Page Six (HE MICHIGAN DAILY I hursday, October 18, 1913 FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557 - 10 A.M.-4 P.M. Monday-Friday PERSONAL WORK OVERSEAS a career vacation abroad through Iaeste (International' Assoc. for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience). Informa- tion Meeting, Thursday, October N18, 7*30 p.m. International Center. Na- tional Director and Former partici- pants will discuss this program for students in Engineering. Architecture, and the Sciences. 50F36 "'f we did not live i-t-o-rnnt FOR RENT TENANTS UNION-M-F, 9:00-5:00, 41101 Michigan Union, 761-1225. cCtc4 MODERN Two-Bedroom, 4-man apart- ments near hospitals. Fully carpeted and furnished. Call 663-6549 before 5 p.m. 50C56 TENANTS UNION-M-F, 9:00-5:00, 4110 Michigan Union, 761-1225. cCtc GRADUATE TO HI-RISE LIVING * a MO. FALL-WINTER LEASE *FURNISHED APTS. HEATED SWIMMING POOL * RECREATION ROOM 0 STUDY LOUNGE 0 PIANO ROOM 0 FREE WEEKLY HOUSEKEEPING * MOVIES AND PARTIES (5 minutes to Class) UNIVERSITY TOWERS APTS. S. University at Forest VISIT OR CALL 761-2680 cCtc ROOMMATE NEEDED-Large, luxurious apt. Your own lease. CAMPUS RENTALS LTD. 665-8825 1335 SOUTH U. MUSICAL MDSE., 1 RADIOS, REPAIRS FOR SALE: Fender startoaster guitar with case. Excellent condition. $225. 763-6437. 64X42 HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Folk, classical instruments, foreign and domestic. Music lessons and repairs. 209 S. State, 665-8001, 10-6 p.m. cXtc GUITAR LESSONS Class or private instruction, all styles. Our studios also accommodate banjo, flute and recorder, eyooard, bass; drums, clarinet, oboe, and sax. Call Ann Arbor Music Mart, 769-4980. cXtc E-FLAT SAXOPHONE: call eves., 665- 5449. 02X41 SAVE 30 PERCENT on most musical; Instruments. Call Steve, 761-7209, or! .herie, 761-7991. 40X45 MUSIC, STRINGS 'N' THINGS Acoustic Instruments and acces- sories. 20% off list. Lessons and ex- pert repairs. Old Martins, Gibsons and Guild guitars in stock. 668-9836, 516 E. William. cXtc ROOMMATES MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED in two bedroom 3-man apartment. Close to! BUSINESS SERVICES SUBLET. HELP WANTED ''' rriur~u it, TENANTS UNION-M-F, 9:00-5:00, 4110 WOMAN WANTED to sublease Univer- RESPONSIBLE PERSON to care for 2 n rrow-mided and Michigan Union, 761-1225. cJtc sity Towers apt. for Nov. and Dec. yr. old boy 5 afternoons a week, 2-5 violent people, I ARBOR PARK DAY-CARE Center has C Judy, 668-7025 59U39 p.m. in my home. References requir- --ed. 769-2699. 03H37r sh udb tefi t fl-adpr-ieoeig fo;ROMT SULT maegaNo.!children ages 22-5. For information 1st-May 15th. $76/mo. 2 blocks fromt KENNEL HELP WANTED for veterinar- to throw over all call 971-0886 or 971-9239. 08J44 Diag. Call 662-0652. 33U38 ian hospital. Duties include yard, - -- - --- _____n hospveiary asistncue work. n to aim n CALL AN Ex-Hopwood Poet/Editor/T.A. SUBLET: unfurnished luxury 2-bed-:lorse. veterinary assistance work. nationalism in for free-lance writing, editing, cri- room near North Campus. 