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October 03, 1973 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page



For details, see Today

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 24

Ann Arbor,Michigan-Wednesday, October 3, 1973

Teri Cents

Six Pages

Strike support
The graduate student association of the history depart-
ment last night voted to endorse the tuition strike.
Adding their voice to those student groups that have
come out in favor .of the strike, the organization also
approved a measure calling for the formation of a teach-
ing fellows union. They further voted for a resolution
demanding that the University end all hiring practices
that discriminate against minorities and women.
Hayden remembers
Although radical politics has taken Tom Hayden a
long way from the Ann Arbor he knew as a student
at the beginning of the sixties, he proved Monday night
he is not one to forget an old adversary. Toward the end
of the marathon Hayden-Fonda rally at Hill Ad., -Hay-
den outlined a nationwide communications system which
someday might bring profiles of campus radicals to lo-
cal police forces. "That means that Staudenmeer will
have'you'r file in his hands in no time," he said. The
ubiquitous Eugene Staudenmeier, 26-year police veter-
an, kept tabs on campus rads for the city police depart-
ment, in case you've forgotten. He retired from the force
last year. Yesterday we asked him how he remembers
Hayden. "He was one of the moving forces in radical
campus politics," said the mild-mannered Stoudenmeier,
who is now an investigator for the Consumer Action
Center. "I followed hii'm and his movement closely."
Indeed, you did, Eugene.
Diag crime
Salespersons for the campus yearbook "The Michigan-
ensian" were the victims of a robbery yesterday after-
noon while sellng orders for the books on the Diag. Four
youth surrounded the sales booth, slapped away the cash
box and made off with $55 of yearbook funds.
Happenings .. .
... include a visit from the Queen Mother of last year's
Ozone Homecoming Parade on the Diag between 11 and
1 p.m. to promote the upcoming event . . . The Univer-
sity Philharmonica presents a concert at Hill Aud. at
8 p.m. ... and on the movie scene, Antonioni's Blow-Up
plays at Aud. A at 7 and 9 p.m. . . . Wellman's The Pres-
ident Vanishes is at the. Arch. Aud. at 7 and 9:05 p.m.,
and Perry's Play It as It Lays is at Nat. Sci. Aud. at
7:30 and 9:30 p.m.
Discrimination ended
It looks like everyone will get a chance to don the ant-
lers of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.
At their national convention in Chicago, members voted
by a 4-1 margin to permit, blacks and other minority
groups to join the organization. Said Robert Yothers,
grand exalted ruler of the nation's largest fraternal or-
der, "The Order of Elks can get back to concentrating
its efforts on the many benevolent and charitable works
for which it has been famous for more than 105 years."
That hasn't been the only thing the group's been famous
Students protest
Thousands of students at Beunos Aires University early
yesterday occupied all buildings on campus in protest
against the dismissal of their leftwing rector. According
to Peronist sources, education minister Jorge Taiana told
the rector, Professor Rodolfo Puiggros, a former leader
of the Argentine Communist party, that President-elect
Juan Peron wanted him to resign. Later, the students
demonstrated in central Buenos Aires in support of the
professor. No incidents were reported. The dismissal of
Puiggros follows a decision by Peron-due to take office
in 10 days-to carry out what sources in the Peronist
movement described as "ideological purification" of his
movement and crack down on leftwingers.
Astronauts still weak
The Skylab 2 astronauts said yesterday they were still
experiencing feelings of weakness or "tired blood" from
their record 59 days in weightless space, but that they
were rapidly re-adapting to earth. "It's been a bigger
strain coming back than I thought," said Astronaut Alan

Bean, the mission commander. "I feel a little bit weaker
than when I left. It feels like I've got tired blood." But
Bean added that he and astronauts Jack Lousma and
Owen Garriott were "physically getting back to where
we started."
KKK wedding
As a 20-foot cross burned nearby, Martin Miller, 43, and
Clarice Hill, 37-wearing traditional white Ku Klux Klan
robes and.hoods-were joined in holy matrimony. Saying
that they chose a KKK wedding "because it is'so mean-
ingful and beautiful", the toolmaker and warehouse clerk
exchanged vows in a field Saturday night near Lewis-
burg, Ohio. On hand to officiate was Rev. Robert Miles
of Cohoctah, Mich., national KKK, chaplain and all-round
good guy. How touching.
On the inside ...
.. .Nixon-style tactics in the university are discussed
by Chris Parks on the Editorial Page . . .Marc Feldman
looks at "super safety" Dave Brown on the Sports
Page . . . and on the Arts Page, Jim Schiop writes about
Arthur Miller, our resident playwright this fall, and the
mini course he will help teach.


