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November 07, 1973 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1973-11-07

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Wednesday, November 7, 1973


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Wednesday, November 7,1973 I HE MICHIGAN DAILY rage Nine


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full court

I idhigaU l i1J
Night Editor: Wednesday,
JOHN KAHLER r ts Nov. 7,1913

Fred Snowden .. .
. Answering Orr's charges
FRED SNOWDEN served four years as Michigan's assistant
basketball coach, leaving after the Wolverines' 1971-72 cam-
paign for the head job at the University of Arizona. Snowden's
stay in Ann Arbor, and the job he did for Head Coach John Orr
and the Michigan basketball program, have always been very
highly regarded. Until now, that is.
In a recent interview with The Daily, Johnny Orr inadvert-
ently revealed his inner thoughts concerning Snowden and his
former aide's work at Michigan.
Orr takes credit for bringing Snowden to Michigan and in
landing "The Fox" his current job at Arizona. "You know,
there was a lot of pressure not to hire Snowden here," con-
fided Orr. "A lot of people were against him. If it weren't for
me, he'd still be coaching in Detroit."
Whether Snowden would "still be coaching in Detroit" today
is highly questionable. Before landing his Michigan post, Snowden
had compiled an enviable record at Detroit Northwestern High.
During his tenure there as varsity basketball coach, Snowden
racked up an amazing 87-8 record and five consecutive city
league titles. Before that, the one-time Wayne State University
six-letter man led the Northwestern junior varsity squad to an
unblemished 80-0 record: five consecutive undefeated seasons!
Obviously Snowden possessed impressive credentials.
"It's kind of difficult to ascertain whether I'd still be coach-
ing high school in Detroit" said Snowden from his office in sunny
Arizona. "I'd like to feel I'd have found a job somewhere if I
'hadn't been hired at Michigan. I don't like it said that somebody
did me a favor," complained Arizona's diminuitive mentor.
Snowden outrecruits Michigan
A little over three weeks remain before Michigan's season
lidlifter December 1 against Southern Illinois. The Wolverines
struggle daily in pursuit of fielding a representative crew for
the tough campaign ahead. Coach Orr and his associates
work hard with the material at hand, trying to mold an outfit
around the outstanding talent of Campy Russell, the solid play
of C. J. Kupec and a cast of generally mediocre Big Ten
But the big problem is the material not at hand-the players
who got away and those who came and left. Fred Snowden might
have retained and attracted those students.
Snowden has done one helluva job recruiting people for his
program. And these aren't ballplayers who grew up under the
lengthy shadows of the University of Arizona. Ten of the Wild-
cats' 18 listed varsity candidates come from the neighboring
states of Michigan, Illinois and Indiana, with five from the
Wolverine state alone.
HEADING THAT LIST are two Detroit Kettering stars of two
years back, Coniel Norman and Eric Money. Norman, now a
soph, was accorded the Western Athletic Conference's (WAC)
"Player of the Year" accolade as a freshman last year while
making several All-America checklists. And Money trailed only
Norman in Wildcat scoring a year ago. Joining Arizona as fresh-
men this year are highly-touted Bob Elliott from Ann Arbor's own
Pioneer High School, Jerome Gladney from Detroit's Martin
Luther King, Jr. High School and Gary Harrison from Ypsilanti.
Saying that these five players would have enrolled at
Michigan is unfair to everyone concerned. Arizona has several
recruiting advantages going for it which Michigan lacks: A
gorgeous climate, lower admissions standards and the all-
important (for Michigan residents) "get away from home"
factor. But the main difference between Arizona and Michigan
remains the difference in the men who occupy the head coaching
Who recruited 'M' stars?
As for Snowden's recruiting effectiveness at Michigan,
Orr doesn't think his main assistant did such a great job.
"Name the guys Snowden recruited for me," asked Orr.
Didn't he recruit Henry Wilmore?
"No. That was me," informed Michigan's main b-ball man.
"And he didn't recruit Brady (Ken), or Johnson (Ernie) or
Lockard (John). The guys he recruited were Sam Brady and
Mike Weaver, Terry Tyler and John Bridges." (Sam Brady,
Weaver, Tyler and Bridges are no longer with the team due to
a variety of personal problems.)
"The only guy he recruited for me was Russell," continued
Orr. "Just because he's (Snowden is) black, people assume he
recruited all the black people."
Snowden naturally took offense when informed of Orr' s
unattractive statements, but partially understood. "When you
work as assistant coach, you have certain responsibilities to
carry out," explained Snowden. "But in the end, the fruits of
any effort must eventually fall back to the head coach.
"But it's a matter of record that I pursued more than those
who left school. I was assigned more legwork than just those who
left. I'd be very distressed if it were said I only recruited those
who left," emphasized an emphatic Snowden.
Why is Snowden such an effective recruiter from Michigan
and especially the Motor City? Forgetting for a minute whether
he was or was not instrumental in attracting good basketball
prospects to Michigan during his four years here, why is he now
so successful?

