Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, October 26, 1973 rw _rda-ctbe _2, 197 i4o - 71 41 (4 t get the job done h i r d --- ---- - ------- I J FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY FOR RENT UNUSUAL COSTUMES and clothing. FORGOTTEN WORKS, behind Farm-~ er's Market, 410 N. Fourth Ave. Week- ends, 10-6. cC46 ONE OR TWO bedroom furnished apartment on campus. Bi-level. bal- cony, off-street parking, dishwasher, air-conditioner. Call: 761-5816. 83C46 WILLING TO SHARE lge. house w' compatibles. Also 2-bdrm. apt. avail-. able. Campus location. Reasonable. 663-9142. 38C46 OWN ROOM In nouse off campus start- ing Nov. 1. 769-8233. 49044I JOIN OUR FAMILY, single parents, children: $135. Your share of Burns; Park Mansion, non-smokers. 663-1392.: 25C48 TENANTS UNION-M-F, 9:00-5:00, 4110, Michigan Union, 761-1225. eCtc TAKE OVER LEASE at U. Towers. $79.88/mo. 668-8179. 46C44: OWN ROOM in 2 bedroom modern apartment. Female grad preferred, $120, Nov. 1. 668-6912. 18C45 2 ROOMS for rent x-frat house. 902 Baldwin. 769-3923. 08044 TENANTS UNION-M-F, 9:00-5:00, 4110' Michigan Union, 761-1225. c tc MODERN Two-Bedroom, 4-man apart- mnents near hospitals. Fully carpeted and furnished. Call 663-6549 before 5 p.m. 50C56 We Are Not Expensive- We Just Look That Way UNIVERSITY TOWER APTS. S. University at ForestI LOST AND FOUND LOST: Gold hoop Earring, bamboo shape. S. Forest. If found, please all {Julie, 769-1733. 26A46 LOST: Watch, woman's Tissot small gold face, brown band. Please call 761-8518. 93A46 LOST: Lady's reading glasses in tan' clutch case with leather square trim. 764-5024. 90A44 FOUND: pooket calculator. Identify. Call Brent, 663-6912. dA46 FOUND: small white rabbit, near Wayne and Washtenaw. Call 764-9270 (8 a.m.-5 p.m.), after 5, call 971-0487. dA46 LOST-GOLD necklase with high star and opal. Sentimental value. Call Karen, 764-4672. 72A45 REWARD for finding KITTEN, grey,. white, lost in vicinity of 805 E. Hu- ron. 769-2594. 89A45 LOST PUPPY-IRISH SETTER-6 mos. old. answers to Naef, lost 10'23 around S. Forest'Hill area. Any info, 663-8978 or 764-8852. 84A44 USED CARS '71 VW SEDAN, stick shift, radio, new tires. 763-0282, 8-5. ask for Debbie. dN46 TRIUMPH TR-6 1972. Excellent condi- tion, getting married, must sell. $2700. Call 663-6397. 98N50 HELP WANTED PART-TIME PAINTER: Must be able to work full days. $2.75/hr. 761-2680. 05H49 SMALL SOCIAL RESEARCH group seeks secretary. Be t $3.00/hr. job in Ann Arbor. Call Chris, 763-6801. FOR SALE VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE. 1968. 50,000 97H46 miles. $600. Call 665-3301 or 761-8612. 01N44 BASS PLAYER with own equipment to play original music. Call Zeke, 3-9 PERSONAL DITTO MACHINE for sale. Good condi- GET STUFFED: tion. Call 769-6871 for information. We have wholesale upholstery fab- 03B47 rics. Beautiful, bizarre designs and -- -colors. CHEAP. 665-4578 or 663-3676 STEREO SUPER SALE: turntable with, after 3:00. 20F46 dust cover, cartridge, speakers, head- phones, plus Marantz 2220 receiver. 3 MA WE HELP you with your non- months 7d 4$525. Call Ettienne eve- prescription drug needs? The Village' nings. 763-6040. 04B46 Apothecary. 1112 So. University Ave. TYPEWRITER: Olivetti electric port- -t_ _ able. One year old. $140.,764-5964. 3 MUSIC, CINEMA, PLAYS, openings -3 08B47, Monthly in a comprehensive calendar NEW WINTER COAT. Brown, racoon & articles equals ART FARE Maga-i zine.Lkfr ttnesan ad collar, pile lining. Size 14. $90. Call bookstores all around Ann Arbor. 665-9629 aft-er 6:00. 