Friday, November 2, 1573 3 tHE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Lawrence of Arabia Cinem 11, Aud. A Fri., S t., 6:45, 10:00 A David Lean film is the think- ing man's epic, an intellectual in- quiry with a cast of thousands. As do his other imnortant films (The Bridge Over the River Kwai, Dr. Zhiv go), Lawrence of Ara- bia explores the nature of loyal- ity. Peter O'Toole (in his first star- ring role) is brilliant as T. E. Lawrence, the young British ar- chaeologist turned soldier who led the Arabs to victory against the Turks in World War I. O'Toole's performance is a pene- trating study of a man torn be- tween his duty to his superiors and his respect and love for the people of a different culture. O'Toole's performance, a fine supporting cast (Alec Guiness, Omar Sharif, Anthony Quinn, Jack Hawkins, and Arthur Ken- nedy), stinning photography, sone of the best battle scenes ever filmed, and Le-n's master- fUl direction m ke this a film that is not to be missed. -JAMES HYNES Contempt, Cineml II, Aud. A Sun., 7, 9 Contempt is one of the more popular films of director Jean Luc-Godard's pre-Dziga Vertow period., One reason might be the nude scene with Brigitte Bardot included at the insistence of the American producer because the film was too "arty." A better reason is the jarring us of color and the unremitting portrayal of a man unaware of why he is held in such contempt by his wife and his co-workers. Godard has called it "a simple film amout complicated things." More than just a story, it is a further attempt to re-invent the alphabet of the cinema, and should be seen in that spirit. -PHILIP MIROWSKI On the Waterfront and A Streetcar Named Desire Friends of Newsreel, MLB Fri., Sat., Sun., 7:15, 9:30 Friends of Brando can thank Friends of Newsreel for showing two of his best films, On the Wat- erfront and A Streetcar Named Desire. On the Waterfront is a fine movie, but only enjoyable if you like Brando at his crudest. The ads quote Pauline Kael, so I'll for one man to be a jack-of-all trades: a bestselling fiction writ- er, a promising dramatic film di- rector, and, as Le Sex-Shop illus- trates, a successful comedian in the best Woody Allen tradition. Berri plays the owner of a bankrupt Paris bookstore who gratefully accepts a friend's pro- posal with hopes of solving his financial woes: convert the quiet little shop into a porno adult book store-a "sex shop." Interspersed through the pic- ture are some great one-line wise- cracks. Although Le Sex-Shop bogs down to a halt at times, it is for the most part a top-grade 90 minutes of comedy. -DAVID BLOMQUIST The Adversary, Kanchenjungha, and C handrata Cinema Guild, Arch. And. Fri., Sat., Sun,, 7, 9:05 Of these three recent works of Indian film master Satyajit Ray (best known for the Apu Tri- logy), The Adversary (Sun. night) is the best and newest. It concerns the plight of Sidhartha, The Babe Ruth Story, a classic baseball film. Drum chronicles the plight of a doomed friendship between two teammates, one of whom is terminally ill. John Hancock's del- icate, underscoring the heavy sentimentality of the screenplay with h beautifully forced sar- casm. E sily one of the better films to come out in '73, Drum is nice, breezy afternoon-mati- nee-type cinema. Don't miss it. -:MICHAEL WILSON ,ini Plays Berkeley and Reefer Madness 'Campus This chance t , see Jimi Hen- drix in action is a rare obpor- tunity to watch one of the most spellbinding performers of the sixties. Jimi Plays Berkeley was filmed on Memorial Day, 1970, in California by the overrated un- derground director Peter Pila- fi an. Playing with Hendrix are long- time E x p e r i e n c e drum- mer Mitch Mitchell and Band of Gypsies bass player Billy Cox. The music quality in general is quite good, but it is the Hendrix " *"-""-" " ---*sm PRESENT THIS COUPON- w---- -.i-.--.- -- [LIABL C BEEF-N-CH EDDAR ABORTIONSERVICEFRENCH FRDY DESSERT Clinic in Mich.-- to 24 week ARGECOKE pregnancies terminated by Ii- N esdoserca veoo censed obstetrician ovnecolo- L* V i gist. Quick services will be or- . COMPLETE MEAL ONLY $.75 USTA ranged. Low rates. GOOD ONLY AT ARBY'S OF MD I C OANN ARBOR YPSILANTI *CLWASHTENAW AVE. WASHTENAW AVE. U 24 HOUR SERVICE 2 mile west of Arbcrland Across from K-Mart near Golfsido -- - OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 30, 1973e.u-imn...vm.J ~ mediatrics The French Connection Starring GENE HACKMAN Fri.& tS1& 93Nat. S . Aud. $1.00 Cinema weekend... just mention that she considered it an important movie with a ma- jor flaw: oversimplification. Hollywood had to cop out at the end, but this film wasone of the first to spotlight the American lower depths. Streetcar does not try as hard as Waterfront to be relevant and ends up a better film. Blessed with the best work from one of our best playwrights, Tennessee Williams, and a near perfect per- formance by Brando, the movie overcomes its staginess. Rather ironically, since all the the ads features Brando, the cri- tical honors and the Oscar went to Vivien Leigh for what Kael termed "the greatest feminine screen portrayal ever." -ROBERT BIANCO Le Sex Shop Fifth Forum . . . By which Claude Berri proves that it is indeed possible who must choose between a revo- lutionary commitment to causes or follow the course of a career. He falls in love instead and tries to find the most degrading pob possible. It is witty - and it's a first for Ann Arbor. Saturday night, Kanchenjungha will display a fight for family control among misty mountains in Ray's first and finest color film. A rich and authoritarian father who forces his children to marry against their wishes "gets his" unexpectedly. Charlata is a well - told story of a wife's loneliness and a hus- band's indifference. Filmed in 1964, it shows Ray at his dra- matic best. -KURT HARJU Bang the Drum Slowly Michigan Surprising as it may seem, Bang the Drum Slowly surpasses A mtiter of perspective The Open Theater, a highly acclaimed drama group noted for its experimental techniques, opened last night at Trueblood. The troupe, which is also conducting a two-day workshop with Uni- versity students in improvisational acting, will perform their piece entitled "The Mutations Show" tonight. 