"I don't have any magic wand that I wave in Detroit,"
joked Snowden. "I go in' there and work like hell. I like to
thinkthe coaches in Detroit feel comfortable with the type of
program we have out here."
'The fox' gave his all
Orr was also none-too-complimentary about Snowden's last
two years at Michigan, making that the 1970-71 and 1971-72
seasons. "He didn't work very hard for me his last couple of
years," claimed Orr looking back. "His first two years he did
a heckuva job for me. He really worked his rear off. But his last
couple of years he just didn't do the job," evaluated Orr.
"I gave The University of Michigan everything I had,"
boasted Snowden. "I gave them absolutely everything. I had a
job to do and I busted my back to get it done. I don't think I
slacked up in that effort. People know I believed in hard work and
that's the way I approached it."
Snowden's philosophy of hard work and dedication have
paid instant dividends at Arizona. He inherited a dismal 6-20
Arizona basketball team when he replaced Bruce Larson on
the Wildcat campus a year and a half ago. The Arizona
basketball program was floundering when AU Athletic Direc-
tor Dave Strack (the longtime Michigan cage coach and
later Assistant Athletic Director here) tabbed his fellow
Wolverine for the head coaching spot at Arizona.
Snowden went out to Tuscon and turned the program around.
A 16-10 overall record last year, including a second-place WAC
9-5 mark, earned Snowden several "'Coach of the Year" citations,
including one by the NCAA's District 7 coaches (covering the
Rocky Mountain area) and another levied by the sportscasters
hovering the WAC.

Mounds of Spaghetti, Coleslaw, Garlic Bread
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HENRY WILMORE pops for two against Wyoming in the Mich-
igan Invitational Tournament as Dan Fife (24) and John Lockard
(45) look on. Most Michigan basketball fans had generally assumed
Fred Snowden recruited Wilmore for Michigan. Not so, says
John Orr. "That was me."
Ruling erases

FRED SNOWDEN enjoyed a happier relationship with Johnny
Orr back in 1971 when the two Michigan basketball coaches took
the Wolverines to an NIT appearance. The 1970-71 campaign mark-
ed the best Wolverine performance in recent years, a performance
which offered hope of better times ahead. Snowden left Ann Arbor
following the next season and it has been a downhill slide ever
since for Michigan basketball.




khing stronger

The Michigan Women's IM De-
partment declared a win by for-
feit last night to the West Quad
powder puff football team that
had already lost the game six
days earlier by forfeit. Mosher-
Jordan, the opposition, claims
that it will file a formal com-
plaint about the legitimacy of the
IM ruling.
The West Quad-MoJo contest,
originally scheduled for Oct. 31,
was won by Mosher-Jordan as
the Quaddies never showed. De-
spite the pouring rain, the offi-
cials named MoJo as the victors.
West Quad c o m p 1 a i n e d that
w e a t h e r conditions were too
harsh to play ball in and re-
scheduled the gamefor this com-
ing Suinday. Acting sportswoman-
like, MoJo agreed and that's
how it stood at 4:00 yesterday,
Around 6:00 last night, Colleen
Shafer, the MoJo coach, received
a call explaining that the game
would be played at 8:00 last night
and if MoJo did not show it
would forfeit. Half of the squad
had night classes so MoJo for-
feited the game that they had
previously won.
* * *
Guards sparkle
The Michigan basketball team
may have its problems up front
this year, but the backcourt is
shaping up well. Starters Joe
Johnson and Wayman Britt re-
turn, but the top guard in prac-
tice so far this year has been a
freshman, Steve Grote.
"Steve has looked exceptionally

