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Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 45
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 27, 1973
Ten Cents
Six Pages
Moonshine time
The University marching band laughed about it all
the way home. You see, on the way back from a concert
in Livonia Thursday night, an unabashed bandmember
pressed his bared buttocks against the rear window of
one of the band's five buses. The event normally would
have been chalked up as a typical gung-ho college prank,
had it not been for the two State Police officers who
caught a glimpse of the sight as they passed by. The
troopers pulled all five of the buses to the side of the
road and singled out the slightly red-cheeked culprit.
No formal charges were made, but ,the band is awaiting
possible retribution from band director George Cavender.
Poly. sci. prof speaks
University political scientist Raymond Tanter says
the United States will not abandon its military and diplo-,
matic support of Israel despite possible loss of Arab oil.
Tanter, a visiting professor from the Hebrew University
of Jerusalem and former military analyst for the Rand
Corp., says that the U.S. commitment to Israel is a
moral one that "should outweight economic and politi-
cal considerations. While there are a few lapses such
as occurred during the India-Pakistan wars of 1965 and
1971," he said, "the United States has a good record
of. defending its allies against attack.. Tanter, who
spoke in a panel discussion of the oir crisis presented in
Detroit by the League of Jewish Women's Organizations,
says the Soviet supply of weapons to the Arabs "pro-
vides convenient justification for the U.S. military
assistance program to Israel."
" "
UAW-Ford pact
The United Auto Workers and Ford Motor Co. reach-
ed tentative agreement yesterday on a three-year con-
tract that reportedly includes retirement after 25 years
for Ford's 9,000 foundry workers. Neither side would
comment on details of the pact, but Ford Vice President
Malcolm Denise said it "bears a certain resemblance"
to the industry pattern contract with Chrysler. That
pact included a voluntary overtime plan, reportedly a
major issue at Ford. The union said its 200-member
Ford council could meet as early as Tuesday to consider
the package.
are topped by the University Players presenta-
tion of Durrenmatt's The Marriage of Mr. Mississippi in
the Arena Theater at the Frieze Building at 8 p.m.
... .The Tell-Tale Heart, The Pit, and the Pendulum, and
Sphinx will be shown in Couzens Cafeteria at 8 and 10
p.m.... you can see Bunuel's Diary of a Chambermaid
at 7 and 9:05 p.m. at the Architecture Aud. . . . or
Hawk's His Girl Friday at 7 and 9 tonight in Aud. A.
Butz investigated
Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz acknowledged yes-
terday that he is being investigated in connection with
an alleged attempt to influence the Federal Trade Com-
mission for political purposes. Butz called the probe a
"fishing expedition with some 60 lawyers out there
searching around." The Washington Star-News reported
earlier that Butz was being investigated in connection
with allegations that he tried to influence the FTC in a
case involving the 1969 acquisition by Heublein Inc. of
United Vinters Inc., a California wine growers' co-
operative. Butz said the probe was initiated by former
special prosecutor Archibald Cox.
Gay protest-
The head of a Philadelphia-based gay liberationist
organization broke through security and appeared on
NBC-TV's "Today Show" yesterday to protest alleged
network bias against homosexuals. The man, identified
by NBC as Mark Segal, ran into view during the opening
moments of the program shouting, "I object to" before
his voice and picture were cut off. Commentator Bar-
bara Walters explained on the air later that the man
had objected to the "Sanford and Son" program on the
ground that it was unfair to homosexuals. Last week's
segment featured the son being questioned by his fath-
er after the younger Sanford had been seen coming out
of a "gay" bar.
Weicker vs. King
Sen. Lowell Weicker says he'd be happy to take on
Billie Jean King in the next tennis "battle of the sexes."
The Connecticut Republican, better known as a mem-
ber of the Senate Watergate Committee than in yes
concurrent role as top-seeded tennis player in the Sen-
ate, issued the, challenge in response to a question of-
fered half in jest at a Connecticut high school recently.
