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October 18, 1973 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1973-10-18

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letter from the editor

he 1MKti4gan4 Daf
Eighty-three years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Hard-line cops and community don't mix

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

News Phone: 764-0552


Continuing a bankrupt policy

THE RESIGNATION of Thailand's mili-
tary dictatorship last Sunday in the
face of student riots and demands is
added evidence that the U. S. policy of
preaching democracy and self-determi-
nation while supporting repressive re-
gimes friendly to the U. S. is bankrupt.
Two days of violent student demonstra-
tions in which many were killed and in-
jured forced Prime Minister Thanom Kit-
tikachorn to resign and a new govern-
ment to be formed. Thanom, supreme
commander of the Thai armed forces,
had been ruling Thailand by decree after
abolishing the constitution. Students had
demanded that democratic rule be re-
,turned to Thailand.
Thanom was a favorite of the U. S. gov-
ernment, and had allowed Americans to
set up military bases in the country and
pursue a bloody "pacification" program.
Along with cooperating with American
policies in Thailand, he had revoked civil
liberties and maintained an oppressive
one-man rule.
THE SITUATION in Thailand was little
different than in any American client
state around the world, in which the U.S.
supports repressive military dictatorships
with massive economic and military aid.
American recognition of the Chilean
junta is only the most recent example.
Business Staff
Business Manager
RAY CATALINO..............Operations Manager
SHERRY- CASTLE.............. Advertising Manager
SANDY FIENBERG ................. Finance Manager
'DAVE BURLESON ................... Sales Manager
DEPT. MGRS.: -Steve LeMire Jane Dunning, Paula
ASSOC. MGRS.: Joan Ades, Chantal Bancilhon, Linda
Ross, Mark Sancrainte, S u a n n e Tiberio, Kevin
ASST. MGRS.: Marlene Katz, Bill Nealon
STAFF: Sue Desmet, Laurie Gross, Debbie Novess,
Carol Petok, Mimi Bar-on
SALESPEOPLE: W e n d i Pohs, Tom Kettinger, Eric
Phillips, P e t e r Anders, R o b e r t Fischer, Paula
Schwach, Jack Mazzara, John Anderson
Photography Staff
Chief Photographer
KEN PINK .....................Staff Photographer
TOMAS GOTTLIEB.............Staff Photographer
STEVE KAGAN.................Staff Photographer
KAREN KASMAUSKI ..............Staff Photographer
TERRY McCARTHY..............Staff Photographer
JOHN UPTON.Staff Photographer
Editorial Staff ,
Co-Editors in Chief
DIANE LEVICK........................ Arts Editor
MARILYN RILEY..........Associate Managing Editor
ZACHARY SCHILLER..............Editorial Director
ERIC SCHOCH ..................... Editorial Director
TONY SCHWARTZ.................. Sunday Editor
CHARLES STEIN............ .......uCity Editor
TED STEIN .......................... Executive Editor
ROLFE TESSEM .................... Managing Editor
STAFF WRITERS: Prakash Aswani, Gordon Atcheson,
Dan Biddle, Penny Blank, Dan Blugerman, Howard
Brick, Dave Burhenn, Bonnie Carnes, Charles Cole-
man, Mike Duweck, Ted Evanoff, Deborah Good,
William Heenan, Cindy Hill, Pack Krost, jean Love,
Josephine Marcotty, Cheryl Pilate, Judy Ruskin,
Ann Rauma, Bob Seidenatein, StephenuSelbst, Jeff
Sorensen, Sue utephenson, David Stoll, Rebecca
$AILY WEATHER BUREAU: William Marino and
Dennis Dismacheck (forecasters)

