Mf rtigan uaitu
Eighty-three years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
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420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104
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'Hiding behind intentions
THE HEALTH CARE and health educa-
tion situation in this country can only
be described as,' well, sick. Dr. Roger
Egesberg, Special Assistant to the Secre-
tary for Health Policy of the Department
of Health, Education and Welfare (HE-
W), has described the United 'States as
a "second-rate country" in distribution
of health care.
This country ranks 22nd in the world
in male life expectancy, and seventh in
female life expectancy. The U. S. is also
14th in infant mortality rate and 11th
in maternal mortality rate. Such are
pretty poor indicators for a country that
is touted to be the most advanced in the
world. The United States has the most
fearsome war machine in the world, but
it cannot adequately care for its citi-
zens who are sick.
And now a Presidential panel reports
that support for health education is al-
most non-existent.
THUS A PROPOSAL by the President's
Committee on Health Education to
create a National Center for Health Edu-
cation has considerable merit, but it ap-
pears that the center oould well be
strangled before it begins operation.
According to the panel's report, less
than one-fourth of one per cent of. fed- funds are allocated for health
Business Staff
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Sports Editor
Managing Sports Editor
BOB McGINN..............:Executive Sports Editor
CHUCK BLOOM ...............Associate Sports Editor
JOEL GREER...............Associate Sports Editor
RICH STUCK..........CContributing Sports Editor
BOB HEtTER .. ,.... .....Contributing Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Jeff Chown, Brian Deming, Jim
Ecker, Marc Feldman, G e o r g e Hastings, Marcia
Merker. Roger Rosster. Theresa Swedo
STAFF: Barry Argenbright, Bill Crane. Richard Fla-
herty, Cary Fotias, Andy Glazer, Leba Hertz, John
Kahler, Mike Lisull, Jeffrey Milgrom, Tom Pyden,
Leslie Riester, Jeff Schiller, Bill Stieg, Fred Upton
Photography Staff
Chief Photographer
KEN FINK.......... .........Staff Photographer
THOMAS GOTTLIEB ..............Staff Photographer
STEVE KAGAN.... ..........Staff Photographer
KAREN KASMAUSKI......... ..Staff Photographer
TERRY McCARTHY............Staff Photographer
JOHN UPTON ................Staff Photographer
Editorial Staff
Co-Editors in Chief
DIANE LEVICK ......................... Arts Editor
MARTIN PORTER .......... . .... .... Sunday Editor
MARILYN RILEY......Associate Managing Editor
ZACHARY SCHILLER............. Editorial Director
ERIC SCHOCH . .................Editorial Director
TONY SCHWARTZ.........Sunday Editor
CHARLES STEIN .........................City Editor
TED STEIN .. ....................... Executive Editor
ROLFE TESSEM ..................... Managing Editor
STAFF WRITERS: Prakash Aswani, Gordon Atcheson,
Dan Biddle, Penny Blank, Dan Blugerman, Howard
Brick, Dave Burhenn, Bonnie Carnes, Charles Cole-
man, Mike Duweck, Ted Evanoff, Deborah Good,
William Heenan, Cindy Hill, Jack Krost, Jean Love-
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Ann Rauma, Bob Seidenstein, Stephen Selbt, Jeff
Sorensen, Sue 6tephenson, David Stoll, Rebecca
DAILY WEATHER BUREAU: William Marino and
Dennis Dismachek (forecasters)
education, schools often exclude such
programs from their curricula, and -ar-
chaic st~ate laws occasionally prevent their
introduction into schools.
For example, the report notes that
health educatioon is usually added to
other subjects such as physical educa-
tion or ziology, if it is offered at all. Most
teachers of the subject are interested and
qualified in other areas.
Most people, the report continues, seek
advice from their doctors or from com-
mercials on television. But, to quote the
report, "physicians are often too busy
to do an effective job, and too many TV
messages are primarily concerned with
product promotion rather than with true
consumer health education."
EXAMPLES CITED by the report as
health education weaknesses includ-
ed "such obvious violations of medical ad-
vice as cigarette smoking, faulty diet,
lack of regular exercise, drug abuse and
indifference to safety measures."
The amount of money spent on health
care that could be eliminated through
adequate education programs is probab-
ly phenomenal, and so the panel recom-
mendation that a National Center for
Health Education be created is commend-
able. ' ,
President Nixon has also indicated an
interest in creation of such an organiza-
tion, a viewpoint that might seem sur-
prising at first considering his previous
record of ignoring Presidential commis-
sion reports and his general disinterest in
federally funded domestic programs.
