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October 30, 1973 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page

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See Today for details

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol LXXXIV, No. 47 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 30, 1973 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

We are number one
If the big. 'U' doesn't make it to the number one spot
in college football, we can take solace in the fact that
we do rank first in, at least one department. According
to a recently released study, the 'U' has the highest non-
resident tuition rate of any state or land grant school
in the nation. In-state fees ranked only sixth among the
schools, but if present trends continue, insiders say, we
stand a real shot at overtaking the leaders.
Chavez nominated
The Romance Languages Department announced yes-
terday that it will submit the name of Cesar Chavez
as a candidate for an honorary degree to be presented
at the May commencement exercises. In making the
nomination Prof. Frank Casa called Chavez, "a repre-
sentative of a movement toward human dignity." The
nomination is only the first step in a selection process
that will ultimately be resolved by the Regents.
Tuition payment
Those students petitioning for in-state residency status
who have not yet been informed of the decision on their
cases are expected to make their second tuition payment
by Oct. 31. According to 'U' officials, money will be
refunded for those who do eventually qualify for the
lower tuition rates.
Happenings ...
are varied on this Tuesday. Former POW James
Warner will address the College Republicans Club on the
topic, "Political Process and Political Prisoners." The
speech will be held at 8:00 pm. in Lecture Room 2 of the
MLB . . . there will be a teach-in entitled, "Behind the
Arab-Israeli Conflict" in the Union Assembly Hall at 7:30
pm. The teach-in will be sponsored by several organiza-
tions including the Arab Students and Young Socialist
Alliance . . . "Career Opportunities for Women" will
hold a second in a series of lunch hour disussions today
at noon in the League Conference Room No. 4 . . . there
will be a LSA coffee hour at 3:00 pm. in the Blue Room
of the Residential College.
Driving donkey
Largely as a result of the Watergate scandals, the
Democratic Party has opened up a bigger leader in
popularity over Republicans than at any time in the last
decade. The claim is made by pollster Lou Harris whose
latest survey indicates that 53 per cent of the public
would now vote for Democratic candidates for congres-
sionalseats as opposed to a paltry 31 per cent still stick-
ing with the GOP. The Dems 22 per cent advantage con-
trasts with the 56-44 per cent margin they had in the
popular vote in last year's election for the House.
Media assault
Presidential aide Patrick Buchanan yesterday con-
tinued the assault on the TV networks that his'boss began
in a Friday night address to the nation. Appearing on
CBS' Morning News program Buchanan advocated legis-
lation to break up what he called "the excessive power"
of broadcast networks to dominate the flow of ideas to
the American public. Nixon Friday night called the net-
works' coverage of recent events, "outrageous, vicious
and hysterical." Buchanin suggested that eight networks
be created as opposed to the present three. Such a sys-
tem he maintained would' foster greater competition and
presumably blunt the impact of anti-Nixon reporting.
Kelley ruling
Attorney General Frank Kelley ruled yesterday that In-
dian tribes have a significant amount of local autonomy
with regards to crimes committed on reservations
around the state. Kelley said the tribes could legally es-
tablish their own police forces which would then be eligi-
ble for assorted federal grants. Both the federal and state
governments, however, would still have jurisdiction over
violations of their own laws.
viva la difference
Though they hold an international reputation for sex-
ual freedom, the French, according to a recent poll, are

not quite as kinky as one might expect. An overwhelming
76 per cent of those surveyed said the sexual liberaliza-
tion ofrecent years had not affected their sexual be-
havior. 81 per cent said they would be shocked by group
sex while 88 per cent claimed they would be offended by
the sight of two males kissing. An impressive 25 per cent,
however, did say they would have no objection to ap-
pearing in a sex film.
Town for sale
Can't find the right gift for that person who has every-
thing? Herman Cotter Jr. will sell you most of Cantwell,
Alaska, a town complete with restaurant, motel, air
strip, two wells and a ready-made 200-plus population.
The asking price is $750,000. Cotter, who owns every-
thing but the railroad station, post office and.a few
private lots, says he's tired of owning and running Cant-
well, and will be moving to Anchorage. Cantwell lies on
the Anchorage-Fairbanks Highway 205 miles north of
Anchorage, Alaska,
On the inside - . .
. an interview with Arlo Guthrie by Diane Levick
appears on the Arts Page . . . Stephen Sedbst writes
about the problems of SGC on the Editorial Page . . .
Dan Borus pens a piece about Clint Haslerig on the
Sports Page.




