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October 19, 1973 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page

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See Today for details

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 38 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday,;October 19, 1973 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Regents hear report
The Board of Regents yesterday heard an extensive
review of the report on the University's Affirmative Ac-
tion Program prepared by Affirmative Action Director
Nellie Varner. Varner explained that "many schools are
under-utilizing both women and minorities," except in
the 95 per cent female clerical category, where men
are under-utilized, she said. Utilization analysis is made
by comparing University employment figures to percent-
ages of women and minorities in the total qualified labor
pool. Following Varner's report, members of the Com-
mission for Women commented on the statistics and
showed a slide presentation entitled "Turnabout," fea-
turing men in stereotyped female roles. Several of the
Regents squirmed visibly during the three hour meeting,
and afterward Regent Robert Brown (R-Kalamazoo) was
heard to remark, "Its just amazing to me how many
of you girls are happy to be on the employment rolls."
Following the meeting, President Robben Fleming pre-
dicted the outcome of 20 of tomorrow's football games,
including Wisconsin at Michigan. See the Sports pages
for Fleming's picks.
New city clerk chosen
City Asst. Purchasing Director Jerome Weiss has been
tabbed as new city clerk. The announcement of Weiss
appointment came yesterday, although City Council
must officially confirm the nomination next week. The
46-year-old Weiss has held his present post since May,
1970, and will take over the clerk's duties on Oct. 29.
As clerk he will serve as the city's chief election officer,
in addition to overseeing a11 city records and documents.
The clerk position has been vacant since last April
when Harold Saunders left the job.
TFs meet
The Organization of Teaching Fellows met late last
night and decided 'to meet again in three weeks to
consider a strike against the University if its demands
are not met. Those demands include an immediate 10
per cent cost of living raise, reinstatement of in-state
tuition rates for this year, and for next year, the drop-
ping of all tuition payment plus wages.
UFO mass meeting
A mass meeting has been called by Unidentified
Flying Object enthusiasts for tonight at 8 on the Diag.
Speakers will address the "need to form a UFO organi-
zation", according to a leaflet. The leaflet enumerates
a 13-point program which includes assembling facts on
UFO sightings, encouraging the phenomenological study
of UFO's, extending equal protection of the laws of the
Constitution to UFO crew members, having the group
act as a hospitality committee to welcome UFO crew
members to the city, and seeking City Council funding
for the distribution of a free UFO decoder ring to all
city residents.
Lottery numbers
The winning numbers in this week's regular drawing
of . the state lottery were 954 and 526. The winning
numbers in the second chance contest were 790 and 513.
Happenings .. .
are topped by a full Homecoming schedule with
a Thirties Look-alike Contest on the Diag 'at noon,
Operation Egg Drop at West Engineering at noon, and
an All-Campus Marathon Dance at Markley, 3 p.m... .
the second annual Ozone Homecoming Parade will also
get underway at 3 p.m. . .. Folksinger Bob Gibson will
play a three-night engagement at the Ark beginning to-
night at 8:30. . . . and Ballet West, USA is at the Power
center at 8 p.m.
Nobel to Harvard prof
Harvard economist Wassily Leontief won the Nobel
Prize for Economic Science yesterday for inventing a
technique used in the economic planning of numerous
countries. "I suppose I am pleased," said the 60 year-

old Russian-born economist, "not only for myself but
for my collaborators. It took a long time to develop
ny theories, it's very complex." The Nobel prize for
literature, meanwhile, went to Australian Patrick White
for his novels on pioneer life. White, 60, was cited "for
an epic and psychological narrative art which has in-
troduced a new continent into literature."
Cartoonist Kelly dies
Walt Kelly, whose cartoon creation Pogo became
a political force in the fifties, died in Los Angeles yester-
day at the age of 60. Kelly used his cartoon to attack
the anti-Communist investigations of Sen. Joseph Mc-
Carthy and in 1952 Pogo, a possum, was nominated for
the presidency under the campaign slogan, "I go
Pogo." The cartoonist portrayed McCarthy as a stubble-
jawed wildcat who got himself elected to committees
with aid of a shotgun.
On the inside . *.
Pharmacy student Larry Glever discusses the
abuse of legal drugs on the Editorial Page . . . on the
Arts Page, Cinema Weekend is featured . . . and on
the Sports Page, Brian Deming tackles the Wisconsin