safeguar ds


Almost nine months after Michi-
gan's 127-year-old abortion law
was struck down by the U. S. Su-
preme Court, abortions are per-
formed everyday in the state with-
out legal limitations or safeguards
for women seeking them.
No new law' has replaced the old
one voided Feb. 16. Health offic-
ials and legal authorities, there-
fore, fear that it may take a tragic
death from an unregulated "legal"
abortion to shock legislators into
ON JAN. 22, the High Court ruled

that states cannot prohibit women
from having abortions during the
first six months of pregnancy al-
though they may regulate the abor-
tion procedure to protect the wo-
man's health, past the first tri-
mester of pregnancy.
Legislation along these guidelines
set down by the court has been
pending in both the state House.
and Senate since Feb., but is be-
ing held up in committee.
Meanwhile, countless abortion
clinics have opened and closed in
rapid succession throughout the
state, as women have become more

selective in choosing where to ter-
minate their pregnancies.
THE CITY will not have a clinic
until a chapter of the nationwide
Planned Parenthood opens one
Nov. 15.
Abortions can be obtained with
relative ease for under $200 in the
state, but women must beware of
so-called "rip-off artists" and "fly-
by-night" clinics, according to re-
ferral, service spokespersons.
To a Michigan woman, getting
an abortion no longer has to mean
a clandestine and costly quick trip
to New York.

IT DOESN'T HAVE to hean she
has to sign her "mental stability"
away just to satisfy a hospital
board to grant a therapeutic abor-
It also doesn't need to involve
risking her physical well-being to
a stranger in an upper room down
a back alley.
Non-profit social services groups
such as Planned Parenthood, Michi-
gan Clergy Counseling Service, or
the recently - defunct Contracep-
tion, Abortion, Pregnancy, Sex In-
formation Service (CAPSIS) have
been looked to for advice, referral

and understanding by area women
seeking termination of their preg-
tion clinics doing business in the
Detroit area three outpatient clinics
are recommended by these organiz-
ations - Keemer Clinic, Summit
Medical Center, and Women's
Health Service.
These clinics do not advertise,
but rely on referral from respon-
sible non-profit groups for patients.
Their procedures, facilities, and
personnel have been found to meet
the standards outlined in Feb. by

State Health Director Maurice Rei-
zen, according to Clergy Counsel-
ing and groups such as the Na-
tional Organization of Women.
"Women in their first trimester
are referred to Detroit clinics.
"We've received excellent reports
on them," Ellen Macdonald, a
counselor at Ann Arbor Planned
Parenthood, said.
IF FINANCING for an abortion
is a problem, she said, "Planned
Parenthood handles the negotia-
tions with the clinics, who are anx-
ious to stay in our good graces."
See ABORTION, Page 2



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con front
Although four women have been
admitted to this year's Naval
ROTC program, a number of bar-
riers still remain in the path to
full equality among men and wo-
men within the organization.
These barriers include both Navy
regulations as well as the preju-
dices of male ROTC members.
THE MAJOR stumbling block in
the Navy is the law which states
that women are not allowed in the
combat zone.
This law was revised in 1956 and
stands a slight chance of being re-
vised again if the Equal Rights
Amendment is passed. But for now,
a male in the Navy stands no
chance of losing his position to a
woman of equal qualification.
See ROTC, Page 2

Program -to0prevent
thireatened shortages
WASHINGTON (Reuter) - President Nixon yesterday or-
dered mandatory controls on the distribution of home heating
oil and propane gas to avert a threatened shortage this winter.
The allocation program for propane, used extensively for
drying crops and providing heat for rural homes, was put into
effect immediately.
CONTROLS OVER the distribution of heating oil, and also

Daily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY
This ROTC recruiting poster, with its less than subtle sexist appeal, suggests why the organization's new
women members are finding ROTC's anti-female attitudes a difficult barrier to overcome.

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on paraffin and diesel and jet
The mandatory allocation pro-
gram was announced by John Love,
director of the energy policy office
in the White House, following a
a breakdown in a voluntary allo-
cation system set up by the Ad-
ministration earlier this year.
Love said there would be fuel
shortages in the coming winten and
perhaps' over the next few years,
although he did not believe the
problem would , be unmanagable
this year.
ROGERS MORTON, secretary of
the interior, said the comfort of
Americans late this year and early
next year would depend on how
severe the weather was..
Love disclosed that the 4dminis-
tration was considering plans for
the direct rationing of heating oil
used by consumers,but he said
there was no intention at the pre-
sent time to put them into effect.
list of priorities for propane gas,
including farm production, food
processing, the transportation in-
dustry, hospitals, and essential gov-
ernment services.
A similar priority system for
home-}heating oil was drawn up.
Distributors will sell heating oil
on the basis of allocated supplies
received from refineries.
Love said the shortage of home
heating oil would be most pro-
nounced in the heavily industrial-
ized Northeast and the upper Mid-
west, while shortages of propane
gas were likely to be felt in rural
and food-producing areas.
"THE PURPOSE of the manda-
tory allocation system is to ensure
a more equal -distribution of our
fuels so that no one area of the
country will suffer undue short-
ages," Love said.
Love warned that mandatory al-;
locations could not increase the
supply of heating fuel or propane
gas, and said that Congress must
approve proposals from President
Nixon to increase supplies.
These proposalssinclude con-
struction of an Alaskan oil pipeline
from the oil-rich north slopes of
Alaska, the construction of deep-
water ports to permit large tank-
ers to unload, and price deregula-
tion of natural gas.
THE PIPELINE has long been
a pet project of the Nixon admin-
istration. Conservationists have
fought long and hard against the
proposal, however, arguing it will
do serious damage to the Alaskan
landscape and wildlife.

