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See Today for details
Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV No. 43 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 25, 1973 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Fleming to head AAU
President Robben Fleming yesterday was named
president of the Association of American Universities
(AAU). He will serve in that office for one year. The
AAU is composed of 46 universities across the country
with major graduate and professional schools. The pur-
pose of the association is to "consider and express
opinions on matters of common interest to Universities."
The University and Michigan State are the only Michi-
gan schools belonging to the group.
Hearing on women
State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) will chair a
public hearing on women's rights today at the Lawyer's
Club Lounge in the Law Quadrangle from 4 to 6 p.m.
and from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. The hearing will center on a
proposed state House of Representatives bill which
would prohibit sexual discrimination in college employ-
ment and admissions. All interested persons are invited.
Intergalactic arrests
In a special memo issued this week, Detroit police
were given detailed instructions on how to deal with
UFO's, their passengers and/or crews. The first step,
according to the memo, is to force the little green
creatures to land, by shouting to them through a public
address system if necessary. (The memo did not spe-
cify what language, if any, is to be used in such in-
stances.) The next order of business is the ticketing of
all flying saucers caught zizzing over the Motor City
at excessive speeds. Detroit cops are further required
to issue diplomatic immunity to all extraterrestrials, and
to separate the male whatevers from the females for
... include a mass gathering of all students interested
in the Washington Summer Intern's Program, in the
UGLI Multipurpose Rm. tonight at 7:30 . . . the Hun-
garian Language Society meets tonight at 8 p.m., Rm.
4203 of the Union .. . there will be a Democratic Party
meeting tonight at 8 in Conf. Rm. 1 of the League. The
meeting will center on the status of the Michigan labor-
liberal alliance . . a week-long teach-in on racism at
Wayne State University in Detroit concludes today, with
the final sessions concerned with cures for racial injus-
tice. The sessions are held in the WSU University Cen-
ter Bldg. . . . and on the lighter side, concert tenor
Edgar Taylor performs Baroque and Classical music
tonight at 8 in East Quad's Greene Lounge.
China hits U.S., USSR
The Chinese Communists have criticized both the So-
viet Union and the United States for trying to end the
Middle East war, which they see as a just fight on the
part of the Arabs. The official news agency charged that
Moscow and Washington were involved in big-power
politics centering around a grab for Middle East oil. A
no-war, no-peace truce suits both big powers more than
a resolution recognizing Arab claims, the agency said.
Ellsberg accuses Nixon
The tape-recorded voice of Daniel Ellsberg told per-
sons in a hushed circuit courtroom in Madison, Wisc.
that President Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kis-
singer should be tried for war crimes before the govern-
ment prosecutes antiwar bomber Karleton Armstrong.
A 30-minute recording by the principal figure in the
Pentagon papers, case, who was unable to appear be-
cause of a sore throat, was played at the presentence
hearing of Armstrong. He has pleaded guilty to arson
and second-degree murder in the 1970 bombing of the
Army Mathematics Research Center at the University
of Wisconsin.
Meany: Nixon's nuts
AFL-CIO President George Meany has called Presi-
dent Nixon emotionally unstable, but the White House
quickly replied that Nixon's health is excellent. "The
events of the last several days prove the dangerous
emotional instability of the President," said a statement
released by Meany's office. The White House called
Meany's charge "incredible, inexcusable, irresponsible."
Rodino's the one
A short note: Anyone wishing to express an opinion
for or against the impeachment of the President should
consider writing to U. S. Rep. Peter Rodino (D-N.J.).
Rodino is chairman of the House Judiciary Committee,
the body now studying the impeachment question. Ro-
dino's offices are in Washington:
. .
On the inside .
. . Co-Editor Chris Parks delineates the ills of HRP
on the Editorial Page . . . Jim Ecker talks about Uni-
versity basketball Loach Johnny Orr on the Sports Page
. . . and continuing coverage of the cultural scene can
be found on the Arts Page.
Cw _- 7
ar up
for tonight
WASHINGTON (Reuter)-Demo-
crats charged with investigating
whether President Nixon should be
impeached-a step which could
lead to his being expelled from
office-yesterday decided to put
their inquiry into top gear and hold
public hearings.
White House officials had ex-
pected some of the steam would
be taken out of the drive to expel
Nixon from office after he agreed
Tuesday to surrender secret tape
recordings of White House c mnver-
sations on the Watergate bugging
BUT PETER Rodino (D-N.J.),
chairman of the House of Repre-
sentatives Judiciary Committee,
charged with holding the inquiry,
said after a meeting of Democratic
members yesterday: "We are of
a single purpose and that is to go
full speed ahead with the question
of impeachment proceedings."