It would be almost humorous to watch
this policy backfire as oppressed people
rise up against such governments, to the
naive amazement of American officials,
if the results of such policies were not so
The client state of Thailand was the
major jumping off point for American
military actions in all of Southeast Asia,
actions which resulted in the callous
slaughter of innumerable people.
It would be a striking departure if
American foreign policy were to change
at all. The impetus to follow past poli-
cies is dismally strong in officials dealing
with foreign policy. But continuing "be-
cause we've always done it this way" has
become reprehensible and immoral almost
by definition.
Oh, Henry!.
THIS COUNTRY'Symost internationally
recognized playboy has now added
another feather to his cap.
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is
a Nobel laureate. Almost exactly a year
after he pronounced that "peace is at
hand" in Vietnam, the Nobel Committee
of Norway's Parliament announced the
award, which will also be given to North
Vietnamese Politburo member Le Duc
During the intervening year, Ameri-
can B-52s pounded civilians throughout
Indochina, destroying hospitals and leav-
ing thousands of deaths and casualties
behind them.
The press disclosed that Kissinger had
assented to the wire tapping of several
members of his own taff. But that was
nothing for the Presidential adviser to
get upset about: He invited some of his
bugged colleagues to his 50th birthdayy
party, a gala event.
therefore complicity in the secret
bombing of Cambodia also became public
knowledge in the one year interim.
And even a portion of the academic
American Political Science Association
censured the Presidential adviser for be-
ing "an accomplice in the terror bombing
of Hanoi" last year, as well as for issuing
"deliberately misleading 'peace is at
hand' statements on the eve of the 1972
Presidential election."
Yet, all this was no matter to the Nobel
committee, so Kissinger will be lauded as
a warrior for world peace. Perhaps we
should feel lucky that the accolade did
not go to the President himself.
News: Gordon Atcheson, Penny Blank,
Charles Coleman, Chris Parks, Jim
Editorial Page: Marnie Heyn, Eric Schoch,
David Yalowitz
Arts Page: Sara Rimer
Photo Technician: Ken Fink

]POLICE CHIEF Walter Krasny went be-
fore City Council Monday night to talk
about Ann Arbor's spiraling crime prob-
In an embattled 90 minute performance,
the chief delivered up the same old non-
sense about hippies, drugs and permissive-
Ann Arbor's thriving youth culture, gen-
erated by the presence of the "Big U" has
given the city an image of "a town where
everything goes," Krasny lamented.
Some 85 per cent of all robberies in the
city are drug-related, he claimed. And the
real problem gets down to good old weed
because, as every good Republican knows in
his heart, "Where you find one (mari-
juana) you find the other (Hard Stuff)."
Further, he charged, a significant pro-
portion of students are not really here to
study at all, but come to the city "for
whatever they can rip off."
And, as if things weren't bad enough,
"The system is now set up so that the
criminals have all the rights."
WHAT'S NEEDED is more cops and
some old fashioned, hard-ass law enforce-
Oh, straight ahead Walter!
It's not the cop's fault. It never is. And
it's certainly not your's.
It's all those drugs and hippies and judges
who coddle criminals that are messing

"This is why Krasny has failed to effectively bring the city's
crime situation under control-he's a victim of the old fash-
ioned straight line logic of more men, more hardware, and
more busts as the answer to all social ills."
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things up for all those Good Citizens out
"Gentleman Jim" Stephenson and his
GOP buddies must be just deliriously hap-
py with good old Walter. After all, he
reflects all their benighted views of society
and caters to their narrow-minded prejud-

familiar with busting kids, blacks and gays.
It takes only a little common sense to see
that Ann Arbor is an open, liberal, cultur-
ally avant-gard community.
And the Stephenson Krasny hard headed,
straight ahead style of law enforcement
is not going to change it.

in the past.
For example, why not consider the pos-
sibility of a more decentralized system us-
ing smaller neighborhood substations staff-
ed by cops who ride around in VWs or
Pintos or better yet, bicycles.
Cops could live in the neighborhood they
patrol - be a real part of the community.
In student and youth neighborhoods, for
example, the cops could and should be
young and relatively hip. Freed from skin
length haircuts, silly uniforms and big guns
on their hips, they could.mingle with the
community and come to know by name
most, if not all, of the people in their area.
They would be able to just drop in on
people for a beer (or even a joint may-
be) and chat about their neighborhood's
THESE COPS WOULD have a committ-
ment to and an understanding of the com-
munity they "take care" of. They could
come to be viewed as a positive helpful
force rather than a hostile outside pre-
The idea that cops must always act as
some sort of para-military strike force is
antiquated and absurd - especially in a
town like Ann Arbor.
But as long as cops like Krasny persist
in this view of things and are encourged to
do so by small minded politicians, there
will be no experimentation and the problems
of the city will only continue to get worse.

