EPITAPH FOR A LANDMARK See Editorial Page Y itA6 Da it FALLISH High-6s Low-49 See Today for details Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIV, No. 44 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 26, 1973 Ten Cents ALL FORCES READIED Ten Pages Nixon alerts military over Mideast affair MOU SEE N~vSHAPP CALLN tY 082 and 915.. . .. are this week's winning numbers in the Mich- igan State Lottery. Second chance winners were 710 and 856. Impeachment rally slated A rally, in support of the impeachment of President Nixon will be held today at noon on the Diag. Plans call for assembly on the Diag, followed by a march to the downtown offices of U.S. Rep. Marvin Esch where a list of three demands will be presented. The demands are: "(1) Immediate establishment of a non-Nixon-con- trolled investigation of the Administration; (2) The impeachment of Nixon; and (3) A cutoff of all aid to U.S.-supported dictatorial regimes in Indochina and release of all political prisoners, as specified in the Paris Peace Accord." " Ford sues Ypsi and Saline The Ford Motor Co. filed suit in Washtenaw Circuit Court yesterday claiming that Ypsilanti and Saline have been cheating them by overassessing their property in those cities. Ford says that overassessments have been so great as to constitute "constructive fraud" and it is seeking damages equal to the amount of the alleged overcharge - $168,000 from Ypsilanti and $127,000 from Saline. The case will be heard by Circuit Judges Conlin and Ager. No hearing date has been set. " Another pronouncement According to two 'U' Sociology Profs, improvements in black economic standards and a loosening of racial attitudes have contributed to making a high degree of residential and school desegregation possible. The profs, Albert Hermalin and Raynolds Farley of the Population Studies Center, have released a major survey which shows that more whites now accept integration and more blacks can afford to live in whatever area of a city they prefer. While not opposing increased government pressure for open housing, the profs say it "need not delay the increased amount of residential integration already possible." Today says: "Dear Profs: Have you been to Cicero or the Northwest side of Detroit lately?" " Save those soup labels If you eat Campbell's soup you can do the Mott Children's Hospital a favor by saving those labels for the next week or so. Apparently they can redeem the labels to purchase badly needed audio-visual equip- ment. Save up those labels and bring them to the Fish- bowl Nov. 18 and 19 where the folks from the aospital will be collecting them. Labels from institutional size cans such as your dorm, co-op, fraternity or sorority may use, are also acceptable. Happeninigs .. . magic, music, and politics top a heavy file of events for weekend wanderers . . . Viano, the great es- cape artist, will appear (and presumably disappear) on stage in the Grand Court at Briarwood at one, four, and seven p.m. courtesy of the Briarwood Merchants As- soc. . . . Bill Vanaver and Livia Drapkin play Eastern European and American folk songs at the Art at 8:30 p.m. . . . jazz trumpeter Clark Terry appears in con-' cert with the U-M Flint Jazz Ensemble at 8 p.m. at Southwestern High School, 1420 W 12th St., Flint. . . the Washtenaw County ACLU is sponsoring a "Friday Night Forum" on the civil liberties aspects of Water- gate featuring 'U' Law Profs. Robert Burt and Ter- rance Sandalow 8 p.m. at 16 Ridgeway Road, Ann Arbor . . . the Turkish Students Association is holding a dinner party to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Turkish Republic at the International Center Lounge in the Union, 8:30 p.m. . . . the Bahai Student Group is holding a "fireside" at 350 Thompson No. 109, 8 p.m. . . . and the Alpha Omega Fellowship is showing the movie "A Thief in the Night", 7:30 p.m. at 111 N. State. (Full movie listings appear in Cinema Weekend, P. 5.) ! Obscene judge axed The California State Supreme Court yesterday booted a Los Angeles judge off the bench yesterday after re- ceiving a report claiming that he used obscene language and violated the Constitutional rights of defendants. The report claimed that the judge - Leland Geiler, 60, -once waved a battery-operated dildo at a lawyer and threatened to "get the machine out" and use it on him if he didn't speed up his questioning. On the inside . . Mike Lisull scouts the "Golden Gophers" on the Sports Page . . . Pacific News Service Editor Tom Engelhardt writes about the Rosenberg "Atom Spy" trial on the Editorial Page . . . and Arts Page features Cinema Weekend. Warns keep t USSR to roops out AP Photo SECRETARY OF STATE Henry Kissinger, speaking at a State Department news conference yester .ay, tells reporters that the United States and the Soviet Union have "a special duty" to make sure the new crisis in the Middle East does not threaten the world with nuclear war. UN e force establishe s peacekeeping WASHINGTON (Reuter) - Pres- ident Nixon yesterday put the U.S. armed forces, including nuclear bomber and missile crews, on the alert throughout the world and warned the Russians not to send troops to the Middle East. A few hours later the crisis was appar- ently solved. A threatened confrontation with the Russians seemed to have evap- orated when the Soviet Union