6-month 617454. favor of universa ticism, proofing, some typing. Deliv-, lease, $205/month-negotiable. 761- HOUSEWIVES - College students orf ery service available. Call 973-1489,1 7074, 5-10 evenings. 19U39; anyone able to work part-time or full humanity. anytime. 07J35- n--y---n- time. Burger King wants you. Pre- -A SUBLEASE. Male $75/mo. Clean, a/c,i ferred hours between 10-5 daily &Ai ACCOMPLISHED PIANIST seeks stu- furn., TV, tel. 662-8614. 65U37 3-1 a.m. nightly, Apply in person at AFen dents all ages and levels. Reasonable --1_-- " the Burger King on W. Stadium Blvd. t _- 1F37 rates. 763-3994 late eves., or between PETS AND SUPPLIES the mie west of W. ta l ___ ___EK. 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. 62J38 _-{one mile west of U-M football sta- I O.K. -YOU'RE O.K.- --- ----; dium). 55H37 Introductory Workshop, Sat., Oct. 20, TYPING-Experienced-all phases. 971- SPADE, male tabby cat, very gentle and 9:30 a.m,-9 p.m. Professional leaders 1629, 483-5839, 485-2286. 99J39 sweet. 668-7847. 60T39 WORK IN ORIENT trained in Transactional Analysis, Businessmen, Professors, students - Psychodrama, Gestalt. Call 769-5225 TYPING-769-2645, 761-1225. ca to JFREE: two beautiful kittens. Black International Chemical Company is mYPING-69-265,r76-1225. c toQ 1121 44AT49A! _ a:< ..__. -- _ or 971-0045. 97F37 PERSONAL Why tiuy mass produced WEDDING RINGS? Have your own personal de- sign made by Jhan. 769-7550. cFtc 2 FREE GAMES 2 vii h thl coupon come in and relax PINBALL ALLEY 1217 S. University. cFtc WE MEET OUR competitiors prices.; Just ask. Village Apothecary, cFtc 88F46 ART WORLD'S FALL CLASS-Abden- dum acrylic painting, bamboo flute making, Batik and tie dye, forge iron work, macrame, calligrathy, candle- making, figure drawing, glass blow- ing, leathercraft, life sculpture, prim- itive sewing, stained glass, water color, weaving, belly dance, dance therapy, modern dance, folk dance. mime, guitar, recorder playing, basic' and darkroom photography, figure and nature photography, matting andj mounting, photoscreen printing, as- trology charting, palmistry, tarot,. creative writing, self defense for wo- men. Phone 668-6244 for schedule. 2131 S. Main, A.A. cFtc FOR THE LATEST in ar STYLISTS and R.K. PRODUCTS, U-M Barbers and Stylists cFtc PEOPLE'S PRODUCE CO-OP A REAL ALTERNATIVE 769-3995 5-8 P.M. DAILY cFtc PIPE SMOKERS! Handcrafted meer- schaum pipes. Exceptional values and the most personalized of service. Free Catalog. PMP Co., P 0O. Box 444, Galthersburg, Md. 20760. 66Fte RELIABLE ABORTION SERVICE Clinic in Mich.