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Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
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Vol. LXXXIV, No. 48 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 31, 1973 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Transit scheme advances
The city transit authority's "people mover" is one step
closer to winning the state's mass transit sweestakes.
Under the terms of the "sweepstakes" a number of
cities around the state are competing for big state money
to finance their own projects. The city's "people mover"
plan calls for an elevated transit system, at first con-
necting downtown and the campus business district, and
eventually reaching out to North Campus running past
St. Joe's, 'U' Hospital, Vet's Hospital and the AMTRAK
station. The plan - developed by Ford Motor Company
- now advances to the semifinal round of the state-wide
Inmates publish mag
Inmates at the Washtenaw County Jail are publishing
their own magazine as part of a creative writing class.
It's called "Immaform"-a wierd contraction for Inmates
for Reform. The second issue has just come out and
can be obtained by writing the Inmate Rehabilitation
Program, 208 N. 4th Ave. or calling 6625661.
Happenings ...
. . range from flying saucers to Watergate . . . the
UFO Club meets at 8:30 p.m. in Anderson Rm. 'A' of the
Union . . . volunteers to help Detroit mayoral candidate
Coleman Young are meeting at East Quad's South
Lounge at 8 p.m. . . . Attica Brigade is, sponsoring a
picket line starting at noon in front of Fiegel's, 318 S.
Main, in support of the Farah slacks boycott... . Law
Prof. Robert Burt will talk about Jessica Mitford's con-
troversial'new book Kind and Unusual Punishment: The
Prison Business at the Public Library's "Booked for
Lunch" series, 12:10 p.m. at the library - 343 S. Fifth
... Mosher-Jordan is sponsoring a Symposium on Water-
gate and Impeachment in the Jordan Lounge at 6:30
p.m. Vince Blasi, professor of constitutional law, will
speak . . . and the executive board of Rackham Stu-
dent Government will meet at 9:30 p.m. in Rm. 3526
Kohn pleads no contest
Howard Kohn, former investigative reporter for the
Detroit Free Press and one-time Daily editor, has pleaded
no contest to charges that he filed a false police report
involving his alleged kidnaping last spring. Kohn told
police May 19 that he was kidnaped and held at gunpoint
in connection with a Free Press investigation of the De-
troit drug traffic. The Free Press ran the story, which
later turned out to be false, with an 8-column banner
headline. Kohn faces a maximum penalty of 90 days in
jail and a $100 fine.
Hassles, not apathy
Registration hassles and not apathy are the main rea-
sons for the low voter turnout in the 1972 election, ac-
cording to a study released yesterday by the Daniel
Yankelovich Corp. The study, done for the National
Movement for the Student Vote, concludes that blue col-
lar workers and minority group citizens are most often
discouraged by the registration system. The Census Bu-
reau says that the largest portion of eligible citizens
who failed to vote were unregistered. The survey says
that only 26 per cent of those who did not register failed
to do so because of lack of interest.
Big wedding
The Nov. 14 marriage of Princess Anne and Capt. Mark
Phillips must have the largest "guest list" in hitory.
According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC),
live coverage of the event will be fed to the United
States, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, France,
Germany, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Norway, Fin-
land, Austria, Luxembourg and Ireland. BBC estimates
the total audience at over 500 million.
Wrong Burtons
Reporters besieged a luxury hotel in Santo Domingo
yesterday after a local paper reported that Elizabeth
Taylor and Richard Burton were staying there awaiting
a "quickie" divorce. They had the wrong Burtons. The
only Burtons registered at the hotel turned out to be
Elizabeth and Harry Burton. Ms. Burton was irked but
not surprised. "The same thing has happened in almost
all the countries we hav~e visited," she told reporters.
Coffee's OK
You no longer have to feel guilty about that second
or third cup of coffee you drink to get yourself started
in the morning. There is no significant relationship be-
tween coffee drinking and heart trouble, according to a
study recently published in the Journal of the American
Medical Association. The authors of the report say that
earlier studies which appeared to link the two were
marred by "discrepancies in findings (which) may be
related either to cigarette smoking or to selection of
control subjects." The study defined coffee drinkers as
those who consume six cups each day.
On the inside . ..
... HRP's Nancy Wechsler answers critics of the party
on the Editorial Page . . . Sports Page features a story
concerning Cy Young award winner Tom Seaver . .
and Tom Kippert reviews the new Who album on the
Arts Page.
House acknowledged yesterday
that President Nixon in 1971 or-
dered then Attorney Gen. Richard
Kleindienst to drop an anti-trust
case against International Tele-
phone and Telegraph.
The original disclosure came in,
a story in yesterday's New York
Times, which reported that Klein-
dienst had told the Watergate pro-
secutors that Nixon personally
telephoned him. after Kleindienst
had refused to follow a directive
from John Ehrlichman, then a
White House 'advisor, to drop the
THE, STORY SAID Nixon called
power to
WASHINGTON U0) - The House
Judiciary Committee armed its
chairman with broad new subpoena
powers yesterday as a first step
in its investigation of possible
grounds for impeaching President
Over solid Republican opposition,
the committee authorized Chair-
man Peter Rodino (D-N.J.) to issue
subpoenas for evidence and wit-
nesses needed in the inquiry.
new power sparingly and to con-
sult with the ranking committee
Republican, Rep. Edward Hutchin-
son of Michigan before invoking it.
