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October 20, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-10-20

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See Editorial Page

Sir Ctg

:43 a t ty

See Today for details

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 39

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 20, 1973

Ten Cents

Six Pages













Fleming appointment
University President Robben Fleming has been
named to yet another commission concerned with form-
ulating higher education policy. This time he will work
with the National Board on Graduate Education to pre-
pare a report on federal policy alternatives toward grad-
uate education. The study will focus on three areas of
specific concern - graduate student support, research
and institutional support. Money for the study will come
from the Ford Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation.
SGC denials
Former Student Government Council members Sandy
Green and Dave Hornstein both vigorously denied yester-
lay ever having expressed the belief that SGC President
Lee Gill is guilty of the charges he now faces. T h e
statement contradicts assertions made by newly-elected
SGC representative David Faye at last Thursday's SGC
meeting, when Faye said the two spoke to him privately
and said they believed Gill is guilty. Faye said last
night that Green only "said he thought several weeks
ago that Gill might be guilty." He remained adamant
about Hornstein. Hornstein, however, said "Faye doesn'
know what he's talking about. I will be at next week's
meeting to refute Faye's allegation."
Rent measure
The Human Rights Party (HRP) Thursday night ap-
proved an extensive rent control amendment to the
City Charter which the party hopes to place before
the voters in next April's municipal election. Basically,
if passed 'by the voters, the amendment will set limits
on rents and landlord profits. Also a rent control board
would be established to control rent increases. To
place the measure on the ballot HRP must collect 3,500
signatures before Jan. 1. The petition drive should begin
sometime next week.
Grape boycott
Grape boycott leader Richard Chavez led s o m e
450 supporters including Michigan House Speaker Wil-
liam Ryan and Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) in a
protest march on an A&P outlet in East Lansing yester-
day that has refused to stop selling grapes. Chavez,
brother of United Farm Workers President Cesar Cha-
vez, said Michigan was one of the most critical states
involved in the boycott effort.
. ..are topped by today's football game against the
Badgers of Wisconsin. Aside from the gridiron action
which should get under way at 1:30 p.m., there will be
the traditional homecoming halftime show . . . the
Revelli Band Hall will be dedicated today at 10 a.m....
the annual Mud Bowl game will be ,played on the lawn
of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity House on the
corner of Washtenaw and South University at 10 a.m... .
Judy Collins will perform at Hill Auditorium at 8 p.m.
.. .there will be an enormous game of capture the
flag at 6:30 p.m. in the Arb. Participants should meet
on the river road near the railroad bridge.
UFO convention
The municipal airport in the southeast Texas town
of Palacios will be the site of the first recorded UFO
Fly-in. Palacios Mayor Bill Jackson has extended an
open invitation to all UFOs cruising around the country,
or the world for that matter, to show up at the city's
airport tomorrow. Jackson reasons that no UFOs have
ever visited earthlings simply because no one has both-
ered to formally invite them.
ERA advances
The faltering Equal Rights Amendment got a sorely
needed shot in the arm yesterday as the AFL-CIO an-
nounced plans to drop its long-standing opposition to the
measure. The amendment, which guarantees equal
rights to women, has been approved by 30 state legisla-
tures. It has been defeated or tabled in numerous other
legislatures, however, largely as a result of organized

pressure exerted by conservative women's groups. The
union's support for the measure is expected to improve
its chances for passage, particularly in several major
industrial states.
On the inside .. .
. . . An interview with singer John Mayall written
by Gloria Jane Smith appears on the Arts Page . . .
Erich Schoch pens some short subjects on the Editorial






University President Robben. Fleming yesterday announced the
resignation of Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan Smith from
administrative service.
Smith, 62, has often been at the center of conflict between adminis-
trators and students. However, University officials denied Smith's
resignation has any motivation but a wish to return to academic and
professional pursuits as a law professor and attorney.
"I'VE HAD "14 years of administration and I want to go back to
teaching," Smith remarked yesterday. He served as dean of the law
school for five years previous to his appointment as vice president
in 1960..
Fleming, who made the public announcement at yesterday's
Regents' meeting, called Smith an "absolutely superb vice president"
and claimed, "His contribution to this University is just beyond all
Although the Regents acknowledged Smith's move, no formal
action was taken on the resignation because his date of departure has
not been set.
SMITH IS expected to leave his position between April and the end
of the summer, however.
Smith told the Regents he did not want to dwell on the resignation
See 'U', Page 3
egents to establish
joint committee or,
in sgi