-1 to 24 week preg- nancies terminated, by licensed ob- stetrician-gynecologist. Quick serv- vices will be arranged. Low, rates. CALL COLLECT (216) 281-6060 24 HOUR SERVICE !mai 'tiger emaie. b-st3 44T42 WE GUARANTEE personal attention in ------~~- 1th handling shipments of your personal WOULD LIKE to give away two healthy effects worldwide. Contact A. F. emale cats. One long-haired silver Burstrom, E. Gene 983-4033 cJtc female tabby neutered. One black long-haired neutered male. Good fam- ily. MayAAEo &1 cla onesor both pets. Call SITUATNS WANTED 7 or - expanding operations in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and Tokyo. In- come commensurate with qualifica- tions and performance. Opportunities available in marketing, sales person- nel, administration and production. Send resume with names, addresses, phone numbers of at least 3 oriental references to Bestline Products Ltd. 28474 Swan Drive, Grosse Ile, Mich. 48138 to the attention of Mr. Bryant. 29H42 AWARENESS OF SELF, OTHERS. EX- PERIMENTAL 'WORKSHOP for ten people: October 26-28. Margaret Blood. 769-0046, 04F40 SUBJECTS WANTED with phobias for research study providing free therapy for the phobia. Please call Ms. Tricia McGilliard at 764-5348 in Univ. Hos- pital. 87F40 PERSONAL NATIONWIDE Auto Transporters Cars, all points. 1-537-0005. 59F53 BOARD EXAM TU1TORING Enrnllments now being accepted for S H KAPLAN tutoring courses to fre r heupcomEng M.C.A.T., 0. AIT and L,.S.A.T. Board. Exams, Gall (3131)354-0085. cFtc XEROX AND OFFSET COPY QUICK 1217 S. University 769-0560 . _ eFte at MARTY'S.. . "Wall-of-Slax" Flaied 'n Cuffed Knit or Knot Jeans 'n Jackets MARTY'S MEN FASHION CLOTHING 310 S. State St. cFtc MUSIC, CINEMA, PLAYS, openings,- Monthly in a comprehensive calendar & articles equals ART FARE Maga- zine. Look for it at newsstands and bookstores all around Ann Arbor. cFtc YOUTH FARE CARDS, Charters, Groups. Getaway programs. Call: Cin- di Hopkins, TWA Campus Rep. 769- 0634. cFtc ANNUAL DIAMOND SALE - Now in progress. Sale began January I and will end December .31. Austin Dia- mond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. cFtc MICHIGAN LOTTERY tickets on sale at the Village Apothecary.4 1112 So. University. cFtc DATING SERVICE. $15 Great people. Saturday Night Insur- ance. 663-1392: 74F21 Always hold matches till cold. Please: help prevent forest fires. i WILL BABY SIT PART TIME in my home. Reasonable rates. call 761-3000. PHOTO SUPPLIES !_ WANTED: Old Leica camera and ac- TICKETS WANT 2 Ohio State together. Will pay! $13. 665-6246. 62Q38 cessories. Prof. Lorey, 764-1559. 44D38j PERSONAL ~AJN11LtAuĀ±n~r~a~ 1 3mm. f/1 4 and Vivitar 200mm. 3.5 lens, $300. Call m after 5: 482-5256. 92D37 WILL BABY SIT PART TIME in my S'campus. Available immediately. Call - home. Reasonable rates. call 761-3000. calHALLOWEEN COSTUMES-weird an- HELLLLPPPP! Need 3 Wisconsin tick- ! HALLOWEEN CSUE -wida-6ene 65-5854. 63238 d tique generally bizarre clothing. Come ets, senior priority, desperately. 761-HELP WANTED browse at Forgotten Works (but be FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED for 2- 8510. dQ38 ' ' _---.- EINSTEIN CAN'T but you can. Give to careful you might get lost). Week- man apartment near campus.-- Representative needed! Earn $200 plus the Israel Emergency Fund. Israel can ends 10-6, 410 N. 4th Ave, cC38fl 6081 after 3:00 pm.p 49Y40 MICH.