Sunday, October 21, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three magazine editors: inside: marty porter Books in revie tony schwartz At the sex semi contributing editor: s Looking Back- Iaura herman Number 6 Page Three w--page 4 inar-page 5 -page 5 October 21 1973 Tasting freedom: Prisoners at the 'U, For the prisoners involved in the study-release program at Milan prison, life is a schizophrenic battle between freedom and con- finement. Warden Herbert Beall admits, "It's a stressful program and it's tough on them. Although the program's track record high, not everyone makes it through." is By HOWARD BRICK RICHARD GARCIA SITS alone, star- ing out of the front window'of. the Undergraduate Library after his two o'clock class. His hair is cut in a medium-long shag, he has a brown moustache, and he peers out from underneath straight, dark eyebrows. He is dressed in a striped tee-shirt and brown flares. He looks like any other University student, until he sinks down in the chai'r, stretches his legs out, and exposes the plain, heavy black shoes he usually wears back in the prison compound. Garcia is a prisoner at the federal correctional institution at Milan, and he comes to Ann Arbor each day from Monday to Thursday to attend his introductory philosophy class. He is part of Milan's work and study re- lease program that allows selected inmates to leave-prison grounds for the day and go to school or a job. Since 1967, some 900 inmates, all within 6 to 8 months of their antici- pated parole dates, have taken part in the program. Most of them have gone to work or some form of voca- tional training, but some have taken the opportunity to start a university education. Lee Gill, now Student Gov- ernment Council president and only a few months away, from a degree, first entered the University in 1971 as a Milan inmate. There are also two other full-time University stu- dents who first came here under the release program. At present, the program involves some 29 inmates at the federal pri- son, and offers them the .opportunity of living in two worlds, the world of freedom and world of captivity. Two' inmates attend the University. GILL, WHO was largely responsible for revitalizing study release aft- er it had fallen into disuse, praises the program highly. Its success, he says, can be measured in the relatively low rate of recidivism among its gradu- ates, and this claim is backed up by prison officials. Most of all, however, "It gave me a chance to do something I always wanted -to do-go to school," he says. Garcia, too, has a very positive at- titude toward education. "I have some long range goals I'm getting serious about," he says, "and school is the best way to do it." Garcia is taking three classes at Washtenaw Community College in addition to his class at the University. He has plans of studying full-time at the Univer-. sity upon his release in January and becoming a social worker. Garcia was imprisoned in Septem- ber 1972 on a charge of "conspiracy to distribute cocaine." He had been in- volved in what he calls "a heavy drug scene" in Boston, a scene he is glad he has left. It's not that easy, though, for Gar- cia to cope with life on the outside after being penned up for a year. He confesses a reluctance to talk to peo- ple on the University campus, be- cause he is not sure how they will re- act to him when they find out he is a convict. Nonetheless, the words and feelings pour out of him when he finds a lis- tener. He talks non-stop about prison life and how oppressive it is; few questions are required to prod him. His eyes scan the walls and have a hard time settling on those of the person he is speaking to but the pent- up bitterness continues to flood out- ward. From a day of classes they return to a home of electronic f'e n c e s and strip searches. I Rip-offs in HE IS CAREFUL to point out that his new outlook toward education comes mostly from quitting heavy drug use rather than the prison ex- perience itself. He feels only disgust at having to return to a home of elec- tronic gates and innumerable rules and restrictions each night. "When you'get back there, they love to impose all their bullshit on you, like their strip searches," he says, stressing the word "bullshit" with a passion. "They treat me like I'm still a high security risk." An one left ajar while you watch the World Series. The key to thousands of doors in this city is a credit card or .a plastic ruler. CRIME USED TO be a real problem out at the low cost co-op Arro- wood complex on Pontiac Trail. Mr. Oates, the maintenance supervisor said "before August 1 '73 there were about five break-ins a week. When Mr. Oates came in August first he immediately suggested to tenants that they have dead bolt locks and patio locks installed. Most have done so and the result is appreciable. There have been two break-ins in the last ten weeks. By MALCOLM McDONALD WHERE IN ANN Arbor would you most likely be ripped-off? "On Geddes near the cemetery, I know a girl who was mugged there." replies Barbara Bowers of Benjamin. I'm on the diag asking people ques- tions. Here comes someone ambling along with a girl by