' i a 4 3 ttu Eighty-three years' of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan The failure of free enterprise housing 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1973 i SGC endorsements Residence Hall: Thomas Lounsbury , Undergraduate: Daniel Fishman, Jeff Schiller LSA: Marcia Fishman, Rosanne Lapinski Law: Ed Hall Engineering: Doug Keith THIS. YEAR'S campaign for Student Government Council, which ends with three-day balloting starting today, has unfortunately followed all two close- ly in the footsteps of recent.SGC election campaigns. It has been characterized by name-call- ing and slander of the rankest order while the substantive issues that affect students have once again been relegated to the background. Editorial Staff CHRISTOPHER PARIS and EUGENE ROBINSON Co-Editors in Chief DIANE LEVICK.......................Arts Editor MARTIN PORTER.......... ......... Sunday Editor MARILYN RILEY ....... Associate Managing Editor ZACHARY SCHILLER..............Editorial Director ERIC SCHOCH............... Editorial Director TONY SCHWARTZ.................Sunday Editor CHARLES STEIN......................City Editor TED STEIN......................Executive Editor ROLFE TESSEM ................... Managing Editor STAFF WRITERS: Prakash Aswani, Gordon Atcheson, Dan Biddle, Penny Blank,'Dan Blugerman, Howard Brick, Dave Burhenn, Bonnie Carnes, Charles Cole- man, Mike Duweck, Ted Evanoff, Deborah Good, William Heenan, Cindy Hill, Pack Krost, jean Love, Josephine Marcotty, Cheryl Pilate, Judy Ruskin, Ann Rauma, Bob Seidenstein, Stephen Selbst, Jeff Sorensen, Sue Otephenson, David Stoll, Rebecca Warner DAILY WEATHER BUREAU: William Marino and Dennis Dismacheck (forecasters) Sports Staff DAN BORUS Sports Editor FRANK LONGO Managing Sports Editor BOB McGINN.............Executive Sports Editor CHUCK BLOOM.............Associate Sports Editor JOEL GREER...............Associate Sports Editor RICH STUCK..............Contributing Sports Editor BOB HEUER.............Contributing Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Jeff Chown, Brian Deming, Jim Ecker; Marc Feldman, G e o r g e Hastings, Marcia Merker, Roger Rossiter, Theresa Swedo STAFF:'Barry Argenbright, Bill Crane, Richard Fla- herty, Cary Fotias, Andy Glazer, Leba Hertz, John Kahler, Mike Lisull, Jeffrey Milgrom, Tom Pyden, Leslie Riester, Jeff Schiller, Bill Stieg, Fred Upton g Ss Staff BILL BLACKFORD Business Manager RAY CATALINO......... ...... Operations Manager SHERRY CASTLE . . ...........Advertising Manager ANDY FIENBERG ................ Finance Manager D 4VE BURLESON ................... Sales Manager DEPT. MGRS.: Steve LeMire, Jane Dunning, Paula Schwach ASSOC. MGRS.: Joan Ades, Chantal Bannlhon, Linda Ross, Mark Sancrainte, S u a n n e Tibero, Kevin Trimmer ASST. MGRS.: Marlene Katz, Bill Nealon STAFF: Sue DeSmet, Laurie Gross, Debbie Novess, Carol Petok, Mimi Bar-on SALESPEOPLE: W e n d i Pohs, Torn Kettinger, Eric Phillips, P e t e r Anders, R o b e r t Fischer, Paula Schwach, Jack Mazzara, John Anderson TODAY'S STAFF: News: Deboroh Mutnick, Chris P a r k s, Cheryl Pilate, Ted Stein, Sue Stephen- son Editorial Page: Ted Hartzell, Zachary Schiller, Eric Schoch Arts Page: Diane Levick Photo Technician: David Margolick Numerous candidates have based their campaigns almost entirely on the al- leged corruption of President Lee Gill, While The Daily and SGC are both inves-- tigating charges against .Gill, to date no concrete evidence has come to light prov- ing that heis guilty of any wrongdoing. Still, he has been the target of some of the most vicious charges in SGC elec- tion history. VOTERS WILL also be going to the polls with the prospect of facing the most confusing electoral system yet created by the paper-pushers who infest the student government. Known as the 10-10-10 plan, the system will create a council of 42 members with individuals elected from various school, divisional and residential constituencies. Trying to get things approved by such a large and potentially unwieldy organiz- ation will be extremely difficult. It is unfortunate that the plan is being introduced at a time when the council has shown its first .genuine sign of revit- alization. Though not without problems, the council has takensteps in the past month which have once again cast it in the role of campus leader. Under Lee Gill, the body has been quick to act and in- volve itself in major issues. WHILE ITS DECISION to take a back- seat in the tuition strike may have been a tactical error, the mere fact that it supplied both verbal and'financial sup- port to the effort has been significant. The agreement made with President Fleming which guarantees a bi-weekly meeting between Fleming and the coun- cil is another impressive first. Once the epitome of the outside critic, Gill has learned to operate effectively within the governmental framework of the Univer- sity. He is currently working on an agree- ment to set up policy boards with stu- dent members in each of the vice-presi- dents' offices. With this in mind we confine our en- dorsements - with one exception - to members of Gill's Students Rights Party. Though all do not possess great experi- ence in student government,.they are the candidates most likely to continue the gains made by the present council. 