The President's interest might not
seem quite so unusual, however, when
proposals for funding the center are con-
the fact that only $30 million, or less
than one percent, of HEW health pro-
gram funds are allocated to health edu'-
cation. Yet when they proposed the Na-
tional Center for Health Education, they
recommended that it be budgeted for
only $15 million to $18 million, a sub-
stantial decrease from the HEW figures
they cited as too small.
In light of these budget recommenda-
tions, it would appear that the purpose in
creating the center, or at least the effect,
would be less to improve health educa-
tion in this country than to cut the
amount of money spent on it. Thus Nix-
on's interest in the proposal closely fol-
lows his ideology of cutting back on do-
mestic programs while promoting defense
A National Center for Health Educa-
tion is a promising idea, but to gut it
from the start with inadequate funding
would defeat the purpose.
News: Mike Duweck, Debbie Mutnick,
Judy Ruskin, Charles Stein, Ted Stein
Editorial Page: Marnie Heyn, Eric Schoch
Arts Page: Diane Levick
Photo Technician: John Upton
USUALLY WHEN a person hears
the two words "Drug Abuse,"
one tends to think immediately of
what society has traditionally re-
ferred to as the "hard" drugs,
You know - heroin, morphine,
barbituates, amphetamines.
Everybody possesses at least a
minimal amount of knowledge e
about the psychological and phy-
siological aspects of these forms
of drug abuse - and if we have
not ourselves seen the shattered
lives produced by these substanc-
es among 'our own acquaintances,
we most definitely have become
alerted through bombardment by
the mass media.
We have all seen movies, heard
lectures, and read books that have
saturated our psyche about these
well-known forms of drug abuse <
-what can be called active drug
abuse. The term active is used
here, because the users of "hard"
drugs are, for the most part, con-
sciously aware of their Abitua- 4
tion. And, of course, the compon-
ents of active drug abuse haveW
indeed presented many problems in
our culture' that are nowhere
near being solved.
"heroic" efforts of the mass media
to awaken us to the realization of The er
the existence of active drug abuse lem does
have been all to trivial, when com- syringes
pared to the drug problem that it, syringe,t
the mass media, is itself uncoa- of down
sciously nurturing. May the mass fbreks
media take a bow for perpetuat- egins
ing the problem of passive drug deems a
abuse - which is the true essence A footb
of society's dope dilemma. can com
By DIANA MILLER with her
(TATED SIMPLY, and it would
of course not be simple to im- QUITE
plement, this plan would require for Arab
the Russians and the Americans tensions
to bring a halt to the present con- moderniz
flagration with force if necessary, cated po
but hopefully only with the threat side par
of force. Both big powers would .hemselv
immediately halt the flow of arms er.
to the crisis area. The on
Israel and the Arabic countries tion with
would be brought to a status quo againstI
as far as their supplies of arma- ians wh(
ments are concerned. The actual ments fo
fighting would be stopped, hope- left in th
fully with only the threat of big and notg
power intervention; with the use The P
of it if necessary. state oft
This would, at least at first, be state ofJ
an unpopular move in this coun- Israel an
try if -not elsewhere! Also, it is rights a
more than likely that the fighting belonged
in the area will be stopped by the les. Argn
temporary victory of one side land whet
over the other, before action can this pot
be taken on the part of the big Israel is
powers. be dealt
It must thus be explained that AS FA
the good reason for the big pow- concerne
ers stopping the fighting instead that the
of allowing it to go on until one obtaining
side (the Israelies) temporarily so that t
finishes the other is that it would bargainin
be better for Arab pride if both ten days
it and its adversary were told to ister Mos
quit instead of being badly beat- would be
en once again. back atI
AND IT IS ARAB PRIDE, or so Sinai ifT
they have informed us, that has conducte
moved them to mobilize half a con- Thus is
tinent against a country of 3 mil- have not
lion population to' begin with! As destroy t
will beyexplained below it is cruc- recent pe
ial to all concerned that the cur- a smoke
rent eruptions of fighting in the start ano
area come to a halt permanently, In the li
or at least for some time to come. must cor
I have any hope at all for a policy to
Russian/American coalition along has thec
this line because of the recent so Israel to
called "detente" between the two. stepping
I personally do not see how de- to solve t