By The Associated Press
The first emergency supplies
reached 20,000 Egyptan troops
stranded in the Sinai Desert yester-
day and Israel offered to swap 7,-
000 Arab POWs for 450 Israelis held
by Syria and Egypt.
Egypt denied claims that Israel
ever held Suez city at the southern
end of the Suez Canal.
MEANWHILE, Israel's 75-year-
old premier, Golda Meir, paid a
flying visit yesterday to Israeli
troops inside Egypt west of the
Suez Canal. Meir wore a beige
dress and carried a white handbag
as she flew in an Israeli air force
Cox: New
power for
prober is
Supports law to
let court pick him
WASHINGTON (P) - O u s t e d
Watergate prosecutor Archibald
Cox testified yesterday that a new
special prosecutor by-law should
be able to bring court action to
obtain evidence from the White
Cox told the Senate Judiciary
Committee that frustrations and
delays he encountered in trying to
get evidence from the White House
\make it imperative a new prose-
cutor have such legislated power.
ments that he now has concluded
Congress should pass legislation
providing for appointment of a new
prosecutor by the federal District
Court here.
Cox, on leave as a Harvard Law
School professor, said there is some
doubt about the constitutionality of
such legislation but heahas decided
after further study that the doubt
is "not a very serious one and I'd
be prepared to run the risk."
President Nixon has announced
that a successor to Cox will he
appointed later this week by acting
Atty. Gen. Robert Bork, but 53
senators have introduced a bill
providing for a new prosecutor ap-
pointed by U.S. District Court
Judge John Sirica. Similar legisla-
tion has been suggested in the
House by more than 100 members.
COX TESTIFIED at a Judiciary
Committee inquiry into his dis-
missal by Bork, on Nixon's arier,
after he refused to accept i direc-
tive not to pursue in court his
efforts to obtain tapes, notes and
memoranda of presidential cnver-
He said acceptance of the direc-
tive would have established a
"very dangerous precedent" and
would have been seen by mary as
a cover up. He said it would have
led to later instructions interfering
with his independence and the con-
duct of investigation.
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.)
asked if a prosecutor could fully
perform his duties without access
to White House documents.
"I DON'T SEE how," Cox re-
plied. "That's where the informa-
tion is."
See COX, Page 10
'Mayor calls

for election
fund control
Because of the scandals that
havearocked the federalgovern-
ment, Mayor James Stephenson
has anpounced he will present City
Council with an ordinance strictly
controlling campaign spending in
local elections.
Stephenson made the announce-
ment during last night's council
meeting. The ordinance will totally
ban campaign contributions from
organizations, place a $100 limit on
individual contributions, and re-
quire all candidates to file detailed
contribution statements prior to the

Israel offers to swap POWs with Ar

helicopter to Israeli positions on
both sides of the canal, including
visits to positions on the west bank
taken by Israel in the latest Mid-
east war.
Israeli and Egyptian officers met
for a third time yesterday in Is-
raeli - held Egypt on the Cairo-
Port Suez road. They took up the
prisoner of war issue but no details
were released. They agreed to hold
further meetings.
Maj. Gen. Shumel Eyal said in
Tel Aviv that Israel wanted to

trade 7,000 Araba prisoners for 450
Israelis he said were held in Egypt
and Syria. Eyal told reporters that
Israel held 6,800 Egyptian POWs,
about 300 Syrians and a few Iraquis
and Moroccans. He said Egypt
held about 350 Israelis and Syria
had about 100.
IN WASHINGTON, acting Egyp-
tian foreign minister Ismail Fah-
my, a close associate of President
Anwar Sadat, arrived from Cairo
and met immediately. with Secre-

tary of State Henry Kissinger.
Pahmy did not speak with report-
In Cairo, Egypt said its 3rd ar-
my on the east bank of the canal
"is valiantly standing firm, its
morale is high and supplies are
reaching it."
It was the first official comment
on the status of the 20,000 troops
Israel says it has cut off on the
east bank.

