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October 30, 1973 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1973-10-30

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Tuesday, October 30, 1973

Tuesday, October 30, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine







El sem 31



Clint Haslerig .. .
* . a star is found
Dan Borus -
THE SUN WASN'T the only thing not shining in Minnesota last
Saturday. The Michigan offense wasn't exactly dazzling,
In a word, the attack lacked an imposing crispness. The
blocking on the frontline, with the execption of the early going,
was ragged. Costly fumbles, penalties and assorted miscues cost
the Wolverines momentum. As a result,'- Michigan, despite
dominating the entire game, could engineer but one sustained
scoring thrust.
Yet a stray spark did make its appearance on the
Memorial Stadium turf and lie wore number 43. Senior wing-
back Clint Haslerig made his debut toting the pigskin after a
six game abstinence. In his maiden attempt running rather
than catching the football, the Cincinnati senior gamboled
for 58 yards in four attempts.
That was good enough to convince mastermind Schembechler
that Haslerig will be all right as an offensive weapon. "That's
going to stay in our program," Schembechler said yesterday at
a low-key press luncheon. "That Haslerig is a fine, fine athlete."
For his effort, Haslerig nabbed the weekly "Offensive Champion
of the Week" award.
All season long, Haslerig - has been employed either as a
blocker or as a flanked pass receiver. And with the Michigan
passing attack not being the predominant weapon the running
attack is, Haslerig hasn't seen the football, or those headlines,
much this campaign.

43 has handled the job with relative ease, the recognition has
not been his.
So it was a welcome change of pace to the wingback to carry
the ball. "It's something new again," the happy Haslerig ex-
claimed in the Michigan dressing room Saturday. "It's been a
long time comin'."
Yet with the well-deserved elation was a bit of disappointment.
"I think I could have scored the first time. It was a new play
that they hadn't seen. Tuck (quick tackle Curtis Tucker) made a
heck of a block. The second time (he roamed for 34 yards) it
was open I had a TD," said Haslerig, who has yet to hit paydirt.
"That pass which Denny just missed me in the endzone was
typical of what has happened to me personally this year."
Asked how he felt about his sparing use this year, Haslerig
shot back, "I'm not used sparingly. Look, I'm a blocker.
There's five or six guys on this team who can run the football
and they need blocking. I am a football player and that's my
job. It's not as glamorous, but it is necessary."
"I like running the ball, though," Haslerig grinned, "I don't
know how much more I'll carry it, but I sure like it."
Someone then pointed out to Haslerig that his 14 plus yards
per carry average is the best of "those five or six guys who can
run the football."
"That's cool," said Haslerig, and he laughed.
Minnesota's Cal Stoll wasn't laughing Saturday as he took
the time to point out how well Haslerig had played. "Not only
did he bring them back on that drive when they were stopped
by a clip, but he was busting us pretty good with his blocks.
That Haslerig's a pretty good player."
It was about this time two years ago that Schembechler un-
leashed Haslerig's predecessor at the wingback slot, Glenn
Doughty. Doughty, another superlative athlete, had languished in
the shadows of tailback Billy Taylor until the sixth game of the
1971 season when Bo turned him loose.
Actually the counter Haslerig ran last Saturday was not
exactly the inside counter that most teams run from the forma-



Blocking from Haslerig's slot is not the easiest of tasks tion. It was rather more of a reverse. Little difference. Haslerig
because of the assignments drawn and the field position of the ran it well, kicking up a cloud of dust on that windy day in
wingback when his block must be thrown. Although number Minneapolis-a cloud that should have been sighted in Columbus.

