SGC: BEYOND FRIVOLITY See 'Editorial Page 61 ,i t ~ A6V IAL loop qw ki :43 mr t t ICY High--37 Low--20 See Today for details' Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIV, No. 57 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 10, 1973 Ten Cents Six Pages ONE-TO-FIVE FOR MCCORD E )'C(JSEELNEWVS RAPPM CAL I DAJ Y Hunt gets 2 / year jail sentence Clops! In yesterday's issue, we reported that the Organiza- tion of Teaching Fellows had voted against a strke at their Thursday night meeting. In fact, no vote on a strike was taken, and according to spokesman John Nelson, the possibility of a strike still exists as the TFs are still at odds with the administration on several is- sues . . . Also yesterday's Daily said that the Child Care Action Center had been approved by a Democrat- controlled City Council. We neglected to make clear that the center was passed by a council majority of Demo- crats and Human Rights Party representatives, and that it was the Humans who proposed the center in the first place Happenings - - are exceedingly sparse. The big one, of course, is the Michigan-Illinois game at Michigan Stadium to- day at 1:30 p.m. . . And looking forward to tomorrow, a discussion on marriage in the '70s will be held at the Ecumenical Campus Center, 921 Church, at 7:30 p.m. Dr. and Ms. Robert Blood, marriage counselors, will speak that's about all, folks. 0 Improvements on "The Pill"? A possible solution to the problem of blood clotting associated with the oral contraceptive pill was suggested to the American Heart Association yesterday. A Wash- ington University scientist claims that the clotting - a "slight risk" to the 14 million American women on the pill - may be triggered by minor physical stress, such as minor surgery or a broken bone. Such stress com- bined, with the pill can rob women's bodies of a normal anti-clotting agent, according to Dr. Stanford Wessler, and the problem can be solved by the simple adminis- tration of tiny amounts of heparin, an anti-coagulant. Stone Age peo pe rebel Thirty 'warriors from the Krenakore Indian tribe, which has lived for thousands of years in Stone Age iso- lation and only recently came into contact with modern civilization, have invaded a Brazilian road camp and refuse to allow further highway construction. The Kren- akore tribesmen walked 25 miles from their village to the road camp, officials reported, and have remained there for several days eating the camp's food and pro- hibiting anyconstruction work. Brazilian higher-ups are reported puzzled. 0 Yule scene offed The world's largest nativity scene, erected each Yule- tide in Grand Haven, Mich., will be blacked out this year because of the energy crisis. The scene, which will be left in storage this year, includes 30-foot high camels, 14-foot high shepherds, and 20-foot high angels - in addition to a huge traditional manger scene. The 44- foot tall Star of Bethlehem which traditionally hovers over the 'Grand Haven display, however, will shine as brightly as ever this year from its perch atop nearby Dewey Hill. 0 Stocks plummet Stock prices suffered their worst drop in more than 11 years yesterday on the New York Stock Exchange amid fears of severe economic upsets due to the energy crisis. The Dow Jones industrial average plunged 25.44 to 907.21 in the worst single drop loss since May 28, 1972. Prices on the American Stock Exchange also tumbled in moderate trading. Royal wedding cake Princess Anne's wedding cake was unveiled yesterday weighing in at 145 pounds and standing five feet, eight inches tall. The cake, baked over a period of eight weeks by the British army bakers, contains among other goodies 27 pounds of raisins and 26 pounds of currants. We can see it now! "For your complete recipe, write to Wedding Cake, Buckingham Palace, London, Eng- land . . . and be sure to include a self-addressed en- velope with a sixpence stamp . . . 0 Germans legalize sex The West German Bundesrat (upper house) yesterday gave final approval to legislation legalizing group sex, wife-swapping, and the sale of pornographic material to persons over 18. Homosexual acts among men over 18 years of age also become legal under the new laws, which go into effect next week. The legislation permits sexual intercourse between relatives by marriage, but retains Germany's ban on incest. Ot the ittsid e .. . The Arts Page features Cinema Weekend . The Editorial Page calls on SGC to stop its childish shennanigans . . . And the Sports Page features Mark F1e1man' nr'rview of the Wolverines' clash with Illinois. Same to you, buddy The residents of West Quad's Allen Rumsey House yesterday staged this silent protest against dorm director Leon West, who has allegedly delayed a qua ddie liquor party by insisting that the prospective drinkers