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November 09, 1973 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1973-11-09

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94e Sfr$0, n PBill;
Eighty-three years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

In search of

a good contraceptive

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

News Phone: 764-0552


The University cashes in

S PREDICTED by many observers on
campus, including this newspaper,
he massive 24 per cent tuition hike has
esulted in a considerable surplus of
unds for the University, to the tune of
3.75 million.
Perhaps the only surprising aspect of
ednesday's announcement was the fact
hat the surplus was announced at all.
[hroughout last summer and this fall,
he University administration has engag-
d in a continual campaign of confusing
nd contradictory statements designed to
eep the University community in the
In addition, until early October Uni-
rersity officials denied that there was a
>ossibility that a surplus would result
rom the unprecedented increase, and
ven then said any excess would be
niall. At the same time officials refused
o reveal exactly how their figures were
UT NOW the light is back on, if you
please, and students are stuck with
he realization that they have scraped
he bottom of their financial barrels to

come up with nearly $4 million for the
University to play with.
Two million dollars of the surplus has
already been allocated to ease the finan-
cial situation of the Teaching Fellows.
However, it is imperative that the rest
of the $1.75 million be allocated in a man-
ner which has student approval, and
thus necessary that there be student in-
put into the decision, as President Rob-
ben Fleming and Vice President for Aca-
demic Affairs Allen Smith promised ear-
lier this semester.
ALTHOUGH IT has been described as
"unwise" by Smith, the possibility of
returning the excess money directly to
the students should be seriously consid-
Students should not continue to stand
by while the University administration
makes decisions against their interests.
The administrators have admitted that
they made some "bad guesses" about how
much income they would derive from the
.tuition hike. They should not now be
allowed to make any "bad guesses"
about what should be done with the

T CONFESS THAT when I first came to
the Big U in 1967, I was pretty naive
about sex. In fact, I left the deep heartland
of darkest southwestern Michigan and the
tender care of my parents in complete and
beknighted ignorance of the whole sub-
I did know that babies came from being
pregnant, but I had no idea how that all
came about. I didn't know how bodies
worked, and I had not the foggiest notion
why people got married, except that mar-
riage should wait until after graduation.
Two weeks in Hunt House changed all
that. Suddenly, everyone around me was an
expert on the subject. In an honors dorm,
IT was the only topic of conversation, with
an occassional mention of politics and
drugs in passing.
It may be hard for younger women to
believe, but back in those days we really
went through virginity crises. Roommates
were kept up all night listening to nervous
blather about the contradictions between
God/Country/Family and Fun.
my's Little Girl to Woman of the World
developed into a recognizable phenomenon.
First, a woman grappling with her bur-
geoning sexuality would tape the number
of Health Service up near the phone -
not to make an appointment, "just to have
Then she would go out and buy one pair
of pastel bikini underwear (we all wore
white cotton spanky pants), and bring
them back to the dorm in a plain brown
paper bag to be hidden somewhere im-
My first contact with the whole earth of
contraception should have scared me away
forever. I had just had an eye operation
and couldn't see too well. My roommate,
whom I shall call Judy, told me that she'd
take me for a walk since I hadn't been
outdoors for days.
We walked down the hill from South Quad

to Campus Corners. The moment we got
inside, Judy shoved me headlong into a
towering display of baby powder and dia-
pers, and then she disappeared. All hell
broke loose.
THE PHARMACIST screamed at me for
several minutes as I lay on the floor with
skinned knees and a thundering headache
from colliding with the plate glass window.
Judy finally rematerialized, explained to
the pharmacist that I shouldn't be allowed
out without a keeper, and dragged me out
of the store while she cackled malevolently.
As we waited for the light to cross the
street to the now-defunct State Drugs, I
demanded to know what the hell? Judy
told me it would all become clear, in time.
We repeated the routine at State Drugs,
the Quarry, and the Village Apothecary.
Judy finally decided that I deserved a
rest. We sat in front of Dominic's while
I licked my wounds and tried to absorb
the afternoons experiences, and Judy snick-
When we both calmed down a bit, she ex-
plained that she had been using me to
divert the pharmacists' attention while
she dashed behind the counter and swiped
the instruction sheets from packages of
contraceptive foam, "So I'll know what's
SINCE I FELT like I'd gotten the raw
end of the deal, I demanded half-interest
in whatever she decided to buy. That was
how we became the proud co-owners of
a purple plastic foam plunger which we
kept in a gold lame evening purse given
to me by my great-aunt Josephine. If only
she knew!
From that point on, it was possible to
tell when someone on our corridor had ac-
tually decided to Do It. She would first
borrow Judy's copy of Human Sexuality,
and then corner either Judy or me in the
showers late at night and ask to borrow the
purple plunger for the weekend. We spent
a lot of time sterilizing it.