-OHIO STATE tickets wanted. each semester with only a few hours only make a just peace with its Arab David, 663-8441, 41Q40 work at the beginning of the semes- neighbors if Israel exists. 65F37 I-BEDROOM HOUSE, reasonable, well ROOMMATE WANTED for modern apt. -E-2. t s- --- TERA located, will trade for your 1-bedroom 1010 Catherine. Call 769-8496. 52Y37 NEED: 2 OSU tickets 663-7835 eves. and INTERNATIONAL MARKETING STUDY ABROAD Information Meeting apartment. Days (517) 783-2851, eves. ---- ---- weekends. 43Q37 SERVICE Nov. 7, International Center, 7:30 662-8594. 07C40 ROOMMATE WANTED: house on Silver 519 Glenrock Ave., Suite 203. p.m. 764-9310. 57F48 Lake, own bedroom, 25 minutes from 764-3608dQ38 Los Angeles, California 90024 THE CONTINUING STORY OF MADAM PLEASANT, quiet room for rent, $69. A.A. $100/month. Call Carlos, 426- 4- ,76H62TT Lease till Aug. 663-1013 persistently. 8964. 26Y38 ~~~^ ----------------- SOPHIE . . . the Pyllsbury dough boy 11037 -- WANTED: 2 tickets to Moody Blues. MSCELLANEOUS threatened to take away all her FEMALE WANTED to share large room 764-8513 between 1-5 40Q 8 dough. This angered our heroine to FOR RENT: 1 bedroom in 2-bdrm, apt. in large friendly house. $61 per mo. WANTED: two tickets to Moody Blues RIDING IS FUN-on your horse or such an extent that she immediately $125, on E. Kingsley. Ann Arbor Box Call after 5:30. 761-9556. 18Y40 concert. 665-9644. 28Q40 ours. English, Western, Dressage, and, . . dF37 375 48107. NEED0 --- ___2_EN ___-ar beautif- ~_~-~- Jumping. Beginners to advanced. TENANTSUIO--,:0-:,41 _________ __- NEED I or 2 MEN to share beautiful-- -- NNSUI -MF9:050,41--- NEEDED: 5 tickets for Wisconsin game.,1 Large indoor arena. Lessons from 85.NO-MF :0-:0 1 APARTMENT FOR RENT: close to cam- 2-bedroom apt. on Vaughn Street. On Call bore 3:30,f665-5752. 27Q38 Larding, tran . qualiied Instruc- Michigan Union, 761-1225. cCtc pus, 3- bedrooms, partially furnished,' campus. Immediate occupancy. Rent__________-------- trsCoe utadhv fn.71BIYLacpkMorTair carpeted, older building. $300/mo. negotiable. Cal Jim Frisnger 769- TRADE: want two Ohio State for two 9691. 3500 South Wagner Rd. 10 m- BThumb Travk Fair,No r 30. Call Trony sso. . Moody Blues. 971-4316 or 763-2344, utes from campus. 46M41 85F49 4TH WOMAN NEEDED for 2-bedroom days. 21Q38 h eoff-campus apartment near IM build- WANTED: 2 Ohio St football tickets. HELP WANTED WE DO IT FOR THE ASKING! ing. Call 662-4046 or ask for Cindy, Call 761-0826 aft. 6 p.m. 05Q37 FULL-TIME nightperson wanted. Apply MICHIGAN UNION TEN ANTSTED:_tw__tickets toWisonsin in person only. Mr. Tony's Submar- tF37 "F EIJ 764-0552. ai OPTLAE-d35WANTED: two tickets to Wisconsin m hp 4 .Sae 54 CAMPUS and HOSPITAL AREA-nthd game. Sec. 28. 769-9863. 84Q37 ineSo, State.- 5H4. W COM E F IRST!male roommates. $69.00 per month AT:pm/pt 721 E. Kingsley. Call 663-9373. Tks ""PART-TIME SALESMAN needed. Ex- $100. 