Replied Weicker, "Well, there's no question in my mind
that we just sent out the wrong guy to go ahead and
face Billie Jean King. I think she's not only beatable,
but she should be beaten, and I'll be glad to take care
of her after I get through with Watergate."
On the inside .. .
Chuck Bloom previews the clash for "the little brown
jug" on the Sports Page . . . Beth Nissen on male himo-
sexuality, and a feature on Larry Coryell appear on the
Editorial/Arts Page.
suez cty
U.S. eases alert,
Soviets send in
By The Associated Press
Israeli officers claimed last night
that they had occupied almost all
of a major Egyptian city, while in
Washington President Nixon relax-
ed the U. S. military alert and said
the Mideast cease-fire was hold-
Israeli officers told AP corres-
pondent David Lancashire their
men had taken over most of Suez
City, at the southern end of the
103-mile long Suez Canal, and that
the city's main oil "refinery had
been destroyed.
the Suez Canal as Egyptian forces
on the east bank apparently began
shelling their own city to drive out
the Israelis. Lancashire said that
he and other newsmen observed
no signs of Israeli fire directed
at the city.
No U. N. observers or peace-
keepers were seen in the Suez
area, Lancashire said. A contin-
gent of U. N. peacekeepers arriv-
ed yesterday in Cairo from Cyprus
where it had been based and more A
were being flown in._.
The Soviet Union said yesterday mi
it has sent "representatives" - m
reportedly noncombatant observers ter
-to, help supervise the cease-fire dia
and Nixon said the United States Ni
expects to send its own observers. sp
NIXON SAID in a news confer-. wh
ence that without the U. S.Soviet pr
detente "we might have had a ma-- N
jor confrontation in the Mideast." his
The United States and the Soviet hai
Union agreed to use joint influ- als
ence "to get the negotiating track an
moving" in the direction of a per- far
manent Mideast settlement, Nixon C
A State Department spokesman da
said the United States had antic- tic
pated the. Russian announcement an
by. Soviet party leader Leonid and
Brezhnev of contributing observers Le
to the Mideast conflict, and would of
go along with it reluctantly. A
spokesman, Robert McCloskey, Ar
told newsmen in Washington -that gin
the United States would prefer that to
the big powers stay out of the it "
cease-fire operations altogether "
but would go along if U. N. Secre- pe
tary General Kurt Waldheim is sur
agreeable to U. S. and Soviet rep- A
resentation. fac
Brezhnev said the Soviet pe- tial
sonnel were sent in response to a the
call by Egypt for U. S. and Soviet cal
troops to help secure the cease ma
fire. the
STUDENTS FALL in behind a Nixon-faced figure yesterday as they begin their march from the Diag to Republican Congressman Marvin
Esch's office. The crowd of about 600 demanded Esch support impeachment proceedings against the President.
students rally against Nix0
3O 00march-'to Eseli'S office
By The A, UPI and Reuter
WASHINGTON - President
Nixon said last night he will
have a new Watergate prose-
cutor appointed next week,
but served notice that all
presidential documents would
be kept secret and foresaw no
chance of being sued for them
in federal court.
The successor to Archibald
Cox-to be named by Acting
Atty. Gen. 'Robert Bork
would be independent and
would have "total coopera-
tion" from the administration,
he said.
In a free wheeling, often bitter,
38-minute press conference tele-
cast live from the White House
East Room, Nixon ;expressed hope
that Congress would reject a drive
by liberal Democrats and moderate
Renublicans to create a new spe-
cial prosecutor's office responsible
to U.S. District Judge John Sirica
rather than to the Justice Depart-
ing the President declared he has
no intention of resigning. He said
his mental state was sound, claim-
ing, "the tougher it gets, the cooler
I get."
The :President opened his news
conference-the first sice Oct. 3
-with a statement announcing that
the United States would dispatch
civiliantobservers to the Middle
East when an expected request
from U.N. Secretary-General Kurt
Waldheim is received.