29B46 b sFtc PERSONAL EARN TOP MONEY! Part-time promot- ing student travel. Call or write (in- clude your telephone number): VAG- ABOND TOURS, Box 549. Evanston, Ill. 60204 (312) 328-0110. 15F45; GOING TO EUROPE over Christmas? For information on available flights and fares. call Cindi Hopkins, TWAI Campus Rep., 769-0634. Also, callE for youth fare cards and getaway cards. cFtc BICYCLE, Backpack, Motor, Train, or Thumb? Travel Fair November 30. 85F49 MERCEDES 230S. Very clean, Michelin tires. $2100. 971-4774 or 971-2734. 64N48 CHEVY '67. two-door, 6 cylinder, auto- matic, low mileage. $450. 971-4774 or 971-2734. 65N48 '65 CORVETTE convertible, both tops, with accessories. 482-4157. 60N47' '63 KARMEN GHIA, new tires, runs' well. $300 or best offer. 764-3965. -- 39N44 FALCON Station-wagon, 1969, clean, good mileage. $750. 971-4774 or 971- 2734. 66N48 1963 CHEVY: excellent running condi- tion, 6-cyl. Power steering, AM-FM LOST-WRISTWATCH btw. Alice Lloyd Stereo: $300. Ward, 764-8859. 80N44 and Chem Building, Oct. 23 around! 7 p.m. Reward. 764-6952. dA43 FOUND-7 KEYS near EQ on WillardI St. 663-0607. dA45 LOST: very friendly white minature POODLE, Monday. Please call 769- 0981. dA44 CASH FOUND. Identify amount and lo- cation. 662-3357, dA44 LOST: brown suede jacket behind pub-3 lic health. Reward. 475-2275. 51A44 LOST: CANON CAMERA TL. Reward. Call 665-9862. 55A45 LOST: Scottish Terrier, small black! male. Reward. Call 761-2972. 40A46 TICKETS WANTED: 4 tickets preferably together, for OSU game. 665-2625. 22Q48; A r 0 0 8 MONTH FALL-WINTER LEASE. HEATED SWIMMING POOL RECREATION and PIANO RMS. MOVIES and PARTIES FREE WEEKLY HOUSEKEEP- ING STUDY LOUNGE VISIT OR CALL 761-26E ROOMMATE NEEDED-Large, luxu apt. Your own lease. CAMPUS RENTALS LTD. 665-8825 1335 SOUTH U. DETROIT FURNITURE RENTAL VISIT OUR NEW SHOWROOM- 3090 CARPENTER RD.. CORNER OF PACKARD 80 cCtc rious WANTED: 2-4 Tickets together. OSU. Call Pat or Jean after 5:30, 434-1724. 06Q46 NEED pair of tickets to Ohio State 'game. Call 761-2118 with offer. 10Q46 I NEED two good tickets for The Moody Blues. Call 663-6109. dQ46 NEED-10 OSU tickets. 665-0758. 59Q45 STrENTION: Ohio State tickets wentna ectc (adjacent preferred). Senior priority or equivalent. Double your money!' 61i5-2420. 82Q44 TICKET for sale to Claude Kipnis Mime Theater for this Sat. evening, - Oct. 27. Call Ellen, 763-6637. dQ45 FOR SALE-4 football tickets to Ohio State game. 665-6807. dQ44 CONSOLIDATING HOUSEHOLDS: Sell- ing '66 Ford: new tires, brakes, shocks, etc. $350. Call Barb or Milt,; 761-5678 persistently. 29N45 TOYOTA CASH BRING YOUR TITLE WE'LL BUY YOUR CAR! TOP $$$E -SPORTS & IMPORTS- '71 lIAT 124 Spider, Red, AM-FM, One Owner....$2795: 71 VOLVO 164, Full power, air, AM-FM........was $4295, now $3995 '71 JAGUAR XKE, Full Power, .....was $8895, now $7995 '70 MG MIDGET, red, chrome wire wheels............... ..... $1995 '69 MG MIDGET, wire wheels . .. $1795 '69 VOLVO 144S, automatic, like new - $1995 '68 VOLVO 1425 4-speed $1595 '71 AUDI 100LS A.T., air...... $3695 '70 MGB ROADSTER............$2495' 70 OPEL GT, blue, 4-speed......$2595, 1969-1972 all models to choose from: 100 per cent warranty on engines,E transmissions and diff. for 1000 miles or 30 days. 1973 DEMO'S - Real dollar values. -DOMESTICS-- '72 INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL-ALL wagon. Just like new, 11,000 miles, P.S., P.B. Sale . .... $2595 Toyota Ann Arbor 907 N. Ma in 769-7935 cNtc - - -~~ - - - - --- ----- - PETS AND SUPPLIES FREE to good home, male or female orange Tiger cats. Call 761-2118. 