i Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 - News Phone: 764-0552 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1973 Ward boundary manipulation THE ASSERTION by City Council Re- publicans that their ward bounda- ries plan shoved through city council last Monday night will correct supposed er- rors in the previous plan has a very hol- low ring. The previous plan, passed by an HRP- Democratic coalition last December, has been under continuous attack by Repub- licans ever since, both in the council and in the courts. They asserted that the HRP-Democrat plan was so riddled with "errors" that it was unconstitutional. Mayor James Stephenson therefore proposed the changes made by the redis- tricting plan passed Monday to correct those errors. However, as HRP and Demo- cratic council members have noted, the Republican changes correct few of the "errors" cited in the previous plan. In effect, the new ward boundaries seem merely to be an unabashed attempt to insure Republican victories in the Fourth Ward city council elections. It ap- pears that the only "error" in the pre- vious boundaries which really concerned the GOP was that it was not gerryman- dered in their favor. THE FUTURE of the Republican ward boundaries plan is now unclear, due to pending court action on the previous HRP-Democrat plan. That plan was sent back to the council by the Washtenaw Circuit Court for review by the council. Lawyers for the Democrats and HRP have challenged that decision, and ac- tion on the case is pending before the state Supreme Court. If the decision goes against the HRP and Democrats and the Republican plan is subsequently upheld, then Republican control of City Council will be much fa- cilitated; a possibility we view with much appreheision. For those who favor progressive ac- tion to. attack the numerous problemst facing the community, continued Repub- lican control of city government would present a major obstacle to change. In light of this, approval of the pro- posed initiative and referendum city charter amendment being drawn up by the Women's Political Committee would become even more imperative. Such an amendment would be helpful in overcom- ing the effects of Republican efforts to gain political hegemony in the name of correcting ward districting "errors.". No comment "LET ME SAY right now, I have no expectation of being indicted and I am not going to face any contingent thinking of that type this time." -Spiro Agnew Aug. 8 "THEY JUST couldn't plan a scenario as ridiculous as what's been going on, and if it keeps on they're going to have to get them clown suits." -Sen. William Saxbe (R-Ohio) "I HEREBY resign my office of Vice President of the United States, effective immediately." -Spiro Agnew Oct. 10 "Dear Ted: . . . As Vice President, you have addressed the great issues of our times with courage and candor. Your strong patriotism, and your profound dedication to the welfare of the nation, have been an inspiration to all who have served with you as well as to millions of others throughout the country . .." -Richard Nixon Oct. 10 "THE UNITED STATES Attorney for the District of Maryland charges that: On or about the 23rd day of April, 1968, in the District of Maryland, Spiro T. Agnew, a resident of Annapolis, Maryland, who during the calendar year 1967 was married, did wilfully and knowingly attempt to evade and defeat a large part of the income tax due and owing by him and his wife to the United States of America for the calendar year 1967..." -Excerpt from the text of a state- ment by George Beall, U.S. At- torney, of the charge to which Spiro Agnew pleaded no contest. "VICE PRESIDENT Agnew has resigned. Accord- ing to a statement by his secretary, Vice President Agnew has resigned. And now back to the ballgame." -N.B.C. correspondent Edwin Newman, interrupting the play- off game between the Mets and the Reds. Oct. 10 "THE COUNTRY is well rid of him. The man is a crook." -James Thompson Federal Prosecutor, northern Illinois Oct. 10 "WHILE IT IS sad and tragic that the second highest elected official in the United States has re- signed from office, I nonetheless feel that the best interests of the American people have been served -.- Nixon and Agnew and their gang of thieves, liars and cheaters have committed crimes against t h e American people which can never be adequately pun- ished. I have serious doubts that the damage they have done to America can ever be repaired." -State Rep. Jackie Vaughn Oct. 10 "I'M FIRMLY convinced that in all the circum- stances leniency is justified." -Atty. Gen. Elliot Richardson Oct. 11 "HE GOT OFF easy. They should have nailed the mother." -David Goldstein, state- deputy defender, Oct. 10 By BETH NISSEN IT WOULD TAKE a Clifford Irv- ing to write a political eulogy for Spiro Agnew; a eulogy com- mends the past with high praise. It is easier to write an epitaph, commemorating a political career that has ended. Even to the politically astute, the Wednesday announcement of resignation was a partial shock. For some, it was only a matter of time before the wry sarcastic pre- dictions of the political cartoonists became history. But there was still shock at the documented admission of guilt by a member of the sus- pect administration. Before the resignation, perhaps some still held a subconscious idea that a vengeance-hungry media was fab-. ricating the entire scandal and the fabric of our government was really strong and true. That self- deception is now undeniably shat- tered. Agnew's earlier administration years were characterized by flam- boyant, colorfulremarks t h a t caught the imagination of the pub- lic and the resentment of the vic- tims. He then took up a typical second-in-command role of Presi- dential