761-6413, John, or leave message. FTCtAfrMdHURON VALLEY REAL ESTATE . l cellent financial opportunities. Will 32F37 For a Campus Apt. HALT Concert. Call between 9 a.m. and 5 train. Saline Mobile Home Park. 429- Offering Many m.9654750.15Q40 9300 or 763-6641. 54H42 WE DENY the existence of silverized O--r-g an-ctweamt95-75.r5Q0btai.lalneMoilsHoeJar.C29OBS___LADDER_ ___ Additional Features USED CARS WANTED: wIll pay top price for 2 ad- APARTMENT-WORK EXCHANGE 1GAthERYballoon.K JACOBS LADDER I _:__ jiigtickets toMody Blues. Call GLEY nKryonMre 1 GALL_,,ngt I N. Fifth Ave. cFtc". CAL L U'69 TORINO GT 351-2V automatic, 769-4343 any time. 98Q38 Attractive apartment in Barton Hills N. - A -_ .c power steering, power disc brakes, ~-- for single male in exchange for yard GAY WOMEN AND GAY MEN. Gay new brakes, tires, speakers, burglar WANTED: two together, Ohio St Call and house work. Payment for hours grad students, faculty, staff & TF's Management alarm. 761-1689. 56N40 Dave, 662-8183. 69Q37 over contract. Transportation requir- come meet in a casual atmosphere to T6 or 8 OSU Tickets wanted. 761-1932. ed. Call 662-2118. discuss our common concerns. Oct. 21, 1968 CiEVELLE, auto; 307; AM-FM; 7:30 p.m., Union, South Wing, 3rd fI. 7 1 Racnda$s; .willowgieae; goo-2307.611H38 conference room. Info: 763-4186, 761- 71 - 1 3 394 NEED SIX PAIR OSU tickets. Call------------ ___-------------- 2044 (Gay Hotline, 24 hrs., 7 days). cCtc Gale: 1-223-7319 or 1-331-2182. Help! NEEDED: part-time experienced cloth- 13F40' cCtNc LIDATNG__UEHOLD_:_-e 29Q37 ing salesmen for Wild's Varsity Shop, ---.-_.-__ DETROIT ing '66 Ford: new tires, brakes, well acquainted with Levi's line and BICYCLE, Backpack, Motor, Train, or n o wbSTEEL STRING and classical guitars, general casual wear items. See George Thumb? Travel Fair, November 30. FU N1UERNA hcs ec 30 alBr rMilt,8F4 FURNITURE RENTAL-568 etet. C finest quality, 40-50% off list. Classi- Wild: Jr. in person at Wild & Co.,,85F49 761-5678 persistently. 29N45 cal guitar lessons-all levels, accredit- 311 S. State St. 42H40 --- -------- --- - - VISIT OUR NEW SHOWROOM- '48 CADILLAC antique. Best offer. 662- ed by UM. 662-1775, 665-7348 till 11:00 --- ------------------ BUMPER STICKERS custom printed 3090CCARPENTER RD. 9781. 14N40 pm, cXtc EVENING STOCK WORK: 5 'til 9, Sats. while-U-waft! $2. MBL Press, 1217 CORNER OF PACKARD Contact Mr. Scott or Mrs. Giordano, Prospect, Ann Arbor. 761-0942. cFtc 1970 SAAB 96 V4. Excellent condition. MARTIN GUITARS D-18 D-28, D-35, Faber's Fabrics. 971-0140. 451142 I --=- - - - - - OPEN 10-6 DAILY $P75, nearest offer. 575-3082 or 643- 12-strings ready to be enjoyed! Apollo - --iBAS LAYR-it-euipen, _ola 97 20Music Center, 769-1400. cXtc BASS PLAYER with equipment, to play 973-9230 0076. 75N38 {__LEGAL__ABORTIONS_ eCt- 7- ._7_3original music. Before 3 p.m., Zeke, LEGAL ABORTIONS GA1973 VW Bug, Sflame orange, AM-FM. GUITAr, Ms, PIANOS. Fender, 761-6152. dH381 LOST AND FOU73. VW Bug, m les allecollneA1-342-8998rMastoGibson, Martin, - .