Cox will fight
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON-President Nixon refused last night to
turn over Watergate related tapes to special prosecutor Archi-
bald Cox, but-said he would prepare an independently-author-
ized summary of their content to be made available to both the
Senate investigators and the Watergate grand jury.
In a statement, Nixon said Cox rejected this compromise
solution to the explosive tapes case but that the arrange-
ment had been agreed to at a White House meeting last night
with Chairman Sam Ervin (D.-N.C.) and Vice Chairman How-
ard Baker (R-Tenn.) of the Senate Watergate Committee.
NIXON SAID he has felt is necessary to direct Cox "as an
employe of the executive branch to make no further attempts

by the judicial process to obtain
tapes, notes or memoranda of pres-
idential conversations."
Nixon also announced that he
would give unlimited access to lis-
ten to the tapes to.Democratic Sen-
ator John Stennis of Mississippi.
HE SAID Stennis had agreed to
listen to every tape recording
sought by the court and verify that
a statement the President will
make on their contents is full and
In what potentially could create
an unprecedented legal tangle, Nix-
on let it be known that he will not
abide by a 5-2 federal appeals court
ruling which upheld an earlier
decision by U. S. District Judge
John Sirica that the tapes should
be surrendered.
At the same time, Nixon said he
would not appeal the ruling of the
U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals to
the Supreme Court and thus would
avoid a constitutional confronta-
LEGALLY, the case now goes
back to Sirica, who, if he wished,
presumably could object to the
solution proposed by Nixon and
accepted by Ervin and Baker.
In a statement later from his
office, Cox said: "In my judg-
ment, the President is refusing to
comply with the court decrees. A
summary of the contentof the
See NIXON, Page 3

John 'iDean'
admits to,
charges Of
WASHINGTON (J) - John Dean
pleaded guilty yesterday to being
part of a conspiracy to thwart the
probe of the Watergate break-in.
Dean has testified that the con-
spiracy may have included Presi-
dent Nixon.
The ousted White House counsel
entered his guilty plea to a single
charge of conspiracy before U.S.
District Court Judge John Sirica
who r.eleased him on his personal
Shaffer, read a letter from special
Watergate prosecutor Archibald
Cox in which the prosecutor agreed
to bring no further charges if
Dean cooperated fully with the in-
Dean, fired by Nixon April 30,
See DEAN, Page 3

University Vice President for
Student Services Henry Johnson
announced plans for a committee
to investigate Student Government
Council during yesterday's Regents
Meeting in the Regent's Room of
the Administration Bldg.
The investigation, said Johnson,
was spurred by this week's, all-
campus election, which w a s
marked by the lowest voter turnout
in University history.
"WE WANT a student govern-
ment, but we want a good, strong
student government here at the
University," said Johnson. "This
is the feeling of both the Univer-
sity executive officers and the Re-
The sentiment was echoed by
University President Robben Flem-
ing. "I hope the student govern-
ment will receive thisin the spirit
in which it's offered," Fleming
"If the Regents wanted to destroy
student government, the easy way
to do it would be to abolish the
fees and let student government
exist on a voluntary funding ba-
sis," he added.
THE REGENTS were concern-
ed with what Johnson called the
"rock bottom level" of student in-
terest in SGC.
Johnson emphasized that their
concern was not simply with the

current Gill administration. He said
that the Regents had been concern-
ed for some time, but that the cur-
rent election had served to focus
that concern in a tangible way.
"We wantto take a look atnthe
ways in which SGC should be con-
ducting itself. What sorts of things
should SGC be getting involved in,"
said Johnson.
"PERHAPS WE might also be
concerned with the philosophical as-
pectsdof student government, he
added. "What forms should it as-
sume, how should it seek to be
more informed of student opinion?
How can the student government
be more responsive?"
Johnson, however, was uncertain
about the details of the plan.
"I don't know what form the
committee will take, and I cer-
tainly don't want to be in the posi-
tion of imposing an agenda upon
the members," he said.
JOHNSON WAS also unprepared
to say who would be reresented the
students on the committee.
He suggested that major con-
cerns within the student body
should have a voice, but he wasn't
sure just who the groups would
Casually he suggested that per-
haps a representative of THE
DAILY, a member of SGC, some-
body from the fraternities and sor-
See REGENTS, Page 3

