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October 20, 1973 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1973-10-20

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a(, fiurday, 006150-r 20, 1973


MQge I [Irce

S~turdQy, bct~er ZO, 1 '~13 THE MICHKAN DAILY Hoge r~ree

I I . .. ........ o

Weekend madness
strikes 'U' students

U' Vice President
announces departure

(Continued from Page 1)
The trick of the contest was to
create some kind of container for
the egg to prevent it from break-
ing when dropped from the fire
escape of the West Engineering;



(continued from Page 1)
tapes lacks the evidenciary value
of the tapes themselves. No steps
are being taken to turn over the?
important notes, memoranda and:
other documents that the court or-
ders require. I shall bring these
points to the attention of the court
and abide by its decision."
In his statement, Nixon describ-
ed his compromise plan as one
"that would comply with the spirit'
of the decision of the Court of Ap-
peals." He said it would provide
the information Cox "claims he
needs for use in the grand jury"
and would be designed to resolve
"any lingering thought that the
President himself might have been
involved in a Watergate cover-up."
NIXON SAID he was confident
his earlier refusal to hand over the
tapes would have been upheld by
the Supreme Court.
"I have concluded, however, that
it is not in the national interests to
leave this matter unresolved for
the period that might be required
for a review by the highest court,"
Nixon said.
The President said it was with
the greatest reluctance that he
had concluded that in this one in-
stance it was necessary to commit
a breach in the confidentiality of
3 '.i~Ae eniitive's conversations

pearance, d u r a b i l i t y, and effi-
"Success or bust," written on
one of the entries, was the goal of
all the participants.
Bill Henning and Tom Wills
dropped their egg inside the sticky
security of a Shedd's peanut but-
ter jar. Why Shedd's? "The tex-
ture was just right," they said;
"good and creamy, just the right
amount of nuts."
borrowed somebody else's entry-
a loaf of bread-and made peanut
butter sandwiches.
The contest winner was engi-'
neering student Randy Force. His
entry was painted bright blue and
held the egg in the middle of a
shield made of putty and coated
with paper-mache.
Winnings were two tickets to
the Judy Collins concert.
IN ADDITION, the marathon
dance at Markley Residence Hall
was still in progress at press time,
with six couples competing.
According to con'test regulations,
dancers must keep moving and
remain in contact at all times.
Music is being provided by the
student sation WCRN and runs
the gamut from 50's rock to Tom-
my Dorsey.
WITH A FIRST prize of $100,
many of the couples participating
have vowed to continue dancing
"until the bitter end."

(Con innedfrom Pape 1
decision becat'se, "I don't want to
be known as a lame duck until
He stressed that he will super-
vise preparation of the University's
1974-75 budget despite his immi-
nent departure.
"TO WATCH this great Univer-
sity from this position in all its
operations has been nothing but
fun,' Smith said.
M a n y observers characterize
Smith as the enemy of high-level
faculty groups of all political colo-
rations, and question his compe-
tence as an administrator.
In particular, Smith has gained
a reputation for taking a hard
line against left-oriented students
and faculty. His most notable re-
cent clash was in fall 1971 with
members of the P r o g r a m for
Educational and S o c i a l Chang-,
PESC instructors opened their
classes to non-enrolled people as
part of an effort to integrate Uni-
versity education with the city
NEVERTHELESS, administrators
and faculty members commenting
yesterday on Smith's resignation
spoke favorably of him for the
most part. ,
Vice President for Student Serv-

ices Henry Johnson called Smith
"an extremely fair person whenf
presented with facts," and another
administration official commented,
"After history gets added up some-
time in the distant future, students
are going to find he wasn't the big
bad boogie man they thought."
Psychology Prof. Robert Hefner,
a staff member of the Center for
Conflict Resolution, which alleged-
ly lost its funding due to unpopu-
larity with the central administra-
tion, admitted he has had "some
unpleasant dealings" with Smith,
but remarked, "He's also funded
a number of the most important
things going on around here."
Volume LXXXIV, NO. 39
Saturday, October 20, 193
is edited and managed by students at
the University of Michigan. News phone
764-0562. second class postage paid at
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 May-
nard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104.
Subscription rates: $10 by carrier (cam-
pus area)* $11 local mail (Michigan and
Ohio); $12 non-local mtail (other states
and foreign).
Summer session published Tuesday
through Saturday morning. Subscrip-
tion rates: $5.50 by carrier (campus
area): . 0> local mail (Mioigan and
Ohio); i.00 non-local mail (other
states and foreign).