Earlier in the day, Nixon relaxed
the worldwide alert of 2.3 million
U.S. servicemen and nuclear bomb-
ers, declaring that "the outlook
for peace in the Mideast is the
best in 20 years."
NIXON CITED what he called
his "firm" handling of a, threat-
ened introduction of Soviet troops
into the Middle East as an exam-
ple of his command of the presi-
He dismissed the suggestion that
he ordered the alert to divert pub-
lic attention from Watergate call-
ing the events of the past two days
"the most difficult crises we have
had'" since the Cuban missile
crises of 1962.
Regarding talk of his impeach-
ment, Nixon said "I intend to carry
out to the best of my ability the
responsibilities I was elected to
carry out."
THE PRESIDENT, his voice
quivering with suppressed fury,
gave his critics a tongue-lashing
accusing the television networks of
broadcasting vicious and outrage-
ous lies about him and his policies.
All the pent-up emotions' of the
President under fire for months-
in the Watergate scandal and again
over the Middle East this week-
tumbled out as he defended him-
self against criticism.
It was the tensest, noisiest ,and
bitterest press conference ever
held at the White House-and so
acrimonious did the atmopshere
See SPECIAL, Page 3
i I
About six hundred students
arched to the office of Congress-
an Marvin Esch (R-Mich.) yes-
day and demanded the imme-
ate impeachment of President'
xon after listening to anti-Nixon
eechs at a noon Diag rally.
peakers at the noon rally -
ich swelled to more than 800
otesters at its peak-demanded.
xon be impeached, not only for
shandling of the scandals which
ve rocked his administration, but
o for his Indochina war policies
d dismantling of domestic wel-
e programs.
Calling for more political com-
itment from their audience in the
ys ahead, representatives of poli-
al organizations, Attica Brigade
d Young Workers Liberation
ague, declared that getting rid
Nixon would not put an end to
nerica's problems.
tate Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann
bor) said "this is just the be-
ning. You can't let the pressure
eliminate Nixon die because if
does the whole society will die."
Esch has the power to im-
ach," he finished. "Let's make
e he uses it."
STUDENT wearing a Nixon
e mask held a mock Presiden-
J press conference in between
speeches. Addressing what he
led the "child-like assinine
sses of the American people,"
Nixon-impersonator told the
wd they would be "pleased to
a yclinic
t we've gone through the back-
and our rate has stabilized.
Also, when we opened the clinic
were hoping to stimulate more
tors into performing vasecto-
es," he said. "In the past, doc-
s have been reluctant to perform
m, simply because they had
alms about sterilizing people,
n people who wanted to be
rilized," Kose added.
'THEY CHANGED their minds
en they saw how profitable it
n be," Kose said. "It's a quick
eration, requiring very little
uipment, and it can be very pro-
able. Fifteen or twenty minutes
work is worth maybe $125," he
Ke said he was neased to see
know that I've suspended all your
constitutional liberties."
for Impeachment" and chanting
"what do we want? Impeachment!
When do we want it? Now!" the
demonstrators marched through the
streets to Esch's office at the
corner of Fourth and Huron Streets.
Surrounding it and spilling over
into the streets, the crowd shouted
slogans to passers-by and Esch's
staff, who remained inside the
T7he , demonstrators demanded
that Esch supp'ort impeachment of
Nixon, the immediate establishment
of an independent investigation of
the Administration, and the cut off
of all aid to "U.S.-supported dicta-
torial regimes in Indochina and re-
lease of all political prisoners, as
specified in the Paris Agreements."
IN WASHINGTON and unavail-
able for comment, Esch has so far
declined to support impeachment.
Tuesday he told the Daijy that his
decision awaits the report of the
House committee currently inves-
tigating grounds for impeachment.