Enlightment just isn't Walter's long suit.
He believes in strict enforcement of all the
laws . . . or at least most of them.
At one point in the meeting, Council-
woman Nancy Wechsler (HRP-2nd Ward)
asked him about harrassment of gays at
the Rubaiyat. She pointed out that such
harrassment violates the provisions of the
city's human rights ordinance.
KRASNY RESPONDED that he w a s
"not that familiar" with the human rights
What that means is he and his depart-
ment are "not that familiar" with busting
Good Citizens who don't want to be both-
ered with pesky minorities. They're very

All they can succeed in doing is increase
tension and alienation in the community and
continue to drive the drug traffic further
underground where it becomes far more
virulent, nasty and violent.
This is why Krasny has failed to ef-
fectively bring the city's crime situation
under control - he's a victim of the old-
fashioned straight line logic of more men,
more hardware, and more busts as the an-
swer to all social ills.
THIS CITY, because it is so culturally
diverse, could be a test tube environment
for innovative, enlightened experiments in
law enforcement.
Numerous ideas have been put forward

,-- off the record

Watching the war in quiet agony

THE MIDEAST war rages with-
in 25 year-old Yaacov G e r-
shoni. The strain of worry can be
seen in his bearded face when he
speaks of Israel, and felt in his
husky whisper of a voice. Sudden-
ly, he is studying for a social work
degree in a country thousands of
miles from where his true exist-
ence is being played out. The
tension shows.
He is undoubtedly thinking about
Israel and the war as he busily
answers phones at Hillel where
fund-raising continually goes on,
and again as he crosses Hill St. to
reach his quarters at the Hebrew
Co-op nearby.
A year ago Gershoni left h i s
iome in Jerusalem'to study here,
but now his thoughts are clearly
elsewhere. He called home four
times last week. Three brothers
have been mobilized for war and
"when you don't know, the anxie-
ty increases.
"I'm not dying to fight," he says
in his room. "I hate war m o r e
than anything. But the fact I am
here is empty of meaning now.
I can't do any school work. Ifthe
war drags on I will have to go
IT MAY COME to this sooner
for Gershoni and otherIsraelibstu-
dents. They may be called back
at any time, if Israeli authorities
feel it necesasry, since they are all
in the military reserve. Already,
five Israeli students have left their
families and newfound lives here
to return. "They had duties they
believed made it important f o r
them to be there right away,"
says Gershoni.
In the mean time, the rest of the
Israeli students and their famil-
ies live a life apart. The war has
forged them into a cohesive com-
munity. They come together fre-
quently at Hillel now to speak He-
brew and share feelings and in-
A few of the Israeli students

talked about their radically-altered
lives recently. There is an un-
relieved tension in the room, like
a death in the family. The gloom
is pierced periodically by t h e
business of the day and bulletins
of news from the Mideast.
THE FEELING of frustration is
expressed by Moshe Becker, 30,
who is working toward a doctoral
degree in transportation safety.
"I don't care about
victory. So many
-Yaacov Gershoni

"We get the feeling Israel is
holding out now without mobilizing
their entire force," he says. "?3it
of course, I would like to be there.
Your imagination usuallytgoes to
the worst when you're not."
It is difficult to really under-
stand the trapped quality of their
existence. Perhaps we cannot do it
adequately, so filled as we are
with abstractions about war. But
their statements are not abstract.
No "peace with honor" in a distant
"My father is 49 and he has
been mobilized. He drives an am-
bulance. My brother-in-law and
brother are fighting. How do you
think I feel?" says the blonde-hair-
ed Becker.
Adds Yaacov Trobe, 28, presently
at work on his psychology thesis,
"We know they are doing it with-
out us. Without us doing our par-
ticular function. Everyone belongs
in a certain slot."
oes Gershoni when he sys, "We
have stopped our regular sched-


ules. We don't work. When I go
to my office, its to talk with other
students about Israel. We j u 3 t
cannot do other things."
It is not surprising. They have
lived under the threat of extinction
since birth, and now their coqn-
try's ability to survive is once

more being tested.
They know what this means, hav-
ing fought in the 1967 Six Day
War. Both Trobe and Becker saw
combat action on the west bank
of the Jordan River at that time.
Only now they are here, not there.
No talk of winning in this inter-

view, although the Israeli students
say they cannot lose. Instead, it
is the personal toll of the war
which is most lamented.
"I don't care about victory. So
many people will be killed. I just
want it to be over," says Yaacov