'THEY ARE THE candidaes most com- mitted to the principles of student power, minority rights and progressive .government. Jeff Schiller, the lone Campus Coali- tion candidate to receive our endorse- ment, has been an intelligent and capable member of the present council. He alone among candidates of his party has shown restraint with regards to the charges of SGC corruption - choosing to refrain from comment until results of curi'ent investigations are made known. We have not made endorsements in the Rackham and co-op races since we were unable to interview all the candidates in- volved. By EV ERHLICH IT'SFAIRLY OBVIOUS that Ann Arbor has a housing problem, at least to those people who aren't part of it. Ann Arbor's rents, the second highest in the country, continue to rise, while private housing con- struction in the campus and near-campus area has come to a halt. Landlords are walking away with large profits and tax savings while buying the houses they rent out with the rent they collect from ten- ants, to sell them later for speculative gain. Tenants are paying tribute rather than rent. Landlords are making booty rather than profit. Within the next week, t h e Human Rights Party will start their drive to obtain 3,500 signatures to put rent con- trol on the ballot next April, where it can be passed and enacted free of City Coun- cil interference. Many of the problems of the Ann Arbor housing market are address- ed by the law's provisions: profit floors and ceilings, interest rate and financing controls, profit inducements for mainten- ance work, tax saving rebate, repair work mediation, tenants' rights clauses, and anti- abandonment procedures. It is a large im- provement over the "fair return" and "max- imum base rent" laws that have been initiated in other cities in the past. WHAT REMAINS to be demonstrated is that rent control is a response to a prob- lem created by free enterprise. This is the traditional hurdle rent control must over- come in the minds of the voters. "Free en-, terprise" is more than an economic sys- tem; it is a reactionary ideology., To tell Ann Arbor's tenants to wait for free enter- prise - a sort of corporate Santa Claus - to solve our housing problem is equivalent to teling somebody with a headache that they can end their pain by blowing their brains out. "Yes, in this immense confusion, one thing is clear - we are waiting for Godot to come . . . we will hang ourselves tomor- row unless Godot comes." And so it is .with the market. We are told to wait for the market tolower rent itself, by the creation of new supply. This is a traditional land- lord argument promoted by the economic thinking that spawned the robber barons and the Hoover Administration. IN FACT, new supply has historically caused rents to rise, not fall. This is be- cause many of the costs of erecting a building have gone up notoriously in the past ten years. Mortgages acquired ten years ago were financed at six per cent interest. Now, that figure is closer to 10 per cent, and promises to go higher when mortgage interest ceilings are LIfted at the behest of the President. This means that mortgage payments that will be made on the house will be permanently costly. Consider, for example, one landlord's ap- peal (confidentially, up to this point) to the city assessor: "Due to keen compeition in the area, we have not been able to raise rents as we should . . . result: no profit. Our only hope is continued inflation so that we can raise our rents while maintaining constant mortgage costs and hope to do better." This is in fact what landlords do. Every year new housing is created, every year built with more expensive financing, materials, and labor. This forces n e w housing to be more expensive, and there- fore higher rent must be demanded. Thus, new housing can force rents up, not down. * intuitively absurd. WHAT'S MORE, new supply bringing about lower rent is reduced from specula- tion to crystal-balling when seen in light of the fact that there has been virtually *no new supply in the campus-central area in the past five years. Why? One explanation. is found in a city ad- ministration official who felt, confiden- tally, that nobody would commit "an intelli- gent nickel" to housing construction in this area at this time. A second rationale is found in another appeal to the City Asses- sor: "Since the student uprisings of 1969, there has been little activity in the sale of student apartments in Ann Arbor", refer- ring, of course, to the 1969 rent strike. In short, economic and political consider- ations have led Ann Arbor's landlords to leave the campus area behind, and move on to the greener pastures of out-commuter ........... . -.... . *. . *.*.