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October 05, 1973 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1973-10-05

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w ir30t$ran DaIIM
Eighty-three years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Non-aligned nations assert autonomy


420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

News Phone: 764-0552


The issue of resignation

ON SEPT. 6, representatives of 76 govern-
ments met in Algiers for the fourth
summhit conference of non-aligned nations
and called for a fundamental change in
economic relations between the underde-
veloped world and the developed nations.
Participation in the conference has in-
creased greatly since the first summit was
held in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1961, with
25 nations attending. This year participants
in the triennial gathering included the re-
cently formed nation of Bangladesh, the
Royal Government of National Unity of
Cambodia, and the Provisional Revolu-
tionary Government of Vietnam.
While there was by no means a uni-
formity of opinion among the diverse mem-
bers of the conference, there was little
questioning of the need for the poor nations
of the Third World to unite to fight their
common enemy - imperialism.
Resolutions produced in Algiers cited two
key areas requiring united action by the
non-aligned nations, the right of nations
to control their own natural resources and
the need for the improvement of trade
relations between undeveloped and devel-
oped nations that have consistently favor-
ed the latter.
THE QUESTION of national control of
natural resources has taken on new sig-

nificance as the fuel crisis worsens in this
country and abroad. Libya's nationaliza-
tion of foreign oil interests and the de-
mand of the oil-producing countries for an
increase in the price of crude oil are re-
cent examples of third world nations aban-
doning a passive posture in dealing with
the developed nations.
Conference resolutions on this matter
stated unequivocal support for member na-
tions who acted to take their economic des-
tinies into their own hands. In addition the
conference decided that any compensations
to be paid for nationalization of foreign in-
vestments was a matter to be determined
solely by the expropriating nation.
In an effort to improve the t e r m s of
trade with developed nations, the confer-
ence called upon participating nations to
form producer associations in order to
"eliminate unhealthy competition, to pre-
vent harmful activities by multinational
companies and to reinforce their (the na-
tions) negotiating power." Through such
associations the underdeveloped nations
would be able to co-ordinate the production
and sale of their major exports.
THE CONFERENCE produced several
political rescolutions in addition those on
the economic manifestations of imperial-
ism. The general thrust of these political
statements challenged assumption t h a t

LAST SPRING the President, in a.na-
tionally televised speech on Water-
gate, asserted that any Cabinet officers
or White House staffers who were in-
dicted would be expected to resign pend-
ing the outcome of the trial.
However, in his press conference yes-
terday, Nixon asserted that the Vice
President is not obligated to resign if he
is indicted by the grand jury.
Although, Vice President Agnew may
not be legally required to resign if in-
dicted, we believe that if indicted, Ag-
new's next action should be resignation.
President Nixon argued yesterday that
the difference between the Vice Presi-
dent and cabinet officials and White
House staffers is that the Vice President
is "elected by all the people" and thus
holds his office "in his own right."

Editorial Staff

Co-Editors in Chief
DIANE LEVICK.......................... Arts Editor
MARTIN PORTER .................... Sunday Editor
MARILYN RILEY ........ Associate Managing Editor
ZACHARY SCHILLER .............. Editorial Director
ERIC SHOCH . ............. Editorial Director
TONY SCHWARTZ.................. Sunday Editor
CHARLES STEIN .............. ....... City Editor
TED STEIN ............. ........Executive Editor
ROLFE TESSEM................... Managing Editor
STAFF WRITERS: Pakash Aswani, Gordon Atcheson,
Dan Biddle, Penny Blank, Dan Blugerman, Howard
Brick, Dave Burhenn, Bonnie Carnes, Charles Cole-
man, Mike Duweck, Ted Evanoff, Deborah Good,
william Heenan, Cindy Hill, Pack Krost, jean Love,
Josephine Marcotty, Cheryl Pilate, Judy Ruskin,
Ann Rauma, Bob Seidenstein, Stephen Selbst, Jeff
Sorensen, Sue Stephenson, David Stoll, Rebecca
DAILY WEATHER BUREAU: William Marino and
Dennis Dismacheck (forecasters),
Sports Staff
Sports Editor
Managing Sports Editor
BOB McGINN ..............Executive Sports Editor
CHUCK BLOOM ................Associate Sports Editor
JOEL RS ... ...........Associate Sports Editor
RICH STUCK ...........Contributing Sports Editor
BOB HEUER ............Contributing Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Jeff Chown, Brian Deming, Jim
Ecker, Marc Feldman, George Hastings, Marcia
Merker, Roger Rossiter, Theresa Swedo
STAFF: Barry Argenbright, Bill Crane, Richard Fla-
herty, Cary Fotias, Andy Glazer, Leba Hertz, John
Kahler, Mike Lisull, Jeffrey Milgrom, Tom Pyden,
Leslie Riester, Jeff Schuller, Bill Stieg, Fred Upton