Letters: City portrayed inaccurately

Publishers-Hall Syndicate, 1973 ,gomm m\' \%. m ,

To The Daily:
AFTER READING Sunday's edi-
tion of the Daily I was thoroughly
appalled by the article "Cruising
the Forgotten Parts of Town".
In an effort to let the Ann Ar-
borites know of the hidden minority
that is present in Ann Arbor, Mr.
Papanek painted a picture of abso-
lute fallacy.
First of all I question Mr. Papa-
nek's knowledge of anything other
than Ann Arbor's middle class com-
munity. The fact that Mr. Papa-
nek was a cab driver and took one
passenger from a low - income
housing site to Ann Street does not
make him an authority on the
black community. I acknowledge
the fact that people should be
made aware of what's going on in
Ann Arbor, but I think this area
should be researched in depth
rather than printing some rash
statement from a first-day on the
job cab driver.
There are indeed some social ills
in Ann Arbor that go unnoticed.
Public housing is a menace that
was created by the bureaucracy
-f An A..nr nnri t mu +the l.nm

its existence. Everyone who does
go on Ann Street is not a dope
dealer, pimp, or prostitute. Corrup-
tion and vice do exist, not only on
Ann Street, but all over Ann Arbor.
They exist not only with blacks
but with white people as 'well. The
sad part is that Ann Street is lo-
coted between the county jail and
the Ann Arbor Police Department
-and Ann Street still thrives. This
again goes back to a greater social
If there was concern about what
was going on in the black Com-
munity, the great fathers of Ann
Arbor would clean up Ann Street.
Ann Arbor does not address it-
self to the needs of its black Com-
munity. As far as Ann Arbor is
concerned, all black people congre-
gate on Ann Street and are involv-
ed in some illicit activities. There
is no need to prove this erroneous
for we all know there are varying
shades of truth, and there is a
black population that does not hang
on Ann Street that is very seldom
heard about.
Mr. Papanek mentioned the name
of Maddie Moss. Who gives him the

Chile things have learned that their po-
To The Daily: sition was no stronger than the
IT IS difficult to write a "rea- words and the life of their elected
sonable" letter when one is inspir- leader, no stronger than an empty
ed by pure white rage, the kind of rifle.
rage that burns flesh and spirit, Napalm has become the sign of
leaving in its wake little but trem- our times. Jellied gasoline and ar-
bling and ash. But that is my in- tillery shells pitted against the sim-
tention at this time. ple outrage of the starving are the
I speak here of our brother na- inheritance that our society has
tion to the South: Chile. Chile, the forced upon us. In this land and
land that dared to play with the throughout the world the greed of
dynamite of both socialism and de- capitalism is rampant. As individ-
mocracy at the same time. The sin- uals we are either corrupted or
gle nation that attempted to wed exploited by its influence. As a
humanism and Marxism in one po- race, the ghuman race, we are time
litical program: that of the Popu- and time again degraded by it. In
lar Unity government under Sal- this novel, the Chilean coup is only
vador Allende. a recent chapter.
The idealism of this movement This is not the moment to be-
was only too reminiscent of that of lieve in the narcotic messages of
our own New Left pragmatism. It owr newspapers and televisions that
was based on the blind belief that all is tolerably well in the world
right makes might, that the truly (give or take a few thousand dead)
powerful forces of society would or that the loss of one or another
calmly sit by and, quieted by some president, vice or versa, will im-
kind of sense of justice, would give ~ prove anything. It is, and will long
up at the very least an inch and remain, the moment to examine in
perhaps a mile of their jurisdic- depth the foundations of our sup-
tion. posed "rosnerity" in the midst of
Cch we havel earned. is not widesmread hunger.

cided to open up a Greek Restaur-
ant in Ann Arbor! He is RESIGN-
ED that it will be as popular as he
Just thought I'd let you in on
this classified news leak.
-Larry N. Gever
Oct. 17
To The Daily:
I PROTEST! The way in which
UAC - Daystar handled the ticket
selling for the coming Moody Blues
concert was disgusting.
I've listed below two legitimate
bitches - now, where can I find
out what are the 12 other cities on
their tour? I'll have to try one of
them if possible.
Not everyone can camp for three
days to buy tickets, although if I'd
known I would have, which brings
me to another point.
Poor PR resulted in many people
not knowing of concert until Tues-
day morning (or Monday evening
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