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October 10, 1973 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1973-10-10

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'Page Eight


Wednesday, October l U, 1913

i'age Eih -LMUIGNDIYWdedy coe 0 93

By The Associated Pr
NEW YORK-"I wasn'
ahut a hnme run. but I

ess tossed from the upper stands
t thinking just to the left of the Reds' out-
've ot to fielder.

'44.flVU I A*U..A. , gULL S VG-rUL J
confess, I wanted to hit that ball
all the way to the airport," Pete
Rose said yesterday of the 12th-
inning blast that beat the New
York Mets 2-1 and carried the Cine
cinnati Reds down to the climactic
fifth game of the National League
baseball playoffs.
ABA to strike?
NEW YORK (P) - Seven
American Basketball Associa-
tion teams have voted to strike
and the secretary of the ABA
Players' Association said last
night that, barring a last-min-
ute settlement, the league's
regular season will not begin as
scheduled tonight.
* Moments before he swung at
one of Harry Parker's high fast
balls on a 2-2 count and sent the
ball soaring over the right cen-
ter field fence between the 371
and 396-foot signs, an apple was

Then came a tennis ball and an
"I wasn't mad at anybody,"I
Rose insisted. "I thought some of
those profane signs were uncalled
for. But the reason I tried so hard
was that we got our pants kicked
off us Monday and we kept blow-
ing opportunities in this game.".
The New York Mets' locker room
was logically subdued but confi-
dent after the loss.
"Things are still all right,"
pitcher Tug McGraw said. "We
still have the big game tomor-
The Mets made several spectacu-
lar plays behind McGraw, who
came in relief of starter George
Stone, including a sparkling catch
by Rusty Staub in right field in
the 11th inning. Staub smashed in-
to the right field wall after the
catch, injuring his right shoulder
and is questionable for today's

Until Rose's winning hit, the
fourth game of the National
League playoffs was full of other
pulsating drama.
The Mets had taken a 1-0 lead in
the third inning on Felix Millan's
run-scoring single and Stone pro-
tected that slim advantage until
the seventh. At that point, Tony
Perez slugged a home run, his
first hit in 15 at-bats in this series,
to tie the score at 1-1.
After Stone walked Andy Kosco
with two out, McGraw came on the
scene and pitched scoreless relief
through the 11th inning. But he
constantly worked out of jams, es-
pecially two bases-loaded problems
in the ninth and 10th innings.
* * *
Oakland wins
OAKLAND-"I was looking for
a slider, and I got it," said Oak-
land shortstop Bert Campaneris
whose 11th-inning home run
brought the A's a 2-1 third game
victory over Baltimore yesterday
in the American League playoffs.
The 155-pound infielder said he
was trying only to pull a base hit
to left when he connected with an
0-1 pitch and drove it 360 feet over
the left field fence beyond the out-
stretched glove of Don Baylor. It
was only the fourth hit off the
Orioles' 36 - year - old left - handed
Mike Cuellar.
"It felt pretty good," Camp-
aneris said. "It's got to be my
biggest home run ever. You know
I got only four this year."
Manager Dick Williams of the
A's said, "I'm very thrilled that
we are ahead 2-1 in the playoffs.
We have a well-rested Vida Blue
for Wednesday, and Blue can beat
anyone on any given day."
Blue will be up against right-
hander Jim Palmer who beat the
A's 6-0 and struck out 12 in the
opener. Williams said, "I respect
Palmer, but I also respect Blue,
and maybe Vida has a little some-
thing he would like to show Wed-
The Top 20
By The Associated Press

Icers open practice
inresurrected Yost
By ROGER ROSSITER everything to get straightened
"We're going to find out pretty around, but once things get settled
soon who'll be sticking around and this will be a first rate set up."
who won't," summarized new The players also were pleased
Michigan hockey coach Dan Far- with the new facility, having just
rell, yesterday. No one will argue concluded their first test. "The
that Farrell has a tough job ahead plastic along the boards is really
in rebuilding the once proud Michi- lively, chimed junior center Randy
gan hockey team from the depths Neal, much to the agreement of all
of mediocrity to which it has fallen present.,'If you know at all what
the past few seasons. 'you're doing you can shoot the
THE WOLVERINES staged their 'puck in the corner and carom it
initial practice in re-vamped Yost right out in front of the net. There
Coliseum yesterday after a one day isn't much room in the corners for
delay caused by complications in the defensemen either which will
installing the new ice surface. make forechecking a lot easier."
"We can't go full tilt yet because FARRELL will continue working
the ice just isn't ready," Farrell his charges in two groups, one
explained. "The glare caused by ;from 3-4:30 and the other from
the setting sun (coming through the 9-10:30 p.m. for the remainder of
windows that line Yost's perimeter) the week. After the scrimmage and
made it impossible for our goal- squad cuts over the weekend, the
tenders to see the puck. Hopefully heavy work in preparation for the
this will be corrected when the ice season opener against Waterloo will
whitens, but something really begin. With the tremendous fresh-
should be done about it. It's really man recruits Farrell has amassed
a hazard to our players." and a talented, though small, group
Admittedly, it is early to have of holdovers from last year's team,
any concrete ideas as to who will Michigan hockey in 1973-74 could
and who will not make the team, be a winning proposition.
but Farrell insists that he will not - --- -- - -
waste time making up his mind.
"We'll have a scrimmage SaturdayC 0
morning, and then make squad
cuts." NBA