While it was standard practice to use
the purple plunger The First Time, we all
assumed that the one true method of birth
control was the Pill. The furor about the
nasty side effects of oral hormone treat-
ment was yet to come. And we still talked
about little else other than sex.
TIMES CHANGE, sort of. Folks I know
no longer think that the Pill is the only
way to avoid unwanted income tax deduc-
tions. Unfortunately, faith in some contra-
ceptive method other than the Pill is as
yet a great leap into the void.
When I made my annual gynecology trek
to Health Service this fall, all I wanted was
a safe, effective form of contraception. It
didn't have to be pretty or inexpensive or
smell good or anything. After two preg-
nancies on the pill, I wasn't fussy.
I was, however, doomed to disappoint-
ment. When I told the doctor I wanted
something other than pills, she said, "IUD."
I panicked, and wound up leaving with a
prescription for pills.
In a week, I was back with horrific mi-
grain headaches, and was given a slightly
different set of options: an IUD, dangerous
and not completely effective, or a dia-
phragm, safe but even less effective. This
time I left with a prescription for a differ-
ent brand of pills.
ON MY WAY out the door, I asked the
doctor in a piteous voice if there wasn't
some contraceptive in her medical bag of
tricks that was both safe and effective.
She said, "Sure, abstinance or a hysterec-
tomy." I was not reassured that the Medi-
cal-Industrial Complex had my best inter-
ests at heart.
Maybe the folks who make Brim decaf-
fienated coffee will answer my plea: They
can send a man to the moon. Why can't
they make a contraceptive I like?
Marnie Ieyn, a staff writer for The
Daily, swears that everything above is

Daily Photo by JOHN UPTON

No more passing up

WHE PURPOSE OF going to a football
game is to have fun. Yet thousands
f women at Michigan football games
ach Saturday have their enjoyment of
he game marred by the possibility that
hey will suddenly find themselves lifted
p into the air and passed to the top of
he stadium-if they aren't dropped head
irst along the way.
It is time that this disgusting spec-
acle ceased. The call for women who
islike this sort of thing to leave the.
Editorial Staff
Co-Editors in Chief
IANE LEVICK........................Arts Editor
ARTIN PORTER..................Sunday Editor
ARILYN RILEY..........Associate Managing Editor
ACHARY SCHILLER ............. Editorial Director
RIC SCHOCH.................. ditorial Director
ONY SCHWARTZ .................Sunday Editor
HARLES STEIN 5........................ City Editor
ED STEIN. ..................... Executive Editor
OLFE TESSEM.........Managing Editor
STAFF WRITERS: Prakash Aswani, Gordon Atcheson,
Dan Biddle, Penny Blank. Dan Blugerman, Howard
Brick, Dave Burhenn, Bonnie Carnes, Charles Cole-
man, Mike Duweck, Ted Evanoff, Deborah Good,
William Heenan, Cindy Hill, Jack Krost, Jean Love-
Josephine Marcotty, Cheryl Pilate, Judy Ruskin,
Ann Rauma, Bob Seidenstein, Stephen Selbst, Jeff
Sorensen, Sue 2rtephenson, David Stoll. Rebecca
)AILY WEATHER BUREAU: William Marino and
Dennis Dismacnek (forecasters)
Photography Staff
Chief Photographer
KEN FINK .......................Staff Photographer
'HOMAS GOTTLIEB.............Staff Photographer
'TEVE KAGAN.................Staff Photographer
AREN KASMAUSKI............Staf Photographer
FERRY McCARTHY............Staff Photographer
JOHN UPTON .................... Staff Photographer

student section and sit en masse in the
south end of the stadium is an excellent
idea. It may just put a little sense into
the heads of those men who find it neces-
sary to obtain release from their sexual
frustrations by pawing women as they
move by up the stands.
It would appear that many male stu-
dents are laboring under the delusion
that women enjoy such manhandling.
Some women apparently do, but there
aren't very many, we suspect. The paral-
lel between such action and rape is
pretty close.
Passing people up the concrete stands
is of course inherently dangerous as well,
as anyone who has been dropped could
no doubt testify.
Don Lund, security director at the foot-
ball games, has promised to speak with
the city's security police about the prob-
lem, but it's doubtful that passing up can
be controlled by police action any more
than drinking could be. It is the students
themselves who will have to make the
decision to stop.
Hopefully the protest move to the south
end of the stadium tomorrow will force
students to realize that passing up is
one tradition that should go the way of
the Homecoming Queen.
News: Gordon Atcheson, Charles Cole-
man, Della DiPietro, Christopher Parks,
Eugene Robinson, Judy Ruskin
Editorial Page: Eric Schoch, David Yalo-
Arts Page: Diane Levick
Photo Technician: John Upton
nicia: p o

