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November 09, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-11-09

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See Editorial Page


LIE i~tau

Da3 iii

For details see TODAY

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 56 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 9, 1973 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

951 and 486 ...
.. . are this week's winning numbers in the Michigan
State Lottery.
Probe Mideast forum
A faculty investigation will probe the possibility of
misconduct at a stormy forum on the Mideast sponsor-
ed last week by the Afro-Asian American People's Soli-
darity Forum. A regental bylaw may have been broken
when a group of Zionists was evicted from the meet-
ing - allegedly for disrupting it - by members of the
pro-Arab alliance.rPsychology Prof. David Guttman, a
member of the Senate Advisory Committee for Univer-
sity Affairs (the faculty executive body), will head the
Child care center imperiled
The Child Care Action Center, claiming serious finan-
cial woes, is conducting a bucket drive today and to-
morrow. The group, which serves University students
and staff, says it needs to collect some $700 to meet
operating expenses for the next two months. Last year
the center received money from the then Democrat-
controlled City Council. But the Republican council cur-
rently in power is expected to discontinue such funding,
an action which might eventually be fatal for the cen-
ter. Volunteers seeking contributions will be on cam-
pus today and at tomorrow's football game.
Happenings ,. .
are wide-ranging. The University Activities Com-
mittee is holding a ticket exchange for the Illinois game
this afternoon from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Union ticket
desk - you bring in your Illinois tickets and they sell
them to whomever's in need . . . UAC-Daystar sponsors
a Dorm Dance tonight at South Quad at 8:30. Lightning
and Uprising will play, for $1.50 you get all the beer
you can drink . . . The Michigan Women's Studies As-
sociation sponsors a conference on innovation in women's
studies today. The opening session is in the Rackham
Amphitheater at 9 a.m., followed by a day of work-
shops . . . Career Planning and Placement is holding
a discussion on women's career opportunities today at
the International Center Recreation Rm at noon. Speak-
ers are from the Columbia U. graduate business school
. . The Ostomy Club of Washtenaw County will meet
at the Senior Citizen's Guild, 502 W. Huron, today at
7:30 p.m. . . . Prof. Gareth Matthews from the Univ. of
Massachusetts lectures on "Moore on 'Se': Notes Toward
a Theory of Polysemy" today at 4 p.m., 429 Mason
Hall . . . A supper seminer on southern Africa will be
held today at 6:30 p.m. at the Ecumenical Campus Cen-
ter, 921 Church. Call 662-3526 to make reservations.
U.S. aid misdirected
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) said yesterday that
federal investigators have found that significant amounts
of U. S. foreign aid dollars are being used for police
and other surveillance activities in Cambodia. Kennedy
said the U. S. is also supporting civil police programs
in Laos, and called the expenditures "a shocking
Amin salutes Nixon
Headline-grabbing Ugandan head of state Idi Amin
sent President Nixon a telegram yesterday praising
him for his "courageous stand" in the Watergate mon-
key business. "Any other weak leader would have re-
signed or even committed suicide," Amin observed. "I
join all your wellwis hers in praying for your recovery
from it (Watergate)."
Murder suspects nabbed
Two suspects wanted in the Monday night mass slay-
ing of nine persons near Lodi, Calif., were arrested yes-
terday in Sacramento. Douglas Gretzler and Luther
Steelman, both fugitives from charges of a double slay-
ing last month near Phoenix, Arizona, were captured
at gunpoint yesterday morning. The two men were also
sought, it was later discovered, on charges of rape and
theft in several Far West communities.