NIXON DID NOT elaborate on the
meaning of "in his own right," but it
would seem that he means that because
the Vice President was elected rather
than appointed, the President cannot
force the Vice President to resign. Per-
haps, but it is doubtful that the Vice
President would refuse to honor a public
Presidential request for resignation.
The first decision, of course, belongs to
the Vice President. It is apparent to us
that if he is indicted, Agnew has a moral
obligation to resign, the American stand-
ard of presumed innocence notwithstand-
ing. The spectacle of a Vice President
fighting court action over his personal
activities while still in office would only
obscure more important issues facing the
nation, ranging from the Watergate in-
vestigation to the economy and other
domestic problems which should concern
the American media and public.
IN THE EVENT that Agnew is indicted
and he refuses to resign, President
Nixon should then take the initiative and
publicly ask for the Vice President's resig-
Aside from any moral responsibilities,
one would think that the President would
be worried enough about the credibility
of his administration without having a
" Vice President under indictment in office
with him.
Moreover, the President and many ad-
ministration officials have constantly
harped that the United States must al-
ways deal with foreign nations from a
position of strength. In- the face of such
statements it would be ironic if the Nixon
Administration then retained the services
of a Vice President under criminal in-
IN HIS ATTACKS on the plethora of
news leaks in general and Assistant
Atty. Gen. Petersen in particular, the
Vice President is, we think, showing his
true colors. He apparently feels that his
personal reputation and his personal
presence in the office of Vice President
are more important than the office itself
and the credibility it needs.
President Nixon saw fit to disagree
with Agnew on some aspects of the situ-
ation yesterday, saying that the charges
raised against the Vice President were
indeed serious and supporting Petersen's
handling of the case.
If Vice President is indicted and refuses
to resign, thus placing himself person-
ally above both his office and the Ameri-
can public he is to serve, then the Presi-
dent should ask that Agnew step down.
News: Dan Biddle, Josephine Marcotty,
Christopher Parks, Ted Stein

the United States achievement of detente
with the Soviet Union and the People's Re-
public of China meant "a generation of
peace." .
Rather, the conference proclaimed, the
continuation of imperialist domination of
underdeveloped nations could only lead
to serious conflict, and that "imperialism,
colonialism and neo-colonialism are t h e
common enemies of the peoples of Asia,
Africa, and Latin America."
One point of friction that developed at
the generally harmonious gathering w a s
over the meaning of non-alignment and the
relation of the non-aligned countries to the
socialist-nations, specifically the U.S.S.R.
SOME DELEGATES, notably Cambodia's
Prince Sihanouk and Libyan leader C o 1 .
Muammar Qaddaffi, were sharply critical
of Soviet foreign policy, referring to the
existence of "two imperialisms," that of
the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.
This line of reasoning was attacked
strongly by Cuban Prime Minister Fidel
Castro who cited Soviet aid to his country,
the Vietnamese, and liberation movements
across the globe to belittle. the "two irn-
perialisms" theory..
Castro called upon the conference to
recognize that "any attempt to pit the
non-aligned nations against the socialist
camp benefits only imperialists interests"