09T46 WANTED - Loving home for all-black male cat. 764-6633. 53T44 -- - AFGHANS--AKC registered female pups. Crown crest, Grandeur lines. All are show quality. Call 662-4001 eves. 22T47' BUSINESS SERVICES UFO Patrol Private Pilot wants spot- ters, share flying expenses. Call eve-' nings, 662-4248. 73J45 TYPING: Experienced all phases. Pick- up and delivery. 449-2248. 16J47 pin. 761-6152. 17H46 20-25 HRS./WK. part-time eves. Apply in person at the Beer Depot. 54H44 WICKES Lumber Co. seeks part time help for warehouse and lumber yard work. Apply in person at U.S. 23 at Cone Rd. in Milan. 80H46 FULL OR PART-TIME HELP-Apply at C-Ted Standard Service, 1220 S. Uni- versity. 85H46 Personality and Language Behavior Project needs participants. Our out-t put CASH. Native born speaker of American English between ages 19-23. Call Sandy, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 764-0349. 58H47 RESPONSIBLE and reliable person to babysit weekends and poss, week nights for 2 yr. bld. 663-2289. 52H46 PERSON TO SERVE as experimentert for thesis on elementary school chil- dren.2Large blocs of free time help- ful. $2.50 an hour. Call 662-3530 after 5" dH44 PART-TIME and full-time positions available, apply in person only. Mr. Tony's Submarine Shop, 342 S. State. 50H46l FREE ROOM AND BOARD "Mother's Helper" wanted by working couple to live in, help take care of l two boys, ages 7, 11. Begin between now and Thanksgiving, until end of year, possibly continue into 1974. Main duties are to be home when children come home from school. help with meals, some evening sit- ting. Room and board plus other fringe benefits, including travel pos- sibility. Hours flexible, can accom- modate special situations. Own room. Walk to University. Driving ability (not car) helpful. Steve Cooper. 764- 4215 days; Sandi Cooper, 662-0580 eves. 45H45 DELIVERY PERSON wanted. Must have own car. Apply Mr. Tony's Submar- ine Shop, 1327 S. University. 48H46 WAITRESSES night-time and week- ends. Part-time or full-time. Lunch hour cashier weekdays. Experience preferred, but will train, Apply in person or call 769-7659 for interview. Stadium Restaurant, 338 S State , 35H461 STUDENT WANTED to perform heavy housekeeping chores two half-days or 1 full day each week. Write Ted Diel- man, 4005 ISR. U-M. No calls please. Include 2 references, $3-hr. 41H46 ALL LAW STUDENTS invited - Get Acquainted Party. Legal Aid: Campus Branch. Friday, Oct. 26, 1:30 p.m.-? 418 Mich. Union. 24H44 BASS PLAYER with equipment, to play original music. Before 3 p.m., Zeke, 761-6152. dH38 Representative needed! Earn $200 plus each semester with only a few hoursE work at the beginning of the semes- ter. INTERNATIONAL MARKETING SERVICE 519 Glenrock Ave.. Suite 203. Los Angeles, California 90024 76H62 TRY DAILY CLASSIFIEDS PERSONAL 764-4189. 79B44 FOR SALE-1970 Triumph GT. Call 763- 1826 after 5:00. 78B49 CHAMPION JUICER, good cond. Call after 6, 769-0661. 86B44 stetrician-gynecologist. Quick serv- vices will be arranged. Low rates. CALL COLLECT (216) 281-6060 24 HOUR SERVICE PASSPORT, APPLICATION PIGS, fast and cheap, by experienced Daily pho- ESCHER PRINTS and arthropods. Now tographer. Come to the Daily this at JACOB'S LADDER. In Kerryt own Monday night at seven and ask for Market. 662-4995. cFtc David Margolick. dF46 - -- - PIANO LESSONS. Master's Degree. OZONE HOUSE NEEDS YOUR HELP! Study the music you want to study.- Can you crash someone at your Innovative approach. 