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October 09, 1973 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1973-10-09

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Tuesday, October 9, 1973


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Tuesay, ctobr 9,1973tHE ICHI__ __.L

_ _ ..


Much to the dismay of Coach Bo
A Schembechler, the names of sev-
eral Wolverine starters can be
found, not on the starting grids,
but rather on the casufalty list as.
Michigan prepares for its upcom-
ing encounter in East Lansing.
No less than five starters and
threetbackups are either definite-
ly out of Saturday's game with
Michigan State or can be labeled
as questionable. "It's the most
injuries we've had since I've
been here," moaned Schembech-
ler yesterday.
Hardest hit was the offensive
line, where serious injuries can be
ill-afforded. The knee of senior
guard Mike Hoban remains in a
cast until tomorrow and he is defi-
nitely out of the State game.
Though Hoban hopes to.be ready
for action against Wisconsin in two
:: weeks, Schembechler d o es notl
share his optimism. "His cast
comes off Wednesday and it will
be a couple of, weeks after that
ti anyway before he can play."
tiIGary Hainrihar, Hoban's backup,
i- suffered an ankle injury in the{
second half of last Saturday's Ore-I






with a shoulder separation. He will
e be replaced by sophomore Don
Dufek. Tackle Doug Troszak has
injured ribs and an ankle injury
and Schembechler will know more
about his condition later this week.
Of course, the most serious
and mysterious injury is the
NIGHT EDITORS: broken finger of quarterback
JIM ECKER Dennis Franklin. "I just don't
THERESA SWEDO know about him," Schembechler
said. "We'll just see what he can
gon game and is listed as a doubt- do in practice this week. I have"
ful starter. no guarantees about him."
The 24.0 shutout turned out to While Franklin rode the pines
be a costly one for Michigan. against the Webfoots, senior Larry
Tacle JimCooe, ho as eenCipa directed the Wolverine cf(-
TacklerJim Coode, who hasitbeen fes for the first tim ash asrt
hampered all season with a fnefrtefrttm sasat
pinched nerve, played only the r. Schebechler had much praise
first half against the Ducks be- he Cincinnat ho native can d
fore being lifted for junior Pat
Tumpane. "Coode won't practice the job against Michigan State if
this week," Schembechler stated. "If we have to play with him
"I'm. not sure if he can play (Cipa), we'll be all right," Schem-
So atudyorn."T bechler maintained. "However, if
Sophomore guard Kirk Lewis there is anyway possible that'
sustained some cracked ribs in the Franklin can play, he'll play."
first period and is questionable for At the moment, the starting
the Spartan brouhaha. situation for Saturday's game
The hospital report for the de- looks like this:
fense finds wolback Geoff Steger k * iDennis F r a n k s has been
definitely out of Saturday's action moved to left guard anddespite
playing on a bad ankle, Schem-
JT bechler will have him starting
against the Spartans.
0 Junior Dave Metz will start
at right guard if Lewis' condi-j
tion fails to improve.
R1~d s0 Junior Jeff Perlinger will
start for Troszak if the Warren
senior can't go on Saturday.
Morgan. The Mets retaliated " Senior Jim Armour will
when hits by Jerry Grote and move up to second team left
Jerry Koosman added a run in guard behind Franks, sophomore
the third. New York closed the Jim Czirr will backup starting
scoring with two more in the center Tom Jensen, and junior
fourth when Felix Millan walked, Roy Burks will be Dufek's back-
Jones doubled and John Miner up at wolf.
singled. 0 At tailback, where all is
In today's fourth game of the healthy, Gil Chapman, offensive
National League playoffs, the champion of the week, will battle
Mets send lefthander George Chuck Heater for the starting tail-
St (12 iback slot.

A PUGILISTIC PETE ROSE (14) shows scrawny Met shortstop Bud Harrelson some of that Cincinna
power which carried the Reds into N.L. playoff competition. Although Charlie Hustle cleaned the Min
Hawk's clock, the scoreboard at big Shea read N.Y. 9, Cincy 2.

