NIXON'S RIGHT TO CHOOSE? See Editorial Page Y L Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom :43 ty POLAR High-47 Low-28 {See Today for details Vol. LXXXIV, No. 36 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 1.7, 1973 Ten Cents ScI YOU SE NM ~n C .ALtY Gill accused Former Student Government Council Treasurer David Schaper filed a complaint of assault yesterday against SGC President Lee Gill. Schaper, who was fired last summer from SGC by Gill, claims the president as- saulted him after an argument in the concil offices became heated. Police say detectives will investigate the charge. While Schaper refused comment on the matter, Gill said "There was no assault. He didn't want to leave, and I simply walked him to the door:" SGC veep quits Student Government Council, already in the throes of the election changeover, has suffered yet another blow: The resignation of the council's executive vic president, Sandy Green. Green, 'like many past SGC members, has decided to give up the position in the in- terest of the almighty Grade Point Average. Explaining that his health and grades have suffered because of his involvement, Green adds he's "tired of fighting morons like (former SGC Treasurer David) Schaper." Moreover, says Green, ':'I'm tired of fucking up my grades and spending $2400 to do it." " Mars in view October evenings this year offer the closest view of Mars since 1971 and it won't be repeated until about 1986, agcording to James Loudon, astronomy lecturer at the Residential College. "During October .Mars will come within 41 million miles of Earth, a very close approach considering that its eccentric orbit can take it as far as 235 million miles away from us," Loudon says. He adds that throughout the month, Mars will appear as an intensely red "star" rising north off east around night- fall. Happenings . . . . . include a lecture by Harold Chestnut, presi- dent of IEEE on "Technology as a Force for Social Change - The One World is Here" at 2:00 p.m. at 311 W. Engineering . . . the 1973 Contemporary Music Festival at 8:00 p.m. at Hill Aud. . . Land's "M" at 7:00 and 9:05 p.m. at the Architecture Auditorium - . . Penn's Bonnie and Clyde at 7:00.and 9:00 p.m. at Angell Hall Auditorium A . . . and two freebees - called But What if the Dream Comes True and This is the Home of Mrs. Levant Graham both in the Psych Film Series at Angell Hall Aud. B from 4:00-5:00 p.m. Poll on war A Gallup poll on the Middle East conflict indicates that 47 per cent of all Americans support Israel and 6 per cent favor the Arab cause. Another 22 per cent back neither side while 25 per cent expressed no opin- ion, the poll showed. A spokesman said it was unusual to have such a large number of persons with no opinion, and he expressed the belief that the figure may reflect a reluctance on the part of many Americans to see the United States, become embroiled in another war. Was he guilty? Apparently, most ordinary Americans did not believe Spiro Agnew's protestations of innocence. United Press International reporters across the' nation asked persons at random what they thought of the former vice-presi- dent's televised speech to the nation Monday night. The overwhelming reactions were sarcasm and disbelief. A few were sympathetic and said they were still behind Agnew 100 per cent. Unemployed Greg Icard of Buffalo, N.Y., summed up the general reaction: "I didn't believe a word," Icard said. "If he wasn't guilty, why did he resign?" Kennedy on Watergate Senator Edward Kennedy says he does not think a scandal like Watergate could have occurred while his brother was President. Reminiscing 10 years after the assassination of President John Kennedy, the Massa- chusetts Democrat said a Watergate-type affair would have been unlikely because of a different stance toward, opponents of the Kennedy administration. "There wasn't an attitude-in the White House of 'we against them,'', Kennedy said. "Those who opposed the President . . weren't spied uponor bugged or subjected to dirty tricks because of their different attitude or philosophy." Hearing things in USSR Soviet scientists have picked up signals from outer space - which may come from another civilization, Tass News Agency reported yesterday. The signals were first recorded in Gorky, southeast of Moscow, and lately in other cities, and were clearly not from satellites launch- ed from earth, it said. Professor Samuil Kaplan of Gorky University said it was too early to determine whether the, signals were produced naturally or artifically, but the possibility that they had come from a "technically- developed extra-terrestrial civilization" was not ex- cluded. Tass said more than 30 scientists were involved in research into such signals, which were monitored at four stations spread over the Soviet Union. On the inside . . . Daily alumnus Rose Sue Berstein describes a recent visit to the madness that