The Democrats hold 21 of the 38
seats on the judiciary and can
force through a speedy investiga-
At the same time, Acting Attor-
ney-General Robert Bork said he
intended to press hard with the
Congress will not
back off: The fat
is in the fire'
Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON-John Seiberling,
the Democratic congressman from
Akron, Ohio, is no wildeyed
liberal. But President Nixon's de-
cision to release the Watergate
tapes Tuesday has not changed
Seiberling' s mind on impeachment.
Last nighthe emerged from a
meeting of House Judiciary Com-
mittee Democrats and declared
solid backing for the impeachment
process set into motion by events
over the weekend: "The. fat is in
the fire," he said.
THE COMMITTEE announced its
plans to begin an investigation of
alleged high crimes and misde-
meanors by the President of the
United States, and inspite of Nix-
on's most recent pronouncement
the fat is sizzling loudly.
It was reported yesterday that
House Republican leaders provided
the main impetus for Nixon's
abrupt agreement to release the
tapes by warning that GOP mem-
bers would not "go to the wall"
News Analysis
with Nixon in the event of an im-
peachment vote.
White House spokesperson Ger-
ald Warren flatly refused to dis-
cuss thatreport, saying only that
Nixon acted "for the reasons al-
ready stated"-to obey the appeals
court order he had earlier defied.
BUT EDWARD Hutchinson (R-
Mich.), the senior GOP member
See HOUSE, Page 10
'investigation into the Watergate
scandal. "There is no evidence
that we need and we are entitled
to that I will not go after," he said.
NIXON WAS to have gone before
the television cameras last night
to give his side of the public con-
troversy that arose over his dis-
missal of Archibald Cox as special
Watergate prosecutor but-in an-
other change of mind-switched to
holding a televised press confer-
ence tonight at 9.
In a historic turnabout Tuesday,
Nixon agreed to hand over the
Watergate tapes to Judge John
Sirica. He had fired Cox only last
Saturday for refusing to give up
his legal fight to obtain the tapes.
After spending the night at his
Maryland mountain retreat, Camp
David, Nixon flew back to Wash-
ington yesterday with a draft of
his speech in his pocket. But then
he changed his mind, saying he
was concentrating on the Middle
East crisis.
GEORGE MEANY, president of
the AFL-CIO, and a bitter critic of
the President, said the events of
the last several days "prove the
dangerous emotional instability" of
the President.
Presidential spokesperson Gerald
Warren promptly described
Meany's remark as incredible and
inexcusable, and s a i d Nixon's
health was excellent.
But backed by a firestorm of
protests, which the White Hose
openly acknowledged, over the di-
missal of Cox, many Democratic
congressmembers appeared as de-
termined as ever to go ahead with
their attempt to impeach Nixon.
UNDER THE proceedings, the
House would decide whether there
was enough evidence to impeach
the President.
If a majority of the House agreed
to impeach, the Senate would hold
a trial and could expel Nixon from
Asked about the preliminary Ju-
diciary Committee inquiry, Jerome
Waldie (D-Calif.), a committee
member, said: "I see no differ-
ence between this and full im-
peachment proceedings, except se-
RODINO SAID the Democrats
agreed they would, if necessary,
vote to give him full powers to
subpoena evidence.
seek girl's
safe return
Yesterady, R u t h Postif's aunt
and uncle came to Ann Arbor to
look for their niece.
They came armed with posters
with her picture which they spread
around campus. They came to
speak with local police and media.
They believe she's been kidnapped.
POSTIF-a 17-year-old Dearborn
High School senior-has been miss-
ing since last Thursday. She was
last seen sitting witha stranger
in the family car at a gas station
in Inkster.
Saturday the car turned up near
Cherry Hill just outside Ann Ar-
bor. And so, her relatives-Mark
and Helen Graham of Detroit-
think somebody here might know
something about it.
"We're pleading that she be re-
turned safely," Graham said. "Her
parents will not press charges
(against the abductors) if they fol-
low instructions," he added.
appear on Graham's leaflet, call
unon the abductor or abductors to
for battle
over veto
President Nixon yesterday ve-
toed a congressional bill lim-
iting his powers to wage un-
declared war, saying to let the
bill stand would seriously un,
dermine the ability of the
United States to act decisive-
ly in international crises.
Nixon said in a message to the
House of Representatives that the
bill would increase the likelihood
of miscalculation by other powers
and the risks of war itself.
officials have said they are confi-
dent that neither the House nor the
Senate could muster the two-
thirds majority required to over-
rule the President's veto.