tente can be disadvantageous to the U.N.h
either side. A move in the direc-
tion of producingpeace,thowever IF TH
temporarily, in the Middle East in the an
would only improve whatever avoided f
bonds we have at this time. cades, it
nations w
Cooperation between the t : o ernize in
countries in this matter might also and that
help to turn the recent oTI sellers Israel as
market towards a buyer's market,
thus helping America somewhat that the
with her recent energy embarrass- ing ten y
ment. If the Russians do not need igtny
Arab oil now, that does not rule ture synth
out their use of it in the future: the west
and, as the Arabs have shown, that has b
they can play games with the Rus- attention
sians as well as with the U.S. Before t
I HAVE BEEN told b7 "ex- of Good
perts" that the Russians are inter- Arabs ha
ested in the Arab states not at all attentionI
for economic but for politicai rea- throughv
sons. They wish to achieve politi- could obt
cal advantage by posing as the the Orien
champion of yet another third was disc
world movement. once agai:
However, the Arabs have shown It would
in the past, as mentioned above, if they c
that they are not interested in good uset
bearing the weight of more im- now, but
perialists on their backs. In 1956, from us,
Nasser made himself a hero by away upa
excusing the British from the Suez like the X
Russia should feel content with PERHA
her empire in eastern Europe. the next,
Egypt has had a long history of by sheeri
conquest and rule by foreig 1 pow- will be fo
ers and the Arab nationalist move- truly defe
ment feels it is time for Acabs to themselves
Impossible. After all, most adult
minds are unable to discern the
inherent drug abuse message in
the more mature TY. commer-
use a sledgehammer to drive
home its drug abuse message, but
it comes through loud and clear,
nevertheless. Has anybody ever
wondered why Tom the Baker
never collects for the donuts he
gives to his customers? Well, if
you were on your ninth cup of
coffee you would be too high
to care about money, either.
Caffeine is indeed on the lower
end of the "speed spectrum." But
society does not look upon a cof-
free "freak" as being a drug
And we all know th'at alcohol is
one of the most dangerous --- and
most highly advertised - druga
in thishcountry. The result is an
intoxicating (pun intended) degree
of commercialism, especially as
far as television is concerned.
Too many people have taken the
Schlitz credo of "only going
around once in life" to heart, and
have brought their overdosed
plasma out onto the highway. Only
once in your life can you wrap
your car around a pole!
MUCH HAS BEEN said about
the drug nicotine and its effects
on health. But even though T.V.
advertising of this drug has since
gone the way of Star Trek, another
form a mass media, tho good-old
magazine, has been obliged to
pick up the slack.
Have you ever seen a pictura of
a guy walking a mile for a cigar-
ette? The ad doesn't tell you that
he's only walking be,:atse he lost
his means of transportation - his
camel died of lung cancer a mile
before they reached the cigarette
Dr'igs have been presented to
"s as being vehicles of pleasure.
Who needs a water bed when one
could be sleeping on a magic car-
net - if you only tike a certain
brand of sleening pill? Pleasure,
contentment. You pop pills and
you will be happy. You do not
only see it and read it and infer
it, but you even heard it from
your own mother.
Do you remember when you
were little and used to sometimes
actually hope you would get sick?
No, not only so that you could
stay hame from school - but so
that you would have a chance to
get into that brand new bottle of
delicious orange aspirin that Mom
abuse in our society are ubiquit-
ous. Thanks 'mostly to the mass
media, our lives have been uncon-
sciously, yet most thoroughly, con-
ditioned to it. If one looks care-
fully at much of the content of our
celluloid surroundings, it is not
difficult to see where the real
"dope problem" lies.
Legal pushers proliferate under
our noses, -and yet society does not
care. Sure, heroin and barbs and
Ludes are a bad trip, but at least
you know where you're going. But
with society's "permissible" drugs
-you never really can tell.
Larry Gever is a pharmacy stu-
dent-at the University.
Daily Photo by JOHN UPTON
mbryo of the drug prob-
not reside in the junkie's
the rock star's locker full
ers, or even the cocaine
mucous membranes. Itall
ith drugs that our society
s being "permissible."
all or Hollywood celebrity
e on the "boob tube" and
closest neighbor, Jordan.
preach to us about the deleterious
effects of heroin, but in the next
commercial we see Fred Flintstone
shoving chocolate-covered vitamin
pills into his daughter's mouth.