"It's insane," said former Student Government Council Vice-
President Sandy Green; describing the exorbitant cost and bureau-
cratic confusion of last week's all-campus election.
Oi Moser examination, Green's comment appears to be an under-
COMPLETE WITH alleged corruption, confusion, the involvement
of controversial formet' SGC Treasurer David Schaper, and Keystone
Cop-style antics among the election workers and security guards,
the election also had the dubious honor of having the lowest voter
turnout in University history.
And at a total of 900 ballot (once the 400 "bad' ballot were dis-
carded) and a total cost over $5,000, the election cost averaged over
$5 a ballot.



e gns ove
"Bad ballots" are those which, because they have no ID numbers
or are otherwise erroneously filled out, cannot be tabulated at all.
According to Election Director Ron Strauss, however, there is no
chance of fraud in this year's election.
"I know there wasn't fraud," said Strauss, "there were too
many checks. Besides, so few people voted that they would have been
Strauss did admit, however, that multiple voting occurred in the
undergraduate seat elections for SGC.
Because that particular section of the ballot was tabulated by
computer, said Strauss, students were able to vote for as many of
the district seats as they liked, and the computer tallied all votes.
BUT PERHAPS the most surprising election-related revelation was



the role played by David Schaper-who was fired by SGC President
Lee Gill earlier this year.
Schaper, although never convicted of any wrongdoing, has fre-
quently been accused of everything from ballot-stuffing last spring's
election to printing libelous material.
Strauss, who claimed he "knew nothing about Schaper's back-
ground," hired Schaper as an adviser.
Schaper demanded-and received promise-of a $300 payment - for
the election. Strauss said Green, who resigned this week, authorized

"I wouldn't have
said Strauss.

had to rely on Schaper had someone else helped,"













Terrorists still hold
over forty hostages
By AP and Reuter
Five masked gunmen shot .their way into the Bank of
America office in Beirut yesterday threatening to kill an esti-
mated 40 to 50 hostages and blow up a seven-story building if
their demands were not met.
They demanded release of Palestinian guerrillas in Leba-
nese jails, $10-million to aid the Arab war effort and an air-
liner to take them to Yemen or Algeria,
THE RAID CAME on a day of continued heavy fighting in the Sinai
as well as a secret visit to Cairo by Russian Prime Minister Alexei
The gunmen, saying they were
members of the "Lebanese Social
ist Revolutionary Movement," weree t o i a s
grenades. They set a 6 p.m. -
noon EDT - deadline for theiro
with negotiations continuing. Po-
lice brought relatives to plead with -
the gunmen to give themselves up,
but they refused.
Originally the group held about
60 hostages in the bullet-scarred ByDAVID STOLL
building, which also houses offices Memorial services were held
of the Anerican Chemical Bank yesterday afternoon for the Rev.
and the Deutsche Bank. Ed Edwards, draft counselor and
long-time director of Guild House,
THEY ALLOWED a few of them who died last week at the age of
to leave and later Lebanese police 63.
engineered a daring rooftop escape Director of the inter-denomina-
for 17 other bank employes. tional counseling agency at 802
Later the guerrillas agreed to Monroe for seventeen years, Ed-
release another member of the wards provided the first meeting
bank staff. All the American em- place for the Ann Arbor chapter
ployes were believed to have es- of the Students for a Democratic
caped. Society (SDS) in the early sixties
Algerias Ambassador, Mhamed and, as students on campus turned
Yazid, who negotiated with the against the war, counseled thous-
group through the afternoon, left ands of them about the draft.
the scene at about 6:00 p.m. lo- "I've never lost a CO case," he
cal time (12:30 p.m. EDT). He is reported to have told a friend
refused to comment but said he once.
would be back later. The memorial service, held at the
First Congregational Church at the
IN THEIR ORIGINAL communi- corner of State and William, was
que, the guerrillas did not ex- well-attended and carried off with
plicitly threaten to kill their hos- hymn and organ in the best of
tages but said they had "instruc- churchly tradition.
tions to act in the face of any stand Edwards was eulogized by a suc-
by the authorities. We will not be cession of his friends and col-
held responsible for the fate of the leagues, who not only recalled his
hostages." achievements and qualities as a
Heavily - armed troops with gas human being, but read poems com-
masks stood by and armored posed by him a few days before
cars were parked in sidestreets. Of- his death.
ficers at the scene refused to say Edwards "met a kind of despair"
how the negotiations inside were observed his close friend Peter Di-
going. Lorenzi, not only at the "numer-
Meanwhile, a spokesman for the ous marriages he performed that
See ARABS, Page 7 See SERVICE, Page 7

