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October 10, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-10-10

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See Editorial Page


it A


See Today for details

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 30 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 10, 1973 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Prof. dies
Geology Prof. Claude Hibbard, curator of fossil verte-
brates in the Museum of Paleontology, died suddenly in
his office yesterday. He was 68. Hibbard was considered
to be an expert in late Cenozoic and Cenozoic fossils.
,LSA Dean Frank Rhodes termed the death "a grevious
loss," and said, "It is characteristic that Claude Hibbard
died as he lived, in harness, and that on the day of his
death he should come to his office in the Museum long
before the building opened." Hibbard first joined the
University faculty in 1946. He is survived by his wife, a
daughter and two granddaughters. Funeral arrange-
ments are incomplete.
Prof. honored
Mabel Rugen, professor emeritus of health education
has received the 1973 William A. Howe Award-the high-
esthonorin the field ofschool health-it was announced
yesterday. Rugen, a University faculty member for
four generations, was cited by the American School
Health Association for "an outstanding contribution to
the health of children throughout the world."
'Medical Mediators'
Anyone who feels they have been treated unfairly or
inhumanly by a medical institution in the city can now
bring their complaints to the Free People's Clinic. The
clinic has established an advocate service, known as
"Medical Mediators" which specializes in dealing with
hassles in the field of health insurance and medical cafe.
The service is available Monday, Tuesday and Wednes-
day between five and eight p.m. They can be contacted
by calling 761-5079.
Happenings .. .
. ..are topped by an organizational meeting for this
year's Ozone Homecoming Parade at 500 Spring St. at
10 p.m. . . . Frank Baldwin talks about Filipino troops
in Vietnam in Rm 124, East Quad, at 7:30 p.m. . . . the
U of M Ski Racing Team meets in the lobby of the
Union at 7:30 p.m. . . . Swami Satsvarupa, editor of
"Back to Godhead" magazine, will s'peak on Yoga at
7:30 p.m. in-the Wesley Lounge of the United Methodist
Church on State and Huron . . . the Student Counseling
Office is holding an orientation meeting for anyone in-
terested in peer counseling at 7:30 p.m. in 1018 Angell..
Medical ethics?
The American Journal of Psychiatry says more than
one out of 20 doctors queried in a nation-wide survey
admitted to having sexual intercourse with their patients.
Even more - 13 per cent - said they engaged in some
kind of erotic practices such as petting. The survey in-
cluded interviews with 460 doctors-psychiatrists, ob-
stetricians, gynecologists, surgeons and general prac-
More bugging
The liberal-oriented Institute for Policy Studies in
Washington filed affidavits with the Senate Watergate
Committee yesterday claiming they had been infiltrated,
wiretapped and bugged by federal agents. The commit-
tee says it learned from a former FBI informant that
the FBI and Washington police joined in an operation to
rip-off their documents. The affidavits claimed that the
institute is being harrassed, by the Internal Revenue
Service because their views differ from those of the
Saxbe hangs it up
Maverick Republican Senator William Saxbe of Ohio
announced yesterday he will not seek re-election when
his term expires in 1974. Sen. Saxbe, 57, gave "personal
reasons" as an explanation for. his retirement. He joins
four other Senators-Democrats Bible of Nevada and
Hughes of' Iowa, and Republicans Bennett of Utah and

Cotton of New Hampshire-in announcing their intention
not to run again. Saxbe was a donsistent critic of Nixon,
most vocally during the Christmas bombing of North
Vietnam last year.
Russo-Japanese treaty
The Soviet Union indicated yesterday that negotiations
between Russia and Japan on a peace treaty have run
into serious difficulties. Apparently disputes over terri-
tory are holding up approval of the accord which would
officially put an end to World War II for the two nations.
On the inside . . .
. ..Roy Chernus interviews pianist Gyorgy Sandor on
the Arts Page . . . Charles Bloom writes about Michi-
gan's injured tailback Harry Banks on the Sports Page
... and on the Editorial Page a former mental patient
writes about problems of organizing mental patients.
A2's weather









Syrian capital takes
hieavy Civilian losses
By AP' and Reuter
Israeli warplanes bombed the Syrian capital of Damascus
and hit military targets deep in Egypt yesterday while tanks
and infantry were reported locked in "ferocious battles" on
both fronts in the Mideast war.
Though they claimed to have stabilized the situation along
the Golan Heights; the Israelis admitted they have pulled back
several miles from their previous positions in the Sinai Pe-
LATE LAST NIGHT a Cairo communique said the Egyp-
tians had stabbed nine miles to the east of the 103-mile canal.
Israeli officials maintained that the Bar-Lev line of outposts
used in the 1967 war had been abandoned and that their
forces were holding a defense line some three miles to the east

Daily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY
THE INTENSE EMOTION and sorrow of prayer is reflected in the faces of several of those who attended yesterday's Solidarity For Israel
rally held on the Diag. A peaceful counter-demonstration in support of the Arab position was held simultaneously.

