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October 07, 1973 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1973-10-07

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Sunday, October 7, 19 !3

P~g Ten IHE MICHIGAN DAILY 5unday, October 7, 1913

Cla man's
Michigan's disemboweled Wolver-
ines withstood hobbling injuries, a
patchwork offensive unit, and an
accurate Duck passer in blitzing
Oregon 24-0 yesterday at Michigan
Stadium. Only the individual bril-
liance of Gil Chapman's zig-zag-
ging, record-tying 83 yard punt re-
turn, an exhilarating Michigan NIGHT EDITOR: MARC
kicking game, and two perfectly





executed Larry Cipa play-action
passes to tight end Paul Seal broke
the monotony of an otherwise offensive lineman. from tackle to
humdrum afternoon. tackle hurt. Except for the center,

Daily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY
THE JERSEY JET, Gil Chapman (24) takes off on his pulsating 83 yard punt return yesterday by
eluding the slippery grasp of Duck Dave Morgan (94). Oregon defenders George Martin (left) and Don
Johnson (right) also close in on the superlative speedster.

The Texas Wedge '


The kicking game . . .
there's no question
For a while Saturday Bo Schembechler looked like a worried
man as he answered questions from the press. Taking an occa-
sional sip of Coke, Bo, with obvious displeasure, rattled off
names of offensive linemen who've been hit by the injury bug
this season. Then out of the clear blue he blurted "but isn't
our kicking game great?"
He couldn't have said it any better. A look; at the final
statistics indicates a very even game-Michigan outgaining the
Ducks by a mere five yards, 240-235. But, ah, that kicking game.
What a difference it made.
Case in point: The kickoff team.
Placekicker Mike Lantry, erratic in his kickoffs last sea-
son, made no mistake yesterday as he boomed four out of
five deep into the endzone eliminating the runbacks. His
other kickoff was only brought back 18 yards as the Wolver-
ines swarmed all over Don Reynolds.
Case in point: The field goal team.
This has to be the area the coaches are most satisfied with.
Last season there was not the confidence in Lantry that seems
to be evident right now.
"I wouldn't hesitate to use him in a crucial situation-he's
really booting that ball, isn't he?" Schembechler queried to
newsmen. Kicking coach Jerry Hanlon, the one most responsible
for the implacements, credits Lantry with a big boost in his
own confidence. "Mike is concentrating more as he approaches
the ball. That, plus the feeling he has that he will put the ball
through the uprights, has made him a much better kicker."
Yesterday Lantry kept his perfect field goal record intact
as he drilled one through from 39 yards out.
Case in point: The punting team.
Perhaps the most interesting statistic from yesterday's tilt
is the Oregon punt return stats.
Barry Dotzauer equalled Lantry in his ability to hand the
Ducks bad field position. Nine times he punted and only twice
did an Oregon receiver dare attempt a runback of the high
spirals. And on those occasions the Wolverines allowed
Oregon negative 3 yards total return yardage.
"Dotz hangs the ball high enough to give us great cover-
age," Hanlon noted.
Case in point: The punt return team.
Easily the best part of Michigan's kicking game yesterday
was the return squad. In comparison to Oregon's minus yard-
age the Wolverines amassed' 110 yards, most of them coming
on Gil Chapman's fantastic 83 yard effort.
Chapman's run tied him with Darrell Harper and team-
mate Dave Brown for the longest punt return in Wolverine
history. But it was more than just a record yesterday. It was
the straw that broke the Duck's back. As the ball floated to
him the entire Oregon bench was yelling "Come on. We
need a fumble-drop it, drop it."
As Chapman entered the endzone their faces were long and
they knew they had been beaten.
Naturally Bo was asked about next week's intrastate clash
with Michigan State in East Lansing.
"Well, Hoban won't play and Coode is questionable. Frank-
lin? I wish I could tell you I just don't know. We are really
going to need the good kicking game. It's gonna play a big part
in the game I'll tell you that."
If it can come on as strong as it did yesterday, the Wolver-
ines will have a huge plus on their side.
Oregon: B
By BOB McGINN turn to Eugene with th
Virginia (1971). Tulane (1972). Stanford As the Ducks silent
(1973). The list of teams that have been pads and, ripped off th
reduced to fumbling, bumbling heaps at coach, staistic sheets
Michigan Stadium the past few years is loud voice, "Those g
almost endless. yards rushing until m
fourth quarter. When
Many thought the Oregon Ducks would that happened?"
meet a similar fate yesterday. After all,
the symptoms of collapse were clearly pFor the record, M
there. pick up 100 yards on
Purdue last November.
The Pacific-Eight Conference visitors the Boilermakers had
had lost their first three games, includ- wasn't so with Oregon
ing a 35-17 decision to Utah last week, "I thought our defe
and had given up nearly 350 yards a overall game," Enrig
game. "and I'd go so far as
dominated the second
MICHIGAN, meanwhile, was coming
off a lackluster 14-0 win over Navy, ani "BUT WE made som
Bo Schembechler wasn't very pleased. just can't do that agai

sink Ciney
The Michigan water polo team
behind six goals by Rich Yallic
wiped out the Cincinnati Peps
Marlins in action yesterday a-
Matt Mann Pool. The polomen
scored nine times in each hal
to dominate a very tough contest
The Marlins, though thoroughl
outclassed by Michigan, gave th
polomen an extremely rough

Cipa, an injury red-shirt in 1972
and Dennis Franklin's insurance
this year, paid off ,on his premium
after pre-game drills left Franklin's
delicate left hand inoperable. The
lanky, good-throw, no-run Cipa ran
his club in a workmanlike fashion,
highlighted by his big connections
with Seal.
Cipa's presence, or rather Frank-'
in's absence, wasn't the deciding'
factor behind Michigan's spotty of-
fensive showing. Injuries, especial-
ly to the interior line, hurt the
Wolverines against the Ducks.
There were almost as many Mich-
igan offensive linemen bumped off
yesterday as MIG jets high above
the Sinai Peninsula.
"We've had a few problems up
front with people hurt," under-
iscored Schembechler. "At one
time or another we've had every
f .

that's injuries two deep at every
position. If we ever get it together
tackle to tackle we're going to be
a helluva team."
MICHIGAN'S unstable condition
gup front, coupled withithe strin-
gent Oregon defensive line, stifled
the Wolverines' inside power game
and contribtued to the starting
backfield's virtual ineffectiveness.
Even though Michigan hogged all
14 first-half points, only a few mis-
Duck-steps stood between a 7-7
halftime deadlock. The Wolverines
moved consistently only once all
afternoon when they marched 60
yards into the endzone following a
leaping Dave Brown interception
and 24 yard return to the 40.
On third and fourat his 44, Cipa
bellied the ball with Heater into
the line, hid the pigskin behind his,
hip, found the rangy Seal isolated

Check out the inside pages for
the results of the baseball play-
off games and the story of an-s
other disgusting Ohio State vic-
time of it. Not many fouls were
called, but there was a lot of
kicking and physical contact.
In addition, to Yallic, top scor-
ing performances were turned in
by Chris Hansen and Pat Bauer,
who each had three goals. For
Bauer, this was his first playing
appearance since summer knee
MICHIGAN 24, Oregon 0
Notre Dame 14, Michigan State 10)
Ohio State 27, Washington State 3
Nebraska 48, Minnesota 7
Stanford 24, Illinois 0
Indiana 28, West Virginia 14
Arizona 23, Iowa 20
Ohio U. 14, Northwestern 12
Purdue 27, Duke 7
wisconsin 37, Wyoming 28
Penn State 19, Air Force 9,
Holy Cross 14, Dartmouth 0
North Carolina State 28, North
Carolina 26
Colorado 23, Iowa State 16
Missouri 17, SMU 7
Utah at UCLA, inc.
Alabama 28, Georgia 14
Arkansas 13, TCU 5 I
Kent State 39, Western Michigan 15
'Edit staff at DAILY LIBELS, game..
Tennessee 28, Kansas 27
Vanderbilt 39, Virginia 22
Bowling Green 39, Toledo 35
Kansas State 21, Memphis State 16
Utah State 13, Brigham Young 7
Oklahoma 24, Miami (Fla.) 20
Southern Cal 21, Oregon State 7
Pennsylvania 28, Brown 20
western Illinois 24, Eastern
Michigan 21
Columbia 14, Princeton 13
Tennessee State 19, Gramnbling 13
Ball State 18, Indiana State 17
Cornell 27, Grinnell 0
Indiana Central 7, Wayne State 6
BostonaCollege 44, Navy 7
California 54, Washington 49
Colorado State 33, Idaho 30
LSU 24, Florida 3
Texas A&M, 30, Clemson 15
Maryland 38, Syracuse 0
Alabama 28, Georgia 14
-Aubuirn 14, Mississippi 7

deep along the right sideline and
drilled the heralded receiver for a
36 yard gain. But when Cipa lost
18 feet recovering a misplayed
pitchout to Heater, Michigan faced
an uncomprimising second and 16
at the Ducks' 24 starting the sec-
ond quarter.
AFTER SECOND down gained
three, 'Cip' clicked with freshman
spilt end Jim Smith for a first
and goal at the three. Two Bob
Thornbladh runs got it across, the
second from two yards away when
Seal and Jim Coode cleared out
Reggie Lewis, Oregon's outstand-
ing defensive tackle.
An exchange of punts followed
Thornbladh's score. On their sec-
ond possession, Oregon manufac-
tured an offensive drive of consid-
erable magnitude whose abortive
ending foreshadowed the remaind-
er of the afternoon's events.
Starting after a booming Barry
Dotzauer punt put Oregon back on
its own 15, the Ducks sliced
through the Wolverine defense with
unusual ease. Two runs netted 23
yards before Oregon quarterback
Herb Singleton, playing for the
suddenly benched starting signaller
(Norval Turner), took to the air.
Duck soup
TEAM Oreg. Mich.
First downs 14 12
Rushing attempts 37 50
Net yards rushing 74 147
N~et yards passing 161 93
Passes attempted 39 16
Passes completed 17 7
Had intercepted 3 1
Fumbles-lost 3-1 5-2
Penalties-yards 5-47 4-50
Interceptions-yards 1-7 3-24
OREGON 0 0 0 0- 0
MICHIGAN s 0 14 0 10-24
Michigan: Thornbladh, 2-yard run;
(Lantry kick)
Michigan: Seal, 3=yard pass from Cipa;
(Lantry kick)
Michigan: Chapman, 83-yard punt re-
turn; (Lantry kick)
Michigan: Lantry, 39-yard FG
OREGON att. yds. avg.
Reynolds 23 61 2.2
Herd 4 19 4.7
Kane 3 6 2.0
Brown 2 4 2.0
Turner 1 -1 -1.0
Singleton 4 -15 -3.7
ICell 10 54 5.4
Chapman 9 53 5.9
Heater 10 31 3.1
Shuttlesworth 6 15 2.5
Thornbladh 6 15 2.5
Cipa 9 -21 -2.3

ior College transfer shredded
igan's defensive backfield ft
healthy gains, bringing the
perilous 11 yards from p
With Michigan reeling an
Ducks flapping their wings,
ton kept throwing.
His first endzone completi
split end Greg Lindsey land
and one-half out of bounds.
ensuing play, Lindsey sta
bounds, but the Ducks had il
moved prior to the snap. An
plete third-down pass proce
feeble 32-yard Hugh Wo
field goal attempt. Orego
moved 74 yards and emerge
trated. The high-flying Duc
moment before had been se
Michigan followed the
mishap with a Gordon Bell
11 yards, but rapidly bogge
and punted away. On O
second offensive play aft
boot, freshman back Rick
coughed up the ball to Wo
middle guard Don Warn
the 19.
14 yards on five carries, 1
it third and goal from the
One minute and four secox
mained in the first half. Du
strategy timeout, Schembech
cided on a play-action pass1
for six. It worked, Lantry c
ed and Michigan had its 14-
time lead.
After an uneventful third q
Gil Chapman woke up tt

st Jun- nounced gathering of 81,113 with a
1 Mich- tantalyzing, S-shaped 83-yard punt
or four return. Fielding John Nehl's punt
ball a on his own 17, the New Jersey
aydirt. comet stiff-armed two Ducks, cir-
id the cled to his right, outsped Greg
Single- Lindsey around the corner, raced
40 yards up the near sideline, hesi-
on saw tated, caught his breath, slipped
a step back into high gear, maneuvered
On the off a Dave Brown block, cut diag-
yed in onally across the field, and sprint-
legally ed past the last Duck over the
inco'- goalline.
eded a Mike Lantry made the final tally
odward 24-0 with a perfectly-placed 39
in had yard field goal 64 seconds from the
d frus- final gun.
ks of a
riously SCHEMBECHLER appeared in a
jovial mood during the post-game
Duck rinterview. "Today I didn't have my
run of quarterback (Franklin) and my
Sdown best guard (Hoban). But that's
d redown what makes it interesting!" laugh-
er e ed Bo.
Kane IN THE vanquished locker room,
lvermne Head Coach Dick Enright sang
ner atthe Wolverines praises. "Michi-
gan's a great football team," be-
gained gan the Super Duck. "You can't
make a mistake against them.
e four. Right now, we're a mistake-mak-
nds re- ing team." The motion penalty
wring a negating Oreogn's game-tying tally,
Iler de- followed by Kane's costly fumble,
to Seal did the 0-4 Ducks in.
onvert- Undefeated Michigan resumes
-0 half- conference p 1 a y next Saturday
when they renew their classic in-
uarter, tra-state rivalry with Michigan
he an- State in East Lansing.



from the Crowd
Make good use
of your spare time,
working on and
learning about
newspaper production.

rurner .

att. comp.
35 15
4 2

int. yds.
1 141
2 20

14 6 1 83
2 1 0 10




OREGON no. yds. avg.
Nehl 9 353 39.2
Dotzauer 9 352 39.1

Daily Photo by KEN FINK
LARRY CIPA got a chance to show his stuff yesterday at the
helm of the Wolverines and he responded in fine style with six
completions for 83 yards. A very small part of the 81,000 plus in
attendance can be seen in the background.


i , ,



eir headsdown.
tly pulled off their
he tape an assistant
in hand, said in a
uys didn't get 100
nidway through the
was the last time
ichigan could only
the ground against
But everyone knew
a fine defense. That
ense played a fine
ht said afterward,
to say that our ,D'
ne mistakes and you
nst a team is solid

"YEA, I'D HAVE to say that was the
turning point of the game," a disconsolate
Singleton said afterward as he slumped
on a stool in the middle of the room.
"They did exactly what we thought they'd
do, but they're a good team."
The junior college transfer from Comp-
ton (California) College completed 15 of
35 aerials for 141 yards after replacing
wild-armed starter Norval Turner midway
in the opening period.
Singleton, who at 6-3 and 230 pounds was
able to stand up in the pocket and throw
short passes against the intense Wolverine
pass rush, was about all the Ducks could
muster in the form of offense.
"Michigan stifled our running game,'.'
Enright explained, "but we still couldn't
even attempt to go long against their

Almost continuous forays into the Mich-
igan backfield.
LEWIS WAS SO overpowering that
Schembechler was forced to lift starting
right guard Kirk Lewis after ten, minutes
or so.
The one facet of the Oregon offense that
seemed to pose a legitimate problem to
the Michigan defense was slippery tail-
back Don Reynolds. Schembechler had
called him the top back on the West Coast
and; yes, he admitted knoweldge of South-
ern Cal's Anthony Davis.
But although Reynolds wiggled and
squirmed for everything hp could get each
of the 23 times he carried the ball, his
final total was a meager 61 yards. Several
times he seemed on the brink of detonat-
ing a long gainer, but in each instance



I r l .i ."..,L . 4,-I1

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