In a statement released to the
m a r c h e r s yesterday, however,
Esch said that it is "absolutely
essential" that a "special and in-
dependent prosecutor" be appoint-
ed. Esch also stated that he has
asked the General Accounting Of-
fice to conduct an "independent
study" of whether U.S. aid is being
used for the retention of political
Although the demonstrators par-
tially obstructed traffic for fifteen
minutes, they failed to respond to
urging by leaders that they move
further into the street and shut
down the intersection completely.
While five uniforned city police-
men kept traffic moving, passing
motorists responded to the signs
with a steady stream, of horn-
blowing. As the crowd slowly melt-
ed and drifted bacl toward cam-
pus, individuals signed a raft of
notes to their congressman which
they then handed over to his staff.
Law profs discuss basis
for Nixon impeachment
See ISRAELIS, Page 3
at vasecto
Although men are generally
squeamish about vasectomy, it has
emerged in recent years as a safe,
effective solution to the problem
of contraception.
And if Ann Arbor is any indica-
tion of a national trend, 'vasecto-
mies have- become extremely pop-
ular. Since 1970, when the local
chapter of Planned Parenthood
opened a vasectomy clinic here,
about 4300 vasectomy operations
have been performed.
THE CLINIC is currently per-
forming between 12 and 16 opera-
tions per week, very few of them
on students.
"WPnn utndmnt n mnip int of
The recent turn of Watergate
events provided the spark for de-
bate yesterday at the University
school, as five law school profes-
sors discussed the question of im-
peaching President Nixon.
Opinions on the matter - cur-
rently being considered by the
House Judiciary Committee - rep-
resented widely-differing interpre-
tations of the Constitution.
LOW started the discussion by
pointing. out that both Congress
and the President could appoint an-
other special Watergate prosecu-
The Constitution hates that it is
the President's right to appoint
such a prosecutor, said Sandalow,
"but. it also says, Congress, by
law, may vest the appointment of
inferior officers."
Although this appears to be a
straightforward statement, Sanda-
low said, "When the Constitution
appears clear in meaning, it gener-
ally means something else."
"WHEN THERE is a question of
the integrity of the President and
his closest associates," added San-
dalow, "surely, it is not unreason-
able for Congress to look elsewhere
to make the appointment."
On the impeachment question,
Prof. Robert Burt, specializing in
constitutional law and judiciary
procedure, suggested that at this
time - when rovernmental abuse
tive order to stop bombing in Cam-
L E M P A R T concluded that
grounds for impeachment also in-
cluded abuse of power, and vio-
lation of trust.
Prof. Vince Blase discussed what
he considered original, historical
interpretation of the Constitution.
The exact wording of the Con-
stitution says "a President shall be
removed from office for commit-
ting treason, bribery, other high
crimes and misdemeanors."
HE SAID that this could not ne-
cessarily be interpreted as a vio-
lation of trust, but that a violation
of trust coul4 be termed a political'
crime, and therefore a basis for
"On this issue it is up to the
complete discretion of the Senate
to define impeachment."
IMPEACHMENT is not review-
able by a court of law, and this
was foremost in the minds of the
rmen who framed the constitution,
said Blase.
He added that the intent of the
Constitution was that a represent-
ative body such as Congress try the
sw .... ri®® reeerr oe eon® oar oeewerneeoese ee w eeeee
Cosmic comet coming
It's the sight of a lifetime and, with luck, it
may be one of the most spectacular sights civil-
ization has ever witnessed.
Like a modern' day Star of Bethlehem, Comet
Kohoutek, now hurtling around the sun at roughly
27 miles per second, will reach its peak of bright-
ness around Christmas.
exactly how bright the comet will be, the Na-
tional Aeronautics and S p a c e Administration
Kohoutek will become visible to naked-eye-
observers around Nov.,24, but some local buffs,
armed with telescopes, have a 1 r e a d y begun
watching the comet, now between the constella-
tions Leo and Virgo.
AS EXPECTED, Ann Arborites have chosen
the event for astrological, predictions, scientific
study, and even as still aonther excuse for
bacchanalian celebration.
Several people are planning parties to herald
the event, with hand-made, primitive telescopes