Pag'e' e' Six
Thursday, October 11, 19lj
Page Sb' iTHE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, October 11, 19h
bang- T.V.'s
When it comes to television
and, in particular, the new sea-
son, it's bang-bang-shoot 'em-up.
time again. Alas, the networks
continue to dish out the cops 'n'
robbers, with law-and-order-
oriented fare claiming thirteen
news shows, upping the already
over-inflated total to around 30.
Among these new crime-relat-
ed efforts: two new versions of
old lawyers; undercover police-
men/humanitarians; ex - cops-
turned private dicks; women
mystery writers - turned-detect-
ives; magicians - turned - crime
fighters; cyborg do-gooders; two
black detectives (and one of
them 'a bad mother' at that);
one Italian cop; one bald one;
and, in the most absurd premise
of them all, the story of a form-
'Any day woman'
Bonnie Raitt performs this Saturday at 8 in Hill in a benefit concert for Ozone House, Drug Help,
and Community Center Project. Jr. Wells and Buddy Guy are also on the bill. Tickets are available
at the Union.
Hear the music of words
from pros and novices
If the boredom of classroom
academic poetry, from the first
session of English 231 to the
Shakespearean sonnet of Fresh-
man Comp., has dampened your
experience of poetry, there is a
The Tuesdayafternoon poetry
readings, sponsored by the Uni-
versity Extension Service and
the English Dept. is the alterna-
Prof. Bert Hornback, organizer
of the reading and leader of the
Poetry Mini-Course which supple-
ments the readings, attempts to
bring a variety of poets, from
young unknowns to the big names
such as Robert Bly or Galway
Kinnel, and with a limited bud-
get of only $2,500 present a 10
week series of readings for, two
Since their formal creation in
1968, the readings have attempt-
ed to arrange the appearance of
fine poets, such as Denise Lev-
entov, Robert Creeley, and Rich-
ard Wilbur, plus poets from our
faculty, such as Donald Hall and
Robert Hayden, to premiering
graduate and even undergraduate
The poetry readings commenc-
ed this year with Radcliffe Squir-
es, an English professor at the
University. The next two were
FILM A. A. Film Co-op shows Park's Superfly in Aud. A at
7, 9; Cinema Guild presents Bergmen's The Magician at
7, 9:05 in Arch. Aud.; Mediatrics plays Rachel, Rachel in
Nat. Sci. Aud. at 7, 9:30; New World Film Co-op shows
Brook's Morat/Sade at 7:30, 9:45 in Aud. 3, MLB and
Widerberg's Joe Hill, in Aud. 4 of MLB.
DRAMA U - Players presents Shaw's St. Joan in Power Cen-
ter at 8.
MUSIC Works by Telemann, Quantz, and Hayden are featured
at the Bach Club meeting at 8 in Greene Lounge, East
Quad; Welsh Rarebit served afterward, admission 50c.
the Philadelphian poet C. K.
Williams, an extremely honest
prose-poem writer, and the lyri-
cal black poet Michael Harper.
Harper's latest collection of poe-
try, Debridment (1973) expresses
his deep interest in the f o 1 k
tradition.and history of the black
On Tuesday, Oct. 16, the twen-
ty-three year old poet Daniel
Mark Epstein from Baltimore
will read from his recently pub-
lished No Vacancies in Hell (1973)
The following week Ann Ar-
bor's own Donald Hall, former
editor of the Harvard P o e t r y
Review and widely respected
poet of fi-ve published books of
poetry, will read. George Mac-
beth, a new English poet is
scheduled for Oct.30. Following
him will be the well known
poetess, Carolyn Kizer and then
another black poet and teacher
at U-M, Lemuel Johnson. T h e
poetry readings will conclude this
semester with undergraduate stu-
dents reading their poems.
Next semester William Stafford
and Erika Jong will read.
All the readings begin at four
o'clock in Aud. 4, Modemn Lang-
uage Building.
The experience ofhearingnthe
music of words, the titilation of
the audio nerves, is a well de-
served experience.
Ray Bradbury's "The Illus-
trated Man" (1969)
3:30 2 Mayberry R.F.B.
4:00 2 Newus
7 The Morning Show
9 Rock
12 Progfiressive
3 Folk/Rock/Progressive
6 News at Six
6:30 Latino-Americano
S:30 Jazz Blues
11 Progressive
er detective who returns to his
practice having escaped from a
South American jail where he
had been wrongly-imprisoned for
twenty-eight years. Add to this
basic premise that our newly-
arrived detective not only has to
cope with a vastly-changed
U.S.A.,, but also a 27 year-old il-
legitimate son he never knew
he had fathered. The viewer can
see how utterly trite and contriv-
ed t.v. crime drama is getting.
Indeed, take away their flash
and their gimmicks, and you
leave this year's new crop of
cops 'n' robers with little more
than their theme music to tell
them apart.
NBC leads the way with six
new shows - all of them are
visible on either Tuesday or Wed-
nesday nights. They've also re-
built their Wednesday Mystery
Movie series, retaining the serv-
ices of their lovable, polished Po-
lish-American emceepee/private
investigator Banacek, while add-
ing three new mini-series, includ-
ing The Snoop Sisters with Helen
Hayes, another show by the Co-
lumbo people (Tenafly starring
James McEachin) and, finally,
our latterday 'Count of Monte
Cristo,' the honorable Governor
of The Governor and J.J. fame,
Dan Dailey as Faraday of Fara-
day and Co. (or 'Faraday and
Bastard Son,' if you prefer).
