I YYYYY IY MYY YYYYYYYY IO rY 1YYY YYYYYYYY r sI1L Lr ijwn Dai1 Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Inside and outside Chile after the coup $I 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 TUESDAY, OCTOBER~23, 1973 Impeach Nixon FOR THE PAST five years, the Nixon administration has offered us a gov- ernment of violated trusts-official lies, secret wars, broken promises, and consist- ent abuse of democratic institutions. We have grown so accustomed to these abuses as to tolerate them, but any nation can reach a breaking point, and in the events of this weekend, President Nixon has fin- ally crossed that breaking point. We call upon the Congress of the Unit- ed States to impeach and convict the President for high crimes and misde- meanors in violation of his oath to serve the Constitution and the American peo- ple. In refusing to follow a court order to release White House tapes and documents vital to prosecution of Watergate crimes, Nixon has placed himself above the law of the land., Archibald Cox, the man who upheld that law until finally thwarted by the President, delivered a chilling, accurate assessment of the crisis.now confronting the nation: "Whether the government will continue to be one of laws and not men is now up to the Congress and ultimately the Amer- ican people to decide." NIXON'S WILL WAS never so clear as in the removal of Cox and William Ruckelshaus, and the resignation of Elliot Richardson. Inasmuch as these three men worked for and believed in some- thing higher than the vaulted self-im- portance of Richard Nixon, they merely became obstacles to his desire to blot out the Watergate investigation. The so-called compromise, meanwhile, which would provide summaries of the tapes to be verified by Sen. Stennis mocks the pledge of Richardson and others that the Watergate investigation be wholly in- dependent, and as Nixon himself put it April 30, "to insure that the guilty are brought to justice.", In addition, as Cox has pointed out, it is unlikely that summaries would have been admissable in evidence during a trial even though they may have been sufficient to indict. The guidelines set down by former At- torney General Richardson last spring explicitly stated that, "The special pro- Business Staff Sports Staff DAN BORUS Sports Editor FRANK LONGO Managing Sports Editor BOB McGINN ................Executive Sports Editor CHUCK BLOOM..............Associate Sports Editor JOEL GREM ..............Assodite Sports Editor RICH STUCK.............Contributing Sports Editor BOB HEUER ............ .Contributing Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Jeff Chown, Brian Deming, Jim Ecker, Marc Feldman, G e r g e Hastings, Marcia Merker, Roger Rositer, Theresa Swedo STAFF: Barry Argenbright, Bill Crane. Richard Fla- herty, Gary Fotias, Andy Glazer, Leba Hertz, John Kahler, Mike Lisull, Jeffrey Milgrom, Tom Pyden, Leslie Riester, Jeff Schiller, Bill Stieg, Fred Upton Photography Staff DAVID MARGOLICK Chief Photographer KENINK ................Staff Photographer THOMAS GOTTLIEB .. . ........ Staff Photographer STEV KAGAN .............Staff Photographer KAREN KASMAUSKI ..............Staff Photographer TERRY McCARTHY ..............Staff Photographer JOHN UPTON .................... Staff Photographer Editorial Staff CHRISTOPHER PARKS and EUGENE ROBINSON Oo-Editors in Chief DIANE LEVICK,.......................... Arts Editor MARTIN PORTER................... Sunday Editor MARILYN RILEY......... Associate Managing Editor ZACHARY SCHILLER .............. Editorial Director ERIC SCHOCH....................Editorial Director TONY SCHWARTZ ................. Sunday Editor CHARLES STEIN ......................... City Editor TED STEIN .......................... Executive Editor ROLFE TESSEM .................... Managing Editor STAFF WRITERS: Prakash Aswani, Gordon Atcheson, Dan Biddle, Penny Blank, Dan Blugerman, Howard Brick, Dave Burhenn, Bonnie Carnes, Charles Cole- man, Mike Duweck, Ted Evanoff, Deborah Good, William Heenan, Cindy Hill, Jack Krost, Jean Love- Josephine Marcotty, Cheryl Pilate, Judy Ruskin, Ann Rauma, Bob Seidensteta, Stephen Selbst, Jeff Sorensen, Sue tephenson, David Stoll, Rebecca Warner DAILY WEATHER BUREAU: William Marino and Dennis Dismacnek (forecaKters) BILL BLACKFORD Business Manager RAY CATALINO............... Operations Manager SHERRY CASTLE . ........... Advertising Manager SANDY FIENBERG ................. Finance