DISABLED SYRIAN TANKS litter the landscape' near Sasa, Syria,
yesterday following an unsuccessful assault on Israeli armored
forces south of that city. The attack was part of a general
counter-offensive by Arab forces on the Syrian front.

Israel (
WASHINGTON (/P) - President
Nixon sent Secretary of State
Henry KissingertoMoscow early
this morning for high level talks
with Soviet leaders on ending
the Mideast War.
The White House said Kissing-
er was dispatched at the re-
quest of Soviet Communist lead-
er Leonid Brezhnev. He was
accompanied on the flight by
Anatoly Dobrynin-the S o v i e t
Kissinger's plane is expected
to arrive in Moscow at 11:30 this
morning. He is expected to be
there "a matter of days."

pens major offensive,

By AP and Reuter
Israel opened its major counter-
offensive on the Suez Canal front
yesterday, sending tanks and men
across the canal and penetrating
some 20 miles into Egypt-only' 50
miles from Cairo, according to the
Israeli command.
An Israeli military spokesman in
Tel Aviv told reporters that the
advancing force had destroyed
about a quarter of all Egyptian
surface to air missile sites on the
canal and the Israeli air force- is
now able to fly over the area at
IN MAJOR Mideast War develop-
* Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian
and Iraqi forces launched a major


near Cairo

offensive in the Golan Heights area
in a determined effort to strike
hard while the Israelis were pre-
occupied. Fierce tank duels were
* President Nixon asked Con-
gress to authorize $2.2 billion in
emergency aid to Israel in order to
maintain "a balance or military
capabilities in the Mideast";
* the Pentagon acknowledged
that U.S. advisors are presently
operating in the Mideast. It denied,
however, that there are any com-
bat troops involved in the war. It
was also revealed that the U.S. is
supplying the Israelis with the so-
called "smart bombs" first em-
ployed against Hanoi in the Viet-
nam War;

* three persons-two gunmen
and an American hostage-were
killed as Lebanese troops stormed
the Bank of America branch-in
Beirut where hostages had been
held for 26 hours by leftist Arab
* Libya announced it is cutting
off all oil supplies to the United
States effective immediately. The
cut-off is in retaliation for U.S.
support of Israel; and
* Diplomatic observers said the
U.S. and the Soviet Union are try-
ing to agree on a cease-fire form-
ula acceptable to both sides. They
said, however, that yesterday's
major Israeli offensive has comn-
plicated the question of where
See ISRAEL, Page 3

Homecoming inspires

crea tivity,


A plethora of imaginative activi-
ties, sparked by this year's Home-
coming, were met with enthusiasm
and involvement by students yes-
Activities included both those
organized by the University Activi-
ties Center, with a "New Deal,"
1930's theme, and others generated
1,- ;_q- - '% - --c>> r

In keeping with the parade's
theme of "All that meat and no
potatoes," there were paper-mache
hamburgers, cloth hot dogs, and
even an eight-man shish-kebab,
consisting of several costumed and
skewered individuals, and a sign,
attached saying,. "We can't go on
meating like this."
IN ADDITION, jugglers with
painted faces, a human-sized shop-
n-nu hn rn n enorningr record

Spuds," marched in formation and
chanted phrases decrying the pa-
rade's costume restrictions.
THE HIGHLIGHT of the parade,
however, in many a spectator's
judgment, was a surprise appear-
ance by the renowned "One-String"
The accomplished m u s i c i a n
achieved notoriety at Ann Arbor's
Blues and Jazz Festival last sum-
mer for his abiliiv t "wring

.. ..... .... . ... W im ,

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