Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, November 9, 1 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY AFL-CIO begins campaign to endorse impeachment of Nixon N lI I' I I WASHINGTON W) - The AFL- CIO began a nationwide lobbying campaign yesterday for the im- mediate impeachment of Pres- ident Nixon, saying the Presi- dent "has given clear evidence he does not intend to resign." The 13.5-million-member labor federation is the first national or- ganization with political muscle to push actively for Nixon's im- peachment. A SHARPLY worded statement accusing the President of, among other things, having "consistent- ly lied to the American people," was prepared by the leadership for distribution at factory gates, union meetings and for mailing to rank-and-file workers. It urges all union members to write their congressmen and Chairman Peter Rodino of the House Judiciary Committee to make them "aware of the need for urgency in voting the im- peachment of the President." The AFL-CIO is credited with having one of the most effective lobbying organizations on Capitol Hill when it comes to bread and butter issues affecting workers' pocketbooks. Its successes on philosophical issues, however, have been limited. AT ITS CONVENTION 1 a s t month in Miami Beach, the labor federation unanimously adopted a resolution urging Nixon to re- sign "in the interest of restor- ing a fully functioning govern- ment." The resolution called for impeachment if he refused. Nixon declared Wednesday in a nationally televised address that he has no intention of step- ping down as long as he is phy- sically able to carry on. An AFL-CIO spokesman called the lobbying campaign "a major operation;" and said: "We just don't adopt resolutions to hear the sound of our words. We mean it." THE SPOKESMAN said 500,000 copies would be printed initially of the statement calling for Nix- on's impeachment. It will also appear in the next edition of the AFL-CIO News, the organi- zation's official publication due out Friday. The AFL-CIO listed 19 reasons why Nixon "must be impeached -now." Most dealt with t h e Water- gate affair and what it consid- ers erosion of confidence in the government. It also accused Nix- on of using his office "to attempt to put himself above the law." "UNTIL RICHARD Nixon is re- moved from office, we will not be able to get Watergate behind us," the AFL-CIO said. "We will not be able to proceed with sob- er and constructive solutions to our economic and social prob- lems at home or to the dangers of war in the world." Viet Cong stall parleys SAIGON (Reuter) - The Viet Cong yesterday declared a boy- cott of 12 military ceasefire meetings with the South V i e t- namese to protest against t h e bombing of communist-controlled areas north' of Saigon. The Viet Cong will also boy- cott 10 other meetings of sub- commissions of the Joint Mili- tary Commission (JMC), sched- uled to take place in the same period. A Viet Cong spokesman told re- porters by telephone the boycott was in retaliation for Wednes- day's bombing raids on the Viet Cong towns of Loc Ninh and Bo Duc 80 miles north of here. He said the bombing was "a grave escalation, therefore this is the first time we have boycotted two consecutive sessions. 1) u 1 OMEGA 769- PIZZA3 FAST, FREE DELIVERY SUBS-CHICKEN-SHRIMP-SALADS-BURGERS-FRIES-COKE A medium or large A medium or large 1 item or more JJ1 item or more Off OMEGA PZZA OMEGA PIZZA SCOUPON HONORED ANYTIME COUPON HONORED ANYTIME Nome ;Name Address Address FORt DELIVERY ONLY FOR DELIVERY ONLYj r§ § § STORMCOAT § § § § Grea fo caual r dess thi cot i taiore inwoolmelon lot in cmelcolo. Loks rea wih a oolturtenek swate an woolplad pats.Coat$ 80. weatr $2 2.Pans $ 7.5 0 I