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October 03, 1973 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1973-10-03

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Fleming scores Watergate
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P'ublishers-Halt Syndicate I

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IN HIS "State of the University"
speech Monday night, President
Fleming chose to dwell awhile on
a currently popular topic: The val-
ues of Watergate.
He called it "a spectacle of ethi-
-al standards gone berserk," and
pointed out that many of the peo-
ple involved were "fully equipped
with degrees from distinguished
American collegiate institutions."
Chris parks
"Why did we have so little im-
pact on them?" he asked.
Why indeed!
To see real live examples of the
Nixon Watergate mentality in ac-
tion, one need look no further than
the monolithic six-story slab of the
Administration Building looming
lordly over Regents Plaza.
For the true elements of Nixon

i I

Eighty-three years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Letters to The Daily

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

News Phone: 764-0552


Congress fails cutback test

WHEN IT IS defense appropriations
time in Washington few Senators and
Congressmen avoid the heat. The admin-
istration turns on the pressure, as do
the military lobbyists of the Pentagon.
*Even American commanders in Europe
get into the act with long distance tele-
phone calls to swing key votes on troop
The results are usually predictable, and
the Senate's passage of the defense pro-
curement bill Monday was no exception.
Before Watergate came to dominate the
Washington scene, the pundits told us of
the coming conflict between a resurgent
Congress and a powerful president. The
issue, for those of us who have forgot-
ten, was to be spending.
The Nixon administration, sitting atop
its November landslide, was to pull in the
reins on a "big spending" Congress.
Messrs. Halderman and Ehrlichman ad-
monished Capitol Hill for its fiscal irre-
sponsibility and pleaded the President's
case for a ceiling on federal spending.
THE BATTLE ROYALE, however, never
seemed to materialize. Congress has
appeared powerless to overcome the Ad-
ministration's cutbacks of needed social
welfare programs. Even with the Presi-
dent on the ropes over Watergate, not a
single Nixon veto has been over-ridden.
News: Cheryl Pilate, Charles Stein, Sue
Editorial Page: Paul Gallagher, Zachary
Schiller, Eric Schoch, Chuck Wibur
Arts Page: Jeff Sorensen
Photo Technician: Terry McCarthy

The passage of the defense weapons
procurement bill by the Senate is a clear-
cut example of the legislative branch's
failure to challenge spending policies
which sacrifice social needs to fiscal re-
Senate liberals made ten attempts to
trim the $21 million defense bill, all end-
ing in failure. In the end after a final
amendment calling for an across-the-
board $500 million defense cut lost by a
51-47 vote, only seven Senators had the
integrity to vote against the procurement
bill in its entirety.
THE PROVISIONS of the bill seem to
have little to do with the administra-
tions much proclaimed belt-tightening.
While social welfare spending is attacked
as fiscally irresponsible, the Administra-
tion backed bill allocates $1.5 billion to
speed up construction of the Trident, the
Navy's new nuclear armed submarine,
$37.5 million for the development of the
Bl bomber and $657 million for the con-
struction of a fourth nuclear-powered
aircraft carrier.
It is difficult to justify this kind of
defense spending with detente dominat-
ing the foreign policy news, but the si-
multaneous slashing of funds for eduda-
tion, medical research, and anti-poverty
programs makes it doubly hard to swal-
What is still harder to fathom is why
with the so-called paralysis of the Nixon
Administration brought on by Watergate,
the Congress continually demonstrates its
inability to effectively challenge the
President's mis-placed spending priori-

To The Daily:
ed the Indochina Peace Campaign
program with Jane Fondaand Tom
Hayden. This well-organized and
thoughtful presentation hoped to
describe with clarity and with im-
pact the plight of the Vietnamese
political prisoners and what we as
Americans can do to end this hor-
ror. Seldom have we heard a more
compelling story of torture and pain
perpetuated by the U.S.
Unfortunately the message was
substantially marred and some-
times entirely obscured by the in-
sensitive and disruptive presence
of the techno-freaks who weresvid-
eo-taping and photographing the
event. George DePue et. al. (the
Media Access Center) does in fact
have a fine array of fancy elec-
trical equipment, but the aud-
ience didn't go to Hill auditorium
to watch people tinkering w i t h
this junk on the stage. It is not ne-
cessary to have video-crats parad-
ing on the stage in order to tape
a production.
We observed this same behavior
earlier this year when the MAC
was taping the Anais Nin lecture.
We advise groups who are present-
ing speakers to b aware of the dis-
tracting behavior of the MAC re-
-Stephen Marston
Peggy Ann Kusnerz
Oct. 1