A crowd of about7
gathered peacefully on
yesterday to express sol
Israel on the occasion o
outbreak of war in the M
Behind the Israel der
a crowd of about 100
supporters circled the D
holding signs and coup
The demonstration be
short statement in He]
introduction was follo
short speech by Psych
Alexander Giuora.
He claimed the Isr
aware of Arab mobili
first move or risk bein
were counselled not to

LBST aggressors in the court of world was fa
700 persons opinion. Israel had been betrayed, regrett
n the Diag he concluded, attacked in a weak- taking
idarity with ened state on their holiest day,. del emr
f the latest Yom Kippur. said, ."
Jiddle East. destru
monstration A BREAK in the speeches was a fund
Arabs and provided by Jill Coliman, LSA, as brothe
iag silently, she lead the crowd in a song sup- He q
nter-demon- porting life for Israel. "We f
The main speaker of the after- sons.V
gan with a noon, History Prof. Arthur Mendel, making
brew. The next addressed the rally. "I have
wed by a addressed other rallies for other MEN:
ology Prof. causes before, but this is the first peal fo
time I've spoken for my people," for ac
aelis were he said. "During my recent trip to ning u
zation, but Israel I discovered my people and would
ng branded what they do mean to me." home,'
make the The mood of the demonstration speakf


Dia g,


r from militaristic. Speakers
:ed that the bloodshed was
place for any reason. Men-
nphasized that spirit when he
It's obscene to rejoice in the
ction of our enemies, for in
amental sense they are our
[uoted Golda Meir as saying,
orgive you for killing our
We can not forgive you for
g us kill yours."
1DEL concluded with an ap-
or help. "If you're just here
cheap thrill or a tingle run-
p and down your spine, it
be better if you stayed
he said. "Let your actions
for your heart."


U. S. sources
A ra b-Israeli


AP Military Writer
WASHINGTON 6P) - U.S. mili-
tary analysts believe the Israelis
can push Egyptian and Syrian forc-
es out of the Sinai Peninsula and
the Golan Heights area, but only
at ''a very considerable cost.''
Defense Department and other
U.S. government analysts are not
saying the tide has turned for the
Israelis, as some Israeli generals
have claimed.
"THE ISRAELIS are proceeding

about as expected, but they are
behind schedule," one official said.
"The Arabs are doing better this
time than they have in the past."
The key to swift Israeli victory
in the 1967 war was its mastery
of the air, gained in a surprise pre-
emptive strike catching much of
the Arab air force on the ground.
This air dominance permitted co-
ordinated warplane and armor as-
saults that decimated Egyptian
tank and infantry units.
But this time, U.S. sources said,


11tB ANON x Mr Hermon

a lance
the Israeli air force has had ser-
ious problems trying to knock out
Soviet-built surface-to-air missiles
missing during the 1967 six-day war
-on both the Egyptian and Syrian
UNTIL THESE missiles are neu-
tralized, Israeli warplanes cannot
range freely against Egyptian and
Syrian armor and infantry forma-
Sources said that about 35 of the
approximately 40 Israeli warplanes
lost through Monday night fell to
surface-to-air missiles, principally
the lethal SA6, designed to deal
with low flying airplanes.
The Egyptians and Syrians are
reported to have lost about 100
warplanes, some on the ground
when Israel attacked five Egyptian
airfields and some Syrian fields.
IF THE reports are accurate,
each side would have lost more
than 10 per cent of its air striking
According to intelligence assess-
ments reaching Washington, t h e
Egyptians have penetrated the Sin-
ai along an irregular front ranging
from five to about 15 miles of the
Suez Canal, short of Israeli's main
Sinai defense line based in key
passes through high ground.
The Egyptians were said to have
some70,000 men and between 600
and 800 tanks, some powerful Soy-

A check at the United Jewish
Student Appeal booth revealed that
it was doing brisk business.
After a prayer for peace by the
Reverend Ed Edwards and a few
more songs, the rally ended.
The gathering was sponsored by
the Coalition of Concerned Students
and Faculty. The groups behind
the name are the local Hillel or-
ganization and the Israeli Student
A spokesperson for Hillel' added
that in a larger sense the demon-
stration was really sponsored by
the people of the community rather
than any formal organizations.
AS THE CROWD dispersed, the
Arabs, who had been marching
silently during the demonstration,
began to chant slogans supporting
their position in the Middle East.
President of the Arab Student
Organization, Ahmed Beshareh,
stated that the Arabs were there to
show disagreement with what they
termed the Israeli aggression. Be-
shareh said, "who started the war
is immaterial. This is a continua-
tion of previous hostilities and can't
be treated separately."
"We are not aggressors," he con-
tinued, "we're attacking land which
is our own. We support the various
United Nations resolutions which
call for an end to Israeli aggres-
Following the demonstration the
Arabs left en masse.
~'U' starts
n ew vshort
When playwright Arthur Miller
strides to the lectern in Trueblood
Aud. next month to talk about his
plays before 200 eager students,
the event will represent the high
point of the University's greatly-
expanded mini-course program.
Mini-courses are two-week pass/
fail offerings on subjects that gen-
erally don't make the curriculum
of any department. So mini-courses
constitute their own department
this term, having grown in number
from one or two last year to more