stand-in, travelling, shak- ing hands, nodding. He was seen struggling to improve his golf score and suffering political blush- es overtFrank Sinatra, his equi- valent to Bebe Rebozo. And for a few months, he was precariously perched on a Washington hero's pedestal as the man who was sing- ularly unwetted by Watergate wav- es. THE DEMISE of Spiro Agnew has added another pockmark to the diseased image of American government. Plagued with an act- ing administration of denials, in- vestigations, and never-ending charges, all of dlemocracy is badly in need of a face life. Those in- volved in politics on local and community levels are defensive against a newly suspicious and more politically awake public, and the role of special investigator in. the Watergate has become a na- tional hobby among amateur Arch- ibald Coxes. Not since McCarthy has an investigation been so fol- lowed, and more people are lis- tening to nightly news commentar- ies than ever before. And we have a Father Christmas in Sam Er- yin, a folk hero dripping simple honesty. There are still some who - de- spite Watergate and Agnew - maintain that an honest politician is not an anomalous nonentity. One wouldflike tobelieveuthe en- chanting fairy tale of our fore- fathers that a person can still be- come a member of high govern- ment without shady alley deals, but some argue thatthe days when the roots of Presidents could be in log cabins is extinct along with 60c-a-pound hamburger. THE MOMENT of silence follow- ihg the shameful death of Spiro Agnew's national political career is more disbelief than solemn re- gret. But Agnew was not dormant during his six years.. He was far more visible than the elusive Pre- sident, who cloaked himself in obscurity. He incited the indigna- tion of the media with his vinidic- tive comments,dcultivating a thirst for just revenge that manifested itself in the careful scrutiny and criticism that helped uncover Wat- ergate and Agnew's crime. He made such a Buckleyan word as "effete" a household word along with his sneeze-sounding n a m e. Word has it he improved his golf score as well. It is mere speculation what he will do now. His career may be- come a reverse of Ronald Reag- an's; connections with Sinatra may prompt a Hollywood career. He has proved himself an actor, hav- ing vehemently denied any accu- sations with a more honest expres- sion on his Grecian profile, than Ehrlichman could ever hope to achieve. And Agnew's Nielsen rat- ings may be better than his Gal- lup ratings ever were. SPIRO AGNEW is the most in- famous Vice President in American history; no other Vice President has resigned because of criminal charges and no other Vice Presi- dent has hadrto contend with the national notoriety of a guilty ex- official in disgrace. That notoriety was spread with some smug glee by his arch nemesis, the media. And Spiro Agnew must live with that video-taped ghost the rest of his life. With a proverbial tail tucked be- tween his legs, Agnew must now tie up loose ends in Washington, clean out his desk and disconnect his bugged phone. With true humanism, it is to be hoped that Agnew's political death will not paralyze his personal life ,or condemn his soul; it may be he can be saved for a ,productive life. After carefully tabulating the indulgences he may have already piurchased to secure his political soul, we should perhaps allow him to rest in peace. Perhaps a quote of Robert Lewis Stevenson will serve as an ade- quate grave inscription. "Guilt," said Stevenson, "is the unfortunate circumstance that hangs people." paragraphics New power for what ends? IN A SPEECH in Washington Thursday, Sen. Sam Ervin (D.-N.C.) urged that Congress reassert its "primary responsi- bility for the determination of substan- tive foreign policy." Ervin attacked what he called the com- mon notion that "American foreign re- lations are within the domain of the President." Considering the actions that Presidents of this country have taken in recent years, often without the advice or con- sent of Congress, Ervin's call for Congres- TODAY'S STAFF: News: Charlie Coleman, Della DiPietro, Cindy Hill, Chris Parks, Gene Robinson Editorial Page: Zachary Schiller, E r i c Schoch Arts Page: Diane Levick, Mara Shapiro Photo Technician: Ken Fink Sports Staff DAN BORUS Sports Editor FRANK LONGO Managing Sports Editor BOB McGINN ............... Executive Sports Editor CHUCK BLOOM ............... Associate Sports Editor JOEL GREER................Associate Sports Editor RICH STUCK.............Contributing Sports Editor BOB HEUER .. .-Cnrbtg Contributing Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Jeff Chown, Brian Deming, Jim Ecker, Marc Feldman, G e o r g e Hastings, Marcia Merker Roger Rossiter. Theresa Swedo STAFF: Barry Argenbright, Bill Crane. Richard Fla- herty, Cary Fotias, Andy Glazer, Leba Hertz, John Kahler, Mike Lisull. Jeffrey Milgrom, Tom Pyden, Leslie Riester, Jeff Schiller, Bill Stieg. Fred Upton sional reassertion of its powers is laud- able. In light of the Congressional actions anal inactions during those years, how- ever, it is not surprising that foreign policy has been within the domain of the President. Ervin did concede that considerable re- sponsibility must lie with the Congress, which has been unwilling to assert its "uncontested and vast" powers in foreign affairs. SINCE THE TIME Congress left unques- tioned Executive and military ac- counts of the Tonkin Gulf incident, it had ample opportunities to assert its pow- ers by cutting off funding for the Viet- nam War. Much rhetoric issued from the halls of Congress on the issue, but the votes necessary to end the fighting never materialized. The Congress has-rarely shown .a will- ingness to effectively battle the President on many