UFO weirdness
Another strange object has been sighted near Pasca-
goula, Mississippi, where two fishermen reported being
taken aboard a spacecraft by bizarre creatures several
weeks ago. The Coast Guard called the latest sighting
"an unidentified submerged illuminating object" in the
Pascagoula River. A man who claims he saw the object
Tuesday night said the underwater, light followed his
boat and repeated efforts to beat the thing away only
made the light get dimmer. The Coast Guard has con-
firmed the sighting.
The speed limit on the New Jersey Turnpike, one of
the nation's most traveled highways, was cut to 50
m.p.h. yesterday in what may be the first glimpse of
things to come. The speed limit was lowered in re-
sponse to President Nixon's appeal for lower speed
limits nationwide. The limit on New Jersey's Garden
State Parkway will also soon be cut to 50 m.p.h.
On the inside . ..
. . . Marnie leyn discusses her birth control prob-
lem on the Editorial Page . . . Last night's Moody Blues
concert is reviewed on the Arts Page . . . And Jeff


By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON-President Nixon's long-
time personal secretary Rose Mary Woods
told Federal Judge John Sirica yesterday
that the quality of the Watergate
tapes is so poor that parts of Nixon's con-
versations with his top aides are inaudible.
Her testimony was later contradicted by
former White House Chief of Staff H. R.
Haldeman said the quality of one of the
tapes that he had listened to was "quite
adequate for a report of a conversation."
NEITHER Woods nor Haldeman dealt with the
substance of the taped conversations, which
could implicate the President in the top-level
cover-up of the Watergate burglary.
The President has promised through his at-
torneys to surrender the recordings to the spe-
cial Watergate prosecutors office, but says that
two of the nine conversations being sought were
never recorded.
Woods, who has had custody of 14 tapes sec-
retly made in Nixon's offices, testified that she
had been listening to the subpoenaed tapes since
Sept. 29.
"I COULD NOT get every word and I don't
believe anyone else could," she said.
Haldeman told of listening to a tape of a March
21 conversation between the President and John

thesay s
Dean. Dean, the former presidential counsel,
says he told the President on March 21 that a
broad conspiracy existed to cover up -top level
involvement in the Watergate burglary.
The tape had its "ups and downs" and was
especially sensitive to sharp background noises,
such as coffee cups being set down on desks in
which microphones were hidden, Haldeman said.
"BUT other than that, the general quality is
fair, but quite adequate for a report of a con-
versation," Haldeman said.
Haldeman and Woods were called before the
court in attempt to explain why two of the
President's conversations - one with former
Attorney General John Mitchell and one with
Dean-had gone unrecorded.
As Woods was testifying in the federal court,
Presidential Spokesman Ronald Ziegler ac-
knowledged that the tapes issue and the'way the
White House had responded to the Watergate
affair in the past year had created doubts in the
minds of the American people about the Presi-
dent's credibility.
ZIEGLER, saying there had been some "slop-
piness" on the part of some officials around the
President, stated he was confident that testimony
before Judge Sirica, and White House explana-
tions to be made later as part of a campaign by
Nixon to meet the Watergate Affair "head on,"
See WOODS, Page 7



K® 0
Kissinger seceares
Middlie East peace
in nego tiaeeal
B---United Press International
In a dramatic breakthrough for
Secretary of State Henry Kissing-
er, the United States yesterday
announced Israel and Egypt had
agreed onea five- point pact to
14 ;,XXavert a new war in the Middle
Formal announcement of the
agreement will be made simul-
taneously today in Washington,
Cairo and Tel Aviv after notifica-
tion of U. N. Secretary General
Kurt Waldheim, aides to the trav-
eling secretary of state said.
} ~THE SETTLEMENT 'of the im-
_._:..:mediate military situation, accord-
ing to an earlier broadcast by the
Israeli government radio includes:
O Lifting of the blockage of tho
Egyptian Third Army and Suez
City to bring in supplies to belea-
guered troops,
* Prompt exchange of prison-
ers of war,
* Lifting of the blockade of
Eilat, Israel's gateway to Red Sea,
* Egyptian and Israeli com-
manders to discuss straightening
out cease-fire lines, and,
OFuture negotiations between
Arabs and Israelis for a final set-