of the canal.
In other developments Israeli
jets knocked out a radar , station
in the Lebanese mountains near
Barouk, 18 miles east of Beirut.
Lebanon, a noncombatant in the
1967 war wants to maintain the
same status in the current hostili-
ties according to .reports from the
The bombing of Damascus which
resulted in considerable civilian
casualties was regarded as the
critical military development in a
day of heavy fighting on all fronts.
THE RAID and a dogfight with
Syrian jets brought half an hour
of terror and confusion to Vire an-
cient Syrian capital. Women and
children cowered in cellars and
shopkeepers hurriedly closed their
shutters. ,
The three-story Soviet cultural
center was heavily damaged along
with other buildings and private
homes in the diplomatic quarter of
Abu Rammaneh.
Oleg Fomin, the Soviet embassy
cultural attache, condemned the
strafing of the center and told re-
porters: "My government will not
keep silent at this barbaric ac-
mascus said some 30 Soviets were
killed in the bombing but later
statements indicated that no Rus-
sians had in fact been killed.
At least half of the buildings hit
were the homes of foreign United
Nations and other international ex-
Among the dead were a Norwe-
gian U. N. truce supervision offic-
er, his wife and daughter and the
wife of an Indian U. N. food and
agricultural organization expert
named Patashariya.
THE AIR ATTACK on Damascus
was in retaliation for a Syrian
bombardment of Northern Israeli
settlements with long-range Soviet-
made Frog missiles over the past
two days, Israel said.
In Tel Aviv, Maj. Gen. Aharon
Yariv told a news conference, "It
is not going to be a short war. The
people of Israel can expect no easy
and elegant victories."
See ISRAELI, Page 2

? (ol(r (j
1fcf vi
Gazah; Syran, Israel

Soviet delegate Jacob Malik last
night walked out of the Security
Council in protest when Israel ex-
pressed its condolences for the loss
of life in yesterday's Israeli air
raids on Damascus, capital of
Malik interrupted Israeli Ambas-
sador Yosef Tekoah to say he was
"unrwilling to hear excuses and
condolences from the representa-
tives of the murderers and inter-
national gangsters."
IN THE RAID the Soviet cultural
center was hit and some uncon-
firmed reports said the Soviet Em-
bassy had been struck. Russian
delegation spokesmen here said
they knew nothing about the em-
bassy having been hit.
Other Soviet delegates remained
in the chamber after Malik walked
The council was meeting for the
second time in an effort to find
a fornmula for a ceasefire in the
new Middle East war.
DELEGATES, most of whom ap-
peared to be from Arab countries
which are not members of the
council, loudly applauded Malik's
The president, Sir Laurence Mc-
Intyre of Australia, r e m i n d e d
them, and members of the public
in the gallery, who joined in the
applause, that the council's rules
forbid such demonstrations.
Malik earlier spoke of press re-
ports of "barbaric bombing and
gangster acts by Israeli planes"
against the Soviet cultural center.
U.N. SOURCES yesterday said
that no Security Council resolution
on a ceasefire would emerge until
See RUSSIAN, Page 2



New developments
in the Middle East
DAMASCUS, Syria - Israeli jets bombed this capital city and
the central Syrian city of Homs in a new escalation of the Middle
East war. Witnesses said many civilians were killed or wounded
Direct hits were reported on the Defense Ministry and a radio-
television station adjoining one of the city's largest squares.
TEL AVIV - Israeli warplanes hit military targets deep inside
Egypt, the military command said, and ground forces "contained"
counterattacking Syrians in the Golan Heights.
A military intelligence chief admitted that Israeli forces had
pulled back two or three miles from most of their original defense
lines against Egypt along the Suez Canal and that it was "too early
to say that we have broken the Syrian army."
BEIRUT - The Defense Ministry said Israeli jets knocked
out a radar station in the Lebanese mountains near Barouk, 18
miles from Beirut, and that Israeli troops fired on the southern
Lebanese village of Blida.
CAIRO - The Cairo military command said its tanks were
pushing the Israelis eastward on the Sinai Peninsula and consoli-
dating the Egyptian hold on the east bank of the Suez Canal. The
command said troops destroyed more than 100 Israeli tanks in a
fierce battle in central and southern Sinai along the canal.
Egyptian officials further claimed that Israeli jets had at-
tacked Cairo and that 16 Phantom jets had been shot down. Four


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