662-5850. pla'e even once a month? If so, you 06F47 are greatly needed. Please call 769- - - - -- 6540. 21F46 LOOKING FOR CLOTHING from your past incarnation? Find it at FOR- TONICS, CONDITIONERS. SHAMPOOS GOTTEN WORKS, behind Farmer's' WE'VE GOT A COMPLETE LINE Market. Weekends 10-6. cF44 U-M BARBERS and STYLISTS_ cF44 ALL CAMPUS hockey entries due Oct. 30 88F47 5-PIECE DRUM SET. Zildjian high hat - cFt c and ride cymbals. Throne included. NATIONWIDE Auto Transporters F Must sell. Call 665-0894. 62B44 Cars, all points. 1-537-0005. 59F53 62 CHEVY PICK-UP, very rested, runs FOR THE BOLD, brave and spirited: A O.K. $95. 769-6024. 47B47 R. K. Wood Spice Cologne. U-M Bar- PERSIAN RUG: Sarouk 9 x 12. Good bers and Stylists, open Sat. to 5:15 cond. Best offer. 769-8555 or 973- p.m., Union. cFtc 1678. 20B51 PEOPLE'S PRODUCE CO-OP PINBALL MACHINES - $250-$400 or A REAL ALTERNATIVE commission basis. 761-1932. cBtc ! 769-3995 5-8 P.M. DAILY .. cFtc 'ENANTS UNION-M-F, 9:00-5:00, 411P Michigan Union, 761-1225. cCtc t -- - --_- - - -- ---- ROSICRUCIAN ORDER, AMORC 'OR SALE-'62 Rambler. Good engine. WEEKEND WORKSHOP FOR COUPLES Rosicruci AORC. a Good snow tires. Will accept reason- --Toward deeper relationships. No- tarian fraternal body devotedRC te able offer. Call evenings, 665-5925, vember 9-11. Call Bob Blood, 769-0046. rdthe 77B45 investigation, study and practical ap- 30F44-plication of natural and spiritual ONE PAIR 1972 Lange Pro Ski Boots, I'YPING-769-2645, 761-1225. cFtc aw i have an open meeting at size 9. Used one season. $80. Call after the Ann Arbor Public Library (corner 5 p.m.. 697-8981. 68B46 of 5th Ave. and William) at 8:00 p.m. __1.RELIABLE on Friday. A lecture entitled "Vibra- GOING back to Europe. Must sell-- tions and You" and movie "Domain' Portable TV, 11 months old. Single; ABORTION SERVICE of Destiny" will be featured. There bed with frame. Tent (4 to 6 people), Clinic in Mich.-1 to 24 week preg- will be no charge and the public is 2 folding beds, etc. Call 665-2531 or nancies terminated, by licensed ob- cordially invited. 87F44 DIVORCED or SINGLE: Private, person-, alized dating club for over 10 yrs. :n this area. College required or equivalent job experience to become a member. Call free information 355- 0677. Write INTERACTIONS 17000 W.y 215 S. Fifth. Ann Arbor. 668-8883. INTRO-ACT-Personal Growth Groups, weekly group Thurs. eve. Weekend ,roup Nov. 9. 10,811. Fee. Call Richard Kempter, 662-4826. 80F53. WEDDING INVITATIONS-Mod. or tra- ditional style. Call 761-0942 anytime. cFtc WILL BABY SIT PART TIME in my home. Reasonable rates. call 761-3000. dF PROFESSIONALLY designed diamond' engagement and wedding rings-hand hammered, hand engraved, any pat-1 tern - wholesale. Austin Diamond. 1209 S. University, 663-7151. cFtc STUDY ABROAD Information Meeting Nov. 7, International Center, 7:30; p.m. 764-9310. 57F48j BUMPER STICKERS custom printed while-U-wait! $2. MBL Press, 1217: Prospect, Ann Arbor. 761-094?. cFtc Why ouy mass produced WEDDING RINGS? Have your own personal de- sign made by Jhan. 769-7550. cFtc ART WORLD'S FALL CLASS-Abden- dum acrylic painting, bamboo flute ! making, Batik and tie dye, forge iron work, macrame, calligrathy, candle-. making, figure drawing, glass blow- ing, leathercraft, life sculpture, prim-- itive sewing, stained glass, waterj color, weaving, belly dance, dance therapy, modern dance, folk dance, mime, guitar, recorder playing, basic and darkroom photography, fi ure and nature photography, matting and mnounting, photoscreen printing, as- trology charting, palmistry, tarot, creative writing, self defense for wo- men. Phone 668-6244 for schedule. 