first obtain a state liquor license. Some observers say this style of protest may provide a use- ful wintertime alternative to street demonstrations. IsrelEgypt favor pAct; Nixon and GOP elite huddle WASHINGTON 01-U.S. Dis- trict Court Judge John Sirica yesterday sentenced Watergate spy Howard Hunt to a jail term of at least two-and-a- half years for his role in the bungled Watergate break-in. Sirica ordered a one-to-five year sentence for Hunt's for- mer accomplice, James Mc- Cord, whose letter to the judge last spring blew the lid off a scandal that has since threat- ened to topple the Nixon ad- ministration. Sirica had pur- posely delayed sentencing to encourage further revelations from Hunt and the five other burglars who received jail terms yesterday. AS THE JUDGE announced sen- tences for the s e v e n original Watergate figures, President Nix- on met for two hours yesterday w i t h Republican Congressional leaders to determine how Nixon could counteract his current level of negligible public credibility. Sirica gave Hunt a two-and-a-half to eight year sentence plus a $10,000 fine for his role in planning and carrying out the break-in at- tempt at the Democratic National Headquarters in June, 1972. The others involved took lighter sen- tences. McCord, who with Gordon Liddv stood trial after the others pleaded guilty, has the right to appeal his_ sentence,aand his lawyer said he would. Meanwhile, he remains free on bail with 15 days to get his affairs in order. Bernard Barker, Hunt's deputy in the CIA-sponsored Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, was sentenced to 18 months to six years. Barker re- cruited his CIA-connected associ- ates - Eugenio Martinez, Virgiio Gonzalez and Frank Sturgis - for the June 17, 1972 break-in. Martinez, Gonzalez and Sturgis each were givenone-to-four year terms and will be eligible for pa- role before Christmas. They al-1 ready have served nearly a year while awaiting trial and final sen- tencing. Sturgis' wife said she was "pleased and relieved that it is finally coming to an end." Barker's daughter, Maria Elena Moffett of Alexandria, Va., de- nounced the sentence that will keep her father in prison at least seven or eight months more. "Someone has to go to jail," she said, "so1 they send this man-a punk-for] Mitchell, Magruder and ultimately the President of the United States." See HUNT, Page 31 ian rights o ed by Chrys is unconstitutional because the state has already enacted a similar4 measure. - JUDGE RODNEY Hutchinson, however, postponed the case to an unspecified future date before the city presented counter-arguments.I The measure in question outlaws discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex and other factors. But at the heart of the court fight is the future of the Human Rights De- partment (HRD), established to enforce the ordinance. "If the court goes against us, we may as well close up shop," com- mented one HRD staff member. City Administrator Sylvester Mur- ray, who attended part of yester- day's proceedings, voiced a similar concern. "THE FINAL question that will be decided is whether we will con- tinue to have a human rights de- partment," he said. Chrysler's challenge stems from -- UP )mnvm,+inn n f+tPn rnm- U M AM --R Sturgis Barker HIGH COSTS CITED: Universty -attracts fewer ouit-of-statersI fl ut , McCord details remain By The Associated Press Israel and Egypt announced yes- terday they were favorable toward signing an agreement worked out with the help of the United States that could lead to a permanent peace settlement in the Middle East. But it was not clear if Cairo and Tel Aviv had accepted all six points of an agreement announced earlier yesterday by Washington. ISRAEL SAID early today after a four-hour Cabinet meeting that it still wanted to work out details and did not immediately indicate whether it would go along with the signing of the agreement scheduled for today. Cairo's official Middle East News Agency last night reported Egypt's acceptance of an agreement which resulted from Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's trip to Cairo last week. But the Cairo version of the agreement differed somewhat from the terms that were announced yesterday morning in Washington. CAIRO'S four-point plan did not include three points ,of the Wash- ington-announced proposal refer- ring to Egypt's encircled 3rd Army and to Israeli checkpoints in ter- ritory Israel captured since the war began Oct. 6. But the Cairo version included one point the Washington announce- ment did not have-that the correct implementation of Cairo's other three points is the first step toward implementing the U.N. Security Council resolutions toward achieve- ing peace in the Middle East. The United States had announced a six-point plan