Haslerig makes his move

Sports of The Daily
The Keith Brown saga
Keith Brown's battle for eligibility took a turn for the worse
last week when the Big Ten decided to review the events lead-
ing to his regaining good standing. Brown, a junior, has been
Michigan's top cross country runner since enrolling at Mich-
igan three years ago. The Wolverines hopes for a first place in
the Big Ten hinge on a strong showing by him.
The shaggy-haired harrier, who was forced to drop out
last winter due to financial reasons (he only has a partial
scholarship), was six credits short of junior standing when
school began this September. According to University aca-
demic officials, Brown made up these credits by earning
seven hours through advance placement tests.
Unfortunately for Brown and- Michigan's cross country
team, one Big Ten school protested this decision, citing a Big
Ten rule which states an athlete who is ineligible at the start
of a semester cannot regain his eligibility during that same
semester. Brown and the Michigan Athletic Department pro-
tested the protest and petitioned the Big Ten Eligibility Com-
mittee for a review.
At the present time Brown's status for this Saturday's Big
Ten championships is still undecided. A decision is expected
A matter of priorites
The Michigan basketball team took the floor of Crisler Arena
at their usual 3:30 practice time yesterday only to find the
court occupied by another crew: Bo's football squad. The foot-
ballers had decided to forsake their usual Ferry Field location
and practice in a drier location.
Coach Schembechler was unavailable for comment as to
why his team had changed its usual practice routine. Several
explanations were offered, some libelous and none verifiable.
One. team official stated that to had grown soft in his old age,
and did not want his boys practicing in yesterday's miserable,
rainy weather.
Possibly the best explanation was given by one of the
assistant football coaches, who stated that Schembechler
wanted to break the practice routine in order to avoid mid-
season blahs on the part of his players. At any rate, the
gridiron heroes spent close to an hour running back and
forth and up and down Crisler Arena.
When the cagers finally began practice, they concentrated
on their fast break, potentially an effective weapon for Mich-
igan this year. "I feel we were much more aggressive than
we were at the scrimmage," volunteered Coach Johnny Orr
about his team's practice.
* *
'M'-OSU kickoff at 12:50
The Michigan Athletic Department clarified yesterday that
the Nov. 24 showdown between the Wolverines and Ohio State
will start at 12:50 p.m., 40 minutes earlier than usual. The
American Broadcasting Company (ABC) requested the earlier
starting time in order to televise both the Michigan game and
the USC-UCLA battle, which will follow promptly at 4 p.m.
* * *
Ruggers take double dip
Plagued throughout the day by penalties, the Michigan
Ruby Club suffered two losses in home games last Saturday
against Flint. Both contests were close affairs. The Blue team
fell 6-4, while the Gold squad was disappointed 10-8.
The Rugby Club's present record stands at 3-6 for the
Blues, 2-4 for the Gold.






a -

"Good evening, hockey fans, andl
welcome to Yost Ice Arena . .
That will be the biggest change
for Michigan hockey this season,
which finds opening night fast ap-
pare to host Waterloo University p
this Friday and Saturday nightsI . JIM ECKER
at 7:30. But it will not be the only NIGHT EDITOR:
The big move from the Mich-.
igan Colesium to newly-reno. Progress by the Michigan icers
vated Yost takes place officially appears comparable to the arena
this weekend, which will also construction. Farrell has the play-
mark the cristenings for first- ers working very hard, but there
year coach Dan Farrell and a re some problem areas which are
host oftnew freshmen who should going to take their time going
see action, away.
Work is progressing r a p i d 1 y
around the new ice rink. The bal- First comes the offense, or lack
conies are intact, but about half of it. Michigan finished ninth in
the additional bleachers have yet the ten-team WCHA in scoring
to be erected. And except for the with an average of 4.0 goals per
fact that the $15,000 Coca-Cola game en route to a 5-28-1 over-
scoreboard has not arrived, Yost all record in 1972-73. An irn-
should berready by Friday to pack provement is necessary if the
in close to 8,000 spectators, al- Wolverines hope to regain the
though that is hardly the expected playoff spot which eluded them
attendance. last year.
Gridde pickintgs
" ITEM-The Daily Libels WON their game with the Datum
Technics Sunday, 6.0, on a three-yard TD toss from Longo to Bloom.
* ITEM-R. K. Fischer of 1602 Packard and James Frenza of
6056 A&D TIED for the Gridde Pickings title this week.
0 ITEM-You'll be a LOSER if you don't get your picks in to 420
Maynard by midnight Friday for a chance at a free Mr. Pizza pizza.
1. Indiana at MICHIGAN (pick 18. Eastern Michigaa at Central
score) Michigan
2. Ohio State at Illinois 19. Lock Haven at Slippery Rock
3. WicosiatMihianStae 20. Edit Staff "Flunkies" at
3. Wisconsin at Michigan State DAILY LIBELS
4. Purdue at Iowa ___
S. Minnesota at Northwestern
6. Colorado at Nebraska
7. Oklahoma State at Kansas
8. Texas at Southern Methodist
9. Tulane at KentuckyUniversityI
10. Penn State at Maryland
11. Louisville at Tulspr
12. Yale at Dartmouth
13. Rutgers at ConecticutT
14. North Carolina at Virginia
15. Duke at Georgia Tech
16. Army at Air I'orce
17. New Mexico at Brigham Young
Nov ember 1 i
S CO tES NomNobember 2 in T HE
8:00 P.M.-Tr
LSU 33, South Carolina 29
Texas Southern 35, Grainbling 21
Slippery Rock 34, Indiana St. (Pa.) 10s
Buffalo 23, Kansas City 14