2131% S. Main, A.A. cFtc CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY Advertisements may be removed from publicatioh, but will be billed according to original number of days ordered. This policy is appli. cable as well to ads requiring pre- payment, i.e., no refunds. AD SUB- MISSIONS. CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS MUST BE MADE BY 12:00 NOON OF THE DAY PRIOR TO THE DAY THEY APPEAR [N THE PAPER. "Help Wanted" ads cannot discrimi- nate on the basis of sex, color, creed. o national origin to any extent (i.e., "pre erably" is still discriminatory). "Found" ads are run free-of-charge to a maximum of 3 lines for 3 days. Information regarding content of classified ads cannot be disclosed p r i o - to publication. Advertisers names may NEVER be revealed. Number of lines in advertisement is determined by total number 'of words-5 words/line. A WORD: Hyphenated words under 5 charac- ters. Hyphenated words over 5 char- acters, i.e., phone numbers-2 words. PERSONAL at MARTY'S... "Wall-of-Slax" Flared 'n Cuffed Knit or Knot Jeans 'n Jackets MARTY'S MEN FASHION CLOTHING 310 S. State St. c~tc I have been in Primal Therapy in Cal- ifornia for eleven months and would like to return sometime in Oct.; to Ann Arbor to live. I would like to share a house or apt. In or Around Ann Arbor with one or two other people who are familiar with the therapy and who are warm, open, feeling people. Since the therapy is an ongoing process, I will continue to need to Primal; I will need a place that is or can be sound-proofed in which to scream/cry, and I will need someone to sit for me. I am 29 years old and would prefer living with people who are about the same age or older. Please write to Tom Carroll, 1111 N. Doheny Dr., L.A., Ca. 90069 or call me (213) 276-4323. 77Ftc BOARD EXAM TUTORING Enrollments now being accepted for S. H. KAPLAN tutoring courses to prepare for the upcoming M.C.A.T., D.A.T., and L.S.A.T. Board Exams. Call (313) 354-0085. cFtc XEROX AND OFFSET COPY QUICK 1217 S, University 769-0560 eFte Try Daily Classifieds MARTHA BURNS teaches folk guitar daily. At Herb David Guitar Studio, 209 S. State, 665-8001. cF44 WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY - Tradi-' tional, Creative, and Custom: 3 styles, THE COPY MILL 211 B. S. State: 662-3969 FOR QUALITY COPIES AND OFFSET cFtci OPEN 10-6 DAILY 973-9230 cCtc ALTERATIONS SOPHIE-little Bobby Hook had a con- trolling interest in her sisters' af- fairs. Upon making this revealingj discovery she immediately ... dP441 BARGAIN CORNER - Opening Soon . . . THE MINERAL KINGDOM. Rocks, mineral specimens, fossils, gift items, lapidary supplies, books and tools. 309 S. STATE ST.. (downstairs) 769-5188. 95W61t GET HIGH-Why pay over $1.00 for a bottle of wine? Make a gallon for less. No fancy equipment required. Send $1.00 for instructions: ACTION ENTERPRISES, P.O. Box 11, Willis, Mi. 48197. 32W44 GET HIGH-Why pay over $1.00 for a bottle of wine? Make a gallon for less. No fancy equipment required. Send $1.00 for instructions: ACTION ENTERPRISES, P.O. Box 11, Willis, Ml. 48197. 32W44 JACK'S MEN'S WEAR 1 18 E. Washington DENIMS Bell Bottoms-$6.99 Trodi tIona-4.99 DENIM JACKETS-$8.99 LINED-$10.99 FLANNEL SHIRTS-$3.99 (Assorted Colors) TURTLENECK SH I RTS-$2.99 (Long Sleeved) SAM'S STORE LEVIS - DENIM TRADITIONALS .... 8.50 BUTTONFLYS ...... 8.00 BOOT JEANS ...... 8.50 JACKETS . . ....... 10.50 LEVIS-CORDUROYS BOOT JEANS .... 8.50 BELL BOTTOMS .. 