fuel, are to begin in about two
transit to
stay shut
VIENNA, Austria (P-) - Chan-
cellor Bruno Kreisky yesterday re-
fused ,a dramatic personal request
by Israeli Premier Golda Meir that
he reverse hisfdecision to close
group transit facilities for Soviet
Jewish emigrants.
Kreisky told a news conference
after a 1 hour meeting with Meir
that he had proposed as an alterna-
tive that the United Nations high
commissioner for refugees be ask-
ed to assume responsibilities for
the nearby Schoenau Castle trans-
it camp for Soviet Jews enroute to
THE AUSTRIAN government
agreed last Saturday to close the
camp in return for the release of
four hostages held by two Palestin-
ian terrorists. The decision prompt-
ed strong protests from Israel and
the sudden visit by Meir.
She has criticized the agreement
to close the camp as "the greatest
encouragement to terror through-
out the world."
Kreisky said there was "no spe-
cial reaction" from Meir regard-
ing his suggestion that the United
Nations take'over the camp. "The
question.is still on the agenda," he.
QUE STIONED closely on
the matter, Kreisky added that
Meir was "not very impressed by
my proposal. Perhaps she did not
think it was very realistic."
The atmosphere ofthesmeeting
was "very serious," Kreisky said,
and it was apparent that his en-
counter with the Israeli Prime Min-
ister had been strained.
Meir left Austria to fly home
without making any statement to
KREISKY SAID the decision, to
close the camp would not bar the
travel of individuals through Aus-
tria. "Only special facilities We
have been able to grant so far will
no longer be available," he said.

but not party plat form

Like Exxon, Campus Coalition
(CC) has changed its name, but
not its gas. Basically it's the same
party that ran candidates last
spring under the CLAMP label-
Coalition of Liberals and Moder-
ates Party.
As the name suggests, the party
is a fairly loose coalition and as
such takes no singular position on
issues. Despite the lack of party
discipline, however, certain themes
run through the comments of all

party members-particularly with
regards to current Student Govern-
ment Council (SGC) policies.
CC PEOPLE are concerned al-
most to the point of obsession with
the question of fiscal responsibil-
ity. All feel the student govern-
ment in the past has wasted large
amounts of student money. They
point specifically to expensive elec-
tions and appropriations granted to
various activist organizations.
Instead they would like to see
SGC get involved in what they see

as "more tangible and less con-
troversial projects."
Candidate Jeff Schiller summed
up a common feeling among party
members when he said, "SGC can
do things for the students, like
the grocery co-op and the meat
co-op. But monetary support of
nebulous activist groups simply
accomplishes little."
Most members of the party are
generally opposed to the new 10-10-
10 representation plan which will
greatly expand the size of SGC.

Schiller again captured the ma-
jority sentiment when he com-
mented, "I like the representation
part, but I'm kind of leary about
the members."
HILL ADDED, "Town meetings
went out in the 17th century."
CC is running the largest and
most complete slate of any of the
parties onthe ballot. In the resi-
dential constituency David Faye
and Robert Gordon are running
from the residence halls while Dick
Needleman and Maureen Muldar
represent independent housing.
From the divisional constituency,
CC is running three candidates for
undergraduate positions: David
Rosenthal, David Lambert and
Robert van Nieuwkerk.
In the school - college area CC
is running four LSA candidates:
Jean Neuchterlein, Greg Millman,
Pete Shinevar and Bill Armstrong.
The law school spot is being sought
by Jim Hill, and Greg Higby is
currently running unopposed for the
pharmacy slot.


GOP jo
Daily News Analysis
The Republican City C o u n d i 1
members have initiated a move to
revise the city's ward boundaries
ultimately aimed at guaranteeing
a GOP victory in the pivotal
Fnrth Ward in next Anril's mu-

ickeys for power

promise between the Democratic
and Human Rights Parties (HRP)
which dominated the prior council.
Since then the Republicans have
continually challenged the legality
of the plan.
Following extended litigation, the
Circuit Court last August sent the

turned-out to be the pivotal dis-
trict. The Republicans eked out a
razor-thin 360 vote victory over
the Democratic challenger, thanks
largely to a major split within the
liberal voting bloc.
The final tally gave Republican
Richard Hadler 31290 votes. Demo-

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