Doily Photo by JOHN UP
PLACARDS CALLING for Solidarity for Israel and Freedom for Soviet Jews are displayed by some of the 150 people who marched last1
from Hillel to the People's Plaza in a candlelight procession. At the plaza, marchers engaged in Israeli folk dancing to celebrate the fe
Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah.







the charges against

The newly elected 42 member
Student Government Council last
night considered for the. second
time' a resolution calling for the re-
call of SGC President Lee Gill, but
tabled the motion on the grounds
that more evidence needed to be
Led by a new majority composed
of Campus Coalition and Screw
SGC party members, the council
postponed discussion on standard
procedural questions to focus im-

mediately on

Members of both parties have
charged Gill with numerous acts
of corruption. As of yet, however,
no concrete evidence has been
brought forward to substantiate
the charges.
The recall resolution was intro-
duced for a first reading last week
by CC candidate Robert Matthews.
Last night's decision to postpone
action was based on the claim that
former council members Sandy
Green and David Hornstein still

needed to testify about Gill's alleg-
ed corruption. Neither was avail-
able for comment last night.
The two names were brpught up
by David Faye, head of the Cam-
pus Coalition Party, which elected
the largest bloc of candidates in
the recent elections.
FAYE, WHO last week admitted
knowledge of only "circumstantial
evidence concerning. Gill, said last
night that both Green and Horn-
stein spoke, to him privately and

indicated their belief that Gill was
He also said he would try to get
Laurie Artz to speak about the
theft of her desk which occurred
last year. Gill's opponents have
charged Gill with the theft, claim-
ing the desk currently sits in his
The special SGC investigative
committee looking into the charges
will probably not be ready to make
its presentation to council at the
next meeting, according to com-
mittee member Carl Sandburg.
IN DISCUSSING the recall pro-
posal Student Rights Party mem-
ber Marcia Fishman said, "I view
the resolution, in rather great
amazement, in view of the fact
that there is no concrete evidence
on any of the charges. She also re-
asserted her earlier comparison of
the recall effort to a "lynching
Gill himself did not speak about
the charges until Screw SGC Party
member Matt Hoffman challenged
him personally.
"Please tell me as an individual
if you are guilty," Hoffman quer-

Congressman Esch
holds town meeting

UAC homecom ing journeys back
to thie nostalgia of the thirties

Encouraged by the success of
last year's fifties revival, organ-
izers of UAC's homecoming have
plunged even further back into
America's past to find a theme for
the '73 extravaganza.
This time it will be the thirtie -
with all the NewDeal, depression,
gangster, "brother can you pore

supervisor, participants will be
asked to dress up like famous pei-
sons of the era.
A pair of free tickets to the
homecoming concerts will be
awarded to that stately FDR, evil
Al Capone or innocent Judy Gar-
land who can best impress t h e

dance set to begin at 3:00 p.m. +o-
day at the Markley Hall snack bar.
Though Jane Fonda is not ex-
pected to attend, the dance prom-
ises to be quite an event. For a
two dollar entry fee, couples can
dance to the tunes of the thirties
for as long as their legs wili hold.

Congressman Marvin Esch (R-
Ann Arbor) met with some 120 of
his constituents last night in an
open town meeting held 'at city
Though the topics of discussion
ranged all the way from social
security to U.S. foreign policy in
Chile, the evening's most heated
discussion focused around a "youth
differential clause" contained in
a new minimum wage bill.
THE CLAUSE would establish a
policy whereby young people would
be excluded from the new, higher

and hire more cheap labor.
Esch, on the other hand, con-
tended the proposal would encour-
age more employers to train and
hire youth.
"I WOULD RATHER see a per-
son put to worl six months and
earning $1.60 an hour than see
him on the street as a result+ of
a higher minimum wage," he said.
As to the possibility of- discrimi-
nation Esch suggested further gov-
ernmental regulation. "It's absurd
to contend we can't regulate em-
ployers regarding minimum
wage," Esch commented, "if we

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