But that didanot satisfy the Re-
pwblica"s. who wanted Rodina to
share the power with Hutchinson.
Anramendment to grantthe dal
power was defeated 21-17 on a
straight narty-line vote, and the
same lineup then awarded it to
Rodino. lie was also authorized to
use the subpoena power in the
committee's investigation for the
confirmation of House Reublican
Leader Gerald Ford of Michigan as
vice president.
Rodino convened the meeting on
a somber note, saying he viewed
the nrosoect of ineachment "with
a deen sense of sadness and abid-
ing conce'n for the future of or
democratic system of government."
BUT HE said since Nixon's dis-
missal of Archibald Cox as special
Watergate nrosecutor and the re-
solting resignations of Atty. Gen.
Elliot Richardson and Deputy Atty.
Gen. William Riickelshaus he has
received 27,634 letters and wires
urging action on impeachment.
The Judiciary Committee has be-
fore it 13 imeachment resolutions
sponsored by 59 members, and 16
resolutions, sponsored by 111 mem-
bers, calling for an impeachment
investigation, Rodino said.
"Impeachment has reached us
on a high level of intensity and
urgency," he said.
IN OTHER Watergate-related de-
velopments yesterday:
* The Senate Watergate 'com-
mittee decided to attempt to renew
by which the panel would have had
a White-House-cancelled agreement
access to transcripts of Watergate-
See RODINO, Page 7
"Don't you
trust action
a "vulgar name," said,
understand the English
and ordered all anti-
against ITT stopped.
In a statement yesterday the
White House admitted the order but
said there was nothing improper
in it. And- a presidential spokes-
man vehemently criticized former
Watergate Prosecutor Archibald
Cox for disclosing the order.
Cox, who was axed by Nixon 10
days ago, admitted that he was
probably the original source of the
Times story.
PRESIDENTIAL spokesman Ger:
ald Warren said Cox's disclosure
of this information "makes clear
to us his partisan attitude that has
characterized his activities in re-
cent months."
Cox, appointed by Nixon to in-
vestigate the Watergate bugging
scandal, was fired on Oct. 20 for
refusing to abandon a court fight to
obtain tape recordings of the
President's conversations
about Watergate.
It was also learned yesterday
that in a memo issued before he re-
signed, former Atty. Gen. Elliot
Richardson reported that Cox had
in his possession copies of five sec-
ret memoranda that would "direct-
ly involve the President'' in the
ITT scandal.
case involved White House inter-
vention to halt the Justice Depart-
ment's a n t it r u s t proceedings
against the giant conglomerate,
which had pledged $400,000 to help
underwrite the Republican Na-
tional Convention.
The documents reportedly prove
the existence of a reciprocal "ar-
rangement" or "understanding"
between ITT and the White House.
Cox would not comment yesterday
on whether he indeed possessed the
documents, but would say that at
his firing his investigation of the
ITT affair was "75 per cent" com-
While White House spokesman
Warren accused Cox of conducting
a partisan investigation, he main-
tained that the sole reason for the
prosecutor's dismissal was his de-
fiance of the President's order to
end his court fight on the tapes.
said Cox's disclosure was improper
and unethical. He noted that Cox
had discussed the call to Klein-
dienst with Democratic Senators
Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and
Philip Hart (D-Mich.), both out-
spoken critics of the Administra-
tion. ,
Cox learned of the President's
order to Kleindienst, who has since
left the Justice Department, dur-
ing his investigation of last year's
bugging of Democratic party head-
quarters and other alleged political
Cox yesterday acknowledged that
he had discussed the case with
Kennedy and Hart and two of their
aides. But he denied that he him-
helf had leaked the story.
"I FEEL very badly this morn-
ing," Cox told members of the Sen-
ate Judiciary Committee. "It was
not something I did deliberately."
Senate Republican. leader Hugh
Scott of Pennsylvania suggested
that subpoenaes be issued to mem-
bers of the Watergate staff, which
Cox headed until he was fired, to
See NIXON, Page 2
meet tomOrrow
By AP and Reuter
Israel yesterday announced agreement with Egypt on the
exchange of wounded prisoners of war and, disclosed that
Prime Minister Golda Meir will meet with President Nixon in
Washington tomorrow.
Meir's hastily arranged visit wa§ announced by the White
House yesterday as Secretary of State Henry Kissinger began a
second round of exploratory talks with Ismail Fahmy, Egypt's
acting foreign minister. At the same time, Nixon invited Soviet
Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin to his Camp David retreat.
Also, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger plans to visit
Cairo and Jerusalem this weekend after talks here with Meir
AP Photo
POWs CAPTURED FROM Egypt's trapped Third 'Army sit behind barbed wire about five miles west of
the Suez canal. Israeli officials said yesterday that a settlement had been'made with Egypt for the mu-.
tual release of POWs, and claimed that the first captured Israeli soldiers had already been released.
and Fahmy, CBS News reported
The State Department and
ment on the report. However, of-
ficials indicated an announcement
might be made today.