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Only the beginning

IT WAS WITH deep regret that
I watched the faculty defeat over-
whelmingly the governance pro-
posal. Particularly unfortunate to
me was the great resistance of she
faculty to. the concept of student
voting and as I sat and listened,
two points not covered in the de-
bate came into my mind.
A faculty member questioneA the
aura of legitimacy a student-faculty
representative body would possess
among faculty members. From the
viewpoint of a student, legitimacy
is the major point of the govern-
ance proposal. Over the years, stu-
dents have sat as I did, and watch-
ed while their carefully cansider-
ed reform proposals we-sc voted
down by terrible prop rcionz. In
the meantime students could not
lift one finger to alter the fate of
their motions.
These faculty meetings deal with
issues of great importanc, to stu-
dents and the faculty expressed re-
cognition of that fact last Mon-
day night. How will they deal
with the sense of alienation that
arises within a student ba-ly con-
sistently barred from a decision-
making role? And when the issies
get really big and emorons run

very high (they have ini the past
and will in the future) tnw wil the
faculty avoid a grave and per-
haps violent confrontat i nWithout
a body within which a consensu.s
between students and facav may
reasonably develop? Wifl the gov-
erning faculty alone have the ne-
cessary legitimacy amon; stude its
at the time of crisis and contfronta-
of a division between students and
faculty. Yet we must realize that
ultimately we are members of the
same community. Wen will the gov-
erning faculty share the decision-
making role with the 12,000 unen-
franchised members of the LSA
It was thought, no doubt, at the
faculty meeting, that student vot-
ing rights on a major policy body
were unusual among major uni-
versities. We who suppried the
proposal had done li.tle research
into comparisons with other cam-
pus ruling bodies. However, just
several weeks ago, LSA govern-
ment members stumbled onto the
fact that students have 20 voting
members on the literary colleg^
governing body at the U-ve:sity of

Illinois at Champaign. In discus-
sing this point with visiting Illinois
students, we were referred to the
University of Minnesota campus
governing policy.
In contact with a branch of the,
University of Minnesota we discov-
ered that roughly: one-quarter of
the voting members on the all-
campus policy-making unit were
students and that the chairperson
of that body's steering commintte
was recently a student. We were
also informed that all campus gov-
erning bodies throughout the Uni-
versity of Minnesota system were
rouighly parallel.
These facts are not offered in the
sense that we feel that the Uni-
versity of Michigan should hip onto
the governance bandwagon. How-
ever, they are offered to demon-
strate that students have voting
rights on other campuses and the
institutions there yet stand.
I personally do not feel bat this
latest defeat puts the governance
issue to rest. I am certain we will
continue to press for fair participa-
tion in the LSA decision-making
Mark GoId is a member of the
LSA student governnent.

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To The Daily: it mean
WHETHER OR NOT Mayor campai
Stephenson's proposal (The Daily upon a
Oct. 30) for local campaign con- instead+
tribution limits is a trick, those on ed acc
Council interested in limiting the plan.
power of the dollar in local politics Theo
should rally to the Mayor's con- will be
cept and make the fight over the and plu
size of the limits and over the in- good le
clusiveness of the coverage, this. It
The mayor's proposed $100 limit dividua
on individual contributions is of mittees
course a Republican amount. It election
makes it only slightly embarassing, led, tha
but not at all illegal or impossible and se:
to accommodate the chap who volunte
comes in to the mayor's office and tic mon
says in a quiet tone, "Look, this that the
town has been darn decent to me, tion dis
I've got a thousand dollars here, limit th
I'd like to help you fellows out- deeming
no obligations, of course." done a
This helpful chap is simply re- the dis
ferred to someone who informs Final:
him, "You know, we've got a law need to
now, we can't take a check for lihoodt
that amount, but here's what you find mo
do: Here's a list of the five can- campai
didates we've got around the town legal o
and their addresses; you send each The c
one of them a check for a hundred governn
signed by you and one from the packagh
wife. That'll help a lot. And of truth in
course,, we're not ungrateful for politics
you putting a couple of your sec- aginga
retaries on the bigmailing. With- Stephen
out that kind of help, we'd never age la
be able to do it." Not at all, reform;
they're worth more doing that than but I w
what they do the rest of the tents wi
year," replies the chap. they wi
So, let's pass Mr. Stephenson's lot.
proposal after we change the limit-
to $20 per individual per level of