voted for a United Nations Security Coun- cil resolution setting up a peace- keeping force in the Middle East, specifically excluding troops from any of the big powers, as proposed by Secretary of State Henry Kis- singer earlier in the day. ADMINISTRATION SOURCES said the President or- dered the alert because of word sent to Washington by the Soviet Union thdt the Russians would be prepared to act alone if the Unit- ed States did not join it in efforts to stop ceasefire violations alleged by Moscow to have been commit- ted by Israel. The pre-dawn alert and a press conference by Kissinger, unexpect- edly broadcast live on television, underlined Nixon's desire to im- press the Russians with the need for restraint. The U. N. Security Council ac- tion came soon after Kissinger voiced the President's opposition to the introduction of U. S. or So- viet troops to police the ceasefire. KISSINGER BROADENED his remarks to rule out the partici- pation of any of the other nuclear powers -- Britain, France and China - in a U.N. force that might be sent in. The rapid sequence of events during the 12-hour crisis prompted observers to ask whether Nixon over-reacted or whether the Rus- sians backed down from a reported demand for an American-Soviet force in the Middle East. Asked to assess the Soviet vote in the Security Council - keeping Soviet troops out of the Middle East - State Department Spokes- man Robert McCloskey called at- tention to Kissinger's remarks at his press conference: "If that reso- lution is accepted and carried out, we believe that it will lead to an immediate easing of the situation and to a restoration of the condi- tions as we observed them at noon yesterday." McCLOSKEY SAID: "We con- sider the vote a step in the right direction. Naturally we hope that all parties will give full support to this resolution." Speaking at his press confer- ence, Kissinger rejected sugges- tions that the President's credibil- ity or judgment might be at stake, or that he acted chiefly to cover up developments in the Watergate scandal. Kissinger was asked why Nixon had alerted nuclear bomber and missile forces on the basis of "a handful of smoke," shaking the American people without provid- ing the information to convince them that his emergency action had been correct. BRISTLING WITH ANGER, the secretary of state said it was up to the reporters to decide if this was the moment to create a crisis of confidence in the President's handling of foreign policy as well as domestic issues, such as Water- gate. "We have tried to give you as much information as we decently and safely and properly can," he said, adding that judgments could be made- when more -information was released, as to whether the President's decisions had been has- ty or improper. There had to be a minimum of confidence that the Administra- tions' senior officials were not play- See NIXON, Page 10 to save UNITED NATIONS (Reuter) - The Security Council yesterday de- cided to set up a U. N. peace keep- ing force in the Middle East, spe- cifically excluding troops from any of the big powers. Moving rapidly to defuse the grave Middle East crisis and re- duce the risks of a U. S.-Soviet military confrontation, the 15-na- tion council adopted the resolution by 14 votes, with China declaring non-participation. Motion to recallGill killed b SGC vote By JACK KROS'P A motion charging Student Gov- ernment Council (SGC) President Lee Gill with embezzling SGC funds and demanding his recall was defeated by Council last night. Nine Council members 'voted for the recall resolution and eight against. A two-thirds majority was needed for the motion's passage. The recall motion, originally in- troduced by Campus Coalition rep- resentative Robert Matthews at a Council meeting two weeks ago, was the only significant business completed in an otherwise un- eventful and - disorderly meeting last night. The newly elected Council hag- gled for over three hours about a total of 18 motions raised by the various factions now running SGC. Most were not acted on. The meeting brought a new de- velopment in the controversy sur- rounding charges that Gill em- bezzled some $8,500 in SGC funds, with Gill's first public explana- tion of the affair. Gill denied any wrongdoing in the incident, which involved an at- tempt by Gill to transfer $8,500 in SGC funds from a local bank ac- count to two accounts at a De- troit bank. Former Council members Sandy Green and David Hornstein also "testified" before Council on the affair, and both denied claims by SGC member David Faye that they had evidence that Gill was guilty of embezzlement. In discussing the embezzlement charges, Gill said that he with- drew the $8,500 from an Ann Arbor SGC account and attempted to de- posit in a Manufacturer's National Bank branch in Detroit. He said he was following a pre- viously established SGC policy of stashing funds in outside accounts S O V I E T AMBASSADOR Jacob Malik and U. S. Ambas- sador John Scali both accepted the ban on the use of forces of their countries and of Britain, France, and China.. But British Ambassador Sir Don- ald Maitland and French Ambassa- dor Louis de Guiringaud expressed reservations on the restriction. De Guiringaud insisted on a separate vote on the relevant paragraph of the resolution and then cast an ab- 4*deast