Manager DAVE BURLESON ..................Sales Manager DEPT. MGRS.: Steve LeMire, Jane Dunning, Paula Schwach ASSOC. MGRS.: Joan Ades, Chantal Bancilhon, Linda Ross, Mark Sancvainte. S u a n n e Tiberio, Kevin Trimmer secutor will not be removed from his du- ties (except) for extraordinary impro- prieties on his part." Cox' only impropriety, however, was to carry his investigation into the Oval Of- fice. In other words, he did his job too well. BUT THE BATTLE for the tapes has been completely justified. They may provide a corroboration of Dean's charges that Nixon knew of the Watergate cover- up, charges that desperately need to be either confirmed or disproven. And in re- cent weeks, the tenacious defense of the "confidentiality" of the tapes has merely strengthened our suspicions that indeed the President has something to hide. If Congress should need more grist for the impeachment mill, however, they should consider the long list of outrages against this country during the Nixon years that form a prelude to the tapes battle. The President and his administration prolonged an immoral war in Southeast Asia for four years, resulting in the deaths of thousands of Americans and countless numbers of Asians. He author- ized the secret bombing of Cambodia, lied to the American people and Congress when he denied it, and then invaded that country, escalating the war in the name of peace. NIXON HAS FOR several years waged a calculated war against the civil-liber- ties of American citizens. He began or- dering the indiscriminate use of wiretaps and electronic surveillance against repre- sentatives of the news media in 1969, surveillance that was later outlawed by the "Nixon" Supreme Court. He has approved a plan of massive do- mestic and surveillance and invasion of privacy by illegal means to combat an overblown threat of "domestic subver- sion." He has created a personal White House investigative unit that amounted to noth- ing less than a small force of secret po- lice who engaged in such illegal acts as breaking and entering to gain informa- tion. The President has created a policy of defying the law; Any means necessary, legal or not, could be utilized to combat any situation which Nixon decided was detrimental to national security. AP Photo Leftist prisoners receiv e "junta" haircuts (Editor's Note: The following letter was written by Hernan Drobny, a Chilean citizen and Ann Arbor resi- dent, in response to one he receiv- ed from his grandfather after the coup in Chile last month.) Dear Grandfather, I DID NOT WISH to have to write you this letter. I also doubt that you will ever receive it. It is true that government has changed hands, though this timeit has been far from peaceful. I do think that fascists now have all the power. We have seen reports from U. S. and Canadian news about the thousands (maybe over 25,000) held in the Estadio Nacional as political prisoners. And returned Americans have confirmed this and told fur- ther of the 400 to 500 workers as- sassinated there in groups of 20 to 30. I saw on television how the cops and uniformed thugs entered into the poor people's neighbor- hoods, forced them to march with their arms up and also hit and hurt them. We have heard reports of the thousands murdered for political reasons. And one foreign reporter was detainedsby the government and told she must not permit fur- ther errors in her reports! And you claim that this is not tragic? And you claim that this is not a fascist triumph? I feel certain we know more about what is happen- ing in Chile here, than you do there - a turnabout. THAT ALLENDE was assassi- nated in Chile and was buried. there with no glory is true: But in Italy, in New York, in Mexico . . . there was glory and mourn- ing for Allende. Did El Mercurio (one of only a few newspapers al- lowed to publish) tell you that? We have heard of Neruda's death. In his funeral procession were two to four thousand people singing -the Communist "International." Did El Mercurio report that? Did El Mercurio tell you how the U. S. stopped financial assistance yet multiplied military aid to Chile. Did El Mercurio explain that many of Chile's economic prob- lems were the product of the Chilean rich's seditionist activities and the war that the multinational corporations had declared on my country? If I wanted to make mon- ey I would buy Kennecott and An- aconda copper company stock now, for they have been