A pair of former junior-Red And so it's down to the net-
Wings, Frank Werner from De- minders. Sophomore R o b b i e
troit and Gary Kardos from Li- Moore returns, and is backed-up
vonia, led the goal producers a by first-year goalies Bill Dewey
year ago with 13 and12,drespe.- and Tom Thrun. Freshman Butch
tively. Both return as juniors. Wagner is also practicing with
(Bernie Gagnon led Michigan in the team, but wears a shoulder
scoring two years ago with 35 brace while recovering from a
goals.) shoulder operation suffered in
Counted on to rebound from the early drills.
sophomore slumps are Montreal's Until proven otherwise, the out-
Paul-Andre Paris and Toronto's look is promising-but not too
RandyeNeal, who between them promising. Michigan must. improve
last year accounted for 26 fewer on last season's record, its worst
points than during their freshman ever. If the Wolverines do nMt, this
season, weekend's meetings with Waterloo
Three newcomers who will be will be just that: Michigan hockey
expected to help rejuvenate the meeting its Waterloo.


scoring punch are Kris Manery
from Leamington, Ontario; Doug
Lindskog from Red Deer, Al-
berta; and Pat Hughes of Wes-
ton, Ontario.
Lindskog is the younger broth-
er of sophomore defenseman
Tom Lindskog which, incidental-
ly, brings us to the Michigan
The blue-liners should be much
improved over last year. They'll
have to be. Last season Michigan's
defense was so porous that oppos-
ing forwards were able to un!oad
46 shots per game on Blue goal-
But Lindskog, captain Randy
Trudeau, and Greg Fox each own
another year's experience. And
Farrell believes that freshmen
Dave Shand of Base Borden, On
tario and Bob Palmer of Dor
Mills, Ontario, should help. Both
are 6-1 and 180 lbs. and are term.
ed "great prospects" by Farrell
who is hoping to cut down tha
shots-allowed average by as mucl
as a third.

" The Top 20
AP Poll
1. Ohio State (36) 6-0-0 1,148
2. Alabama (12) 7-0-0 1,052
3. Oklahoma (9) 5-0-1 961
4. MICHIGAN (1) 7-0-0 876
5. Notre Dame 6-0-0 754
6. Penn State (4) 7-0-0 749
7. Louisiana State 7-0-0 518
S. (tie) Arizona State 7-0-0-432
(tie)Daily Libels 7-0-0 432
9. USC 5-1-1 331
10. UCLA 6-1-0 307
11. Tennessee 6-1-0 287
12. Missouri 6-1-0 ' 243
13. Nebraska 5-1-1 196
14. Tulane 6-0-0 185
15. Texas Tech 6-1-0 79
16. Miami (Ohio) 7-0-0 54
17. Colorado 5-2-0 50
18. Houston. 6-1-0 46!
19. (tie) Auburn 5-2-0 33
1 Texas 4-2-0 33


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