-- ---- - -$3 LOST AND FOUND 12,00 miles.Callcollect 1-342N38 IGuild.One-stop center. Apollo Music, PIZZA MAKERS. Good pay, full or$T 322 s. Main, 769-1400. cXtc part-time. Mr. Pizza, 342 E. Liberty, National Abortion Center FOUND: Monday, young male puppy, I FOR SALE: 1966 Dodge Coronet. 6 cyl- LUs 769-8030. 36H40 19009 W. 7 Mile Rd. part Terrier,. black with brown feet AOL RMCNE-rmst, and white markings, flea collar. 769- nder,7automatic, 79,000 miles, $20 over 20 sets in stock: Rogers, Sonar, HONEST and dependable counter help Detroit 255-3985 7134. dA39 Ca 2 Ludwig, Gretsch, Singerland. Priced needed at the Union Station Restau-cliE 1961 AUSTIN-HEALY 3000 Roadster, right deals. 322 S. Main, 769-1400. cXtc rant, downstairs in the Michigan Un- clinics in FON Do p oe's Sport Shop on North running condition. 66-5497. 54N38 KE:-- ionHours: 6:30 a 2m.-3:30 p.m., Mon.- Midwestern cities frontof_____SprtShopanNort BIKES AND SCOOTERS Fri.; Sat., 6:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Also' Licensed Qualified Physicians University. Call 668-6915. dA4O OPEL GT, '69. Clean, best offer over ------------ -- ---- bussing position open: Mon.-Wed.- $1100. Maverick, '70, 32,000 miles, 3 1972 YAMAHA 350, accessories. Exc. Fri. 6:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. 38H40 LOST: Male, blonde tabby. Jefferson- speed, $1300. Call days 971-4774 and condition. Was $650, now $600. Phone----- Ashley. Amber eyes. 665-0127. 51A39c nights 662-7389. 87N39 6632933. 46Z42 IULL-TIME head cashier opening im- LOST:sMen's7wallet7ontainingL-aluablead-cashier -peni-g -. -___ Imed. Apply in person, Kay Baum, LOST: Men's wallet containing valuable 1969 FALCON Station Wagon. Well TRIUMPH DAYOTA 500, good condi- 1 500 E. Liberty. 24H41 WD. Call 6846nytme6. 5E- maintained, good mileage. $800. 971- . tion, new electronics, must sell: $550, A D-- --s e WARD. Call 668-7496 anytime. 35A38 4774,971-2734. 73N38 negotiable. 662-2374, Rob. 96Z40 m BABYSITTER NEEDED 2 pre-shoolersC FOUND: black and white long-haired FOR SALE: Bultaco Pursang 125. 25 tation. Some light housekeepink. Fri.-CRO SSW O R male cat on Division near Liberty, bargain at $650. 971-4774, 971-2734. niles. Ann Arbor Box 375 48107. and Sat. 12:30-5:30, $2.00/hr. 973-0776 With sear over right eye. Call 665-7643. 74N38! For Sale: Ducati '66 250cc. 42Z40 after 6, 00H38 Copr. '73 Gen'l Fe dA38 ACROSS 55 Symbol for '65 BUICK. Cheap.Write Ann Arbor Box PROFESSIONAL motorcycle mech. will TELEPHONE CANVASSER - Full or 1 Man's name. October 31 LOST: 1 black key case with S keys- 375 48107. 43N40 tune-up your motorcycle at your part-time, no exp. necessary. Call Natoal mbl 57 Work. VicinityWilliam & Thompson.22home. Call 485-2278. 97Z26 665-0592. 77H38 5 Nat o r.bem. 51 Cor. ward. 761-9763. 