Tuesday,- October 23, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven *S' P'f...... _V...'.....t.'.M 'WPA 'AflflS '.. . . . i . Modest victory seen by Israelis DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 1) destroyed about 240 Egyptian air- craft, he said. Enemy losses on the Syrian front+ to date were more than 1,000 tanks and 212 aircraft he added. He gave; no indication of Israeli losses. GAZIT SAID the new lines, now secured by Israel, were better than those held by Israel before the latest war - the fourth between Is- rael and the Arabs. We can now pose a very serious threat to Egypt," he told a ques- tioner. "We are about 50 miles from the Egyptian capital, with no important obstacle like the ca- nal to stopy us." "-"«"" CLIP AND SAVE ----- r I Phone pNumbers 7 -558 Classified Adv,. L 764-0557 Display Adv. ; 764-4554 News 764-0552 . , Sports f 764-4562 I f .--.. CLI AND SAYE " ----- A :H a r, y a r d University representative will be on campus 24 October, 1973 to discuss the Harvard MBA program.. Students interested in discussing a career in administration should contact the Place- ment Office to arrange a time. The Israeli general said Israel yesterday held 1,200 square kilo- meters (nearly 500 square miles) on the west bank of the canal, while the Egyptians hold 500 square kilometers (nearly 200 square miles) in Sinai, east of the waterway. REFERRING to the Syrian front, he said the Israelis pushed the enemy out of the Golan Heights and now held about 600 square kilometers (nearly 250 square miles) beyond the 1967 - ceasefire lines. Asked if Israel had won the war, Gazit replied: "In my humble opin- ion, the answer is very much in the affirmative. Definitely yes." Secretary of State Henry Kis- singer flew here yesterday direct from Moscow where his talks with Kremlin leaders were a prelude to .yesterday's Security Council ceasefire move. HE HAD TWO meetings with Prime Minister Golda Meir and; also met other Israeli leaders, in- Analysts here suggest that sev- cliding Defense Minister Moshe eral points need to be clarified in Dayan, then left for home by way the U.N. ceasefire resolution, in- of London. Nothing was disclosed about the details of his talks. 1 Fighting was reported on boths the Egyptian and Syrian fronts be- fore yesterday's ceasefire dead- line. Sporadic artillery fire was re-1 ported last night from Syrian po- sitions and an Israeli radio report- er speaking from command head- quarters on the Syrian front saidI there was -no sign of a ceasefire' there.1 A military communique said thatt the Israeli Army had beaten off a strong Egyptian attack on its bridgehead on the west bank of the Suez Canal, which was last re- ported to be at least 25 miles in width and up to 18 miles in depth. EGYPTIANS were still in place on the northern and southern sec- tors of the 100-mile-long waterway, but both sides were said to be heav- ily engaged during the day in joc- keying for positions before the ceasefire. cluding what is meant by the phrase "in the positions they noV occupy" in reference to troop Po- sitions. The resolution calls for the im- plementation of a 1967 United Na- tions resolutions which Israel has said must be on the basis of its own interpretation that withdrawal from the occupied territpries is a matter for negotiation, as part of the move to ensure secure and defensible borders for Israel. THIS HAS BEEN a stumbling block in the past, since the Arabs have sought a total withdrawal as a precondition to talks. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN FORM to 409 E. Jefferson, before 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. Items appear once only. Student organization notices are not. accepted for publication. For more information, phone 764-927. Tuesday, October 23 DAY CALENDAR LSA Coffee Hour: Residential College Blue Rmt., E. Quad:- 3 pm. Psych. Film Series: "Powers of Ten;" "The Lottery,;" "Year of the Com- mune," Aud. B, Angell Hall, 4 pm. Physics: C. Grimes, Bell Labs, "Elec- trons in Surface States Outside Liquid Helium-The World's Simplest Quan- tum System," P-A Colloq. Rm., 4 pm. Physics: A. Wu, "A Class of New Representation for Feyman Amplitude," 2038 Randall Lab, 4 pm. Kelsey Museum, Archaeological Inst. of America: A. Laidlaw, Hollins Col- lege, "Stratographical Excavations in the House of Sallust in Pompeii," Aud. A. Angell Hall. 4:10 pm. Ext.Service. English: D. Hall. poetry reading. Aud. 4, MLB, 4:10 pm. Anthrouoloav Mini - Course: Film Screenings, discussion, and take-home exam~ 429 Mason Hail. 7 pm. Women's Studies Films: "It Happens to US:" "Nobody's Victim,'' Multi- purpose Rm., UGLI, 7:30 pm. Musical Society: The Slovak Chamber Orchestra. Rack-ham And.. 830 pm. CAREER PLANNING & PLACEMENT 3200 SAB, 764-7456 Recruiting on Campus: Oct. 23: Proc- ter & Gamble Co.; Consortium forI Grad. Study in Mgt.; Monterey Inst. for Foreign Studies: Oct. 24: Harvard MBA Program; COGME: Inst. for Para- legal Training: Oct. 25: Eastman Kodak Co.; Nat'l. Cash Reg. Co.: Internal Revenue; Oct. 30: Cornell Sch, of Bus. Pub. Ad.; Connecticut Mutual Life Ins.: Univ. of Santa Clara. Law; Oct. 31: Zayre Corp.; Cornell Sch. Bus. & Pub. Adm.; Nov. 1: Abraham & Straus; Nov. 2: Upjohn; Sears Roebuck & Co.; Kurt Salmon; Georgetown TJniv./Law. HILLEL WEEKEND at CAMP TAMARACK F R I DAY, OCT. 26-SU N DAY, OCT. 28 TOPIC: THE NEW WAR IN ISRAEL AND AMERICAN JEWISH IDENTITY WHAT ARE OUR RESPONSIBILITIES AND PRIORITIES TOWARD ISRAEL? Let's get away for a few days-release some 'frus- trations and tension-and put our heads together. RESOURCE PEOPLE: RABBI RICHARD LEVY, UCLA RABBI NORMAN FRIMER, BROOKLYN COLLEGE TO REGISTER CONTACT HILLEL, 1429 Hill St., 663-4129 by Oct. 24 - -, Join The DailyI CIRCULATION DEPT. Come in any afternoon 420 Maynard Maverick Corduroy Jeans 18.Un 'rICES MEMIN1 s).SF1Q 1111 So. Univ. LSA COFFEE HOUR TUESDAY 3:00-4:30 OCT. 23 SOCIOLOGY DEPT. 2549 LSA everyone welcome Centicore Bookshops 336 MAYNARD-663-1812 1229 SOUTH UNIVERSITY-665-2604 CENTICORE HAS BOOKS ON ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN t MATTER BECOMING SPIRIT ......................by Paolo Soleri ARCHITECTURE WITHOUT ARCHITECTS ........... by Bernard Rudofsky MONT ST. MICHEL AND CHARTRES ............. . by Henry Adams ADHOCISM . .... .............................. by Charles Jencks THE NUDE ... ................ ......... ....... by Kenneth Clark AND Featuring the newest book by the inventor of the geodesic doms: THE DYMAXION WORLD OF BUCKMINSTER FULLER A. SMILE, INC. ANCOTTON, INC. PRESENT THE FIRST ANNUAL OUTRAGEOUS SMILE CONTEST PICTURE YOURSELF IN A SMILE. AND LAUGH ALL THE WAY TO JAMAICA. Four people you know are going to win round-trip tick- ets to Jamaica. Wouldn't it be a bummer if the only travel- ing you did this year was tak- ing your roommate to the airport? It doesn't have to end that way. You and a friend, any friend, even your roommate, can be one of the guaranteed two winning couples in your col- lege area. And it will cost you nothing more than a smile- actually a picture of the two of you smiling. You can use any type of cam- era. Nikons and 250 photo machines are equally ac- ceptable. Just have a photo- graph taken that will show our judges your originality, creativity, uniqueness and personal smiling taste. Then hand it in to a partici- pating retailer listed below, where you can fill out the en- try form. That's all you have to do. But make sure you do it by No- vember 7, 1973. Pictures of all grand prize winners will be reproduced in a full page ad in Rolling Stone Magazine. Runner-up prizes will be two complimentary pairsaof A. Smile pants in soft, wearable cotton to the third winning couple in each college area. No purchase required. LET A. SMILE BE YOUR ROUND-TRIP TN $97: (Mcc *%**Uew a soon m