is Northern Ireland on the Editorial Page . . . the Arts Page features an inter- view with jazzman Charles Lloyd . . . and sports writer Roger Rossiter plots the progress of the Michigan puck-a Israel Arab, Mideast states up oilprice KUWAIT (Reuter)-Persian Gulf Oil states early this morning uni- laterally set new posted prices for their crude oil which effectively mean a two-thirds increase-and they threatened to put their oil on the open market if the companies did not comply. The decision was final and not subject to further negotiations with the companies, the states said. When ministers and experts of the six Persian Gulf states, in- cluding Iran, ended a meeting in the early morning hours they issued a statement concealing the posted price behind a new market price for Gulf light crude of $3.65 per barrel. THIS WAS a rise of only 17 per cent above the actual sale price recently, they said. The posted price would respond henceforth to fluctuations in the market price of over one per cent. The key to the massive rise in the posted price lay in one para- graph in the statement which said that posted and market prices would have the same relationship from today as they had before the Teheran agreement of 1971 - the basic framework for payment now. This relationship, p e t r o le u in sources explained later, had the posted prices some 40 per cent higher than the market prices. The sources said the effect would thus be to put the new posted price -on the basis of which companies pay tax-at around the $5 per bar- rel mark. THE SIX STATES involved in the overnight meeting here were Iran, Kuwait, Iraq, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The statement from the Gulf states said that if the oil com- panies operating in the Gulf re- jected these arrangements, the crude oil would be made available to any other buyers on the same price scale. Kissinger and Tho win Nobel accolade OSLO (Reuter) - Henry Kis- singer, U. S. Secretary of State, and Le Duc Tho, North Vietnamese Politburo member, have been awarded the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize, the Nobel Committee of Norway's Parliament announced yesterday. The committee's decision after prolonged discussion came as a complete surprise in political quar- ters here. IT WAS generally expected that the Brazilian social reformer Dom Helder Camara, Archbishop of Olin- de and Recife, Brazil, would be awarded the prize, which amounts to about $120,000. WASHINGTON (P) - The path to the Nobel Peace Prize began for Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho on Aug. 4, 1969 at a secret ride- away in Paris. At the time neither Kissinger nor Le Duc Tho were particularly well known, which helped them ne- gotiate in absolute secrecy for the first 30 months. KISSINGER was Nixon's nation- al security adviser. Le Duc Tho was a special consultant to the North Vietnamese delegation at the public peace talks, remaining in the shadows. Kissinger and Tho were not thrust into the spotlight until Jan. claims warn forces cross Eight Pages Suez, of missile attacks ISRAELI SOLDIERS run for cover in rocky terrain about- 10 miles inside Syria on the road to Damascus as troops, tanks, and half-tracks take a pouncing from Syrian artillery. SGC t SGCelection marked-b lowest turnout inhistory Sadat off ers truce By Reuter Israeli Premier Golda Meir yesterday claimed her tank forces had crossed to the Suez canal's west bank and a mili- tary spokesman said the task force had been operating behind Egyptian lines for 24 hours. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat .denied that the Israelis had crossed the canal, but warned that his country had missiles ready to fire at "the very depths of Israel" if the -war was carried deep into Egypt or Syria. See related story, Page 3 The Israeli premier made her claim in a speech to the Knesset (par- liament) only hours after Sadat told his legislature that his country would accept a ceasefire-but only after Israel withdrew immediately to the lines existing before the 1967. six-day war. IN THE FIRST Israeli reaction, an authoritative Israeli source at the United Nations denounced Sadat's proposal as the "speech of a man who wants neither ceasefire nor peace" and referred to "boastfulness and arrogance borne of an initial military advantage. which is proving to be meagre and transient." The Israeli military said its task force across the canal had hit enemy artillery and anti-tank missile units - suggesting that the force was much bigger than a mere commando party. Egyptian sources conceded that the Israelis had indeed launched a major offensive on the Suez front, but insisted that Arab forces had repelled three Israeli. tanks, and were holding them at bay short of the west bank. Washington observers believed the U. S. decision to supply Israel with arms and equipment to offset a "massive" Soviet airlift to the Arabs had