9.00 HOODED SWEATSH I RTS ... 6.98 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS GEMEINHARDT FLUTE. Excellent con- dition. Best offer, Call 769-9461, ask for T. 96X50 MARTHA BURNS teaches folk guitar at the Herb David Guitar Studio, 209 S. State. 665-8001. 75X46 HI-FI SERVICE SPECIAL 201', discount on LABOR CHARGE with this ad!!! Expert FACTORY AUTH- ORIZED service on all top Hi-Fi brands .. specializing in high- power amps, receivers, and complete tape-recorder alignment. DOUGLAS SOUND SERVICE DEPT., 331 S. Fourth Ave., A2, open 9:30-5:30 M-F. 761-2814. Expires Nov. 30. 85246 3 price ranges. Call Weddings by Da- 'PIPE SMOKERS! Handcrafted meer-' vid at 769-0053 or stop in-Suite 318, schaum pipes. Exceptional values and the Campus Inn. 9 to 5:30, 10 to 2 on the most personalized of service. Free Saturdays. (Member, Professional Catalog. PMP Co., P.O. Box 444,. Photographers of Ann Arbor, Inc.) Gaithersburg, Md. 20760. 66Ftc cFtc _- -- COMIC BOOKS, science fiction, base- WE ARE collecting poetry and short ball cards, paperbacks, CURIOUS E stories written by John Gloster for USED BOOK SHOP, TOO! 340 S. State inclusion in a memorial collection (upstairs), 761-0112 (open 1-6 p.m.)., of his work. Anyone having or know-- --------. - _- ing the location of any of his work please contact A. E. Gloster, 330 Sun- rise Highway, Rockville Centre,New York 11570. 82F48 HEAR J. I. PACKER pick a pack of pickled peppers ("Modern Concepts; of God"). Fri.. 8 p.m., U. Ref. Church near the Power Center. It's simply divine. 57F44 ALL LAW STUDENTS invited - Get r Acquainted Party. Legal Aid: Campus, Branch. Friday, Oct. 26, 1:30 p.m.-? 418 Mich. Union. 23F441 HEATHKIT AR-13A AM-FM Utah TENANTS UNION-M-F, 9:00-5:00, 4110 speakers. Tomn, 761-1623. 19X44 Michigan Union, 761-1225. cJtc CROSSWORD PUZZLE Copr. '7; Gen I Features Corp. STEEL STRING and classical guitars, finest quality, 40-507 off list. Classi- cal guitar lessons-all levels, accredit- ed by UM. 662-1775, 665-7348 till 11:00 pim, cXtc MARTIN GUITARS D-18, D-28, D-35, 12-strings ready to be enjoyed! Apollo Music Center, 769-1400. cXtc GUITARS, AMPS, PIANOS. Fender. Hohner, Maestro, G i b s o n, Martin, Guild. One-stop center. Apollo Music, 322 S. Main, 769-1400. cXtc APOLLO DRUM CENTER-Drum sets, over 20 sets in stock: Rogers, Sonar, Ludwig, Gretsch, Singerland. Priced right deals. 322 S. Main, 769-1400. cXtc SAVE 30 PERCENT on most musical instruments. Call Steve, 761-7209, or -herie, 761-7991. 40X45 MUSIC, STRINGS 'N' THINGS Acoustic Instruments and acces- sories. 20% off list. Lessons and ex- pert repairs. Old Martins, Gibsons and Guild guitars in stock. 668-9836. 516 E. William, .Xtc ARBOR PARK DAY-CARE Center has full- and part-time openings for children ages 21 25. For information call 971-0886 or 971-9239. 08J44 TYPING-769-2645, 761-1225. c Itc 1 8 WE GUARANTEE personal attention In handling shipments of your personal effects worldwide. Contact A. F. Burstrom, E. Gene. 983-4033. cJtc SITUATIONS WANTED WILL BABY SIT PART TIME in my home, Reasonable rates. call 761-3000. dO BIKES AND SCOOTERS SCHWINN 10-speed with center pull breaks. $50. Phone 763-2828. 02Z44 WANTED TO BUY WANTED-4 Ohio State tickets. 1030 Stockbridge, Kalamazoo, Mich. 49001 or 349-9802 pim. Good price. 70K45 DESPERATELY NEEDED, 4 tickets to the Moody Blues Concert. Contact Bob or Ken anytime. 