Moshe Dayan said in the Knesset
(parliament) that Israel and Egypt
had agreed on the exchange of
wounded and that the first Israeli
to be freed was released yesterday.
: But in Cairo there was no im-
mediate conformation of such a
release and a government spokes-
person said the exchange of pri-
soners and wounded would take
place only when Israeli forces re-
turned to the Oct. 22 ceasefire lines.
Simultaneous announcements in
Washington and Tel Aviv said Pres-
ident Nixon would confer with Meir
as part of his efforts to achieve a
lasting Middle East peace.
THERE WAS SOME speculation
of possible contacts with Fahmy,
already in Washington for talks
with the Nixon administration.
U. S. officials said Fahmy's first
session with Kissinger at the State
Department Monday was "a con-
siderable step forward" that may
accelerate thedpeacemaking pro-
cess. Fahmy delivered a message
from Egyptian President Anwar
Sadat, said a knowledgeable in-
formant, and is reported to have
stressed that a number of states,
including Egypt and Syria, arepre-'
See MEIR, Page 2
last night.
White House refused to corn-
W. House
SaXbe for
Saxbe (R-Ohio) was reported last
night to have been chosen by Presi-
dent Nixonto lie nominated for the
post of attorney general, but the
senator- said he had not yet been
offered the job.
Saxbe said that during a White
House interivew he "got the im-
pression they were interested and
consider me a likely candidate."
IF ASKED to accept the job, he
added, he would take the offer
seriously because "I considerit a
challenge to serve my country."
Key senators said last night they
had been notified of Saxbe's pend-
ing appointment to fill the post left
vacant by the resignation of Elliot
See SAXBE, Page 7
U.S. Ir
on Mideast
"War is an extension of politics,"
and, according to 'Abdeen Jabara,
an Arab attorney, activist and au-
thor from Detroit,twar ism"an ex-
tension of the politics of manipula-
tion" in the case of the Middle
Jabara was the main speaker last
night at a teach-in entitled "Be-
hind the Arab-Israeli Conflict." Ja-
bara spoke to a group of about 100
students at the Union Assembly
The meeting was sponsored by
the Organization of Arab Students,
the Young Socialist Alliance, a
group called Black Inc., and the
Center for Afro-Amnerican and Af-
rican Studies. Discussion centered
on Palestinian Arabs and what
most speakers considered the un-
fair way they have been treated.
JABARA TOOK a negative view
of the UnitedbStates and its poli-
cies with the both the Middle East
and the Soviet Union.
After the last war, said Jabara
the Egyptian government carried
out a program to get a withdrawal
of all Israeli forces from Arab
lands in an exchange for a peace
settlement-a move that was made
with pressure from the U. S.
He claimed Nixon met with So-
viet leaders in Moscow and at-
tempted to place the Middle East
situation on "the back burner."
"TO PUT THE Middle East on
the back burner was exactly what
Egypt wanted to avoid," said Ja-
He said Egypt then changed, stra-
tegy and tried to secure United
States intervention by expelling all
Soviet advisers. He claimed Sa-
dat had not other alternative.
Jabara claims that the United
States plan for Egypt is a "peace
with honor," similar to that of Nix-
on's policies with the Vietnam situ-
See MIDEAST, Page 7
Former POW, now a student,
speaKS on wartime eXperiences
James Warner is far from a typi-
cal sophomore at the University.
For one thing, he's thirty-two years
For another, he spent six years
in a North Vietnamese prison camp
after being shot down in October,
1967, and was released last March.
Warner is also a self-styled lec-
turer. When he started at the Uni-
versity in the fall he noticed the
signs that the College Republi-
cans had put up on campus.
He became interested, and got
in touch with the head of that or-
ganization, Al Harris.
WHEN HARRIS suggested that
he speak, Warner consented.
Warner spoke last night to a
small crowd at the Modern Lan-
guage Bldg. on the relationship be-
tween partisan excesses and politi-
cal intolerance, concentrating on
political prisoners - a category in
which he places himself.
He opened his remarks with a
staunch defense of classical demo-
cluded that political prisoners were
the ultimate extension of this.
"Political prisoners means that
a government hassstotally lost its
ability to allow dissent. It's wrong
wherever it is," he said.
"To ignore the errors of our al-
lies and to make excuses for them
leads to more excuses and finally
to weakening our own moral po-
sition," he added.
some of the horror stories that had
happened to him and those he knew
of while he was in the custody of
the North Vietnamese.
He said that the treatment he re-
ceived was worse than the con-
ditions in the "tiger cages" in
South Vietnam.
He told of small children being
tortured, and of harsh treatment
at the hands of his captors.
Warner stressed throughout his
remarks that any injustice must
not be ignored, and he concluded
his remarks on this note, saying,
"We must oppose every transgres-
sion on human liberty.",
James Warner