4M-4 Music o Iran' of Mideast to personality that gives the film its mystique. Reefer Madness was made in complete sincerity over 20 years ago, and it stand the test of time admirably. It is about "de- linquent youth gone berserk" un- der the influence of marijuana "reefers." I personally went ber- serk trying to sit through this hi- larious picture without falling off my chair. -MICHAEL WILSON Chiarley JVarrick State The problem with this picture is its violently sick direction by the self - proclaimed expert on cinematic fascism, Don "Dirty Ilrry" Siegel. Siegel has turned what could have been a promising Walter Matthau vehicle of bank robbery- mix-up into a slick and cheap, fast moving action thriller. Matthau struggles to cope with the ridiculous situations Siegel casts him in but just can't do it; the circumstances are too sopho- moric. Along with a friend, he has robbed a bank of some un- wanted Mafia money and the plot works its way down from there. If you like senseless violence, phony blood and a miscast Wal- ter Matthau, you'll probably see this picture twice. I refuse to take this kind of film seriously any- more. -MICHAEL WILSON Also ..* UAC - Mediatrics presents The French Connection in Nat. Sci. Aud., Fri. and Sat. at 7 and 9. New World Media features Cine- ma Africa Fri. at 8, free in UGLI Multipurpose Room. brings mystique Rackham Aud. By BOB SCHETTER An extremely well planned and performed program glittering with the customs and music of Persia, greeted those who were able to make the Music of Iran concert Wednesday evening in Rackham Aud. Sludging in from a day-long downpour, one was greeted by a stage decorated with colorful Persian tapestries, tall, gold in- cense burners and finely woven prints - in short, all those arti- facts which we in the West as- sociate with the sensualities and mystery of Persian culture. The music, too, mirrored these same qualities. Colorful and vital, the musicians literally "wove" their music around the musical structure of the Dastgah, creating an effect which was almost al- ways vibrant, diverse and mys- terious. The Dastgah is the Persian equivalent of our scale, the dif- ference being in the use of semi- tones or quarter-tones to create a systent which is enharmonic in nature. The enharmonic systems always lend themselves to a more lush, sensuous sound, which was readily discernable in the music presented. One interesting feature of the Dastgah is the Gushe. These are short and long melodic pieces within the structure of a Dastgah upon which the musician impro- vises. These Gushehs contribute greatly to the mood of a piece. The program itself presented an excellent cross-section of Iran- ian music and culture. Beginnang with a solo piece on the Tar, a six - stringed lute reminiscent of the sitar, each instrument char- acteristic of Iranian music was presented either in turn or in combination, with an instrument previously presented. The two most impressive per- formances were an exhibition of Persian rhythms (of which there the thirty varieties) on the Zarb, a drum with an unbelievable sound repertoire, and a Dastgah perforyned on the Santour. The'Santour is a Dulcimer-like instrument which when played produces a beautiful, ringing sound of pure tone color. Singing is also an important part of Persian music and this was in evidence throughout thoe second part of the concert. This part of the program consisted of a typical Iranian suite, where onoe Gushe, played by a certain combination of instruments and voice, is followed directly by an- other combination. Her work revolving around a popular piece of poetry, the sing- er proceeded to improvise a pas- sage making sure not to move her body in any way, thus con- veying emotion to the audience. Such emotion is considered vul- gar to the Iranian. The accompanying instrument- alist would then echo this pas- sage, even as the singer is com- pleting it. The technique gave a fluidity and an ethereal quality to the music which would seem unmatched, except for the ragas of India. The evening was rounded out with a captivating rendition of Persian dance music. Rhythmic- ally oriented, unlike the more classical parts of the concert, this magical music moved the au- dience to clapping, finger snap- ping and carrying on, stopping just short of dancing in the aisles. Hopefully, more fine examples of Mid-Eastern culture can be brought to us which are as con- vincing, exciting and enjoyable. -wwwwom-ommom-m-PRESENT THIS COUPON---- m.i min--u -- SU PE R A RBY'S FR ENCH FRY ONELARGE COKE e S SON LY$1.50 PLUS -Ax: i i * GOOD ONLY AT ARBY'S OF MD ANN ARBOR YPSILANTI * WASHTENAW AVE. WASHTENAW AVE. 'Ih mile west of Arborland Across from K-Mart near Golfside '-e-wwmaw -.-OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 30, 1973 wamaw--n--. THE ACTION EPIC HITS OF THE 50's ARE NOW THE "CAMP" HITS OF THE 70's s :; .. .; :; Vie: r .. t X11 It i A! ... ,~~ *.1 m~inuuminmmm~ I U ~ ~ M E _WAE~ R*i