Bob McGinn

M ts

Saturday's showdown ..
. , it won't be easy
THREE WEEKS ago I bet a friend at Michigan State that
JMichigan would blast his Spartans by at least three touch-
downs. Now, five days before Saturday's showdown in East
Lansing, I wish I'd kept my mouth shut.
Really, it wasn't all that hard to be a little cocky, especially
when the Michigan Stadium scoreboard read Michigan 47, Stan-
ford 10, and the public address announcer was crowirg, "In the
fourth quarter, Sy-ra-cuse 8, Michigan State 7."
Even though the Green Meanies pulled that one out with a
desperate, last-ditch touchdown, the script for October 13 seemed
irreversibly set.
Finally, for the first time in the reign of Bo Schem-
bechler, Michigan would run roughshod all over those Bul-
locks and Wilsons and McClowrys. Too bad Duffy Daugherty
wouldn't be around for it.
But somehow the left-for-dead Spartans picked up a trans-
fusion when they needed it most, jammed a hand under their
falling coffin-top in their 34-21 loss to UCLA, and thrust them-
selves back to life last Saturday against Notre Dame.
True, Coach Denny Stolz's crew dropped their third game
in four starts at South Bend, 14-10, but they convinced a hell
of a lot of people that, yes, Michigan State still has a football
Michigan, meanwhile, was stumbling to shut out exhibton
wins against Navy and Oregon. Neither team was what one
might term a real heavyweight, but each gave the Wolverines
difficulties before going under.
It's anyone's guess now as to what the problem was the
last two weeks, or even if there is a problem. Bo Schembechler
would tell you that there is no problem when he has a healthy
club. Others will tell you that maybe Michigan just doesn't have
the equipment to do the things Michigan teams have done
so well the past four seasons.
Yesterday noon, Bo broke bread with the writers as he does
every Monday. Only this time he didn't sound like a football
coach. He sounded more like a hospital corpsman.
"This is the most injuries we've ever had at one time
since I've been here," Bo lamented. "Hell, we may have
to go with a line in which none of the guys were starters a
year ago.
"But let me tell you one thing, we sure aren't cryin'.
We'll have enough guys to make it up there Saturday. And
the guys we do sent out will really get after 'em, that's for
Now Schembechler has been known to bemoan injuries be-
fore, and then sit back and his team demolish an opponent.
But this time the warnings seem to have more sting, more
urgency. After Bo recited his sicklist and parried a few ques-
tions while gulping down a salad, he was gone with a "I'm
really busy today, fellas."
He seemed on edge, and it's easy to see why. No less bhan
five of his key performers in the offensive line have substan-
tial injuries of one kind or another, with fireplug guard Mike
Hoban definitely ruled out.
Some may think that offensive linemen aren't that hard
to replace. But Schembechler silenced such talk when he
said, "That's the most difficult area to teach, and one of
the most important. I don't know of any offense that doesn't
require blocking."
And no one knows for sure if the leader of the Wolverine
attack, Dennis Franklin, will be ready or not. One would have
to think so, but it's not certain.
The problem is accented even more with the presence of
yet another fine Michigan State defensive team. Eight seniors,
all veterans of the past two bitter struggles with Michigan, will
be on hand Saturday.
Michigan State's attacking unit, however, has been medio-
cre at best thus far. The line is woefully inexperienced (only
center Bob Mills played in a varsity game last fall) and
heralded transfer Charley Baggett has been inconsistent at
But in Baggett they have a man who has far more natural
ability than guys like Mike Rasmussen, George Mihaiu, and Mark
Niesen. "He's potentially a big play guy, buth running and
passing," Bo stated.
It's that one play, the kind Ohio State's Tom Campana sprung
two ye'ars ago against Michigan with his 85 yard punt return for
a touchdown, that has Bo worried.
This Michigan team hasn't been tested yet, but no one will
be able to say that Saturday night.