668-8076. dK44 SUBLET' 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 25 27 28 33 34 35 39 40 42 43 45 46 ACROSS Small craft. Make (a person) get up. Short song. Ear, Chic hair ribbon. Speak with difficulty. Pastorale. Quiet! Branch: Sp. Than: Ger. Thine: Fr. Med. sch. course. European trade combine. Pub servings. Self: Prefix. Zoroastrian scriptures. culpa. Silvery: Fr. French spa. Home for 47 Across. Cease. Word with river 54 Depot: Abbr. 55 Of a time. 56 Ship: Abbr. 58 Plowed land, in the southwest. 62 Arthurian site. 65 Cushion behind a motorbike. 67 Stir up trouble. 68 Cuban province. 69 Crossed out. 70 Elevator man. DOWN 1 Nobel prize physicist. 2 Toward the mouth. 3 Vinous. 4 Noisy places. 5 Verdi role. 6 One - time. 7 Greek letters. 8 Piece of bacon. 9 In circulation. 10 S.A. country. 11 Test by a chemical process. 12 Recurring every eight day. 13 Group of Moslem scholars. 14 Monster: Prefix. 21 Important section of gov't. 24 Trappers. 26 Rink users. 28 Temporary abode. 29 Genus of olives. 30 Breakfast. 31 Grimace. 32 Poetic time. 36 Mediterranean ketch. 37 Time's partner. 38 Tools, 40 German "alas!" 41 Tang. 44 Olympic contender. 46 Angry one. 48 Headed towards the Orient. 49 Where Milano is. 50 Number ten. 51 Storm: Fr. 52 Dravidian language. 57 Certain mailing places: Abbr. 59 "Things - what they used to be." 60 Be foolish. 61 Odd man: Slang. 63 Ancient lan- guage: Abbr. 64 Inhabitant: Suffix. 66 N.Y.C. subway. ROOMMATES OWN ROOM in spacious 2-bdrm. ground floor apt. Prefer quiet Sr./ Jr. $112.50 all utilities, 1218 W. Huron. 16Y46 FEMALE ROOMMATES wanted. Attrac- tive 4-man apartment. Winter term. 761 -3532. 31Y49 FEMALE WANTED to shar'e large room in large friendly house. $61 a month. Call after 5:30, 761-9556, 769-0998. 71Y44 WANTED-Male roommate, Share apt. close to campus. 769-0247. 34Y44 MALE ROOMMATE needed .or three bedroon- apt. Rentr $72 mo. Close to campus. Call anytime after 6:00 p.m. 663-9568. 727 E. Kingsley, Apt. No. 1. 95Y44 CAMPUS and HOSPITAL AREA-Need male roommates. $69.00 per month. 721 E. Kingsley. Call 663-9373. HURON VALLEY REAL ESTATE WANTED TO RENT MUST SUBLET immediately. Own room in 3-man apartment in house. $90. 665-6539. 88U45 NEED FEMALE to take over lease. On campus, modern, luxurious apartment with own bedroom. 761-4504 bet. 4-8 p.m. 43U44 HELP WANTED MED. TECHNOLOGISTS. A.S.P. or eli- gible. Excellent salary and benefits. 286 bed hospital. Latest and finest cquipment Short drive to Lansing and Flint. Call collect or write J.G. Abbott, the Memorial Hospital, Owos- so, Mich. 48867. 517-733-5211. 191149 WOULD YOU LIKE a good meal for a change? We have meal jobs for lunch and dinner, right on campus. Call: Theta Delta Chi, 761-5960. Ask for Rick. 76H45 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE WAW~MI U I I or sea. 47 Charles, Andrew and Edward of Englan. 50 "How .- the little busy bee... 53 Vital fluid. 4! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 15 17 - I . I .. I - i -. 9 10 Get to know the two of you before you become the three of you. Get to know what you both really like. What you both really want out of life. Get to enjoy your freedom together until you both decide you want to let go of a little bit of it. But make it your choice. Research statistics show that more than half of all the pregnancies each year are accidental. Too many of them, to couples who thought they knew all about family planning methods. Get to know how the two of you don't have to become the three of you. Or h n nrf r O 11 12 13 14 = r. 18 19 DOWN COATS . ARCTIC PARKAS from 37.50 . $40 & $50 33 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 3Q 3 t '2 314 35 36 37 38 40 4t 42 44 45 46 i