issues. Congress infrequently overrides the Presidential vetoes that reg- ularly em nate from the White House. The Congressional reaction to the re- cent Chile coup is another example. There has been no investigation of any sort on possible U. S. involvement in the coup. No Congressional protest was raised when the United States immediately recogniz- ed the junta, which is presiding over a reign of terror in that country. Congressional reassertion of power in the area of foreign affairs would be an improvement over the present state of Presidential hegemony, but only if the Congress began accumulating a better re- cord than it has in the past. 10'\ Fond By DIANE LEVICK Arts Editor Speaking with an air of fond remembrance, Bela Bartok, Jr. re- lated to an audience in Rackham yesterday what previous works have failed to capture of his late :omposer father: his personality. Soon to begin a tour of the U.S. with University piano professor Gyorgy Sandor, Bartok, Jr., a Hun- garian, read for the first time a description in English of his fath- er's beliefs, interests and habits. Bartok Jr., a retired construc- tion engineer, cited his father's profound love for "nature, free- :om, and his country." Yet, the memories of a father :omposer collected authentic folk music not only in his own country, but throughout central Europe and turkey, integrating its novelty and spirit into his own compositions. The white-haired Bartok, Jr. painted the picture of his father as an "easy and affectionate' man whose love of family reflected in his teaching of young music stu- dents. "He laid foundations for the musical education of children," said Bartok, Jr. "He wrote his books to give the younger gener- ation a good start. He taught by example, never using force." Although Bartok, Sr. was "a great believer in sunlight and fresh air," according to his son, he had o "distractions" - theater or ather hobbies -- his "distraction" was his work. The composer worked in seclus- ion. He would carefully seal him- self off when he practiced piano, not only for his own concentration, but also in consideration of oth- ers. Bartok, Jr., emphasized t h a t , though his father was not a poli- tical activist, he embraced a wide humanistic philosophy. "His love for Hungary never exceeded t h e limits of objectivity," said the son, adding that his father had no national prejudices. Bartok, Sr., in fact, knew 15 languages, which helped him immensely in his col- lecting. Exposed to jazz during one of his U.S. tours, he even made a point to record Benny Goodman, whose music fascinated him. It was in- deed collecting and composing, said Bartok, Jr., which his father loved. He was "not fond" of con- certizing. Unfortunately, royalties alone brought little income to the com- poser while he worked in t h i s country. He died of leukemia in 1945, practically penniless. Throwing a bit more light onto Bartok, Sr.'s political sentiments, Sandor, also present at yesterday's lecture, said "In 1935, he made a public declaration; heforbid his compositions to be performed in totalitarian countries." Sanndor, a former student of Bar- tok, Sr., gave a recital last night at Rackham, including some of Bartok's works. Sandor plans. to perform in New York, San Fran- cisco, and other U.S. cities with Bartok, Jr. delivering his remin- isces. First in film history: Super cinema series .7' "72i r ..-. / _____ -,~2~4'i- ,, S By DAVID BLOMQUIST On Oct. 29, the curtain will go up for the first time on one of the most fascinating motion picture projects ever undertaken: t h e American Film Theatre (AFT). Shown locally at the Fox Vil- lage theatre, the nationally-circu- lated films will be retired from distribution, not to be seen again for perhaps as long as five years. Described by producer E 1 i Landau as "a national theatre that uses film as its ultimate medium", the $12 million project involves eight motion picture versions of great Broadway and London stage productions. Each film will be presented only four times - two matinees and two evening per- formances - at 500 selected thea- tres acree the country on an ex- clusively season ticket basis. Among shows scheduled for AFT's first season are Harold Pin- ter's The Homecoming, Edward Albee's A Delicate Balance, and Anton Chekhov's Three Sisters. Cast members include Katherine Hepburn, Zero Mostel, Melba Moore, Lee Marvin, and Laurence Olivier. Larry Frank, public relations re- presentative for AFT, says that tional market on a large scale," he explains. AFT offers a special $16 matinee season rate to college students. Application forms are available at the Fox Village. Although AFT hopes that t h e limit of four showings per film will "make it special", Frank ad- mits that AFT was unable to con- vince theater owners to schedule Producer Landau describes AFT as 'an achievement unequalled in the history of the theatre." "No 'live' theatre group could possibly present eight productions of this scope or quality in a single season or afford to employ such an array of great artists and creative tal- ent," Landau continues. Landau's description, if any- thing, is an understatement of the tremendous effort underway tc make AFT a success. The proof, of course, will still be in the pudding - and that will be seen at the end of this month. T.V. highlights Daily Photo by KEN FINK Gyorgy Sandor (left) and Bela Bartok, Jr. 9 4 M o v i e - "ThesAnderson Tapes", 1971, with Sean Con- nery. 10 56 American Ballet Theatre - Black Swan from Tchaikov- sky's "Swan Lake", Anthony Trudors "Pillar of reire". 11:30 4 Burt Reynolds Late Show - FILM-Cinema II presents Strick's Tropic of Cancer tonight at 7, 9 and Goddard's Masculin-Feminin tomorrow night at 7. 9 in Aud. A: Cinema Guild shows Lumet's The Fugi-