Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, October 2, 1973 F a I ! ." get the job idone I ._ x A V i i I FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES TICKETS USED CARS HELP WANTED 2 TICKETS wanted for Ohio State '71 SUPERBEETLE: sun roof, AM-FM, HOUSE CLEANING: 1 day/wk. Near game, well located: 663-2185 after 5, new tires, rust-proofed, 28,000 miles. campus. 761-6634. 92H26 21Q28 Must sell. 665-4382 eves 17N26 -- MEDICAL ASSISTANTS experienced in 2 OR 4 TICKETS needed for Oregon MAVERICK 1970, 3-speed, very clean. venipunctures/experience in electro- game. 665-9416. 30Q25 $1250, 971-4174 or 971-2734. 88N30 cardiograms desirable. Full-time and part-time. Salary: $2.58-4.00/hr. 769- -- - - - - - - --- - - , u3a yo u r HELP WANTED HOUSE WORK near campus. 6 hrs./wk.{ $2.00/hr. 663-1372. 87H23 CHILD CARE: Will pay well for reliable man or woman who enjoys children. Child care for 2 yr. old boy. My home. All day Monday, Wednesday after- noon. Friday afternoon. Adiacent to WORDS 0-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 INCHES 2 3 4 5 1 day 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.55 1.80 2.05 2.30 2.55 2.80 2.80 5.20 7.40 9.40 11.20 2 days 2.00 2.30 2.60 3.10 3.60 4.10 4.60 5.10 5.60 5.60 10.40 14.80 18.80 22.40 3 days 2.40 2.90 3.60 4.30 5.00 5.65 6.30 6.95 7.60 7.60 14.65 21.10 26.95- 32.20 4 days 3.20 3.90 4.80 5.70 6.60 7.40 8.20 9.00 9.80 9.80 19.10 27.60 35.30 42.20 5 days 3.90 4.80 5.90 7.00 8.10 9.05 10.00 10.95 11.90 11.90 23.45 34.00 43.55 52.10 6 dovs 4.50 5.60 6.80 8.10 9.40 10.50 11.60 12.70 13.80 13.80 27.60 40.20 51.60 61.80 add. .55 .75 .85 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.80 1.80 3.60 5.40 7.20 9.00 | 1 N.B.: Each group of characters counts as one word. Hyphenated words over 5 characters count as two words. this includes tc.ephone numbers) 10 lines equals 1 inch 5 words per line q FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM, 2-man apt. in a green house. Nice student neighborhood. Behind Frieze Bldg. dC25 THESE ARE YOUR BETTER APARTMENTS AND THERE ARE 2 AVAILABLE E -One 2-bdrm, apt. in a house, just re- carpeted, avail. for occupancy imme- diately. --Roommates needed: your own bed- room, your own lease for 1 or 2 persons in a, large luxurious apt. campus rentals, l td. 665-8825 1335 South U. FOR RENT THESE ARE YOUR BETTER APARTMENTS AND THERE ARE 3 AVAILABLE ONE 2-bdrm. apt. in a house, just recarpeted, avail. for occupancy shortly. YOUR OWN bedroom, your own lease for 1 or 2 persons in a large luxurious apt. ROOMMATES needed. Your own bed- room, your own lease, in modern 2 bedroom furnished apt. Stop by for! interview and details. campus rentals, l td .E 665-8825 1335 South U. NEED ONE TICKET for Oregon and1 Wisconsin game. Senior priority. 482- 5731 after 8 p.m. dQl9 TICKETS: need 2 pairs of OSU tickets. Mitch 769-5962. 91Q25 NEED TWO TICKETS for Wisconsin-! Michigan game. Call 662-4736 or 764-8585. Ask for Earl. dQ[ NEED 8 TICKETS for Wisc. game Oct. 20. 971-8564. 76Q27j; WANTED: 3 tickets Wisconsin game. Joel, 761-7053 after 6 p.m. 13Q24; DESPERATE: 3 tickets for Ohio S.-_ 429-7190 after 5. 07Q241 WANTED TO BUY: 4 tickets-Mich.- Ohio State. $60. Phone 1-675-0066. 10Q26 WANTED: Tickets needed for OSU game. 646-6988. 89Q26 FOR SALE: 2 tickets to Navy game or 2 books of tickets. 663-8481. 94Q23 WANTED: 2 tickets to Ohio State game. 662-2601. 60Q25> WANTED TO BUY WE'RE "HUNGERING" for a spacious refrigerator. CHEAP. Please call 665-' 6807. dK24 HELP. Need 6 Ohio State Tickets. Price negotiable. Any sections welcome. Call 761-5689 after 6 p.m. 18K23 ROOMMATES 4TH MAN NEEDED for apt. near cam- pus. $64 a month. Call 763-6041. 22Y23 QUIET RELIABLE female grad. student to share 2 bedrm. apt. with same. $92.50. 668-6074. 01Y31 FEMALE to complete 4-man. N. Thayer, central campus. 761-2283. 08Y24' CAMPUS and HOSPITAL AREA-Need male roommates. $69.00 per month. 721 E. Kingsley. Call 663-9373. HURON VALLEY REAL ESTATE cytc BIKES AND SCOOTERS -steering, 4-door. $1500. Call or leave message. 