State commission


Fearing Ann A r b o r' s already
precarious fiscal condition is get.
ting worse, the director of the
Michigan Municipal Finance Com-
mission has ordered the city to re-
duce its unprecedented $1 million
Commission Chief James Mar-
ling issued his mandate during a
Wednesday night meeting with city
officials and indicated the city will
not be allowed to borrow money
until a plan is developed to cut the
ter Murray said he will present
City Council with a definitive pro-
gram by mid-December but re-
fused to discuss specifics.
The commission has been con-
cerned about the city's budget
problems for several years. "It
now appears the bottom has fallen
out," Marling said yesterday. The
problems are "getting worse," he
The city has indefinitely stopped
hiring new employes and halted all
promotions resulting in salary in-
creases% to hold the line on expen-
THE MEASURES cannot signifi-
cantly reduce spending, Murray
said. Moreover, he claimed meet-
ing a commission recommendation
that the deficit be reduced by SO
per cent before next July is
"physically impossible."

reduce 4
Murray said he would be satis-
fied if the city did not sink further
into debt during the present fiscal
year which ends in July.
The city has incurred deficits
each of the past five years. The
poor financial picture arose as
municipal operating costs-bloated
by inflation and spiraling wages-
increased more rapidly than rev-
enue sources.
LAST SPRING, the commission
insisted council appropriate over
$300,000 for debt reduction, but
Asst. City Administrator of Fi-
nance Kenneth Sheehan recenly
told council those funds had been
used to cover expenses not pre-
viously accounted for in the budget.
Murray termed the commission's
attitude "very hard nosed" and
said the December target data fur
developing a plan has put the ad-

clef ic it
ministration under intense pres-
"The less time we have, the less
likely we are to find the right so-
lution," Murray explained. Origi-
nally the administration had hoped
to take about six months to develop
a proposal, following an indepen-
dent audit of the city books.
NOW IN progress, the audit will
will not be completed until the end
of the month.
If the commission finds the plan
unacceptable and makes good on
its threat to prohibit the city from
borrowing money, municipal em-
ployes may face "payless pay-
days" by next April.
Last year the city had to borrow
$750,000 to meet payroll obligations.
Sheehan has reported that the city
will probably be forced to do the

Daily Photo by JOHN UPTON
Tiger cages
Students, playing the roles of political prisoners and news reporters,
act out a scene during a guerrilla theatre presentation on the
Diag yesterday. The show, sponsored by the Indochina Peace
Campaign, was put on to dramatize the plight of political prisoners
in South Vietnam.

TE's authorize bargainingagent,
vote against proposed strike

OFFICIALS SAID that Waldheim
will be contacted immediately to
request that the UN forces in the
Middle East begin to obtain compli-
ance of the agreement.
They said that the new agree-
ment could become effective with-
in a matter of a few days. Its af-
fects only the Israeli and Egyptian
situation and does not cover the
halted hostilities in * Syria where
the Israelis have regained Golan
Officials said that they would
be able to disclose details of the
peace settlement more fully and
officially today.
THEY SAID that the framework
of the settlement is based on
theOct. 22 U. N. resolution which
ordered a cease-fire in place, and
called for direct negotiations based
on the UN resolution ending the
1967 war.
There appeared to be concessions
by both Egyptian President Anwar
Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister
Golda Meir in achieving the new
cease-fire arrangement.
Officials said Kissinger made
See MIDEAST, Page 7

An estimated 400 teaching fellows
packed the UGLI Multipurpose
Room last night and voted to
a u t h o r i z e the Organization of
Teaching Fellows (OTF) as their

