uni- versity who share what- was Cheryl's initial reluctance to sek medical care at Health Services. There are many more people, in and out of the University, w h o have dire tales to tell about Uni- versity Hosoital or St. Joseph Mer- cy Hospital. Many patients have been as shocked, hurt, and con- fused as Cheryl Plavnick was, when, after a "painful operation," which "emotionally drained" her, she was refused admittance to University Hospital. Literally scores of patients each day have felt exactly like Cheryl about the inhumanity of health caretattboth of the local hosni-ils. In her own words: "I grew in- creasingly appalled by what seem- ed to be total insensitivity of these people to the physical and emo- tional needs of a patient." Until now, there has been no place a patient could turn to voicehhis her complaints about the health care system. The h i a I t h system has been virtually 'nassail- able except through the cost:; or- deal of a malpractice suit. Most people who have been abused by the health care system have been forced to endure their plight in isolated agony. But now, there is Medical Mediators, a project of 'he Free People's Clinic. Medical Med- iators is a health consumers' ad- vocacy service, operating Menda{v through Wednesday from 5-8 p.m. at 761-5079. Medical Mediators has tw> pur- poses: first, to act on individual complaints, and, where possible, to use our knowledge of and con- tacts within the local health care system to obtain satisfacton for patients; second, to compile a set of statistics, and analyze the Health care system' from the consumera point of view taking whateve: ac- tion is necessary to correct situa tions that patients feel are abu- sive of them. Medical Mediators nee'ds con- sumer input. If you have any cor-e plaints about the care you have received locally, or zhe manner in which, you were treated at any local health care facil:ty, call Medical Mediators. -Michael Castleman for Medical Mediator Nov. 4 form To The Daily: . IN RESPONSE to the recent for- um sponsored by the Afro-Asian Latin American Peoples Solidarity Forum, we join with the Organiza- tion of Arab Students spokesper- sons in condemning the tactic cf excluding Zionists from the "Mass Democratic Meeting" on Nov. 1. Excluding from the meeting those who disagree cuts across the po- tential for swaying those who have not yet made up their minds on the Mideast. In a recent Gallup Poll, 22 per cent of those interviewed backed neither side and 25 per cent voic- ed no opinion at all about the war. Our major task at this point should be one of educating people about the role of the U.S. and Israel in suppression of the Arab revolution. To effectively do this we must build a base to educate as many people as possible, something which cannot be done by following the current policies of, the Afro-Asian Latin American People's Solidarity Forum. -Marty Pettit and Art Walters Nov. 2 policy To The Daily: THIS IS TO inform students that Meijer Thrifty Acres has chang- ed its policy and will not accept checks if your identification is an out-of-state drivers license, even if it is a local bank check. I found this out the hard way and was told I would have to put my gra- :eries back because I didn't have a Michigan Driver's license or a Meijer Card. Only the kindness of the man behind me in line who paid for my groceries and accepted a check saved me from total humilia- tion. It seems to me that since virt- ually the only people who can Spend considerable time in Mi.:h- igan and are not required to change to a Michigan license ark students, this is a subtle form of discrimina- ion. Although Icould then have filled out an application for a Meijer Card, the unwillingness of the management to accent other forms of identification including a University ID or to accommodate me in any manner this one tine indicated that Meijers did nit a't my business, and I will never shop there again. I hope others can avoid the hassle I had.. -Carol Center, Grad. Nov. 1 wrong union To The Daily: I HAVE BEEN following your accounts on the fight of Farrah Company employees for unioniza- tion with great interest. I feel that the women who have been travel- ing and lecturing all over the coun- try to inform the public about the plight of Farrahhworkers, andnthe students who have spent many hours of picketing local stores are expending much effort on a worth- less cause. For their cause is to coerce Farrah to recognize the Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union. The Chicanas have very little to gain by associating with this union and have much to lose - they must pay relatively high initiation fees