But the House of Representatives
had approved the bill, designed to
prevent U. S. involvement in an-
other Vietnam-type war, with only
four votes less than the two-thirds
majority needed to override a veto.
Political observers said there
would be no problem in mustering
the two-thirds majority in the Sen-
ate, and the override vote could be
See NIXON, Page 7
AP Photo
WATERGATE SECURITY GUARD Frank Wills-the man who
started the ball rolling by nabbing the CREEP burglars red-handed
-is looking for a job. He's been living on $65-a-week unemploy-
ment benefits since last June. His lawyer says he has applied for
several jobs but has been turned down because people fear that
the Watergate hero would attract too much attention.
By AP and Reuter
tral members of the United Na-
tions' Security Council early this
morning called for the immediate
creation of a UN emergency pea:e-
keeping force in the Middle East.
The draft resolution calls for an
"immediate. and complete cease-
fire." The measure also demands
that the combatants withdraw to
positions held on Monday, when
the truce was first declared.
The resolution, which has yet to
be approved by the entire council,
requests ''an immediate increase
in the number of UN observers on
both sides."
PRIVATE consultations on the
text were held during a prolonged
suspension of the council's debate
on new Egyptian charges that Is-
rael had violated the ceasefire
called for in two resolutions adopt-
ed on Monday and Tuesday.
Informed sources said the pro-
posal was to decide whether to es-
tablish an emergency force, and
instruct Secretary-General Kurt
iy set up peace
Waldheim to submit a blueprint for
its composition and operations.
The plan countered Egyptian
President Anwar Sadat's sugges-
tion that the U. S. and the Soviet
Union interpose their own forces in
the area.
already sceptical of the super-
powers' involvement in the crisis,
were said to be opposed to the
Sadat plan.
China's response to the estab-
lishment of a UN force was uncer-
tain, but the Chinese were not ex-
pected to exercise their veto if
Egypt and Syria came out in favor
of the idea.
See UN, Page 7
U.S. merchant ship wires
S.O.S. from Red Sea
LONDON (Reuter) - An Ameri-
can merchant ship 'reported in an
S.O.S. message received here last
night that an unidentified warship
had fired warning shots across its
bow at the entrance to the Red
The 7,995 ton LaSalle, owned by
the Waterman Steamship Corpora-
tion, said in a message received
by Lloyd's Shipping Intelligence
that the incident occurred at 10:02
LaSalle's S.O.S. call said: "Man
of war fired twice across our bow.
We are now stopped."
Lloyd's said the LaSalle had ar-
rived at Jeddah and was bound-for
Djibouti. It is on a voyage from
New York to Madras.
No other details were immedi-
ately available.
Doily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
BILL SANDERS, editorial cartoonist for the Milwaukee Journal,
caricatures what he calls a "non-partisan smile to Richard Nixon's
image as he speaks before University journalism students. Sander's
cartoons also appear in The Daily.
Cartoonist warn'U'
students about Nixon-N0
Drivers hassled by meters
"Nixon is the kid in class who
writes two extra pages on his es-
say. He complains that other kids
are talking too much and he can't
hear", said MilwaukeeaJournal Ed-
itorial Cartoonist Bill Sanders.
In harmony with opening com-
mentary and illustrations about
political cartooning and the Nixon-
ments went further in alluding to
national hypocrisy of leadership.
"The real tragedy may lie in the
public's lack to grasp the corrup-
tion of an administration of zea-
lous pursuers of law and order",
said Sanders. "Using power to
maintain power, rapes civil liber-
ties," Sanders said, "and is al-
ways the first signpost to dicta-
Grad student Ron Beck was late for his 9:30
a.m. class the other morning, so rather put his
car in his allotted spot in the parking structure
on Thayer, he left it in a metered spot near the
Modern Language Building.
After feeding the meter two hour's worth of
dimes Ron hurried on his way.
AT 11 A.M. RON remembered that he had an
appointment in 15 minutes.
Instead of moving his car into the lot, he in-
nocently shelled out an additional 20c for an-
other hour.
Ron then went to see a University bureau-
crat to discuss whether he could qualify for in-
state residency status. The bureaucrat never
established for the parking space adjacent to
the parking meter."
Translated, that means you can not stay in
one parking space for more time than the meter
originally allows you to purchase.
IF IT IS A two-hour space you may not stay
any longer even if you buy more time. The fine
is two dollars.
Ironically for Ron, if he had allowed the time
to run out he would have been subject to a fine
of just one dollar.
Capt. Robert Conn of the Ann Arbor police
explained that meters on the street are for
"short time parking" and that the .lots are for
"long term parking."
LEST POOR RON feel that he has been un-