to firm up the cease-fire and said Egypt and Is- rael were ready to sign it. Then a snag developed in Tel Aviv and the Israeli cabinet went into an urgent session to discuss the terms. AFTER THE meeting the Israeli government reaffirmed its "posi- tive decision in the principle to- ward the signature of a cease-fire' agreement with Egypt." The care- ful wording of the announcement and absence of any indication when Israel would sign an agreement implied dissatisfaction with the six points. The communique added, "There will be further contacts with rep- resentatives of the U.S. govern- ment on this matter." Although Washington's six points did not include a determination to pursue a conference to install a lasting peace, officials there said n erain the agreement was designed to achieve that purpose. SYRIA, the third major com- batant in the October war, did not indicate its position on the six-point plan. - As Israeli Premier Golda Meir called the urgent Cabinet meeting, officials of her government said Israel was "seeking clarification" See ISRAEL, Page 3 City hun challeng By GORDON ATCHESON Chrysler Corporation yesterday began a court challenge of the city's Human Rightshordinance rather than comply with the law and surrender personnel records which the city claims will prove or disprove race discrimination charges against the company's local plant. Chrysler attorney, William Rolf, argued in Washtenaw County Cir- cuit Court that the city statute en- forcing fair employment practices By BOB SEIDENSTEIN Thanks to rising tuition, the Uni- versity appears to be losing its attractiveness to potential out-of- state applicants. Associate Director of Admissions Lance Erickson says the increas- ing costs of education here for non- resident students have made it "tougher for Michigan to attract the high quality applicant." A RECENT higher education study prepared by the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges found that out-of-state upperclassmen at Michigan pay the highest. tuition at any state school in the country. The number of non-resident ap- plicants has dropped' consistently Idi naW-nce ler Corp. files to the department. Conse- quently Slaughter attempted to sub- poena the records. The corpora- tion has blocked the move by challenging the ordinance's legal- ity. Rolf contended the state and federal governments have already provided means through which charges of unfair employment prac- tices can be investigated. Local legislation "only results See CHRYSLER, Page 3 from 5912 for 1968-69 to 3678 for a year ago. Surprisingly, this year's figures show no substantial further decline despite the 24 per centttuition hike, but it still may be too early to feel the effects of the big cost boost. The hike "can't help but aggra- vate this decline," Erickson com- ments. ACCORDING TO Erickson, mon- ey isn't the only factor stemming the flow of out-of-state applicants. Another contributing factor has been improvement of public col- leges in other states, particularly New York and New Jersey. Also, experts are projecting a steady decrease in high school graduates, and Erickson says the University doesn't use the same "hard sell" tactics in recruiting applicants. But he contends that the quality of the student body here hasn't changed yet. The University, he says, "suffers less when the going gets tough" because of its good reputation. DON SWAIN, an assistant admis- sions director, cites some other fac- tors in the decline of out-of-states applications, including decreasing interest in the engineering field. The Ann Arbor lifestyle, he says, doesn't help. "Demonstrations, strikes, and coed bathrooms are factors that aren't easy to erase," he notes. "If you ask Dad for $5,000, you kind of have to believe See OUT-OF-STATE, Page 3 'SHODDY' DWELLINGS Tenants blast Summit-Hamilton Body of Postif girl found outside city By CHERYL PILATE Disgruntled local tenants have accused Summit- Hamilton Management Company of renting "shoddy" apartments. Complaints against the large firm include lengthy delays in delivering furniture, renting "filthy" apart- At least one tenant is suing Summit-Hamilton for allegedly neglecting its management responsibilities. Other tenants claimed that the company responded to their gripes only after being threatened with legal action. One tenant who was shown a nicely furnished apart- .. The mutilated body of 17-year-old Ruth Postif was found in a Superior Township field Thursday, three weeks after she disappeared while getting gas for the family car. State police in Ypsilanti last n;nih ca +eha nnivwhich was victim had been stabbed several times. An account from the scene said that the body was found naked with hands tied behind its back, and with its mouth gagged. Fnllnwing the Oct 18 disannear-