Even with the existence of such
an obvious hypocrisy, can one ex-
pect a child to differentiate be-
tween good drugs and bad drugs?
tideast crisis
resolu tion
OBVIOUSLY it is easier
governments to turn the
and upset of the newly
ing, poor and underedu-
pulations against an out-
ty instead of facing it
es and possibly losing pow-
ly ones in the whole sita-
any right to complain
Israel are the Palestin-
o, used by Arab goven-
r political purposes, were
e temporary UN shelters
granted citizenship.
alestinians should have a
their own, or part of the
Jordan, possibly between
d Jordan. As far as land
re concerned, Palestine
originally to the Gazel-
uing over who had what
n has little meaning for
in time. The existence of
simply a fact tha: must
R AS the current war is
d, the Arabs have stated
y are interested only in
a few miles of territorv
they may have a better
g positioin. In fact, but
ago, Israel's Oefense Mm-
he Dayan stated that he
more than willing to give
least 20 miles or so of
peace talks were minally
appears that the Arabs
lost their early reolve to
he State of Israel. Their
ace initiatives have been
screen bhind which to
ther war.
ight of this fact, the U.S.
ne to a -decision on its
wards Israel. The U.S.
choice of either aliowina
fend for herself; or of
in, in a joint power move,
he current problem where
has failed miserab'v.
RE IS an enforced peace
rea, and if war ca i be
for the next several de-
is possible that the arabic
ill have the time to mod
a firm and realistic way,
they will thus not necd
a scape goat.
been informed of the fact
United States will, with-
ears, be able to manufac-
hetic oil from coal. Thus
may not need the oil
brought the Arabs to the
of the world of late.
he route around the Cane
Hope was discovered, the
d also captured western
by being the only route
which European nations
an preevious goods from
t. After the cape route
overed, the Araos sank
n into relative abscurity.
I seem a terrible tragedy
ould not finally pu -to
the monies that they are
temporarily, receiving
instead of throwing it
on devastating ventures
Middle Eastern wars.
PS IN THE next war or
they will defeat Israel
numbers, but then they
red to realize that the
eated in this case are
Letters to The Daily
To The Daily:
I THINK IT should be brought
to your attention that the Univer-
sity of Michigan is burinv chem-
icals that become toxic wnen com-
busted. The University does this
burning at an unposted dump by
Huron High School on Fridays.
The only safety devicfes empk v-
ed are men stationed around the
burn site. This is not eniough. I
have come by this site on Fridavr
afternoons to find the fire still
smoking and no attendent.s around.
I found out these chemi :als were
toxic from the universi'v workmen
responsible for the burning: I
asked them why the danger cone
was not posted. They told me that
the high school students t>re down
the signs they had poste 1. When
I asked why the area was not
fenced they had no answer.
I think this burning of toxic
chemicals should be stopped. If
it can't be stopped there should at
least be a better security system
-Michael Stedron
October 14
Eastern war abroad escalates, be-
fore the Israelies finally lose to
To The Daily:
I AM IN PRISON, regretfully,
have lost all contact with what the
news. is in our society and would
appreciate any correspondence. My
name is James Miller. I am 28
years old and my astrological sign
is Taurus. I have long dark brown
wavy hair, sideburns, and mus-
tache, and light brown eyes. I am
6 feet 1, weigh 209 pounds, and
very intelligent.
Feel free to ask any question,
because all letters are guaranteed
renlies. Please send a photo also.
My hobby is studying to become
a psychologist, and in my leisure
time I am a Korean Karate in-
structor, eighth degree. I also love
soul and rock music, lifting bar-
bells, and baseball.
Thank you for your concern and
-Jim Miller No. 135407
Box 787
Lucasville, Ohio 45648
To The D-ilv:
THIS LETTEP is in response to
the letter - to - the - editor in The
Daily by Sherry Spalding. Ms.
provided for commuters via a free
commuter bus service that oper-
ates every 10 minutes between
Crisler Arena, Central Campus
and the Medical Center. Parking
permits are not required for this
lot andample parking is always
Our second commuter lot which
is located at Beal Street and Gla-
cier Way, South of the U of M
Printing Plant on North Campus
has a total of 245 spaces. However,
parking permits are required as
this lot is restricted to Medical
Center employes and students.
Similar to the commuter lot at
Crisler Arena, transportation is
provided via a free commuter bus
which runs at 15 to 20 minute in-
tervals between North Campus and
the Medical Center. Medical Cen-
ter Commuter permits are avail-
able-to Medical Center students at
the Medical School Office free of
Information concerning all as-
pects of parking for students is
published by Parking Operations in
the form of a yearly flyer titled
"Available Student Parking on
TI'ri~1ATFN \ fuS.hA 'iW f~III~ ~7!
- ,