ns that a $24,000 city-wide
gn would have to depend
t least 300 money faucets,
of the 20 such faucets need-
ording to the Stephenson
other place where a fight
needed is in discovering
ugging the loopholes. A few
gal minds should work on
means insuring that an in-
l's contributions to all com-
related to influencing the
n can be effectively total-
at contributions of materials
rvices (other than personal
er effort) be given a realis-
ney value and counted; and
e requirement for pre-elec-
closure include provisions to
he amount of billing and re-
g of pledges which can be
fter the election or after
closure deadline.
ly, some arguments will
be developed for the like-
that the city attorney will
ost of the effective tools fnr
gn funding control to be il-
r unconstitutional.
risis of public confidence in
ment is a matter of truth in
ing. While we have laws on
packaging peanut butter, in
we get ever more pack-
and ever less truth. Jim
nson wants to sell us a pack-
belIed campaign spending
; I for one am eager to buy,
want to know that the con-
vill do what the label says
ll. That's not asking a whole
-Walt Scheider
Oct. 30

rifying, and potentially dangerous
Imagine being suddenly lifted
out of your seat - as the shock
wears off - finding yourself five
rows back among total strangers
being mauled and tossed around.
Shaken and scared you hesitate to
fight back and so the mob rape
Here are some solutions for the
future: 1) the University c o a I d
assign security men to the stu-
dent section; 2) student season
tickets could be more widely dis-
persed throughout the stalium; 3)
people who want to be passed up
could wear buttons; 4) or, simply,
male students could become more
sensitive, and make sure the per-
son is willing to go.
In order to increase this sensi-
tivity, and to educate people about
the amount of concern with this
"tradition", we are asking those
who react as we do to move out of
the student section and look for
us (we'll have a sign) at the o,-
posite end zone - sections 1? and
13 - at this Saturday's g a in e
against Illinois. We will sit in the
empty seats, relax and enjoy the
game for once! You don't have to
change your tickets to change your
Fifty people helped bay for an
advertisement about this protest
(see Thursday's Daily). Please
join us. See you then.
-Veronica Elliott
Cindy Kleinsmith
and 48 others
Nov. 7

Mayor 's campaign proposal

will continue to decide elections
for the people. At least the polls
taken during the summer showed
that if the election was held again
George McGovern would now be
Looking back further into the
past I see that this month also
marks the 10th anniversary of the
assassination of President Ken-
nedy, and seeing what has hap-
pened to this county since t h e n
frightens me. America has devia-
ted :from the course of greatness
that President Kennedy set us
upon. Each day of the Nixon ad-
ministration drives us further and
further from that course. I see
that in every presidential elec-
tion since 1960 the people have had
their choice for President decided
for them by bullets.
The 1964 election of Johnson was
decided when President Kennedy
was assassinated. The 1968 election
of Nixon was decided when two
great Americans, Robert F. Ken-
nedy and Martin Luther King, were
struck down by bullets. The 19"72
election of Nixon was decided the
day that George Wallace was shot
with his supporters going to Nixon.
Is this what made America great?
What have we done about it? How
many more elections must be de-
cided with guns before the Amer-
ican people act?
If we continue to let our greatest
leaders to be gunned dowa th-n
America deserves the type of gov-
ernment that we are getting now.
Many have said that Robert Ken-
nedy was America's last hope, and
unfortunately that could be so.

To The Daily:
WHILE THE DAILY apologizes
to its readers about the shortage
of newsprint, it still continues to
distribute "Free Ecology Posters"?
I refer to the insert in the Satur-
day, Nov. 3 edition. Not only is
the poster of a daisy needless con-
sumption of heavy-weight glopsy
paper, but the enclosed advertising
is ridiculously needless, Since when
is a daisy the symbol for clean
air as Amoco Oil Company claims?
One might wondertat the adver-
tisements for plastic daisy mag-
nets and tiffany lamps as vehicles
to save the ecology.
I can appreciate the necessity of
generating advertising money to
finance the independent Daily.
However, I do not think that wast-
age of good paper to advertise for
an oil company selling daisy-cov-
ered merchandise for ecology will
solve the general ecology problem
or the newsprint shortage, Is h e
Daily joining the ranks of the "Do
as I say, not as I do" crowd?
-Marie K. Tymrak
Nov. 4
(Editor's Note: Inserts such as
the one referred to above are
mailed to The Daily, and we
have no control over either their
content or format. They are
printed independently by the in-
dividual advertisers.)

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