T ORmenting
chuck bloom ....
Harry Banks ...
... wounded warrior
HARRY BANKS has a tough time scratching himself. His
usually mobile left hand is encased in a heavy plaster cast
as the result of a broken wrist sustained two weeks before the
Iowa opener.
It is a difficult thing for an athlete to spend a year on the
bench with an injury but it is especially tough for Banks. It
bothers him; not the injury itself but the inactivity.
Banks gets that "funny feeling" each Saturday when he
stands on the sidelines with the other walking wounded-watch-
ing his friends and teammates perform while he is prevented
from doing anything to help them.
"It bothers me that I can't practice," stated the Cleve-
land, Ohio native. "But that's why I'm working out hard now.
You can say it's to keep my mind sane."
Banks will be red-shirted this season and receive another
year's eligibility so he plans to use the layoff to full advantage.
"Im glad I have a full year to work out," explained Banks. "I
want to be a lot stronger next season. I've got to be stronger.
"I'm not worried about getting out of condition. The only
thing I might lose is my wind, not my speed. That is why I'm
lifting weights from now until next football season-for my wind.
Also the year's layoff should make me a better person, both
physically and mentally."
Aside from quarterback, the toughest position to crack into
the starting Wolverine eleven is at tailback. Michigan is blessed
with a wealth of fine runners, four of whom play tailback.
Chuck Heater, Gil Chapman, and Gordie Bell are among the best
tailbacks in the country.
Banks had started last season at the tailback slot but lost
the job to Heater after the Michigan State game. And that
bothers him, too.
"I know I'm good," exclaimed Banks, "and I know I can
play. It does bother me when I'm not starting but when I
don't, I always make sure that I'm always ready to play.
It's when I don't play in the game at all that I really get
depressed. But all that is going to change."
Determined to remain a tailback, Banks scffs at the idea
of switching to any other position in order to play more. "I want
to be a runner," he said. "If I were going to change then I
wouldn't be lifting weights and working out this hard."
This is the same type of intense determination with which
Banks plays the game. "I play football to know that I'm the
best and that the team I'm on is the best. I've never been on a
team, high school or college, which has lost more than one game
a season. I feel that the most important thing for a player to do
is to contribute to his team's success."
As a player, Banks is blessed with exceptional speed
and despite his apparent lack of size (5-10, 185), he is also
an excellent blocker.
During his sophomore campaign, Banks averaged 5.2
yards per carry while scoring four touchdowns. Last year
he scampered for 273 yards.
But it is the one yard Banks didn't gain, that the fans
remember most. Nov. 25, 1972, Columbus, Ohio. Late in the
fourth quarter. Third down and goal to go on the Buckeye one.
"I wouldn't say I'd do anything different," Banks reminisced,
"because I know that I got into the end zone. But what can you
do when the referee says otherwise. You can't argue with the
official. You know you've done your best. We out played them,
out hit them . . . it just didn't show up on the scoreboard."
Banks peaks his talents and emotions for the Ohio State
game. "For me, they can make it a one-game season. Ohio
State is the team I get the most satisfaction beating; not
just getting by, but really beating them.
"That is the game I hit the hardest, sustain my blocks the
longest and play the best."

AP Photo
CINCY'S Pete Rose picks on the last of three Harry Parker fastballs, and sends it into dreamland in
yesterday's 2-1 win over the "Miracle" Mets. Rose raced around the bases triumphantly secure in the
knowledge that he and his fellow Reds have one more shot today at ending the Mets' pennant hopes.

it will be very good from what
I've seen, and our defense should
be tremendous," Farrell added. He
also commented on some of the
little problems that arise with the
transfer to a new facility and con-
cluded, "It will take a year for



spear takes. aim

1. Ohio State 41
2. Nebraska 9
3. Alabama 6
4. So. California 1
6. Oklahoma
7. Penn State 3
8. Tennessee
9. Notre Dame
10. Louisiana State
11. Arizona State
12. tie, DAILY
13. Texas
14. Houston
15. UCLA
16. Miami, Fla.
17. Colorado
18. Tulane
20. Miami, Ohio
19. Kansas