rising signifi- cantly. I wonder why. OF COURSE the Popular Unity Government (UP) made mistakes. But the biggest error was in not arming the people sooner so that they couldresist fascist aggression. We have heard the news of the capture and likely murder of Com- munist Party leader Corvalan. Yes, now there will be liberty in Chile, no? Was it leftists that finished with all political parties? Was it the UP that finished with liberty of the press and expression, that fin- ished with radio stations that dis- agreed? Was the UP that jailed 25,000 or many more for political reasons? Were the people who have assassinated thousands of Chileans for political reasons. left- ists? Was it the UP that censored all news reports? Yes, now we will have liberty in Chile! Liberty in the style of Bra- zil, or Paraguay, or Bolivia, or Formosa, or Greece. Liberty in the style of Thieu . . . Liberty to pro- titute Chile to the rich wolves, to the multinational corporations, to Western Imperialism. Liberty for the rich and those who can afford it. Liberty for the good and obe- dient children. Liberty to not talk, to not read (book burning!). The. poor had better have less pride and more respect for us, the rich. If not, to jail or to their burial! NO SIR! In that liberty, in those lies, with those assassins I will not have part. By fortune I find my- self not in Chile, for surely were I there I would be in jail or in a grave. I will not return to Chile under these circumstances. My dream has ended. You have supported the military. I am in the opposite camp . . Viva Allende! So easily they will not finish with him. As they did not finish with Che. They still ex- ist, both assassinated by the fascist bullet in their fight for socialism. Viva Allende and death to the mili- tary junta! (Editor's Note: The following let- ter was written by a political refu- gee from the Chilean junta who re- mains anonymous to protect the safety of friends and relatives still in Chile.) Dear Comrades, THE FASCISTS came, and they arrived torturing, murdering, showing their real nature to those idealists who thought that t h i s ,ould never happen in Chile. The 'constitutional and democratic Chilean Armed Forces" have start= ed a reign of mass terror compar- able only to Spain and Indonesia. Chile today is a long and nightmar- ish Djakarta. I could tell you endless horror stories of refined tortures a n d mass shootings, but I am sure you can imagine. The fascists probably accelerated -the death of Pablo Neruda in order to prevent his go- ing to Mexico (he was supposed to travel to Mexico in a plane that took others there). The commun- ist singer, Victor Jara, w a s tor- tured to death. So was Angel Par- ra, son of Violeta, and we fear that Isabel Parra, her daughter, has likewise been tortured to death. Our estimates are 5,000 soldiers dead and 30,000 to 35,000 leftists eliminated up to today. Mass exe- cutions continue and the "ley de fuga" (shoot while escaping) has become common law in Chile. Foreigners have become a particu- lar target of the fascists and there are numerous Brazilian and Urug- uayan comrades that have been shot. Brazilian police arrived in two big Hercules planes to lead in- terogations, to torture and to take back to Brazil many of the 6,000 Brazilian political refugees that were living in Chile. Book burning is a common sight. The military entered my apartment and tock away to burn most of my books and my papers. Fortunately, I was not there. Both of Pablo Neruda's homes were ransacked, his books burnt. They flooded his two horres so that the water would finish the work that they had started. U.S. COLLABORATION has been clear and unrestricted. In the last few weeks before the coup the civilian and military fascists were meeting openly with U.S. Am- bassador Nathaniel Davis, t h e same one who was in Guatemala three years ago when there was a similar cleaning of "Marxist ex- tremists". The fascist's press sec- retary, Frederico Willoughby, worked as press attache in the U.S. Embassy and had all the trust of the C.I.A. I could go on and on but I think you must have a. clear picture of what's going on. Two things characterize the jun- ta up until now: mass terror and xenophobia tinged with anti semit- ism, due to the many foreigners and Chilean Jews who held posi- tions of responsibility. We frigd to resist during the first few d a y s but it became impossible. In a sense we were