stention. The other members, except Chi- na, voted for it. ONLY CHINA did not participate in the affirmative vote for the re- solution as a whole. Secretary-General Kurt Wald- heim, instructed to report back a blueprint for the composition and operation of the force with four hours, said he would do his best to respond. Waldheim said he would also truce provide an estimate of the cost of the operation. HE WAS EXPECTED to request troops primarily from neutral countries, although Malik insisted the Warsaw Pact states be repre- sented. After a day of high tension with reports of Soviet threats of unilat- eral intervention and confirmation that the United States had alerted its strategic forces, Malik took much of the heat out of the situa- tion by announcing that he would support the establishment of a U. N. force without troops from the big powers. But if the ."aggressor" - Israel - continued to violate the cease- fire resolutions, approved at the initiative of the United.States and the Soviet Union, the council would have no alternative but to take more effective measures. THE MOVE to bar the great powers from providing con- tingents came'in response to the urgent demands of the United States. Egyptian Foreign Minister Mo- hamed Hassan El-Zayyat was said to have told the sponsors that his government was ready, to go along with the idea, despite the fact that President Anwar Sadat called on the superpowers to send in their own troops. Informed sources said that be- cause of the new Egyptian posi- tion, Malikdidtnothcontinue ear- lier objections to- the bar on big power forces. I S R A E L I AMBASSADOR Yosef Tekah did not oppose the dis- patch of the force,. although Is- raeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban rejected any idea of international policing. Many diplomats conclud- ed that the United States had ex- erted strong pressure on the Is- raelis not to upset the plan. Scali said the resolution, if faith- fully implemented by all concern- ed, would result in the prompt, ef- fective establishment of a truce ceasefire in the Middle East. He also promised the help of the United States in "facilitating the transportation of this force to the area." THIS WILL be the second emer- gency force to be dispatched to the Middle East by the U. N. The first grew out of resolutions adopt- ed by the General Assembly on Nov. 5 and 7, 1956, after the Coun- See UN, Page 7 Democrats lead effort to name new prosecutor By DAN BIDDLE given him "a clear understanding" special To The Daily But Bork would not flatly affirn WASHINGTON - Michigan Sen. his willingness to take the Presi Philip Hart and six other Demo- dent to court, and Hart was among crats on the Senate Judiciary Coin- many senators who expressed pes mittee are leading the effort to simism about the Justice Depart appoint a new prosecutor free ment probe. from presidential control. In a press conference yesteiday, "IN LIGHT OF our experiences Hart said the Democrats will in- in the past few days, the publi troduce a bill today calling on U.S. could not be expected to have faith District Court Judge John Sirica only in someone not subject to the to name the new prosecutor under desires of the President," Har a section of the Constitution per- told reporters. mitting Congress to authprize Those "experiences" began with "such inferior officer as they think Nixon's firing of special Water proper . . . under the courts of gate prosecutor Archibald Cox Sat- law." urday. The resignation of Atty Gen Elliot Richardson and his deputy THE ANNOUNCEMENT of the William Ruckelshaus, followed new resolution followed reports quickly and since then the offices yesterday and Wednesday that of Hart and almost every othei leaders of both parties on Capitol congressman has been bombarded Hill favored establishment of a with anti-Nixon messages from the new independent prosecutor. people. Acting Atty. Gen. Robert Bork Of letters, phone calls and tele- said Wednesday his investigation grams received by Hart, 1013 have of the Watergate scandal would be favored impeachment and only 24 "vigorous and thorough" and in- backed the President. sisted that President Nixon had that the White. House would not SEN. WILLIAM SAXBE (R impede the probe in anyway. Ohio) reported 788 messages criti- > n i- >- - ;s c h e :h r= t i. Y d :s :r d E s_ !- Daily Photo by ALISON RUTTAN A GROUP OF ISRAELI soldiers raise the Star of David flag on a high point to demarcate Israel's cease-fire position in the Golan area at the start of the second U.N.-sponsored truce. BULLARD COMMITTEE IN TOWN Sex discrimination hearings held cal of Nixon and 40 supporting him. Saxbe noted that the trend favor- ing impeachment didn't change since Nixon announced the Water- gate tape release Tuesday. Hart expressed hope that the new prosecutor bill would survive both houses of Congress, and a po- tential Nixon veto, because of its constitutional base and the con- tinuing force of public sentiment in favro f ,a non-nresidenitia Wat- By STEPHEN SELBST The musty halls of the Law Quad are a strange setting for the advancement of women's rights. Over the years the Quad has repre- Nellie Varner, director of affirmative action programs for the University and assistant professor of political science, appeared at the hearing "on behalf of President Fleming."