W-L-T Pts.
3-0-0 1.150
4-0-0 1,032
4-0-0 876
3-0-1 782
4-0-0 697
3-0-1 632
4-0-0 620
4-0-0 419
3-0-0 417
4-0-0 416
4-0-0 241
4-0-0 215'
4-0-0 215'.
2-1-0 1611/
4-0-0 124
3-1-0 103
2-1-0 63 i
3-1-0 34
3-0-0 28
4-0-0 9
3-1-0 21

With a deceptive 1-3 record, the
Michigan State Spartans under
new head coach Denny Stolz
seem to have gotten their gear
together to give Michigan a tough
battle this Saturday. The Spar-
tans, who appeared to be on the
way to a long rough season, have
continually improved in each
game played.
In this year's opening game
against Northwestern, the Spar-
tans were defeated by a score of
14-10. They managed to surren-
der 196 yards rushing to the Wild-
cats while gaining only 150. MSU
fumbled six times with North-
western recovering the ball half
of the time. The leading rusher
for State was fullback Clarence
Bullock averaging 7.0 yards per
Against Syracuse, the Spartans
looked as if they were in dire
straits. They managed to beat
the Orange by a score of 14-8
but the winning touchdown for
MSU came in the fourth quarter
on a 22 yard run by junior quar-
terback Charlie Baggett.
State's offense showed signs of
improvement against UCLA by
scoring 21 points. However its
defense could not stand up to the
mighty Uclan offense. The spark-
ling play for MSU was a spectac-
ular 95 yard kickoff return by co-

captain Mike Holt who made his
debut in the UCLA game after
missing the first two games due
to a shoulder injury.
The Notre Dame game must
have given the Spartan defense
confidence. State held the mighty
Irish to only two touchdowns in a
losing 14-10 effort. Although the
Irish rolled up 272 yards in the
first half, the Spartans stopped
their attack by limiting Notre
Dame to only 67 yards in the
third and fourth quarters.
Stolz' primary hope this Sat-
urday is the continued improve-
ment of his offense. If Mike Holt
returns to full strength it should
boost the Spartans' morale con-
siderably. Stolz, - counting heav-
ily on Holt's recovery, enthused
"You bet we're glad Mike's
back. Things happen when he's
in there."
Holt gained 69 yards in 17 car-
ries against UCLA in his first

game of 1973. In the last two
years as wingback the senior
tailback picked up 424 yards for
a respectable 4.2 yard average.
Holt injured a leg Saturday in
the Notre Dame game, but Coach
Stolz feels he'll still be ready to
Along with Holt, the Spartans
have junior David Brown (not to
be confused with our own num-
ber six) and sophomore Tyrone
Wilson sharing the tailback po-
sition. Brown moved into State's
starting lineup last year against
Michigan. He went on to become
MSU's leading rusher with 575
yards in 11 games.
Quarterback Baggett has three
fine receivers in split-ends Dane
Fortney and Mike Hurd and
flanker Damond Mays. Fortney
leads State in pass receiving with
132 yards. Against Notre Dame
Fortney received only one pass
for 40 yards.

Hurd, who missed' the first
game with inflammation of the
pancreas, returns to play after
missing the entire 1972 season
because of. a shoulder separation.
According to MSU passing coach
Jimmy Ray, "Mike has a great
combination going for him. He
has tremendous speed, good
hands and some great moves.
Needless to say, Mike has a
chance to be one of the finest re-
ceivers in the nation."
Leading the Spartan's defense
is All-America candidate Bill
Simpson. Simpson led the Big
Ten in punt returns with an av-
erage of 13.6 yards and he was
tied in the conference in punting
with a 40.5 average. Simpson
combined with teammate Paul
Haynor to form a devastating
pass defense combination, each
picking off six passes to lead the
Big Ten in interceptions.

1 i

Ski Steamboat, Colorado

Jan 2-7

Total cost $185.50

Hurons retain


Eastern Michigan's football team
traveled to Western Illinois lastI
Saturday with high hopes of im-
proving its fourth place ranking in
the college division polls.
Instead Coach Dan Boisture's
squad stumbled back to Ypsilanti,
victims of a 24-21 upset. The Hur-
ons played a good game - quar-
terback Frank Kolch hit 18 of 24
passes for 254 yards and t w o
touchdowns. Halfback Mike Strick-
land was the game's leading rush-
er with 133 yards in 22 carries for
one touchdown.
Unfortunately, Western Illinois
played just as well. Western
Illinois' Steve Mikez passed for
224 yards and three touchdowns.
One of those TD's came at the.
end of the first half and swung
the momentum away from EMU.
College division powers aren't
supposed to allow 24 points. Huron
safety Jeff Bixler defended the
secondary's apparent weakness
against the pass: I
"They picked good patterns
against our defense. They threw
short passes and their line gave