20 pc. orCohestra
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October 25
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A EUPHORIC CONTESTANT in yesterday's Homecoming "egg
drop" holds up her entry-an egg encased in Shedd's peanut butter
and other assorted substances. The idea was to protect the egg so

that it.could be dropped from
ing Bldg. without breaking.

the third floor of the West Engineer-

Israel pushes troops
across Suez Canal

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wihit staff.'" '~ (Continued from Page 1) came the Tel Aviv announcement
t is cease-fire boundaries should be that the bridgehead over the canal
JOHN DEAN, formerly Nixon's drawn. had been widened and Israeli
counsel, has testified before the AN EGYPTIAN military com- forces had penetrated 12 to 15
Senate Watergate Committee that nunique said fierce fighting was miles beyond the west bank to put
as a result of conversations he had raging for the third day running them within 43 to 46 miles of
with the President, he believed Nix- along the whole central sector of Cairo.
on was aware as long ago as Sep- the Suez front-its ferocity increas- ISRAfiLI Chief-of-Staff Lt. Gen.
te ber of last year of the efforts to ing as Israel threw more forces David Elazar told Israel Radio that
conceal involvement by senior Nix- into the battle. conditions now existed on the
on administration officials in the In Tel Aviv a military communF- southern frdnt for "decision and
cover~up of the bugging of Demo-; que said Israeli forces attacked victory."
cratic Party headquarters during Egyptian concentrations on both Egypt said it had shot down four
last year's presidential election banks of the Suez Canal at dawn Israeli planes and its aircraft had
campaign. ;. yesterday.Iralplnsndisicafhd
Egyptian anti - aircraft missile inflicted heavy losses on Israeli
Farly Congressional reaction in- bases were a principal target in tanks and mechanized infantry
dicated support for the proposal the Israeli drive and last night units on the Suez front.
and relief that a confrontation had -
been avoided, although one liberal
California Democrat criticized the
solution and said it shouldn't be ac- a0 p es gu l y t
cepted. Most Congressmen were
out of town for the weekend. p e d gt

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A Musical OasisI

the junior member ofthe Water-
gate committee, said: "I reject the
hollow deal to release a summary
of the evidence rather than the
evidence itself."
Calif.), criticized the decision and
said "it ought not to be accepted
by anybody. "It does not comply
at all with the courts' orders."
Waldie said that if Sirica does nott
accept the compromise, and Nixon
reft$es to accept Sirica's orders,

Watergate cover-up

The Spider's 'Stratagem
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'Before The Revolution.' A handsome film.' Vincent Canby, The New York Tines
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(Continued from Page 1)
faces a maximum penalty of five
years in prison and a $10,000 fine.
DURING FIVE dramatic days of
testimony before the Senate com-
mittee in June, Dean described
meetings early in 1972 in the office
of Atty. Gen. John Mitchell at
which a bizarre political espionage
plan was proposed. The plan in-
cluded wiretapping Democrats.

,,. .-.-._...a._, - m - - --- - -

efforts to raise money to buy the
silence of the men charged with
the June 17, 1972, break-in at
Democratic National Committee
headquarters in the Watergate.
And, finally, he left the imn-
pression that the President was
aware of the effort to limit the
Watergate investigation.
WEEKS AFTER Dean had testi-
fied, another witness disclosed
that meetings in the President's
office were taped.
That disclosure, and the Presi-
dent's subsequent refusal to turn
over the tapes voluntarily, led Cox
and the committee to subpoena
tapes of meetings described by
Cox argued that the tapes could
provide the proof of the truth or
falsity of Dean's accusations.

the President should be impeached.' 'He told the committee of his
Regents approve board.
to probe SGC affairs

(continued from Page 1)
oritits on campus, and minority
representatives might serve on the
HE ADDED that this was simply
a tentative list, and not binding in
any way.
Potentially, the impact of the
committee is enormous. Johnson,
who will head up the group, is
charged with presenting an interim
report to the Regents on the pro-
gress of the committee at the De-
cember meeting.
He is also supposed to present a
formal report to the Regents before
the end of the winter term,
WHAT ACTION the Regents de-
cide to take, if any, is speculative
At lest, but certainly a massive
change in the role and structure of,
student government is not outside
the realm of possibltity .
In other action, the Regents ap-
proved the University's 1974-75 Eco-
nomic Adjustment Request to the

state legislature, including a bid
for a 9.7 per cent increase in staff
Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs Allan Smith explained that the
salary increase request includes al-
lowances for inflation, competition
for quality staff: members, reward
for merit, and economic growth.
THE REQUEST also includes a
.7 per cent increase for. mainte-
nance and upgrading of staff bene-
fits and an additional plea fpr more
than $2.6 million to cover non-sal-
ary costs such as utilities, insur-
ance, and library acquisitions.
Faculty members who investi-
gated the University's staff com-
pensation situation had recom-
mended that the Regents request a
16 per cent increase in salaries.
Smith said he hoped the faculty
would be reconciled to the lower
figure by the option the Regents
reserve to adjust the inflation fig-
ure as late as next June.


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y a film you rmay think you've
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