defeated from the start because of the many politi- cal mistakes that we made. Al- though the conclusions are dear for those who want to see them, we are also working on a critical and auto-critical political analysis of the three Popular Unity govern- ment years that led to this defeat. AS FOR MYSELF, I returned to Chile on Sept. 5, six days before the coup, so that I hardly h ad time to get settled when all the hell broke loose. I was free making contacts until the 17th. On the af- ternoon of that day I found my- self alone - some of my com- rades had been killed, others were arrested, others I had lost con- tact with. I could not return to my apartment. I'was alone andmy accent denounced me excessively so that I decided to ask asylum in a foreign embassy. We were flown out the next week. Except for a few pieces of clothing, I've lost everything - most of my books burned and all of my per- sonal belongings left in Chile. Our state is one of rage and frustra- tion - we have definitely been marked by these four weeks. Here are a couple of things I must ask you to do: Denounce and agitate as much as you can, everything that you can, the best way you can about what is going on in Chile, about the fascist nature of the junta, about the terror and the xenophobia. Try to work organically with other or- ganizations, but denounce, de- nounce - only by doing it may we be able to save some lives. TRY TO RAISE some funds-we desperately need money. There are many comrades whose wives and husbands and children are still in Chile and we need money to take them out for they may be used as hostages. Local checks can be sent to the Chilean Support Coalition, 523 S. Fourth Ave. Money will he used to help people trying to get out of Chile and to assist those already in exile. Letters to The Daily should be mailed to the Editorial Di- rector or delivered torMary Raffertyrin the Student Pub- lications business office in the Michigan Daily building. Letters should be typed, double-spaced and normally should not exceed .250 words. The Editorial Direc- tors reserve the right to edit dll letters submitted. 4 41 4 I Prisoner waits for "infallible THE PRESIDENT SHOVED through Congress crime control legislation which gave police the right to conduct "no-knock" entries into the homes of pri- vate citizens suspected of wrongdoing in Washington D.C. The precedent of this law and the general atmosphere in the Nixon administration led to countless outrageous incidents throughout the country in which innocent citizens were terrorized by callous and often brutal law-enforcement agents who broke into their homes with no justification.. Nixon mandated the wholesale destruc- tion of the Office of Economic- Opportun- ity against the will of Congress, actions which were later ruled illegal in federal courts. He has also waged a general war against nearly all attempts at social pro- gress in this country. The President appointed to top gov- ernment positions officials who have ad- mitted to various illegal activities, been indicted for others and have been ac- cused of perpetrating more. O THOSE WHO would argue that the President is not responsible for the actions of his subordinates, we can only reply that such a notion is absurd, and quote James Madison, speaking to the first Congress of the United States: The President is, "in a peculiar man- ner, responsible for their conduct, and subject to impeachment himself, if he suffers them to perpetrate with impunity high crimes or misdemeanors against the United States, or neglects to superintend their conduct, to check their excesses." The President has not checked the "ex- cesses" of his aides but has tolerated them and perhaps aided them. He with- holds evidence that could very well be important in bringing people guilty of crimes to justice. As Cox stated, the responsibility to keep a government of laws and not of men- By JAMES WECHSLER WILLIAM ANTHONY Maynard arose in the Tombs at about 7 p.m. yesterday to begin his ?th day in prison. But oo this day, as on a few others during nearly six years of internment -~ he was initially jailed on Oct. 27, 1967 - he had some sense of ex- pectancy about the hours ahead. At 10 a.m. he was scheduled to be brought to a courtroom at 10 Centre St. for final arguments in the evidentiary proceedings being conducted by Acting Supreme Court Justice Irving Lang on de- fense motions for a new trial. As the time for the