and union dues. I worked for a department store covered by ACWU. Workers are hired at $1.60 per hour. After 90 days they join the union and their wage rate is raised to $1.80 per hour. During the firsteyear, sched- uled automatic raises are su-p- posed to be incremented, but in fact, these raises are anything but automatic. The management kept making.promises and excuses, but the raises never showed up on the paycheck. The union is power- less to change the situation. After 6 months, I ti. l a griev- ance with the union. I complaine.1 about not getting my automatic raises, not being able to take the required 15 minute breaks and in- voluntary overtime, besides poor working conditions. The solution was to place me on a lower level job. The management claimed I was not being demoted because my wage rate would remain the same. But I was alreadv making the union minimum of $1.80 per hour. There is a union hospitalizatio plan, but it is difficult to utilize it. It only covers acciders which happen on the job. A claimant mustgo through a tedious process in order to collect anything. But many are discouraged by this diffi- culty and drop the claim. After one year of pleading, I finally got my "automatic" raises. However, at the same time my hours were drastically reduced which more than compensated for the increase in pay. I was told that management had to cut back, a.id since I had less seniority than olin- ers, I was the first to feel the axe. For the privilege of jonn the ACWU, one must pay $15 initiation and $6 per month union dues. It does not matter whether you work 4 or 40 hours per week: the rate is the same. This is quite a large percentage of our small paychecks, especially considering the benefits we attained. paragraph ics By BETH NISSEN BO SCHEMBECHLER isn't the only one coaching the Michigan foot- ball team. At least one of the blue-and-gold players goes out on the field every Saturday with a more substantial motivation than the urge to kill the opposition's key player. Chuck Heater, the junior tailback from the thriving metropolis of Tiffin, Ohio, takes his football signals from his coach and his life signals from his faith. "My religion is a relationship with a living God," explains Heater. "And it has to be practical. It has to meet my daily needs. Football is a part of me; I enjoy it and I love it. But it's deeper than that. It's my way to expressing my religious convictions. I believe my talents are God-given, so I'm not playing for self glory. But whatever fame I have gives me power - more people listen to me. Now, while my name is, known, I try to talk to church groups and gatherings. Football is the key to my being able to share what I believe to be the truth." Heater is not the sole Wolverine to hold a strong belief in God, "There is an active group internally in the football team," said Heater. "There are about twenty of us involved in Bible study. My roommote, Jeff Spahn, and I lead one study group. Not everyone on the team agrees with us, but most of them respect us. The team has good internal relationships and I think that has a lot to do with the team's success." The heavenly hosts may not be directly responsible for a 40-yard run, nor is a fumble attributed to an unconfessed sin. But religion is a very real influence on Heater's game. "When I prepare mentally for a game, prayer is a big part," said Heater. "I don't pray to be success- ful so I can get my name in the papers. I just pray for confidence to do what I know I can do." What the temporal future holds for Heater is uncertain. "I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my life, except that whatever I do will be a direct result of my relationship with God. I'm not going to be playing football all my life." The cartoon image of a football player as a walking muscle with a number on his back and with a shoe size larger than his IQ doesn't fit Chuck Heater. He speaks with assurance, emphasizing the 'import- ance of his religion in everything he does. "I share my belief all the time," stresses Heater. "I'm sensitive to people and opportunities and I spend a lot of time doing conversions. "If someone discovers a cure for cancer he's not going to keep it to himself. I have an obligation to share my discovery of the. cure for life. But you won't find me shouting on a street corner." "There isn't the emptiness and the hole in my life that was once there, asking 'What's it all about?'," continues Heater. "I have a purpose in life. "Not many others here can say that. The University of Michigan is one of the top intellectual centers, and a lot of kids come here trying to find answers intellectually. They say