News Agency iss
ter Deputy Prer
Hattem met wit
of the UN emerge
It said: "The 3
ing firm. The 3rd
ed heavy losses
forces arrived y
in the southern s
It said Israeli
City had fallen u
"Suez still is in

"resisted all enemy efforts to at-
rtb s . .tack it after the Oct. 22 cease-fire
ib s ..forcing the enemy to with-
drwfrom its outskirts . ..
The statement added that more
ued the report, af- than 2,000 UN troops have taken up
mier Abdul Kader positions on the west bank, includ-
h representatives . ing some who entered Suez city
ency peacekeeping yesterday morning.
3rd army is stand- Egyptian amphibious vehicles
picked up emergency supplies at a
army . . . inflict- pier six miles north of Suez city
until emergency under the eyes of UN officials and
esterday morning Israeli troops, Associated Press re-
sector." porter Daniel Grebler said.
claims that Suez pG
were false, adding THIRTY LOADS floated across
Egyptian hands." the 200-foot waterway, Israeli
e said Suez city , See SUPPLIES, Page 7

detente shows

signs of


AP Special Correspondent
A dispatch of Tass, the official Soviet news agency, hints that
Moscow is taking a long and thoughtful new look at the turmoil in
Washington, as if wondering whether to hedge Soviet bets on the fruits
of dentente.
At the same time, indications of new strains on the fragile Soviet-
American "era of negotiation" come from the American side with news
that the Nixon administration is urging Congress to shelve temporarily
the President's recommendation to liberalize trade with Moscow.
OBVIOUSLY, the Middle East crisis has opened cracks in the

structure of the U.S.-Soviet detente.
has done that Moscow is wondering
about the Nixon administration's
staying power.
As is. custoniary in cases where
the Kremlin treads cautiously, the
dispatch got into the subject
obliquely. But Tass never puts out
an officially unsanctioned message,
and it can make its point simply
by quoting others out of context.
In this, Tass suddenly deviat

In fact there is a hint in what Tass
A News
A nalysis
ed from the extraordinarily wary,

AP- Photo
A WOUNDED EGYPTIAN prisoner of war from Egypt's 3rd Army is helped to a truck by a fellow'POW
(right) and an Isreli soldier (left) near the city of Suez, Egypt. A 100-truck convoy with non-military
supplies for the 3rd Army trickled through Israeli lines at the bank of the Suez yesterday as Israeli and
Egyptian officers held their third face-to-face meeting in an attempt to discuss an exchange of prisoners
of war. Meanwhile, criticism mounted within Israel over Prime Minister Golda Meir's acquiescence,
reportedly under heavy U.S. pressure, in the emergency resupply effort.