the quarterback time to throw."
Bixler continued, "They gained
the momentum in the second half
and we just couldn't stop them."
5-0, EMU is 4-1. But the season is
far from over for the Hurons.
EMU defensive standout John
Banazak also noted the change
in momentum: "They played in-
spired ball in the second half.
Their defense made some good
plays and their offense started
moving, and the full-house of
hometown fans really helped
them too."
Banazak and Bixler agree that)
Western Illinois' offensive line did'
an excellent job. "In the first'
half, we sacked the quarterback'
twice and' blocked a pass," claim-
ed Banazak, a defensive end, add-
ing, "In the second, we just could
not get to him."
Despite their obvious disappoint-
ment over the loss, both Bixler and
Banazak maintain that the team
is still highly motivated for the
rest of the season.
EMU faces three tough games
against K e n t State, Bowling
Green and Central Michigan in
the upcoming weeks. Kent State

and Bowling Green are both Mid-
American Conference powers and
the rivalry with CMU has always
been intense.
Because of future rivalries with-
in the MAC, Banazak asserts
"We'd like to make a good show-
ing against them now. Besides, we
think we still have a good chance
at a bowl invitation."

LODGING-with 600-1,200 fellow midwestern
collegiates at luxury Steamboot Village Inn-steam
rooms, saunas, pools, restaurants, and nightclubs
100 feet from main lift.
TRANSPORTATION-roundtrip charter from Lans-
ing (without transportation the trip is only $71.50)
SKIING-5 days' lift-tickets
APRES SKI - free beer parties, movies, contests,
races, entertainment
U of M Ski Club Meeting
Thursday, Oct.11, 9:00 p.m.
Markley Hall, Lounge 3

Buffalo 107, Houston 105
New York 101, Detroit 100, o
Atlanta 128, Capital 114
Golden State at Cleveland, postponed,
wet floor
Los Angeles 117, Chicago 97
1. cold vichysoisse
2. coq au in
3. potatoes anna
4. shrimp newburgh
5. boeuf burguignone
6. rice
7. swedish meat balls
8. vermicelli
9. breaded veal cutlet
10. fresh garden green
11. tarragon peas
12. eggplant parmesan
13. beef oriental
14. veal hearts
15. chicken giblets
16. cheese casserole
17. sliced beef
18. fried chicken
19. barbecued ribs
20. fried cod fish
21. black olives
22. greek olives
23. green olives
24. dill pickles
2. celery
26. carrots
27. green onions
28. crab apples
29. red peppers
30. radishes
31. corn salad
32. sliced cucumbers
with sour cream
33. sliced tomatoes
with fresh dill
34. red bean salad
35. greek bean salad
36. italian green peppers
37. greek stuffed eggplants
38. sliced beets
39. garlic sauce
40. herring
41. portuguese sardines
42, anchovies
43. cod fish caviar mousse
44. cod fish red caviar
45. liver pate
46. sliced jambon
47. sliced salami
48. sliced cold turkey
49. chicken salad
50. russian fish salad
51. tuna fish salad
'52. cottage cheese
53. sliced mushroom in
dill sauce
54. eggrolls,
55. hot mustard sauce
56. stuffed eggs bonnefemme
57. cole slaw
58.cold salmon
59. fresh tuna in soyu sauce
60. butter
61. home made bread
62. sliced tongue
63. horse radish sauce
64. chicken wings japanese
65. fried squid
66. smoked pork chops
67. potato salad
68. russian salad
69. macaroni salad
70. jellied fruit salad
71. tossed green salad
72. chef's dressing
73. french dressing
74. 1000 island dressing
75. russian dressing
76. tartar sauce
77. hot sauce
78. bacon crumbs
79. croutons
80. parmesan cheese
81. sliced onions
82. eggplant salad
83. cocktail sausage
84. hors d'oeuvres
85. stuffed grapeleaves
86. greek feta cheese
87. swiss -cheese
88. ceddar cheese
89. bread pudding
90. rice pudding
91. creme caramel
92. baked apples
93. house cake
94. peaches
95. mandarin oranges
96. orange sliced candies




Gridde Pickings
Heading toward the stadium from my beloved quad I was queried
by a streetperson (i.e. beggar). "Do you have any change, man?" Hav-
ing none I curtly advised him to eat cake or a Hostess Twinkee, not
necessarily in that order; and proceeded to the game with empty poc-
ket and empty head.
To my surprise I found a seat at the game between Betty Lou
and Delores. I shared a stimulating conversation and a bottle of Anne
G. Springs (1973-a very good year) with them. Betty Lou left at the

T i t

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