they find the answers to life when they're really just as empty and seaching as everyone else. "People are going to be here for years, and psychologists are going to continue to present their theories, but most of them will die empty," said Heater sadly. He looks up and smiles. "As a 21-year old person, I feel I have the answer. I krn'w where I'm going." The people expending so much energy to unionize workers might first look into finding i stronger union to represent them, perhaps the ILGWU. In fact, I am sur- prised that Farrah is not anxious to bargain with ACWU. It is a sit- uation similar to the farm corpora- tions dealing with the Teamsters. -Kayleen Saucier November 2 J i Luchino Visconti Festival New Morning/Friends of Newsreel Sat., Sun., 7, 9:30 There's nothing likerthree rela- tively tolerable films from one of Italy's better directors to brighten -up an otherwise dismal, cold, and snowy Ann Arbor weekend. Fine acting, fine direction, and a top quality Nino Rota music score combine to make up Rocco and his Brothers, a long b u t thoroughly watchable saga that re- minds one of the American novel/ film Grapes of Wrath. Visconti paints here a sordid image of Pn Italian peasant family's unsucces- sful transition after a move from the fields of Luciano to Italy's industrial hub, Milan. Excellent color photography by R. G. Aldo and Robert Krasker 'highlights Visconti's 1954 Senso, an epic version of Italy's struggle from Austrian rule that all wo often falls flat on its history book. The cast is well .above par, yet the picture still comes off as little more than a celluloid soap opera. The Damned is another soaper tale, but here the poor dialogue and plot is overcome by magnif- icent acting and mature, keenly developed direction. Visconti care- fully details the deterioration o& a powerful German family modeled after the Krupps, the von Essecks, during the first years of Hitler's rule. Although candid and blant in all directions - Demned receiv- :v ": ":.:". . :??mseiesssaasasseesssseseasaimgsem52mnisismsaisamggmasitgs v::'. .::... " .: :::::: ........................,........ ... .....:.. :: :.."s v:".v:....:....r:n ."":.....n ..r.,..::t Mi r:::i::::"e::.:.y Caa#in emu Gia - . ..EEEEssaiENWENNA~a~iEEEEEENMNNEAEEE ed an X rating when first releas- ed - it is a masterful dramatic study of corruption, and is most definitely this festival's best Vis- conti work. -DAVID BLOMQUIST John Ford Festival Cinema Guild, Arch. Aud. Sat., Sun., 7, 9:05 John Ford was one of the all- time greats. Two excellent Ford films, classic westerns, are bring screened this weekend and are not to be overlooked. The Searchers (1956) is a sus- penseful six-gun shocker. J o h n Wayne and Jeffrey Hunter are on the trail of a long-since kidnapped Natalie Wood, who plays her part beautifully. The talented cast and, flawless script combine to give this picture style and grace. The Man Who Shot Liberty Val- ence (1962) also stars Wayne and also the brilliant Jimmy Stewart in a tale of a small-town mayor who shoots a big outlaw and becomes notoriously famous. The evil Lee Marvin makes the most of a meag- er part here. This film may be a bit too long, but it still is just plain .k s_ I ' V" f f ยข . .r^' A ' .ai,: ^M, ._. 5 + . r / a 4 y r o r; t , E y . t, z ( " . old-fashioned exciting entertain- ment. -MICHAEL WILSON ** * Harold and Maud UAC-Mediatrics, Nat. Sci. Aud. Sat., 7, 9:30 Harold and Maud is possibly the funniest movie ever made on tne subject of death. Harold (B u d Court) is a 16 year old with a bizarre preoccupation with death. To gain his socialite mother's at- tention he commits suicide suc- cessfully and ingeniously - a n d frequently. He is a boy with nine lives, one of which he devotes to a beautiful person - eighty year old Maud (Ruth Gordon). Yes, you'll die laughing at Har- old and Maud's macabre antics (they adore funerals). But be sensi- tive to the .light they shed on life: Companionship is a paramount necessity; Laugh is the face of death; And, oh yes, life . is the only thing worth living. -CAROL PE [OK * * Dinner at Eight Cinema II, Aud. A Sat., 7, 9 Old lavish Hollywood movies are an acquired taste, especially full- sized rather than on the L a t e Late Show with hemorroid creams and used- car salesmen. Yet the French auteur theorists have tak- en them seriously for years, and that isas gooda reason asany to go see Dinner at Eight this weekend. Director George Cukor made .his film in 1933, and its muted critic- ism of the life of the rich draws its cynicism from the Depression. But the story is not the paramount thing, as usual. More st.iking is the lush decor stressing platinum whites and soft blacks, and Jean Harlow slinking around the screen with John and Lionel Barrymore. I liked it on TV; maybe its even better without the conmercials. -PHILIP MIROWSKI Mouchette Cinema II, Aud. A Sun _ 7. 