SGC gives approval
to restructuring plan

bargaining agent with the Uni-
versity but refused to endorse a
The move to organize came de-
spite University President Robben
Fleming's statement Wednesday
that over half of the $3.75 million
surplus generated by the recent
tuition hike will be allocated to
meet TF's financial needs.
The announcement, however, ap-
parently averted a threatened
strike by a majority of the Uni-
versity's 1600 TFs.
The teaching fellows' organiza-
tion has not been recognized by
the University administration.
Fleming conspicuously a v o i d e d
mentioning the group in his state-
ment.Nonetheless, Fleming met
with OTF leaders yesterday after-
Discontent among the teaching
fellows was sparked by a Regen~al
decision over the summer to term-
inate special benefits under whih
TFs and their spouses were assess-
ed tuition at the lower resident
rate regardless of whether they
had in-state or out-of-state status.
The situation was further aggra-

vated when the Regents vote: in
August to raise tuition 24 per cent.
Groups of TFs within several de-
partments met to lend their sup-
port to a proposed student tuition
strike. These groups later coalesced
into the unofficial Organization of
Teaching Fellows (OTF).
The OTF developed a series of

demands including;
-An immediate 10 per cent "cost
of living" stipend hike,
-Eventual replacement of the
stipend with a "living wage,"
-Reinstatement of special bene-
fits including in-state tuition rates
for non-resident TFs and their
See TF's, Page 3

No hardship predicted for 'U'
despite imminent energy crisis

Student Government C o u n c i 1
(SGC) authorized a massive in-
ternal reorganization lastnight in
a meeting which also included a
large number of appropriations
and a number of extended debates.
Council also named a director to
the newly created post of Jewish
affairs under the auspices of the
Vice President for Minority Af-
fairs. Council also turned down a
request for funds by the Organi-
on bottle
law held
The legal dispute over Ann Ar-
bor's non-returnablevbottle ordi-
nance entered its second day yes-
terday in Washtenaw County Cir-

zation of Teaching Fellows.
The new plan, offered by David
Lambetr and JeffeSchiller, both
of Campus Coalition, sets up three
standing committees, Rules and
Resolutions, Finance, and Appoint-
ALL PROPOSED legislation will
be sent to the chair. The chair,,
SGC President Lee Gill, will then
refer the matter to the committee
he feels is appropriate. But the
entire councilcan override the
chair, or can bypass the commit-
tees entirely and deal with the
motion immediately.
If the proposed legislation goes
to committee, the committee has
the options of passing the bill, de-
feating the bill, or sending the bill
back with a negative recommenda-
If the bill is defeated in com-
mittee it will most likely die.
Council can, however, resurrect
the bill with a two-thirds vote.
IF THE BILL passes in com-
mittee or is returned with a nega-
tive recommendation the council

Don't buy that arctic survival kit
yet - for the University doesn't
expect to be left out in the cold
because of the recent fuel short-
But the rising cost of fuel will
make it a bit more expensive to
keep warm this winter.
go and President Nixon's call for

a 15 per cent reduction in energy
consumption, both Detroit Edison
and the Michigan Consolidated
Fuel Companies have promised
there will be no difficulties in sup-
plying the campus with the neces-
sary electricity and natural gas
it needs.
They base their estimates on
supplies available for an average

Eatery champ visits city

According to University Physical
Properties Director John Weiden-
bach, winter utility costs will be
roughly $400,000 more than origi-
ally budgeted for. But he is con-
fident that costs will somehow be
met-"maybe from student tui-
from a new contract negotiated
with Michigan Consolidated.
Last year the University re-
ceived a low price on fuel in ex-
change for a low priority status. If
the gas company's supplies ran
short, due to a prolonged cold spell,
the University would be one of the
first customers to be cut off. Dur-
ing last year's six week gas cut-
off, the University was able to
purchase oil as a substitute fuel.
THIS YEAR, because of the
scarcity of oil, the University will
purchase fuel at a higher rate and
receive a guaranteed continuous
flow of gas.

His father was a restaurant builder. And as the
elder Magel took young Fred to eateries he would
point out the things that make a good restaurant;
not just construction, either, but the subtle nu-
ances of the decor and the cuisine.
Fred Magel never forgot those days of his

This week, Magel - a student here during the
early 1930s - returned to Ann Arbor for a look
around and, needless to say, a bite to eat. He
was more than willing to discuss finer points of
restaurant evaluation.
"I HAVE A bird dog sense of what restaurant
to o) to,c' 'iA te heithvu iokini- emnlnve of

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