From wire Service Reports
NEW YORK - Powered by
Rusty Staub's pair of home runs,
the New York Mets weathered a
fifth inning free-for-all and near
forfeit in defeating the Cincin-
nati Reds 9-2 yesterday.
The real action occurred in the
fifth inning. Trapped into a dou-
ble play, Cincinnati's aggressive
Pete Rose barrelled into New
York shortstop Bud Harrelson on
a stand-up slide in an unsuccess-
ful attempt to break up the play.
A verbal exchange quickly turn-
ed into a shoving match, causing
both benches and bullpens to
"It may be I'm a little touchy
about this stuff," explained Har-
relson, "but I'm tired of taking
a beating at second base." The
infielder has already suffered a
chest fracture and a broken hand
in keystone collisions this year.
As the Mets took their turn at
bat and Rose returned to his left
field position, the New York
crowd, still smoldering over the
incident, began to hurl a variety
of objects at Rose. After braving

a storm of miscellaneous gar-
bage (including batteries and
bottles), Rose called it quits
when he was nearly hit by a
whisky bottle.
At this point, Cincinnati Man-
ager Sparky Anderson called his
team off the field, refusing to
continue unless the fans put a
halt to their barrage.
Mets' Manager Yogi Berra
then led Willie Mays, Rusty
Staub, Tom Seaver, and Cleon
Jones out to left field to plead
with the fans for control. Their
plea was followed and the Reds
eventually returned to the field
after a five minute delay.
But back to baseball. Staub's
first homer came off Cincinnati
starter Ross Grimsley in the
first inning. Then, in the second
inning, the Mets ganged up on,
Grimsley again, scoring five
times, the last three on Staub's
second round tripper.
Trailing 6-0, the Reds scored
in the third on Denis Menke's
homer and singles by pinch hit-
ter Larry Stahl, Rose and Joe

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Ocne ( z-.) against Cincinnati
southpaw Fred Norman (13-13).
Yesterday's !third game of the
American League playoffs be-
tween 'the Baltimore Orioles and
the Oakland Athletics was can-
celled by rain and rescheduled
for today at 3:30 p.m., EDT.
~ ~ -

Redskin rally bounces
Dallas in ruged ame
WASHINGTON (A)-Brig Owens a roughing the punter penalty
intercepted a Craig Morton pass and Roger Staubach's 21-yard
and returned it 26 yards for a pass to Billie Joe DuPre.
touchdown late in the fourth quar- But Staubach was sacked for a
ter last night to give the Washing- loss of 11 yards on third down, and
ton Redskins a 14-7 victory over Washington's Ted Vactor blocked
the Dallas Cowboys in a bruising Toni Fritsch's field goal attempt
National Football League defensive gramathep39
battle. The action started fast and from the 39.
furioussfollowing the traditional Washington took the ball to mid-
coin toss. field but after Larry Brown drop-j
Washington's Herb Mul-Key re- ped a Sonny Jurgensen pass, Dal-
turned the opening kickoff to the las again took over on its own 20.
Redskins 28, but a delay of game Again, it was a roughing the
penalty cost the offense five yards punter call that kept the Cowboys
and a first down on the opening alive, with Staubach finally hit-
series. Washington got another ting wide receiver Otto Stowe with
chance four plays later, when Bill a 15-yard bullet in the end zone for
Malinchak blocked a Dallas punt the game's first score with 49 sec- M
at the Cowboys' 38. onds left in the half.

'TCeK S M1
111 5

Yet despite the mounting injur-
ies, the quarterback problem, aid
the always tough Michigan State
Spartans, Schembechler is not a
worried man singing a worried
song. "As long as we've got the
good defense and kicking game,
we'll be all right."
So. Univ.

Sonny Jurgensen got sacked for
1.1 yards, however, and Curt
Knight's 53-yard field goal at-
tempt was short from the Redskins'
47 and the first quarter ended with
a scoreless tie.
In the second quarter Dallas
marched from its own 22 to the
Redskins' 21, a drive helped by

Mul-Key turned an exchange
of punts to Washington's advan-
tage by racing 27 yards to the
Dallas 40. But this time it was
Dallas that got a hand on a
field goal attempt, spoiling Curt
Knight's kick from 30. And the
third quarter ended with the
Cowboys still leading 7-0.

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