9 Deliverance Michigan The annoying masculinity in De- liverance can sometimes make this film almost a parody -n testicle size. But as usual an electrifying performance by Jon Voigt and the typical Burt Reynolds gum-chew. ing wit soar this picture to great heights never achieved by the book. The action scenes are all first-rate, splendidly handled by British di- rector John Boorman - it is only the film's nagging philisophy that begins to wear in the end. Watch for Ned Beatty and- Ronny Cox in good supporting roles. This pic- ture at least has a vibrant kirJ of spirit underlying it, and this force puts it a shade above your usual action-packed adventure story. -MICHAEL WILSON The New Land Campus Theatre The Emigrants brought Karl and Kristina Nilsson from Sweden to Minnesota in 1850, The New Latmd continues their story. If you saw The Emigrants, The New Land is a must. If you missed The Emri- grants, see The New Land anyway. Director Jan Troell's style, quick cuts and blackouts, is like a series of recollections, and makes t h e story go along without false build- up or emphasis. He is immesurably aided by excellent p h o t o - graphy and the performances of Max von Sydow and Liv Ullman (what was she doing in Lost Hori- zon?). The movie is wonderful when it focuses on Karl and Kristina, slightly less so when it wanders to Karl's brother or a Sioux upris- ing. But the few faults are more than compensatd for by the vir- tues. The story may not be very new, but it is told beautifully. I'm sure The New Land will disap- point no one. -ROBERT BIANCO Also . .. The State presents Charley Var- ricl . Bursley Hall Enterprises p r e- sents The Effects of Gamma Rays on Man-In-The-Moon Marigold- .n Bursley Hall West, Cafeteria at 9. F.h Forum features Le Se Shop. TV h i l 7:30 56 Masterpiece Theatre: Duke of Denver is on trial for mur- der in conclusion of "Clouds of Witness." 8 00 2 All in the Family: Archie has qualms about Edith's new friend, a Catholic nun. 8:30 7 Movie: "Death Race," sus- pense about WWII duel be- twe damaged American plane and solitary German tank in North African desert with -Lloyd Bridges.- 50 Wacky World of Jonathan Winters: Guests Bill Cosby, Latin singer Charo, Goiddig- gers. 56 Hollywood Television Thea- tre: Keir Dullea in "Mont. serrat," drama of political terror during Spanish occu- nation of Venezuela in 112. 4 Movie: "Buck and the Preacher," an offbeat adven- ~ ture about black pioneers in Civil War Southwest with Sidney Poitier and Harry Belafonte. 10:30 56 Newport Jazz Festival N.Y.: Top names in jazz salute Louis Armstrong in concert taped last July 4 in Queens, N. Y. 11:30 2 Movie:' "Flaming Star," Elvis Presley as half-breed son in tale of Indian-white rac- ial antagonism. 4 Burt Reynolds Late Show: Talk show from London with host Burt Reynolds and ac- tors Ryan O'Neal, Michael Caine, Edward Fox, Roger Moore. 7 Movie: "Return of the Sev- en." Yul Brynner in tale of a band of adventurers who rally to the aid of Mexican peasants being used as slave labor. 9 Movie: "Torn Curtain," Al- fred Hitchcock's Cold War suspense yarn with Paul Newman and Julie Andrews. 1:30 2 Movie: "The Mad Monster," a horror show about a han- dyman injected with' wolf blood. 7 Movie: "Silver City," mining town action. Welcome, encore: The, Mime Troupe By SARA RIMER Having been enormously success- ful in their 1970 performance in the Union Ballroom, the highly tal- ented San Francisco Mime Troupe returns Wed. at 8:30 to Power to charm Ann Arbor audiences. How- ever, this time they are depart- ing from their usual practice of writing original plays about rele- vant issues in presenting Bertold Brecht's rarely performed The Mother. Lauded by critics as Brecht's most perfect play, The Mother is based on Maxim Gorki's novel about a worker's mother drawn in- to the Bolshevik movement in nre- ience, the troupe seeks to win the audience to a radical political analysis or to at least force them to listen. A company writer de- scribes their goals, "We try to entertain and tell the truth." For people used to associating mime only with the strictly silent caricatures of Marcel Marceau, the troupe presents a surprise. They define mime as acting with the body, not excluding the mouth. Their acting, combined with rapid scene and costume changes, orig- inality, ingenuity, and political comedy, has won them the N.Y. Obie award twice. The troune will not charge more i"' yr ., s I \ r :. w .\ f .