well out therĀ¢," quotes Michigan
c- - Johnny Orr. "He works
aJ1 the time." Grote, a 6-3 for-
mer Cincinnati Elder star, has
all but locked up a starting po-
Joe Johnson, something of a
disappointment last year, has
looked good in practice so far.
"He's regained his confidence,"
says Orr. "He's shooting better
than he ever has in the past. '
Wayman Britt is running third

a 48-23 victory over Iowa. He
carried the ball 31 times and
gained 146 yards. Northington
needed a super day to win the
honor because of several out-
standing performances through-
out the conference last weekend
by the likes of Northwestern's
quarterback Mitch Anderson and
his batterymate Steve Craig,
tailback Chuck Heater of Mich-
igan and David E. Brown of
Michigan State.

Spurts of The Daly

military overthrow of the pro-
Marxist regime of the late Sal-
valor Allende, had asked for the
game to be played at a neutral
site. But FIFA ruled the game
should go on as scheduled Nov.

behind Johnson and Grote, but it
is a close third. Wayman has
also spent a lot of time working
out at forward.
The deep reserves behind the
top three are sophomore Lloyd
Schinnerer and freshmen Lionel
Worrel and Bob Malaby. All
three have potential, but need
Frosh named star
Mike Northington, a freshman
from Louisville who scored five
touchdowns for Purdue last Sat-
urday, has been named the Big
Ten Player of the Week by the
Associated Press.
Northington's five touchdowns
tied a Big Ten single game scor-
ing record as he led Purdue to


13ergie sent North
The Minnesota N o r t h Stars
traded team captain Ted Harris
to the Detroit Red Wings yester-
day for Gary Bergman in a
swap of veteran National Hockey
League defensemen.
Harris and Bergman are in
their eighth NHL seasons. Berg-
man, 35, spent his entire NHL
carrer with the Red Wings. Har-
ris, now 37, was with the Mon-
treal Canadiens for six years
before coming to Minnesota.
Bergman has scored 55 goals
in his NHL career, while Harris
has 29 goals.
Bergman was voted the Red
Wings' outstanding defenseman
in each of the past three sasons.
He played for Team Canada last
year in its series against the
Soviet Union.



Bu'c1eyes f irst in poll,
TOpseven unchanged
By The Associated Press record to 7-0 with a 30-0 romp over
Unbeaten Ohio State maintained Big Ten foe Illinois and Al-abama
its No. 1 ranking in the weekly made it eight in a row by rolling
Associated - Press major college over Mississippi State 35-0.
football poll yesterday while No. 2 THE NEXT FIVE teams, all un-
Alabama picked up some ground. beaten although third-ranked Oklo-
Woody Hayes' Buckeyes and homa has been tied once, remain-
Bear Bryant's Crimson Tide re- ed unchanged from a week ago.
mained in a two-way race for the The Sooners, 6-0-1 after a 34-17
lead after shutting out opponents triumph over Iowa State, polled
last weeke-id. Ohio State ran its seven first-glace votes and 910

Soviets dumped
ZURICH, Switzerland (M)-The
Soviet Union has been eliminated
from current World Cup soccer
competition because of its re-
fusal to play Chile in a return
match at Santiago later this
month, the International Soccer
Federation (FIFA) announced
The Soviet Union, in an ap-
parent protest against the recent
- - - - -

Chairs, Chairs, Chairs

Te Top 20
1. Ohio State (35) 7-0-0 1146
2. Alabama (14) 8-0-0 1096
3. Oklahoma (7) 6-0-1 910
4. MICHIGAN (1) 8-0-0 888
5. Notre Dame (1) 7-0-0 746
6. Penn State (4) 8-0-0 714

Fourth-ranked Michigan and No.
5 Notre Dame each received one
No. 1 vote and 888 and 746 points,

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