NBC has junked their entire
Tuesday night lineup. They re-
placed it with 'all-new' crime
shows; a new Jack Webb show,
Chase, Bill Bixby as The Magic-
ian and, finally, a law-and-order
anthology supervised by "New
Centurions" author Joseph Wam-
baugh, Police Story.
Of the shows aired thus far,
non have shown much promise.
Police Story,an attempt to show
men in uniform in a more be-
lievable, human, sense, does de-
serve a chance to fulfill i t s
premise. Chase has a fair plot-
line, but the players attack their
roles like they're all charter
members of the Jack Webb "Yes,
ma'am, No ma'am" School of
(Non) Acting. Veteran Mitchell
Ryan keeps watch over a brood
of three youthful jocks who all
seem smitten with some desire to
stay in the proverbian groove.
Each has, at one time or ano-
ther, tried to put the make on
Ryan's secretary, but since she
has some wit and a brain, she
begs to differ. The viewer should
do the same.
Faraday and Co. was q u it e
literally a. bore, and Bixby's
show, though gunless, was ex-
cesively gimmick-laden and hope-
fully, The Magician will make
itself disappear in. 13 weeks.
As for ABC, they have The
Six Million Dollar Man with Lee
Majors, who stars as a rebuilt
Austin. Steve Austin, that is; a
part-human, part-machine supra-
human crime fighter extraordin-
aire, a cybernetic organism or
'cyborg' as it is.more common-
ly called. NNNext?
There's Griff, a former cop
who walks a private beat, fight-
ing on the side of law-and-order-
and never once misplacing a sin-
gle hair on his thousand dollars-
plus natural Yak hairpiece.
(Realistically portrayed by Lorne
Greene.) ABC's most promising
show is Toma, starring T on ,y
Musante. It is a story based
loosely on the real-life adven-
tures of a Newark cop, an un-
dercover man who fights for the
people, not with them.
Meanwhile, CBS counters with
two new/old lawyers, Perry Ma-
son and Billy Jim Hawkins. Jim-
my Stewart recreates his classic
role from the movie "Anatomy
of a Murder" in Hawkins, a show
which had its premier last week.
The show certainly had its mo-
ments, but they were a trifle bit,
few and far between. It has pos
sibilities though.
As for the other courtroom-
based series; Perry Mason you
all know about, and you should
be apprehensive about Monte
Markham in The New Perry
Mason. (No wonder Channel 50
is claiming that they have the
'real'' Perry Mason.) Maybe it
is the fault of the viewer and
his or her indoctrination of, and
belief in Raymond Burr, but it is
increasingly difficult to recog-
nize Markham as Perry Mason.
And then there's Kojak, yet
another detective story, this one
staring Telly Savalas as t.v.'s
first bald cop. And finally, there
is Shaft, starring Richard Round-
tree in a mucho-laundered ver-
sion of the move with the same
name. All that remains from the
film is a snowy-bleached ripoff
of the engaging John Shaft char-
acter and Isaac Hayes' utterly
inane title theme. Certainly,
there will be much less show
of girls 'n' guns than in the
films. In their place however,
and I shudder to even think about
it, will be much more scintillat-
ing, cliched black dialogue
Thurs. - - Fri. Sal.
OCTOBER 11-12-13
OCTOBER 18- 19-20.,
(one night only)
(near Waskienaw) Ann Arbor
Call 663-9165 for information
A Musical Oasis.:
(thaught up here, of course, by
white writers) guaranteed to curl
your hair. All this, of course,
as CBS asks Isaac Hayes' music
question, 'Can you dig it?'
So, what we have this year
is virtually the same as each and
every year before it - a lot of
little nothings and very few
possible' perhapses. Save for a
small hope that some vast im-
provements might ocur as the
new season drags out, it looks
like it'll be slim pickings for
some time to come.
11:00 2 4 7 News
9 CBC News
50 One Step Beyond
11:30 2 Movie-Comedy BW
"Rhubarb." (1951)
4 Johnny Carson
7 Spell of Evil
9 News
50 Movie
"Yellow Sky." (1948)
12:00 9 Movie
"Suddenly Last Summer."
1:00 4 7 News
1:30 2 Movie
6:00 2 4 7 News
9 Andy Griffith
50 Gilligan's Island
56 Zoom
6:30 2 CBSNews
4 NBC News
7 ABC News
9 I Dream of Jeannie
50 Hogan's Heroes
56 French Chef
7:00 2 Truth or Consequences
4 News
7 To Tell the Truth
9 Beverly Hillbillies
50 Mission: Impossible
56 Montage
7:30 2 What's My Line?
4 You Asked For It
7 New Treasure Hunt
9 Bewitched
56 Consumer Buy-Line
8:00 2 The Waltons
4 Flip Wilson
7 Toma
56 Advocates-Debate
50 Night Gallery
8:30 9 Beachcombers
50 Merv Griffin
9:00 2 Jackie Gleason
4 Ironside
7 24 Kung Fu
9 News
56 To Be Announced
9:30 9 This Land-Documentary
56 Woman
10:00 2 CBS Reports
4 NBC Follies
7 Streets of San Francisco
9 To See Ourselves
50 Perry Mason
56 To Be Announced
10:30 9 Singalong Jubilee
7:00 & 9:30 P. 75c Nat. Sci. Aud.
October 10-13, 8:00 P.M., Power Center
Ticket Office in Michigan League
Information: 764-6300, 763-3333( evenings)
The Swedish master returns with the thinking
man's horror film. A wandering magician comes
bearing a bag of tricks that turn him into a savior
then to con-man, and finally to artist extroordi-
naire. Max von Sydow goes through the motions in