TF quality
To The Daily:
TED STEIN'S opinion of t h e
planned cash incentives for the
freshman English program is the
right one. As a teaching assistant
for the Freshman program, I feel
rather like I've been asked to
come in with a bag of quarters
for thenmore adept class par tici-
However, Stein suggests that the
solution to the inadequate program
includes "more participation from
professors in a program currently
dominated by novice teaching fel-
lows." The teaching assistants I
know are qualified, hard-working
and enthusiastic. These qualities,
especially the last, are more than
apt to decline when tenure a n d
publication take their toll on a
professor's time. The majority of
good classes in my undergraduate
career were taught by young, en-
thusiastic, and perhaps scared 'no-
vice teaching fellows.'
Stein carefully evaluates the in-
centive system - and, incidently,
most of the English 'teaching as-
sistants agree with him - he
should be more careful of employ-
ing shibboleths like full profes-
sorship as the sole indicater of
good teaching.
-James Paul
Oct. 2
In cahoots
To The Daily :
WITH REGARD TO the tuition

issue, there are two sides of the
story. But. it appears that the Uni-
versity really does not want us to
pay tuition. I would publicly like to
thank the University for the fol-
1. Destroying those easy to use
postage-paid, addressed tuition en-
2. Billing out of state students
two days in advance of final pay-
3. Having those pleasant hour-
long lines at the cashier's office
(result of No. 1 and No. 2).
4. Having personnel who really
don't know what is going on in
reference to the above.
Isn't red-tape wonderful? I guess
the Big "U" is really behind the
tuition strike, anyway. (sigh)
--Hilary Kayle '74
Oct. 2
Letters to The Daily should
be mailed to the Editorial Di-
rector or delivered to Mary
Rafferty in the Student Pub-
lications business office in the
Michigan Daily building. Letters
should be typed, double-spaced
and normally should not exceed
250 words. The Editorial Direc-
tors reserve the right to edit
Al letters submitted.

style - arrogance, suppression of
informatio1,, and news manage-
ment - are the every day tools
of the Uni-ersity bureaucracy.
CONSIDER FOR example, the
question of the faculty salary lists.
The majority of the University's
operating money comes from the
taxpayers of the state of Michigan.
Most of the rest comes from stu-
dent fees.
And yet, Fleming and the Uni-
versity have taken the position that
neither the public nor the students
have any right to know how their
money is being used to pay teach-
Michigan State University, real-
izing its obligation, has released
the information. Under a court or-
der, Saginaw Valley College did
the same. State Atty. Gen. Frank
Kelley has ruled that the informa-
tion should be a matter of public
And yet, Fleming won't budge.
Perhaps, like Nixon with his Wat-
ergate tapes, he is waiting for a
"definitive"'ruling from the Su-
preme Court.
IN ANOTHER context the com-
parison crops up again.
Last week, the Daily was seek-
ing an explanation of the reasons
behind the recent tuition hike.
Crucial to the inquiry was a de-
tailed justification for official state-
ments last week that the 24 per
cent hike would only produce a
20 per cent "weighted increase" in
tuition revenues.
The administration, however,
balked at releasing the account-
ant's work sheets to prove their
case because - according to fin-
ancial officer Wilbur Pierpont -
"everybody will have a different
idea about what it means."
If you listened closely, you could
almost hear the faint reverbera-
tions of Nixon's voice saying he
would not release the tapes be-
cause "people with different mo-
tives" might interpret them dif-
ferently than he had.
ANOTHER favorite device of the
Watergate President is the selec-
tive intimidation and manipulation
of the mass media.
To avoid embarrasing questions
and issues, he has almost aban-
doned the news conference in fav-
or of dramatic "one-man shows" on
prime time national television and
radio. And to complete the coup,
he has managed to intimidate at
least one major network into drop-
ping its policy of immediate inter-
pretation and commentary on his
Last week, we received\ a phone
call from University Information
Services telling us that Fleming
had written a lengthy statement

outlining his views on the tuition
It was to be printed verbatim
in the University Record Monday
morning, the one morning of the
week on which The Daily doesn't
However, we were told, the pres-
ident was willing to make a deal,
If the Daily would agree to print
his statement in toto, without con-
densation or interpretation, we
could run it in Sunday morning's

"For the true elements
of Nixon style-arro-
gfance, sippression of
information, and news
management-are the
every day tools of the
U, inversitybureau-

The choice was clear: Present
the news the way that Fleming
wants it presented, or get it a
day late.
No newsperson worthy of the
name likes being "scooped." But,
for better or worse, we are the
editors of the Michigan Daily, not
President Fleming.
* * * .
lecture on Watergate morality
rings a little false.
No, he didn't bug or burglarize
or perpetrate "dirty tricks."
But these are only the surface
manifestations of the "Watergate
The real sickness of government
is secrecy and an arrogant disre-
gard for free institutions, the free
press and the people's right to
President Fleming has agreed to
face questioners in an open forum
to discuss the tuition hike Friday
It's impossible to tell, at this
point, whether the president will
use this opportunity to finally open
up and tell students the facts they
have a need and right to know
concerning the hike.
But it does represent a belated
step in the right direction for an
administration which has compiled
an unenviable record of secrecy
and arrogance.