and that "inventing a false enemy can have
only one real aim, to evade the r e a 1
The conclusions reached by the confer-
ence seem to validate Castro's point for the
program of action agreed upon by the rnon-
aligned nations was aimed not at Soviet in-
fluence in the third world, but at the in-
grained patterns of economic domination
perpetuated by the developed nations of
the West.
presents a step forward for the non-aligned
nations both in determining the real prob-
lems facing the underdeveloped world today
and 'in developing a united course of ac-
tion in dealing with those problems.
What is just as certain though is that
any serious attempt by the non-aligned na-
tions to eradicate the conditions of under-
development will be resisted by the Unit-
ed States. Whether in the form of overt
military intervention or through the subtle
manipulations of foreign aid trade relations
used so successfully against the now de-
posed Allende government of Chile, the
United States continues to be the major
obstacle to those nations seeking national
self determination and economic independ-
Charles Wilbur is a Daily staff writer.


The Nit4

of, the Rampaging Squirrels

I WANT TO make it clear that I
was not hallucinating. True, I
was thoroughly bent out of shape
by all the over-and under-the-coun-
ter cold remedies that nascent
Jewish mothers had been foisting
on me all day. I never knew there
were so many forms of penicillin.
And I love animals. Especially
squirrels. As a child, my only hob-
by was playing Clara Barton to
any maimed or dying animal I
found. When I lived with ,my par-
ents, we always had at least two
nests of squirrels living in the at-
But this was clearly a squirrel
of a different choler.
To begin at the beginning ...
It was a dark and foggy foot-
ball Saturday for, an Ann Arbor
politico. I spent the afternoon de-
signing a leaflet and swilling,
smoking, popping, snorting, and
shooting up cough cures. Achiev-
ing a well-twisted frame of mind,
I rode my bike with five reams
of paper, four ashtrays, and a
half-gallon of milk on my back.
Puffing, sweating, and trailing, I
arrived home to find 45 people sit-
ting on the living room floor.
(NO, not little green men . .)
IN MY DELIRIUM, I had for-
gotten that my roommates were
giving a party. In fact, the party
was the reason I bought milk and
The keg arrived right behind me,
and the gathering's whoopla pitch
rose several notches. I have vague
memories of drinking beer and
eating vegetable curry, sitting on
the fire escape and soaking up
esthetic impressions from the de
facto collage along the fence,
bouncing off walls, guests, frijoles,
and mariachi music.
My clearest memory is of the
moment I heard a high-pitched in-
termittent squeal, like a gestapo,
siren, in the back yard. It was the
cry of someone being raped or
mercilessly tickled. With half-
formed visions of adventure and
rescue dancing in my head, I tore
out the back door and fell over
the keg, a kitchen chair, two peo-
ple with paper plates, and broke
through the banister.
BY THE TIME I regained my

equilibrium (librium? methedrine?
cocaine? dristan?), an unforget-
table scene was unfolding. A four-
inch-long bushy-tailed mite chased
our cat under a VW, dashed under
and over folk's feet, and with no
hesitation at all ran right up Jan-
ice's .leg..
Chattering all the while, it leap-
ed headlong at the side of an
abandoned pickup truck that rests
in peace on our back forty. Our
protagonist was rebuffed but not
deterred. Next it tried to scale our
neighbors' aluminum siding. The
kid just wouldn't learn.
This was a squirrel? I had my
doubts. In any case, it was certain
we needed help. Strange as it now
seems, I dashed back inside and
dialed the number for Ann Ar-
bor's finest, Our Boys in B I u e.
Okay, when you get done laughing,
what would you have done if a
quaisi-rabid rodent crashed your
I was having second thoughts
even as I listened to the ring ?t
the other end. When I- explained
to the switchboard lady that a
squirrel was behaving badly at our
party, she sort of, well, choked,
and put 'me on hold. After she
plugged back in, she rather breath-
lessly told me that what I needed
was the Humane Society. How
could I argue with that?
I CALLED the number she gave
me, and got an answering service.
An answeringrservice? Whatever
happened to rain and sleet and
dark-of-night people? Or was that
Chase Manhatten?
When I had told my tale of woe,
wires were crossed somehow, and
the Voice of Mission Control in-
.formed me that there hsdn't been
a case of rabies in Wshten aw
County, Terra, in 27 years. I
wasn't reassured. I remembered
all the booboos on Star Trek.
At some point I was reconnected
with the answering service and
made arrangements to have the
person on call rush right over. With
the Stones shaking the fillings in
my teeth, I went outdoors to keep
a vigilant eye on the specimen.
Night had fallen. In the gather-
ing gloom, I could just make out
the object of my surveillance skit-