Waslitenaw-H ill


objective treatment Moscow has given what it calls the "Uotergeitskoye
Dyelo"-the Watergate Affair-and related U.S. explosions. Is Moscow
,removing those kid gloves?
LEONID BREZHNEV, the Soviet chief, was euphoric about the
prospects of the U.S.-Soviet detente in his visit to the United States last
June. But the Middle East war now seems to have applied some kind
of punctuation mark to that process.
An announced Soviet intention to send troops, ostensibly to oversee
the cease-fire, triggered a U.S. alert to military 'units, and for a few
hours it- had the look of nuclear brink once again. Brezhnev complained
indignantly that the Americans overreacted.
Evidently, official Moscow now sees it all as the desperation of an
administration needing crisis to absorb public attention. The Russians
have been in such situations. Only six months ago Brezhnev, defending
his policies, restructured the Politburo to remove an inconvenient non-
believer or two. And the Russihns have a way of imputing their own
foibles to others.
THUS, MOSCOW probably seeing what it believes to be a groggy
Washington staggering from ceaseless punches, is likely to speculate
that if the boss is in difficulty, so is everything he stands for.
If the Tass dispatch is a herald of flagging confidence in the Nixon
staying power, the detente could be about' to enter a mark-time phase,
at the least.
Witches see another
government scandal'..
NEW YORK (UPI) - A pre- divorce so he can marry a well
Halloween survey of 260 Ameri- known actress who has appear-
can witches, who claims to have ed in several pornographic
predicted Spiro Agnew's resig- movies;
nation as vice president a year " A woman will be named as
a g o, h a s forecast another president of a leading labor un-
S"huge" government scandal un- ion and another will be signed
.' related to Watergate, according by a major baseball team on the
to the results released yester- West Coast;
day. " A.new medical discovery i
The survey, conducted by an will wipe out one of the na-
organization called the New tion's major diseases; and,
York Center for the Strange, 0 The Dow-Jones industrial
gave these predictions from average will hit an all-time
v witches for the next year: high of 1100 and then fall back
* Gerald Ford, nominated as to 800 within the next six
successor to Agnew, will resign months.
within three months of becom- Results of the survey were an- {
ing vice president; nounced by Robert Carson, pub-
* The governor of a large lic opinion research director of
Eastern state will announce his the center.
gg..o.::;::::..iA: "a":4i: ry:4 " { ; . : } :" ; p v

A proposed zoning change in the
Washtenaw-Hill area to allow state-
lv fraternity and sorority mansions
to be used as rooming houses, has
been attacked by students and the
University as threatening to in-
crease the market values of such
structures and to price co-ops out
of the used-fraternity business.
The rezoning amendment, pro-
posed by Kelly Newton of Kiem
Realty, would allow reuse of the
42 fraternity, sorority, and cooper-
ative houses as rooming houses, a
use prohibited under the city's cur-
rent R2B zoning standards.
THE. CITY'S Planning Commis-
sion approved the proposal two
weeks ago stating that the decline
in popularity of fraternities and
soroPitiesat the University has left
many such structures "under-util-
ized" and incurring financial dif-
ficulties and failure.
The zoning change, which must
still be approved by City Council,
has created some skepticism about
whether the move will actually
save the structures.
One person critical of the pro-
posal is Bing Frederick, Inter-Co-
operative Council (ICC) vice-pres-
ident and development chairman,

plan o P
of this market and impair future
hopes of expansion," he said.
"Newton, who proposed this zon-
ing change, is a realtor-and his
motivation is that he stands to
make several thousands of lollars
out of this change. If he's success-
ful, he's opened the door to 42
frats, sororities, and co-ops," Fred-
erick said, "and who comes
through that door landlords."
There are only two former frat
houses non-operationl at the pres-
ent time, Frederick said, one at
715 Hill, and 1018 Fuller, and not
t h e "abundance of abandoned
buildings as Newton's proposal
would have people believe."
Newton's proposal was sourred
by his realty company's efforts to

sell property at 1501 Washtenaw-
the only offer he received was for
the purpose of a rooming house.
But ICC questions Newton's real
motivations when he sought a gen-
eral change of the R2B zoning
code in the Washtenaw-Hill area,
instead of getting a zoning var-
iance for that prticular property.
particularly interested in getting ius
three per cent commission on the
$165,000 price tag on -the 1501
Washtenaw building.
Kiem first received the offer to
sell the building, and being a mem-
ber of the Ann Arbor Real Estate
Board, the availability of the
See REZONING, Page 7


'Deans rate professional schools,
By PAUL.TERWILLIGER Carolina; Forestry at University of California at Berkeley; Journalism
Chicago, Columbia, Harvard, Michigan and the University of at Columbia; Medicine at Harvard; Optometry at Berkeley; Public
California at Berkeley have the highest number of professional schools Health at Harvard; Theology 'at Yale; and Veterinary Medicine at the.
rated in the top five in the country, according to a recent study of 1180 University of California at Davis.
professional schools in 17 different fields0 Basically, the top five Universities had six oi seven of their pro-

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