iller to
By JIM SCHIOP was closed l
What kind of class can fill True- you can sque
blood Theatre a month before the of the theatr
class even begins? Perhaps a fa- Meyer exp
mous contemporary American the course t
playwright is the answer. Arthur Miller's play
Miller has agreed to return to the for only two
University as playwright in resi- plains furthe
dence, have his most recent play, the time willN
The American Clock, performed by stories, also.
U-Players in the spring and teach Meyer will
a mini-course. lectures befo
Miller and Richard Meyer, prin- The last fou
cipal administrator of the PTP, wright will no
(Professional Theatre Program) pate in ques
highly recommended and new from sions. Those
Florida State, share the responsi- for the mini
bility for the class. three to five
The enthusiasm has centered on aspect of Art
the Arthur Miller Mini-Course to Meyer's p
be held from Nov. 2 to Nov. 16, the playwrigh
from 3-5 p.m. Monday, Wednesday petus for get
and Friday of those two weeks. But University. T.
if your excitement about Arthur they were bol
Miller is just now growing and ter in After t
you'd like to sign up for the class, rection of K
sorry, you'restoo late! The class more Meyer
8:30 4 Banacek
7 Movie
9 News
50 Merv G
9:00 2 Cannon
9 Pro Foot
9:30 56 Comm
10:00 2 Dan Auf
4 Love St(
7 Owen
56 To BeA
11:00 2 4 7 New
50 One Ste
6:00 2 4 7 News 11:30 2 Movie
9 Andy Griffith "engea
56 To Be Announced 4 Johnny
50 Gilligan's Island 7 Dick Ca
6:30 2 CBS News 9 CBC Ne
4 NBC News 50 Movie-
7 ABC News "Ambu
9 1 Dream of Jeannie 12:00 9 News
50 Hogan's Heroes 12:30 9 Movie
56 Collector's Corner "The F
7:00 2 Truth or Consequences 1:00 4 7 News
4 News 1:15 2 Movie
7 To Tell the Truth "Where
9 Beverly Hillbillies (English
50 Mission: Impossible2:52ayr
56 Vince Lombardi Science and 3:15 2 News
Art of Football


tin i-course

ast Tuesday. Perhaps
eeze into the balcony
ects those enrolled in
o read all of Arthur
s, an ambitious aim
o weeks. Meyer ex-
r, "Those who have
want to read his short
give the first three
ore Miller gets here.
ur meetings th play-
ot lecture, but partici-
tion and -answer ses-
officially registered
J-course will write a
page paper on any
hur Miller's work.
ersonal contact with
ht was the initial im-
ting him back to the
They first met when
th at the Lincoln Cen-
he Fall, under the di-
Ela Kazan. Further-
says Millers is fond
s from Three Lovers"
on Ground
ep Beyond
ance Valley" (1951)
sh." (1949)
ar Out West" (1967)
the Bullets Fly"
h 1966)
ry R.F.D.

of the University and a romantic
return to the alma mater may also
be a contributing factor.
Several question and answerses-
sions will be held outside the class
situation, to be arranged once Mil-
ler gets here. His discussions may
also be broadcast over University
Radio, WUOM-FM.
In November Miller will be here
only a week and a half, and re-
turn in the spring when his new
play, The American Clock, pre-
mieres. "Miller is working on it
now," says Richard Meyer, "and
will work closely with the actors in
the spring, probably changing it
during rehearsals."
to open with
4 benefits
The opening of The Movies 1,
2, 3, 4, Ann Arbor's first quartet of
theaters, will be celebrated with
four charity benefits on Thursday,
Oct. 4. Located in the new Briar-
wood Shopping Center, The Movies
will be a joint effort of the United
Theatre Circuit, Inc. (UATC) and
Taubman Theaters, Inc.
The sponsoring charities include:
The Institute for Burn Medicine,
Ann Arbor; Spaulding for Children,
Chelsea; Ozone House, Ann Arbor
and the Washtenaw County Associa-
tion for Retarded Children, Ypsi-
A variety of films will be shown
for the benefits, including "A
Touch of Class" with Gerge Segal

rT T


Judy Collins is scheduled to perform in Hill Aud. Saturday eve-
ning, Oct. 20, at 8, sponsored by UAC-Daystar in a Homecoming
concert. Tickets go on sale today at the Union (reserved seats

FILM-Art Film Series B, Manet and Cezanne, MLB, Aud. 3,
at 7, 9 tonight. Ann Arbor Film Co-op pre ents Antonioni's

IN4U NMOM ffi 17 ! t'71d \ n' ° V '/ 0 1 m M '

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