Businmss Staff

Business Manager
RAY CATALINO...............Operations Manager
SHERRY CASTLE . ............. Advertising Manager
SANDY FIENBERG ................. Finance Manager
DAVE BURLESON ................... Sales Manager
DEPT. MGRS.: Steve LeMire, Jane Dunning, Paula
ASSOC. MGRS.: Joan Ades, Chantal Bancilhon, Linda
Ross, Mark Sancrainte, S u a n n e Tiberio, Kevin
ASST. MGRS.: Marlene Katz, Bill Nealon
STAFF: Sue DeSmet, Laurie Gross, Debbie Novess,
Carol Petok, Mimi Bar-on
SALESPEOPLE:.W end ItPohs, Tor .Kettinger, Eric
Phillips, P et er Anders, R o be rt Fischer, Paula
Schwach, Jack Mazzara, John Anderson
Photography Staff
Chief Photographer
KEN FINK ... .................Staff Photographer
THOMAS GOTTLIEB..............Staff Photographer
STEVE KAGAN ...................Staff Photographer
KAREN KASMAUSKI.............Staff Photographer
TERRY McCARTHY ..............Staff Photographer

tering up a noble oak - but wait,
there are two fuzzy beasts on tha
tree - and another one oo that tree
over there -yand a fourth one
crossing the yard, all screamnmg
and staggering? They were muti-
plying. The plague was on.
I got out my flask of Romila"
and took a poke of it. The atmos-
pherewas getting tense.
A DOOR OPENED behind me,
shedding some light on t'e mat-
ter. I was joined by someone who
apparently was my neighbor. He
carried an enormous battery-pow-
red searchlight, a lead-filled cane,
and a pipe with a ste mabout a
foot and a half long. I. had found
my Watson.
We shared a companionabia si-
lence, gazing up into the inky in-
nards of the trees, ears tuned to

suspicious rustling. 0 t 1 e r folks
joined us quietly. The soft sound of
purposeful inhalation was a des-
cent to the whistling of the wind.
The peace was broken by a dis-
embodied voice: "A wu' ation iike
this is enough to make you real-
ize the value of keeping a gun."
Reeling from a massive overdose
of codeine and the image of people
blindly and wantonly filling t h e
air over our house with singing
lead, I stumbled down the drive-
way to wait for the Humane So-
ciety on the front porch. It seem-
ed as good a place as any.
That moment was probably the
only point in my life when I want-
ed to see Marcus Welby bounce
out of his car complete with little
black bag. I was slated for disap-
pointment. The man who showed
up was shorter than me, and ex-
tremely nervous about the pros-

Editorial Page: Ted Hartzell,
Heyn, Eric Schoch
Arts Page: Diane Levick
Photo Technician: Ken Fink




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To The Daily:
STIMULATED by several ideas
that have turned up in your paper's
recent analyses and editorials on
the tuition question, I propose
these several trivial thoughts to
add some perspective to our prob-
Although the officers and admin-
istrators of this university appear
to perform with a certain degree
of uncertainty, I shudder to think
what would happen were the uni-
versity run by students. For the
three, going on four, years I have
been here the-student government
has been a consistent mockery. It
is the only government I know of
that can go broke in the self-per-
petuating act of holding its own
elections. It has shown itself to be
immune to being voted out of exist-
ence. Nobody cares enough to
bother. After all, it's only a triv-
ial dollar or two down the drain,
and perhaps that's not too much
for a little comic relief.
The University grinds on though
the power of its own inertia, much
as the inertia of the federal gov-
ernment carries it past the Water-
gate obscenity; in the end the brr-
eaucracy is necessary for our