*.........." "~ ' ............. . . . . ...... . . "To tell Ann Arbor's tenants to wait for free enterprise-al sort of corporate Santa Claus-to solve our housing prob- lem is equivalent to telling somebody with a headache that they can end their pain by blowing their brains out." case of New York City, where rent control is accused of having created slums. The fact that there were already poor persons uprisings in Harlem in 1943, and promoted by the same conditions that brought them about 20 years later, seems to have eluded the argument. One might go on to ask that if rent control promoted disrepair and abandon- ment in New York, what promotes it in Roxbury? South Side Chicago? To the land- lord, a house is not a home - it is an asset, like a stock, a bond, or a bank ac- count. As one landlord has it, ". . . the real value of income producing property is determined by the amount of income it produces (and not how nice it may look)'. Given that fact of the real estate market, it is not surprising to find maintenance' overlooked. Whysshould funds be commit- ted to maintenance if they bring no -atis- factory return? The reason that housing deteriorates is because in avoiding main- tenance expenditures, the landlord receives a greater profit, and the house becomes worth more! Once again, the profit motive produces the opposite of the desired effect. A rent control law that tied profit to main- tenance would be infinitely better than the situation we now have. BUT STILL the tenant is told to wait for Godot, to wait for the new supply, the light at the end of the tunnel, for the "self-cor- recting' mechanism to bring about a new Golden Age in the housing market. Will new housing, constructed with financing ob- tained at the highest interest rates ever in this economy's history, help bring down rent? Will landlords pr'ovide housing for poor people out of their benevolence?' Will the profit motive reverse itself and repair the housing stock? Each proposition is as doubtful as the next. The landlord's solution to the land- lord problem is a Trojan horse. The solu- tion to the housing problem.lies in stopping the developers' juggernaut, not it waiting for it to make right the disaster it has left in its wake. Ev Ehrlich, who was a member of the Rent Control Study Commission, is a member of the' Human Rights Party, and the Union for Radical Poli- tical Economics. When "continued inflation" operates this way, the landlord already in the market can catch up, by being "able to raise rents," and "do better". THEORETICALLY, say the free mar- keteers, new supply will create vacancies, which force the landlord to lower rent, in order to fill up the units. But as Pierre St. Amour, a landlord member of the frded and forgotten rent control study commis- sion, will attest, it is "not profitable" for the individual landlord to lower rent to fill vacancies. The revenue gained from the new tenants who have filled the vacancies will not compensate for the reduction given to the tenants who would have paid the "too-high" price, and the landlord w o u 1 d lose money. Now, this might be a different situation if landlords were about to go broke, but it seems they're not. In fact, the land- lord in the above appeal, who sought to raise rents to help fight inflation, is mak- ing more than 40 per cent per year profit on his investment in the house when tax savings are included. The concept of com- petition creating new supply leading to low- er rent is as practically impossible as it is developments. THE PROBLEM of new supply is in no way limited to "student" areas. In fact, the problem in student areas reflects the fact that new housing construction is geared not to students, not to black people, not to poor people, but to upper and middle in- come white out-commuters. This is the direction of Ann Arbor as a community. As an Ann Arbor landlord told the study com- mission: "For the poor person . . . there's no way private enterprise can build for him. He went on. to say that "the worst tenant is a young tenant." Given these attitudes, low income people, black people, and students are faced with a serious dilemma. They can either pay, ransom for their housing to a landlord and, more important, a system that expresses contempt for them, or they can act to force the market to serve their interest as well as that of the wealthier white interest to whom it now caters. LANDLORD IDEOLOGUES usually claim that an uncontrolled market will provide maintenance services better than a con- trolled one. The proof of the pudding is the A new Game for the Administration By BOB SEIDENSTEIN OF ALL THE games being played in Washington perhaps the one that is most interesting is no longer Beat the Press, but Use the News. Even though Beat the Press is an old favorite, let's go over the rules one more time to make it perfectly clear. One side is called the Administration. The other side is comprised of Newsmen. The Administration gets the first move, but nobody knows what it is. They have their own board. It could be bombing the guts out of Asian farmers, subverting national elections or settling anti-trust cases. If some enterprising Reporters want to play they have to find out what the Ad- ministration did. There is no real time limit, except that if the Newsmen do not enter the game soon they lose by default and what we get is History. The Reporters might ask a massacred civilian what went on, but usually they will talk to Sources. In many cases the Sources, often