heightened the risk of an Arab oil boycott of the United States. The foreign ministers of four Arab states - Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Algeria -- were waiting in Washington to see President Nixon to express concern over the U. S. supplies decision. See ISRAELI, Page 7 :'i s. . . . .:. : By STEPHEN SELBST figure to 1308 - 3.7 per cent of the Student Government Council last student body - and said last night night announced the results of an that some 300-400 of the computer- all-campus election which received ized ballots had to be invalidated by far the lowest voter turnout of because of improper marking. any contest in SGC history. The middle-of-the-road Campus NONE OF THE 48 candidates Coalition (CC) took the lion's running received more than 200 share of some 950 valid ballots votes. The race for Architecture cast in three days of voting last school constituency representative week, winning 13 of the 39 council was one by a margin of two votes seats up for grabs under SGC's to one. Some contests were stale- new "10-10-10" constitution. mated in a one-one tie. Council elections director Ron Strauss blamed the incredibly Strauss, who had earlier estimated low vote on lack of vigorous cam- a turnout of 3,000, revised his final paigning, a lengthy and confusing TSR su rvey shows probabl'recess 'ion in. first part of '7 By JO MARCOTTY An economic recession by early 1974 is "~quite possible, perhaps even probable," according to two well-known and high regarded Uni- versity researchers. The Institute for Social Research (ISR), in its quarterly survey of consumer attitudes, says that concern over rising prices, chronic and wide-ranging shortage, and last summer's economic controls has resulted in general pessimism . about personal finances and business conditions. CITING historical precedent, the researchers predict that this down- ward trend in public economic opinion should soon be followed by a 'ward trend in public economic --- - --_ - __-- ___ opinion should soon be followed by a recession - possibly in several months. The survey was conducted by ISR researchers George Katona and Jay Schmiedeskamp, and con- zn , sisted of interviews with 1,259 zn people between Aug. 22 and Sept. 11. ' According to the survey, at no point in the past 25 years has .. consumer pessimism been so strong. Katona and Schmiedeskamp o e-.nn.grgdd . say the current consumer attitude wdegtoward purchases is "buy now, be- fore the prices get higher." t ar d t 5 ballot, and students' inability to understand the 10-10-10 representa- tion plan. The elections director said the blame for lack of enthusiasm fell on both the candidates and SGC, saying "neither side fulfilled its obligation. STRAUSS EXPRESSED frustra- tion with the new constitution, un- der which students vote for repre- sentatives in residential, divisional (underclass - upperclass - gradu- aate) and school constituencies. "We at SGC don't like the plan," he said, "and I myself would like to see -it done away with." While the Coalition party took the largest number of seats, Strauss suggested that the voting appeared to take no pattern and favored the Coalition simply be- cause it ran the largest number of candidates. While official vote totals were unavailable, winners were an- nounced last night for all races ex- cept the music, public health, in- ter - college degree, and social work school seats - these ended in ties with less than ten votes cast in each race, and will be decided by the Central Student Judiciary, according to Strauss. THE WINNERS, listed by con- stituency, included: Housing: residence halls - Robert Garder (independent), Da- See SGC, Page 7 Mide ast conflict: A reporter',s By HUGH A. MULLIGAN; AP Special Correspondent TEL AVIV - In Israel, the war reaches into every house- hold, every kibbutz, every of- fice block. For a trip to the Golan Heights, this reporter ordered a box lunch from room service. Wedged between the anchovy paste 'sandwich and the banana was this note: "Please Mr. Foreign Corres- p~on dent if you meet my son Shmnuel - with his tank com- pany up north, tell him his mother is not worrying like he told her not to. "(Signed) Sadie - in the kitchen. notebook spokesman's bulletion board in the lobby of the Tel Aviv Hil- ton had the faintly fatalistic ring of the Middle East: "Foreign press signed up for. the 6 a.m. trip to the Sinai front should be at the press center no dater than 5 a.m. and should be advised the trip probably will not go at all." The trip went all right, but it was 7:30 before the convoy of a half-dozen rented cars snaked out of a service station on the outskirts of Tel Aviv, with jerry cans of extra gasoline and water rattling in the trunk or lashed to the roof. WHO NAMES WARS. and See MIDEAST, Page 2 S ? r}e Y J " :'iti ti ' ii' " {. t j :t 'fkY ; .{' ; r,'.':. 'r,:;: L',:;: y}I: t :;: bii i{: . fJ: : fi tiF i1}i ry 1: