magazine editors: tony schwartz marty porter contributing editor: laura herman inside: Sunday magazine hooks-page four A move toward pence-page five the news in review-page five Number 4 Page Three October 7, 1973 Weir d, By JO MARCOTTY IMAGINE: One afternoon while sit- ting quietly at home, there is a tremendous knock at the door. You open it. Before you stand two huge, hairy gorillas who immediately pick you up,, carry you gently to.the bath- room, and stick your left foot in the toilet. They dash madly about your house, eating food, overturning wastebaskets zany, a and creating general chaos. And then, just as suddenly, they depart, leaving behind a gold engraved invitation to a dinner party at their home. For William Anthony John Bosco Carroll (the Magnificent), and Ram- sey Najm (the Obtuse) this bizarre scene was all part of a day's work. The dinner party was planned to entertain friends. The invitation method was just one part of a style, bsurd: an organization and an overall phi- losophy directed to one purpose: the absurd as a life-style. FRO4 GREEN space men to a space ship landing at the Ann Arbor art fair, the aim as Bosco sees it, is con- stant: "We want to interest people in becoming creatively and spontan- eously involved, and as enjoyably as possible." The private dinner party was an ex- ample of absurd imagination at its best. It began with the dramatic en- trance of the main course; a roast pig on a platter, dressed in a tuxedo, a top hat and a wink, followed by a roast turkey named Naomi. And after Naomi came a human skeleton filled in with spare ribs to replace its own. To complete the entree orgy, a roast duck arrived - still quacking. With obvious relish, Bosco recount- ed the dinner sequence to a friend at a picnic table on a recent sunny Sep- tember day in Michigan's Irish Hills. And to get there, he personally landed the twin-engine plane which he pi- lots, and in part owns, on a tiny grass landing-strip. "IT WAS INCREDIBLE," Bosco be- gan as he traversed the sky be- tween Ann Arbor, Saginaw Bay and finally the Irish Hills. "There were so many incredible reactions." In the course of an afternoon, Bosco man- aged to run down his ideas on life- st'yle, art and the purpose of his Ann Arbor-based organization, Spectacle Unlimited. Absurdity has been a part of Bos- co's life since grade-school, but he first developed it as planned enter- tainment when he arrived in Ann Ar- bor. Bosco and cohort Arthur Frisk combined music and their own absurd he world of Spectacle tacle, and became rock stars in South Africa for a time. "The first time we played they were just blown away," Bosco remembers. "We pulled down our pants on stage A spectacle can be a wide range of things . . ,. "We choose the absurd by deciding what is out of the n o r m for others and using it," says Bosco. "But what is out of the ordinary for others is not necessarily out of the norm for us." sesmeagmmssmmaemssmasemasamnaemasememas;::aa Advertisements for Mllyself sey (the Obtuse) to organize Spec- tacle in the U. S. Ramsey, for his part, started his career managing Rodeo, an "ape and folk show" which toured the United States. He left it when he began to itch for something new. AFTER DECIDING that the sense of smell was one facet which enter- tainers seldom play to, Ramsey de- veloped a "smell show" in Columbus, Ohio. It included a black woman who smelled like licorice, pizzas tacked to a wall and - the, biggest attraction of all - a "smell haze" in which peo- ple could test the sensitivity of their noses by picking a smell and follow- ing it through the maze. WHEN THE show closed, and Ram- sey met Bosco again, Spectacle was a natural. Spectacle Unlimited deals with absurdity as art and as a means of entertainment. They spe- cialize in green men and space ship landings, and they are great at get- ting a gorilla to smash three hundred watermelons. A "spectacle" can be a wide range of things, so long as it is spectacular and imaginative. "We choose the ab- surdity by deciding what is out of the norm for others and using it,' says Bosco. "But what is out of the ordi- nary for others is not necessarily out of the norm for us." Ramsey describes Spectacle as "de- signed to help this technologically confused world. The public is jaded by society, and vicious rock music is one indication of it. We want" to do the same thing a Alice Cooper, but we want to do it in a positive way. - (Continued on Page 6) Balloons for all: A grinning organizer exudes success Porno By STEPHEN HERSCH ED. NOTE: HlARRY REEMS is a porno film star. He has appeared in, produced, di- rected, edited, and photographed -four hundred pornographic films, includ- ing "Deep Throat," "The Devil in Miss Jones," and "Spikey's Magic Wand." He has a c.t e d off-Broadway and in stock, and has done Wheaties com- mercials. He presently plays short- stop for the Lambs Club slow-pitch softball team, which recently won the Broadway Show League champion- ship. He now divides most of his time between buying and selling antiques, and "mellowing out" with friends in r u r a 1 Pennsylvania. His permanent address is in Chelsea, on the lower West Side of.Manhattan. We were lucky enough' to catch up with Reems (a pseudonym, of course.) The following is an edited transcript of a rambling, hour-long, often very personal monologue, w h i c h Reems launched into almost immediately. In an era when porno chic (Linda Love- lace, Georgiana Spelvin, Xaviera Hol- lander) his replaced radical chic and panthermania, Reems began his con- versation predictably: "EVERY TIME I'M interviwed, the reporter t e 11 s me, 'No, I won't star has forms into a spectacular show which they named the "Arthur Bosco Bone Spectacle". THE TWO ended their first brush with the entertainment world to travel around the world, ending up in South Africa with seven dollars be- tween them. Out of financial 'ieed, they recreated the Bosco Bone Spec- nothing more stimulating than a bare breast with flat lighting on. it. The taste of the director, the cameraman, and es- pecially the editor, determined what went into the films. In later films, there were scripts with dialogue, and with camera work planned out, but earlier films were b a s e d on either- sketchy outlines or just ideas. One reason I got a lot of work was because I could improvise in front of a camera. "I never found out what my finan- cial potential was. I was always paid a flat salary, and I asked for more money as my reputation grew. to and made all the papers in the coun- try." They toured the continent of Af- rica, "blowing away" more audiences, and climaxed with a bizarre show in Johannesburg in which "the whole audience got involved in a garbage fight." After returning to the states, the two split up, and Bosco joined Ram- hide ually, be it love and tenderness, or be it a fantasy-perversion trip, he finds it. If he's good, he finds it and con- quers it, and knows how to use it when he's called to. "I was a legitimate actor, a union actor, and- I found myself broke one winter. Someone in the field told me where I C o u 1 d make seventy-five bucks doing eight mm stag films. So I jumped in front of a camera. The people I worked with liked me, and got me more jobs. Before I knew it, I had a reputation as an actor, a sexual performer. I didn't do anything phe- nomenal; I don't consider myself a "Whether I'm having sex on-camera or off, my emotional re- sponse is the same. I tried to relate to the people I worked with, to make them feel comfortable. I've had as many good sexual highs on-camera as I've had off." all good people; there are no hookers or junkies. And the one or two who do come along are wiped right out. I'm very friendly with the k i d s in the business, but I don't socialize with them. There are very touchy egos, you can't pick favorites. "As far as my personal sex life: I. have someone who I love, who I've been seeing for the past eight months. Whether I'm having sex on-camera or off, my emotional response is the same. I tried to relate to the people I worked with, to make them feel com- fortable. I've had as many good sex- ual highs on-camera as I've had off- camera, because I can dissociate my- self from the lights and the crew. That's an acting exercise, a difficult one, but one you develop. "But it's all ended now. The Su- preme Court obscenity decision has not only eliminated the whole exploi- tation film industry, it has also af- fected the publishing industry. Peo- ple suddenly find that they can't dis- tribute a Philip Roth novel in certain areas of the- country. "The Supreme Court decision is, I think, a ruling of an antiquated mor- ality existing in our top government officials, and not in a majority of our population. Our leaders think that if they show a little conserva- tism after blowing our finances. Viet- superb sexual acrobat. This was in 1970, and over the next three years I continued in the exploitation field, making friends, contacts, and money. I also learned film making. "Until I started to work as a film maker, I didn't go to see porno films. When I began shooting, producing, directing, and editing, I began going to screenings to see what the eomne- "Ninety-nine per cent of the people who backed the films were in it strict- ly for the m o n e y. And they were seedy, degenerate, creepy distributors and exhibitors who a) wanted to get laid, and b) wanted to make a lot of money and not let anyone else make any. And they robbed and stole from producers and fron anyone who own- ed narts of the films. i