his side and a flute in his hand, "The bus station downtown" says Sam Pietch in E flat who lives on White Street. "It's got it all, winos, grunge, the wasteland de- generates, weirdos, pinball machine milkers . ..' "The bus station has a franchise on perverts" puts in his girlfriend Sara Rosenthall. "At the corner of Ann and Fourth ... it scares the shit out of me," says Johnny Robeson. A geographically mixed reaction. But do some areas of Ann Arbor ac- tually have a higher crime tendency than others? What are thenfigures? I tried to pry some statistics from Lieutenant Dick Hill, who appears to guard the aged filing system at the police department-just some figures on locations of break-ins and the like. You'd think I'd asked for free tickets to the Policemens Ball when he said, "I'm not going to do it." "Don't you think the community would be interested" I asked. "Sure, but those records are for our use not yours and we don't have the time anyway," he replied. I asked him how long it would take to look ,at a couple of files. "Five, ten min- utes maybe, but I'm just not going to do it." His superior, Major John Hawkins pointed out that what I wanted to know was impossible as the files aren't recorded with locations of crimes. Police Chief Walter Krasny didn't mind sharing the information, bor with a shotgun, the locations are so widespread." Which I guess is some explanation why they carry shotguns around in their patrol cars instead of filing cabinets. CHIEF KRASNY describes Ann Ar- bor as a fluid community. Peo- ple are always on the move, so a cop isn't about to stop a guy walking along the sidewalk with a component system and a color TV tucked under his arm. Five to seven years ago most of the crime occured at night, today prime crime time is 'anytime. Gradually, since the sixties, the trend of burgl- Washtenaw County Jail has recent- ly instituted a work-study release pro- gram similar to Milan's. To facilitate the program, its coordinators hope to open a new, minimum security dorm- itory for the participants in January. Such a facility hopefully will ease the daily transition between freedom and captivity and will enhance contact with the community. The residential treatment center, as it is called, will house 20 to 25.-in- mates, all on work or study release. ~rbo r patrol force, but thinks it would be too ineffective ahd too expensive. He also advises people to keep their out- side lights on at night, but hardly anyone heeds him. The Village Green complex off Ply-, mouth Rd. does not have a crime problem. All apartments have . dead bollt front doors and patio locks. "The worst thing that has happened here was a man showing himself off in the parking lot one afternoon." Said Ms. eeber, the manager. Then she knock- Weeber, the manager. Then she knocked on wood. - Arbor Hills on Huron Parkway has had nine break-ins in four years. Three of which were last week when the manager, Mr Bartow was on vacation. Eighty percent of the front doors have dead bolt locks, there are no sliding doors. "We dont really have a problem" said Mr. Bartow. Then he knocked on wood. Mr Harold Rothbart, the director of the city's Building and Safety Dept. is lobbying for such locks to be a standard part of the building code. Of course the builders dont like the idea because it costs, but it seems an answer for the future. O FOR THE time we will have to rely on the Ann Arbor Police De- partment for protection. Ann Arbor is split into six basic districts, each of which is patrolled by two cars constantly, and the odd man on the beat. The men do a ten hour shift and rotate districts every three months. By that time they know their area pretty well and keep a spe- cial eye out on the spots where crime is repetetive. They dont have to look up the files, they have hunches and can anticipate all on their own. Nonetheless the credit cards will continue to pry open door locks. Man- agers of the apartment complexes will The essence of the program is in- volvement in the community rather than isolation from it. Working, studying and living in the community, project planners believe, will smooth the ultimate return to freedom. TO TOTALLY ISOLATE a man from a community," the project pro- posal states, "and then suddenly put him back into it will hardly help him cope with the problems he faced in that environment - problems that have contributed to his being jailed in the first place." The implementa- tion of the plan, however, depends on securing a state grant. The applica- tion for the requested funds is still being considered. BUT UNDER the Milan program, the pressures of living between the' worlds of freedom and confinement can weigh heavily on the releasee. Most of those inmates involved in either the work or study release pro- gram contemplate escape. Not many actually walk away,' though. Accord- ing to John Stacey, who coordinates the program for the state Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, only twelve of the 900 inmates who have participated in the program since 1967 have walked off. Most of them, turned themselves in later, and, few chargeg were made against them. Lee Gill, considered