hearing arrived, there was no move to call him. In the courtroom his sis- ter, Valerie, and numerous sym- pathizers filled the spectator benches. The judge, informed by a Corection Dept. officer that May- nard had refused to leave his cell, adjourned the hearing until 2 p.m. At 11 o'clock Maynard managed to telephone his attorney, Lewis Steel to find out what had happen- ed. At that moment Steel was still at the courthouse waiting to see Maynard. They were finally brought together at 11:30 a.m. SO THE PRISONER had endur- ed one more senseless torment of suspense andsfrustration at the hands of a prison bureaucracy that is apparently beyond judicial re- monstrance. With some interruptions caused by the pressure of other business on the court calendar, the henring that began at 2 lasted until a few minutes after 5. Justice Lang then announced that he would accept supplementary legalndocuments and hand down his ruling on Nov. 12. That will be the 38th birthday of "Tony" Maynard, who was a 31-year-old aspiring actor, thea- tricel agent, civil rights activist and friend of such figures of dis- tinction as William Styron a n d James Baldwin when he was sud- denly jailed in the senseless pre- dawn killing of a Marine sergeant in Greenwich Village. PERHAPS THE coincidence of dates accentuated the sadness of yesterday's scenes. How m u c h longer will it take for justice to catch- up with this 'wrong man" tragedy? It has been no secret to any who visit this space that I have been long persuaded of May- nard'ssinnocence;rthat belief has been steadily fortified by many developments both preceeding and following his conviction in 1971 (af- ter two previous prosecutions end- ed in a hung jury and a brief mis- trial). Two of five judges in the Appellate Division found griev- iously prejudicial errors insthe con- duct of the trial that led to his con- viction; the other three unconscion- ably evaded all but one of the issues raised by the dissenters. What was essentially being ar- gued in yesterday's session was whether the defense had been denied access to vital information and clues that might have decis- ively altered the course of the trial. During most of the proceed- ing defense attorney Steel ampli- fied his contention that he was fat- allyshampered by the failure of the DA's office to comply with a court ruling to make crucial material available. ONE EXAMPLE: not until mid- way in the trial did he learn that the police had questioned an eye- witness whose description. of the alleged slayer was utterly at var- iance with Maynard's appearance. By the time Steel learned of the existence of the witness, he had vanished from the city. Quietly and earnestly, Steel cit- ed this and numerous other mat- ters to support his charge that the Manhattan DA's ofice has sought to perpetuate an initial injustice - based on a fatal misjudgment - rather than risk exposure of its fallibility. With each day Maynard has re- mained in prison, that self-protec- tive instinct has grown more in- tense. Now confession of error would involve an acknowledge- ment that he has be -a robbed of nearly six years of his life. SO YESTERDAY the prosecution spokesmen clung steadfastly to narrow, technical ground. They did not look Maynard's way often, if at all. They were unresponsive to Steel's plea that the quest for truth - and the belated liberation of a wronged man - should be a primary preoccupation of both the bench and the representatives of justice "The People," as well as the de- fense. They insisced their office had committed no vulnerable legal offense. In a fleeting human mo- ment, Asst. DA Juris Cederbaums said he resented stiggestions that he was lacking in a sense of jus- tice. As he spoke I recalled that it was he who had successfully fought at the Aug. 30 proceeding for a six-week delay to permit him to take a vacation. Dd he ever count the prison hours Maynard would have to endure while h,1 rested? Justice Lang may confront many complex problems of law as a result of the blunders and coward- ice of others. At least he had the valor to look with troubled eyes at Maynard as he listened to Steel's appeal for humanity in the law. James Wechsler is editorial page director of the New York Post. Copyright 1973 -The New York Post Corporation. 4 I O HAVE VLTHE' GALVR[P'PAT (6TOS AY 8 AoVRU12 - l H~PRTIA\LLb-- T t)A&NT 4O ~o plow THAT WRJL- W) MAf ER Wof M (&jVOLUV' it~ H Fk 3 i c U"l (N n - ' I