22A38 __-- -- --- 9 Spanish port. 60 Contradict. LOST ON CAMPUS: Bracelet. Simple (1 et rege 61 - winterl gold chain with small turquoises. If -frokiG): ad .62 .oty.l found call 665-6807. dA38 Ak )Lat. .65 oty EINSTEIN WAS RIGHT. Do something now. Tomorrow may be too late. 09F37 ASSOCIATE BOOKS EDITOR . . .FOR THE DAILY. Looking for someone with broad interests in fiction and' non-fiction, experienced in writing' and editing, knows or wiling to learn layout. Benefits: innumerable books and working experience, hobnobbink , with publishers. Ability to write/edit cFtc most impt. 4-7 hours a week. Inter- - ---- - - ested/qualified? Call Tony, 764-0552, T'YPING-769-2645, 761-1225. cFtc 662-9424. dF38 _ _ .___. _FOR THE BOLD. brave and spirited: PHOTOGRAPHER would like to meet R. K. Wood Spice Cologne. U-M Bar- women intersted in exchanging mod- bers and Stylists, open Sat. to 5:15 eling time for photo work. Call 665- p.m., Union. cFtc 6447 eves. 90F37 - - - - ~ PROBLEM PREGNANCY HELP - offers RED OF alternatives to abortion. 400 S. Divi- sion-Basement office 769-7283. CLASSES ALREADY? 49F38 The Daily 'is looking for volunteer peo-j COMIC BOOKS, science fiction, base- ple to work on the Business Staff. ball cards, paperbacks, CURIOUS Openings in all departments. Good USED BOOK SHOP. TOO! 340 S. State experience in working with adver- (upstairs), 761-0112 (open 1-6 p.m.). tisers and in advertising. 5c Cokes cFtc are one of the many benefits of IF YOU DIDN'T VOTE in the SGC elec- tion here is your chance to redeem yourself. "Sophie" officially ends on Saturday. If you would like to see her continued, it is your duty to vote. To vote YES, send or bring your vote to The Michigan Daily, Box 52.75, NO-Box 63.8. Thank you. diF3'7 working on the staff. Call 764-0560 or stop, by The Daily building and ask for Bill, Ray or Dave. dFtc DIVORCED or SINGLE: Private, person- alized dating club for over 10 yrs. :n this area. College required or equivalent job experience to become a member. Call free information 355- 0677. Write INTERACTIONS 17000 W. 215 S. Fifth, Ann Arbor. 668-8883. WEDDING INVITATIONS-Mod. or tra- ditional style. Call 761-0942 anytime. cFtc ANSWER 10 PREVIOUS PUZZLE RFAJAH R00M SKIM AMANA IMPLICATE NI0N ES MA R INA TE D MV. MANY CREME Z 0W IE H U P{ P LA NE T TH IR ST S LURED FRIES RED ACIS -COOPS B INE # KAS 40 T. MOUSE CRISP INE CALMED THEM D LEAVE O DRNES Y AIR-JA _ j altU Dail~ ZD PUZZLE atures Corp. .r c. green. der. WANTED TO REN DESPERATELY NEED cheap, cycle. $5 reward to third pa ing m eone. Call Kevin 5:30- 1061. BARGAIN CORNE GET HIGH-Why pay over $1 battle of wine? Make a g less. No fancy equipment Send $1.00 for instructions: ENTERPRISES, P.O. Box 1 Mi. 48197. cAA' 4T CASH BRING YOUR TITLE 11.17 v r r tgsed bi- WE'LL BUY YOUR CAR! rty find- TOP $$$ -7:30, 764- -SPORTS & IMPORTS- 25K37 '71 i'IAT 124 Spider, Red, AM-FM,. One Owner .......$2795 '71 VOLVO 164, Full power, air, 1.00fora AM-FM .. .. was $4295, now $3995 .00 for a '71 JAGUAR XKE, Full Power, allonir d..... . was $8895, now $7995 rACTION '70 MG MIDGET, red, chrome wire ACT iONis, wheels............... ....$1995 1, Willis, '69 MG MIDGET, wire wheels .... $1795. 32W44 '69. VOLVO 144S, automatic, like new .. $1995 '68 VOLVO 142$ 4-speed ....... $1595. '71 AUDI 10OLS A.T., air .........$36951 '70 MGB ROADSTER..... .........