by prison offic- ials to be 'one of the most successful participants ever in the program, has also expressed the anxiety of the split existence and the urge to escape. "It's very difficult to have a little bit of freedom and then have to go back into captivity," Gill says. The though of walking away "most cer- tainly crossed my mind hundreds of times, perhaps thousands of times." He resisted the temptation, however, for fear of jeopardizing the opportun- ities of other inmates and of losing sight of his goal to cQmplete an edu- cation. IN AN ENLIGHTENED but paternal- istic way, Warden Herbert Beall, a squat, middle-aged man from Vir- ginia, appreciates the problems and tensions that releasees feel. "It's a very difficult program for an inmate to become involved in," Beall says. "In a way he's operating at work or at the university as a free per- son, but he can't do what everybody else can do . . . It's a stressful pro- gram and it's tough on them." If inmates spend too much time on work or study release, they may suffer from what Beall calls the "Cinderella syndrome . . . the feeling of having to go back into the pumpkin at night." The administration doesn't want the for removal might be anything from failure to appear in the work area at the proper time to having a couple of beers. Prison officials are proud to say that only six inmates involved in the program during the last six years have been charged with any crimes. Three of those have been charged with car thefts involved in escape attempts. In addition three releasees who were attending the University last summer were- removed from the pro- gram when the FBI inforimed "pri- son officials that they were suspect- ed of participating in a bank robbery in Lansing. Charges have been made against the inmates, but preliminary trial hearings have not yet been held. Prison officials say that the program will continue despite the incident. JOHN- PAPINEAU, another inmate from Milan, also attends the Uni- versity part-time and has plans of studying wildlife management in the School of Public Resources. In and out of reform schools and jails since the age of 13, he expects to be releas- ed from Milan on November 8rafter serving almost two years on a'petty larceny charge. A heroin addict at the age of 15, he kicked the habit shortly after entering Milan. "School is very essential to what I'm going to do with my life," he says now. "It's a lot better than what I was doing." So Garcia and Papineau continue coming to campus each day, waiting for the time of their final release from prison. They both; feel: the stress of being half-free and half-captive. And sometimes, waiting for a ride back to the penitentiary and know- ing what awaits them there, the thought of walking away seems ap- pealing. "But I don't really think of it that much," Garcia says. "You've got to be realistic. I'm not going to hide out for the next seven years of my life." Papineau's attitude is simply de- fin.Knowing that attempted es-, cape would only lead to further im- prisonment, he says, "I've given those people too much of my life already. I'm not going to give them any more I'm not going to lower myself to their level." In the meantime, they try to ap- preciate the opportunity for educa- tion they've been given and relish the little bit of freedom they have. Noting the difference between them- selves and the ordinary University student, Papineau says, ''People out here live for Fridays, but we live for Mondays." C:.A'..'.'.'''"'''''''''''''"'"''''"' "You can get that same information just as easIy," says Police Chief Walter Kras- nly, "by-shooting a map of Ann Arbor with a shot g un ... the loc a t io n s are so wide- spread." I ........::...:.. .... ...::::..:... r::., o... :........ . .................................................. .. ..... ................................ v........ .... .. ing sites has shifted from business and factory areas to residential. It's easy to see why, it's easier. No alarms, no security patrols. Still prime targets for commercial ripoffs are gas stations, parking lots and all night groceries, but more commonly a theft will occur in an apartment complex or the private home. And as A general rule, the 3,000 odd -break-ins and 200 plus armed and unarmed robberies per year are spread all over town. Not to mention the pickpocket, pursesnatcher who just moves, moves, moves. Apartments are favorite targets for ripoffs so I decided to follow that up. On the wav out f tho nffice T no- Not quite the same story out on Braeburn Circle at The Arbor Park. complex, the largest co-op in Michi- gan with some 604 town houses. The manager Mr Restrepo and co-op pres- ident Mr Tisch are continually bat- tling the problem. They offer dead bolt locks at $8.50, a welded bar across the basement window for $5.00 and sticks for the sliding door grooves gratis. The complex is hit about once a week which isn't really bad, but there's potential for a whole bunch more. Only a small percentage of the dwellers have the basement window bars, and that's the, easiest way to get in. "Many people won't take any precautions until- they're hit, just