members of the Administration op- posed to their team's first move, will call the Reporters. THE REPORTERS may get a story or two out of their sources, but by that time the Administration gets more moves. They may send a Cabinet Member to commit Perjury in front of a Congressional Com- mittee, they may claim National Security or they may Wiretap their own players and the Reporters with Plumbers. The Administration is piously against News Leaks. They prevent government from doing the job they will not tell us about. In its most developed form, even the FBI, the CIA and the Supreme Court enter the game - all, of course, on the Adminis- tration's side. The game ends when either the govern- ment's policy or the Newsmen themselves are found dangerous to our National Inter- est by Public Opinion. The Newsmen us- ually lose. If they win, hoivever, the gov- ernment just starts a new game often repeating the same first move, like killing Asians, if in fact they ever stopped. So the Administration always wins. That's Beat the Press. USE THE NEWS is something else. Here, the same Administration which is piously against News Leaks has an Enemy. It may not be a real enemy, but just a Diversion for the Press. The Enemy in the latest game is the Vice-President. The Administration holds information on the Vice-President. The Press does not like the VP because of his role in too many Beat the Press games. The Ad- ministration is tired of having the Press investigate illegal bombings and corrup- tion. So, the Justice Department and top White House Aides decide the Public has a Right to Know. They tell selected News- men all about the criminality of the Vice- President thereby violating the Judicial Process. The Press has to print these Facts, ,be- cause- not to do so would be to deny in- formation to the Public. The Administration has the Press do its Dirty Work. That is called .Use the News. Thus, in some situations, the Admin- istration can take a leak. Bob Seidenstein is a Daily staff writer. C t I E; 1 a : : v a AP Photo Letters:ROTC. sex bias exaggerated' * To The Daily: THE DAILY has once again dis- played its talent for distorted re- porting. Ms. Lilly's article about barriers confronting Naval ROTC women is truly a monument to the faith of a true believer, a faith well armored against the assault of mere facts. The first bit of mis- direction is found in the use of a photo of an Air Force recruiting poster to prove "subtle sexism" in the Navy (the Air Force, as a matter of fact, has its own pro- gram for women, but they all wear uniforms so I guess they all must be the same . . .). However, this is minor compared to what is to come. 'Nf T Mir -oo "c xA ; rather Congress. She continues her argument by taking quotes from the N a v y public affairs officer, Lt. Pence. It must be admitted that she sur- passes herself in her treatment of him: it strains creduality to be- lieve that he dwelled upon "float- ing brothels" as quoted as exten- sively in their conversation as to warrant such extensive quoting or for that matter that this topic was the most cogent to her article. A call to Lt. Pence reveals that he did indeed discuss other things. Of particular interest are-the num- erous opportunities for women in the "Shore Establishment', includ- ing such significant posts as pro- ject manager (proiects can range qualifications" quite a bit less sweeping. Her whole treatment of Lt. Pence reminds one of Ehrlicn- man's description of the Admin- istration's treatment of Grav 'hanging there, slowly twisting in the wind.' If the proof of her first thesis was dubious the proof of the se- cond is a disaster. Her implica- tion of widespread male prejudice remains simply unproven. Besides a vague statement by the girls in Naval ROTC to the effect that " They tell us not to worry ab.ut it, things will improve,' " the exact nature of 'it' remaining almst carefully unspecified. In fact her two other quotes (from males) are both favorable towards women's in- that Daily reporters will be led to a reliance upon evidence rather than upon their preconceived no- tions of the situation. Mark Radcliffe '74RC Oct. 7 bialS To The Daily: SINCE REPORTORIAL inaccur- acy and bias has become a hall- mark of Daily reporting in recent years, we were not terribly shock- ed at the divergences from truti contained in last Saturday's ardi- cle on our campus political Marty, the Screw SGC Party. Neverthe- less, the article did cause us con- siderable dismay, in that it e re- pered with misquotes that on e cannot help but think that the au- thor was being inattentive through- out the interview. Even ignoring this issue, however, we must ob ject to the very clear impression conveyed by the article that SSCC consists of "right-wing conserva- tives." As was indicated in our interview with the, Daily, we are libertarians, i.e., we are inalter- ably opposed to the initiation of coercive force. We 'reject the very, notion of a left-right political spec- trum. Our stand is clearly one not shared by reactionary "liberals" and conservatives, both of which groups advocate the enforcement of victimless crime laws. Lastly, the article's author vic-