are geared to an eighth grade edu-
cation) and the administrators are
somehow vastly superior. Mcluhan
has said that the media will tend
to medieval-ize society. Perhaps it
will be sooner than we think.
Rather than stopping at Presi-
dent Fleming's University "c o m-
prised of many constituencies,"
perhaps it would be better to re-
member that in the end, the consti-
tuencies are only people, and not
all that unequal, in the end.
-Andy Detwiler
Sept. 30
To The Daily:
IN READING through the Oc-
tober, 1973 edition of Ms. magi-
zine I was very surprised and
pleased to see an ad placed by
Donald E. Stokes, Dean of the UM
Graduate School in the Ms. Classi-
fied section. The ad invites can-
didates to apply of the position of
Director, The University of Mich-
igan Press.
The open posting of vacant posi-
tions is an important technique in
pesahjcihina thaat 11 TTniver-v

To The Daily:
WHILE I HAVE to generally
agree with theThursday, Sept. 20
editorial in that police priorities
are often misguided, I must take
exception to your comments on
bicyclists and the law.
Bicycles are vehicles, and as
such the drivervmust obey t h e
same laws of the road that the
driver of a car must obey. By im-
plying that riding a bicycle t h e
wrong way on a one way street is
a trivial offense, you are degrading
the status of the bike rider to
something less than that of the
motorist. As a user of the roads,
I expect the status of a bike to be
the same as that of any other
vehicle on the road.
-Carol Chaney
Ann Arbor Bicycle League
Sept. 21
To The Daily:
LET'S GET one thing straight
from the beginning: your editors,
Parks and Robinson, know very
little about college football.

Letters: If the students ran

well-executed football. Bo and
his staff should be congratulated
for producing a football style re-
miniscent of the always exciting
"Lombardi" Green Bay teams.
Your attributing of Bo's heart at-
tack to "anxiety resulting from
an obsession with winning 'T h e
Big One' " is an unfounded, per-
sonal assault which should be re-
tracted by your paper. Just be-
cause the Michigan coaches have
worked hard to build a first-class,
top ranked offense and defense -
it does not automatically make
them or the players a bunch of
Even your reference to exces-
sive "50 to 60 point margins" is
also quite inaccurate. Michigan
did not win a single game last
year by 50 points or more (some
much lower: vs. Mich. St. (10-0),
vs. Purdue (9-6), vs. Ohio State
(11-14), and vs. Navy this year
(14-0) although many Michigan
scores were lopsided as expected
from a goody team.
If Michigan football games are
not "exciting" enough for y o u r
editors, to have a "satisfying, hu-
man experience," -may I respect-
fully suggest that perhaps t h e y


Doily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
pect of catching and h a n d l i n g
weird squirrels.
IT MUST BE said, however, that
he did rise to the situation. He
hauled a ladder and some cages
out of his panel truck and follow-
ed me around the house. What hap-
pened then was such a stew of tree
climbing, yelling, beer in paper
cups, and crisscrossing beams of
light that I don't remember it very
But the ferocious critters were
finally caged and driven off for
observation. I went to sleep with
a profound sense of safety, and
dreamed that Alfred Hitchcock
was living in a sleeping bag in our
Mainie Heyn is a Daily staff
Ms. Fonda and Mr. Hayden to
dramatize the plight of political
prisoners held in S.'*Vietnam brings
to mind the case a few years back
when this same Ms. Fonda was in
on the cover-up of similar mis-
treatment of certain U.S. prisoners
in N. Vietnam. The obvious ques-
tion is, "Why the double stand-
ard?" The only significant differ-
ence in the two cases is the poli-
tical affiliation of the oppressors.
Thus Ms. Fonda appears less and
less a kind humanitarian concern-
ed with the sufferings of political
prisoners around the world, a n d
more and more as just another in-
sincere political manipulator, a
professional activist capitalizing
on these sufferings for the ad-
vancement of her political cause
and her popularity.
Come on now - enough with the
crocodile tears. If she condemns
(and rightly so) the mistreatment
of'prisoners by Saigon, she should
also expose and condemn t h e
similar actions by Hanoi, Havana,
and Peking, etc. If we are told to
withdraw support from the form-
er, she should also denounce the
latter, and withdraw support in

I :I

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