Page Two FHE MICHIGAN DAILY t-riday, Octobtr 1b, 1913 Page Two tHE MICHIGAN DAILY 1-riday, October L~, 1913 i U DELI & COFFEE HOUSE, Good Music & Good Food DELI-6:00-7:00 p.m. COFFEE HOUSE-7:00-9:00 p.m. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28 HILLEL--1429 Hill Street BONAPARTE'S RETREAT TRADITIONAL FOLK MUSIC ON SATURDAY NIGHTS THIS SATURDAY: J. P. Jenks PLAYS THE BANJO (among other things) AND SINGS 802 MONROE ST. (Guild House) 8:30 $1.50 for information call 663-4948 or 665-8774 ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH' FACULTY & GRADS BRUNCH OPEN TO EVERYONE GOOD MEETIN' AND GOOD EATIN' BAGELS-LOX-N.Y. TIMES SPEAKER: Professor Arthur Mendel History Department 11 A.M. SUN., OCT. 28 I 1973-74 Graduates. October 30, 31 is the time to talk -to us about futures. Yours. And ours. At Atlantic Richfield, our concern is how to respond to the need for energy in creative new ways that make maximum use of our nation's" resources with minimum disruption to our nation's environment. It's a big order. It's also a big opportunity... opening up exciting new possibilities for innovation and career growth... a whole new dimension for the oil industry, for us and you. For you, the opportunity is immediate. You'll learn by doing on assignments that will call for everything you know...and add to your knowledge..,.and lead you to bigger and better assignments as fast as you show us you can handle them. We have openings in many locations throughout the U.S. To determine if your background and our requirements match, please see your Placement Director regarding an appointment with our campus representative. AtlanticRichfieldCompany Q An equal opportunity employer,m/f UNIVERSITY PLAYERS presents A SHOWCASE PRODUCTION THE MARRIAGE OF MR. MISSISSIPPI by FRIEDRICH DURRENMATT Thursday-Saturday, Oct. 25-27 Arena Theatre, Frieze Bldg.-8:OO P.M. TICKETS $1.00 THURS.; $1.50 FRI. AND SAT. ON SALE AT TRUEBLOOD BOX OFFICE OCT. 23-27-12 NOON-5 P.M. ANN ARBOR GAY LIBERATION Q PRESENTS N HALLOWEEN MAD S WITH ALL THE SOUL Q YOU CAN HANDLEQ t The Costume Ball will be held at the 4 + Women's Athletic Building from 9:00 C & p.m. until 1 a.m. SATURDAY, OC- TOBER 27, 1973 Admission: $2 And as Diana Ross put it:- "SURRENDER !"h i .::wn e... ~e "l, a~ ' 1" .".,..Jw.~r.ait .. l.«..L ".4.. AP Photo Says he's neutral William Ruckelshaus, who was fired last week as deputy attorney general for refusing to dismiss special prosecutor Archibald Cox, says he iq neutral on the subject of the impeachment of President Nixon. Ruckelshaus, speaking at a Berkeley, Calif:, gathering, was booed when he failed to fully support impeachment. SOVIET JEWRY and ISRAELI SOLIDARITY PICKET LINES The following Russian performers are official repre- sentatives of the Soviet Union under the Cultural Exchange Program. They are here to demonstrate to us the culture of their society. We picket to bring to light the other facets of the Soviet Regime--the cruel denial of freedom to their Jewish citizens. Our Soviet Jewish brethren demand the right to emi- grate to Israel. We must support that demand here in Ann Arbor!! JOIN THIS PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATION SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28-Baroque Ensemble RACKHAM, 2:30 PICKET LINE STARTS, 1:30 PICKET WITH YOUR CHILDREN !Motion to. recall Gill killed by SGC vote (Continued from Page 1) Hornstein claimed that SGC Vice President for Academic Affairs Debbie Flanz had direct knowledge of the alleeged theft of a desk from the SGC offices by Gill. Flanz, when pressed by Council as to what she knew, however, only said, "I don't feel it is appropriate to discuss this at this time." Gill then presented his .own ver- sion of the desk incident, explain- ing, "I do have a. desk in my apartment that resembles an SGC office desk." "However, I paid in cash with my own money for it When fur- niture manufacturers make desks, they usually make more than one." Gill also claimed he has a bill of sale for the desk, and that his desk has a serial number that can rbe checked against the serial num- ber of the stolen desk. Gill also refuted a charge that he loaned SGC funds to a student organization without the approval of Council-an act which would constitute a breach of the SGC con- stitution. Gill said that he shade the loan during the summer, when the pres- ident of Council is granted extra powers, and that the money has since been returned. On the SGC agenda, but not act- ed on, were proposals to: -Send telegrams to Congress urging Richard Nixon's impeach- ment; -Allocate $200 to the state of Israel; -Disband SGC; --Reform SGC, by instituting a committee system to streamline procedural matters and by install- ing a special voting machine to simplify the complex voting pro- cess; and -Establish a special SGC revew committee to c o n s i d e r other reforms. II , r: w Are Textbooks Boggling Your Mind A. SMILE, INC. AID COTION, INC. eFSENT TD FISANNUAL OUTRAGEOUS GOITEST , ii k/ _- Come to Ann Arbor's Most Complete Pleasure Reading Center Little Professor's in MAPLE VILLAGE _ _,____ . i Big George's SUPERMARKET OF APPLIANCES -TV STEREO-"CAMERAS S IHome Appliance Mart TOMORROW IS HAPPENING WITH JVC CD-4 1 i 11 PICTURE YOURSELF IN A SMILE. AND LAUGH ALL THE WAY TO JAMAICA. i Four people you know are i going to win round-trip tick- ets to Jamaica. Wouldn't it be a bummer if the only travel- ing you did this year was tak- ing your roommate to the airport? It doesn't have to end that way. You and a friend, any friend, even your roommate, can be one of the guaranteed two winning couples in your col- lege area. And it will cost you nothing more than a smile-- actually a picture of the two of you smiling. You can use any type of cam- era. Nikons and 25$ photo machines are equally ac- ceptable. Just have a photo- graph taken that will show our judges your originality, creativity, uniqueness and personal smiling taste. Then hand it in to a partici- pating retailer listed below, where you can fill out the en- try form. That's all you have to do. But make sure you do it by No- vember 7, 1973. Pictures of all grand prize winners will be reproduced in a full page ad in Rolling Stone Magazine. Runner-up prizes will be two complimentary pairs of A. Smile pants in soft, wearable cotton to the third winning couple in each college area. No purchase required. LIt A. ,LE 3 YOUR HOaD-TRIP TIle . IN STORE CLINIC. TODAY, 1 p.m. to 5:30, and 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. SATURDAY,dOct. 21, 9 a.m.o6 p.m. JVC FIELD ENGINEERS WILL BE HERE TODAY & TOMORROW TO TELL YOU THE DIFFERENCE BE- TWEEN: " SQ & CD-4 4-Channel r How to Convert Your Present 2-Channel System to 4-Channel Ie FREE RECORDS I$ Q NOW IS YOUR CHANCE ... lIr/..a CDEPrlAl R I I C-4 -4 I11 ti + r _ 1 itrl. ,/ a. ile I