$24951 '70 OPEL GT. blue, 4-speed .....$25951 M'Class Ring J.L. Small Co. Prestige Lines Inc. 1209 So. Univ. 663-7398 15rarly vice president. 16 Horation work. 17 60 drops. 18 Biblical people. 20 Odin, Thor, etc. 22 Rigid. 23 Bowler. 24 Halloween party. goers. 27 Smokes, British style. 28 Certain gurus. 32 Harmonica part. 33 Sad sound. 35 Roentgen invention. 36 Night flyer. 38 Kind of roast. 40 Unused. 42 Actress Miller. 43 Attention- gtigsound. 45 Snack. 47 Sprightly. 49 Aramaean deity. 51 English king (1660-85). 67 Poetic pronoun. 68 Elbe tributary. 69 Golf club. 70 Etc.'s cousin. 71 Sugar solutions in a prescription: Abbr. DOWN I Milady's. 2 "I have -." - (M. L. King). 3 Distributed differently. 4 Opera 5 Justice Dept. arm. 6 Gloss: Var. 7 Amount due. 8 Younger genera- tion relative. 9 Crisp vegetable. 10 Himalayan peak. 11 Biblical verb. 12 Impression. 13 Gusto. 19 Native of: Suffix. 21 Straightedge 5 6 7 8 15 18 41 item. 25 Cantor, 26 Anklets. 29 Much-quoted poem of 1751. 30 Writer Fleming. 31 Together with: Prefix. 34 .-hand (extend help). 36 Distainful exclamation. 37 Triumphant exclamation. 39 Slander. 41 Poland's name for Lithuania's capital. 44 Before Lt. Col. 46 Reflection. 48 Withdraws. 50 Great English naturalist. 52 - Gibson, of tennis. 53 Home appliance. 54 Gathers. 56 Wavy: Prefix. 57 Adders' kin. 58 Roughen,from exposure. 59 Famous Yugoslav. 63 Con's opposite. 64 - Aviv. 9 o10 il123 9 23 SE RIES NOW ON SA LE! S E R E S O WVh c i U n i v'c r s i t y o f M i c h i g a n Professional Theatre Program announCCs 3 Distinguished Repel'ory Compa is THENEW FHONI presenting Fcydeas "w onderflflmlun y farcc October 25-27 an tm rrenm uu a iwr ncomcay THE October 27-28 the premiere ingagemnct o THE SHE WFESTIV 1ALI in G . B . S h a w 's " w a r m a n d w itt y " ~~J O C2 I EVC3 December 6-9 THE NEW YORK Cw ITY CENTER ACT0ING COMMPANY February 14-16 and Shakes.par '. eu mc tmedy ' .r eniisual tmi il !T n TV , --IT . STORE LEVIS - DENIM TRADITIONALS .... 8.50 BUTTONFLYS .......8.00 BOOT JEANS 8.50 JACKETS ......... 10.50 LEVIS-CORDUROYS BOOT JEANS .... BELL BOTTOMS . . HOODED SWEATSH I RTS ..- -TOYOTAS- 1969-1972 all models to choose from:j 100 per cent warranty on engines,i transmissions and diff. for 1000 miles or 30 days. 1973 DEMO'S - Real dollar values. -DOMESTICS- '72 INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL-ALL wagon. Just like new, 11,000 miles, E P.S., P.B. Sale ... $2595 Toyota Ann Arbor 907 N. Main. 769-7935 cNtc FOR SALE STERLING SILVERWARE, Westmor- land's Lady Hilton pattern, partial service for 8. Open stock. Reasonable. 662-9692. 58B39 CONSOLIDATING HOUSEHOLDS: sell- ing Kenwood amp, dual table, 4 speakers-$125; Concord Delux Cas- sette-$25; 3-speed bike (1 year old) -$30. All owned with love and care.- Call Barbor Milt: 761-5678, persis- 14 17 24 24 3 47 19 13 8.50 9.00 6.98 22 25 t 2? tlV 1 DOWN COATS ... . ARCTIC PARKAS. FLANNEL 22 66~ from 37.50 $40 & $50 32 36 37 38 39 43 44 45 33 I 46 47 IG I 1- I