662-8183. 76N19 MAIDS: Full-time and part-time. Ramada Inn GAY Liberation Open Meeting Tuesday, Foreign Car Parts-922 N.Main. '66 MERCURY. Must sell. $295 or best West, 2800 Jackson Rd. An equal op- 8 p.m. Union, South Wing, 3rd-floor 17F23 offer. 761-6474 after 5 p.m. 97N25 portunity employer. 38H28 Conference Room. All welcome. Come I G- 4 -- out! Discussion. on "Policy About TYPING-769-2645:. 761-1225. cFtcI 67 COUGAR. Runs well. Excel, interior. WERE YOU RAISED ON A FARM? Visitors at GLF Meetings." Info from JAZZ AND CLASSICAL GUITARlea- Needs exhaust work. $450. Mark or PEACE CORPS can utilizeyour ex- 763-4186 or 761-2044 (Gay Hotline). sons. Modern theory and harmony. Reid. 761-5960. 25N23 perience. Meet ACTION representa- 4 29F23 Prf1uts 6-21 62 _~ Prof. Curtis. 662-8281. 26F25 x tives at International Center Oct. 1-5. ---- 61H25 WE MEET OUR competitiors prices. "FILE A REPORT ON THE WORLD" Just ask. Village Apothecary. cFtc' Coming back from abroad? Share SEWING NEEDED: contact Persian - your travel experiences at the Work/ CASH House of Imports, 320 E. Liberty. WED. TAKE THE TIME! Study/Travel Abroad Office room 23 74H25 U- MBARBERS AND STYLISTS: International Center (south wing of BRING YOUR TITLE Open Mon,-Sat. U-M Union Michigan Union), 603 E. Madison, PEACE CORPS needs people in busi- cF22 764-9310. 32F20 WE'LL BUY YOUR CAR! ness, architecture, education, health, 4----- _. 3F2 TOP $$$ natural resources, engineering, lib- Dating COUPLES wanted for paid Psy- GRAD STUDENTS & FACULTY-Are -TSPOPTS &IPT- Iv s'eral arts. Meet ACTION representa- chology experiment. Length of dat- gay academic? Do you fe op -SPORTS & IMPORTS- tives at International Center Oct. 1-5. Ing not important. Call Carolyn, 663- pressed, afraid to come out? Would '73 MAZDA's Coupe and wagon 68H25 3883 after 6. 93F26 like to meet and talk with others ___________________ youlietmetadtlwihoer '71 VOLVO 164, Full power, air, ----- -- WEDDING INVITATIONS-Mod, or tra- who share your concerns? There will AM-AM XK.was $o2e now $3995 76 ditional style. Cal 761-0942 anytime. be a meeting for all interested gay '71 JAGUAR XKE, Full Power, I ARTHUR TREACH ER'S dtoalsye.CleFtc academics on Sunday, Oct. 7 at 7:30 .was $8895, now $7995 FISH & CHIPS p.m. in the Michigan Union, South '70 MG MIDGET red, chrome wire JACOB'S LADDER GALLERY: Novus Wing, 3rd-floor Conference Room (use 69wheels..$199 Part-Time Ordo Seclorum: In Kerrytown Mar- south elevator). For more info., call kII c 76-04.05F28 '69 VOLVO 144S, automatic, like new Day or Evening ket. cFtc- '68..... .OV .2 4-s.........$1995n DAILY SUNDAY MAGAZINE needs INTRO-ACT-Personal Growth Groups, '68 VOLVO 1425 4-speed . ...... . $15951 no experience necessarywriters and non-fiction stories be- weekly group Thurs. eve. Weekend' '71 DATSUN 240Z's. 2 to choose from tween 500-700 words. Call Marty Por. group Nov. 9, 10, 11. Fee. Cali Richard '71 AUDI 100LS AT., air.........$3695 $1.85/hr. teen 761-70 or ll Ma Pt KrmpNo., 10,411. FeClia AT, i ... . . $65 ter at 761-2033 or leave message at Kempter, 662-4826. 80F53 1968 W.ei cut. u ll.iluzly----- luun . Refer 1968 VW Leaving country. Must sellampus Excellent operating and body condi- DRIVER - CUSTODIAN afternoons and 761-6634. 95E tion. 4 new tires. New muffler. Call alternate Sat. mornings: $2.85-3.15/hr. ----- -- - John, 769-3569. 71N16 769-8626. 18H31 PERSONAL INTERNATIONAL PICK-UP, 1967, 4- PART-TIME SECRETARY. APPLY IN - -- wheel drive. Brad, 665-4290. 72N19 PERSON. 2800 JACKSON AVE. SUMMER OF FORTY, TOO. S. State 32H28 North U. Pinball, Air Hockey, Fo. 1972 FORD V-8 automatic, power brakes --.- -- -- ball, Iee Cream and Munh'ie. Op - - -- ! 8626. 19H31 at. DOS- eT ces. xI26 PERSONAL "WE ARE collecting poetry and short stories by JOHN GLOSTER for in- clusion in a memorial collection of his work. Anyone having or knowing the location of any of his work please contact A. E. Gloster. 330 Sunrise Highway, Rockville Centre, New York 11570." 15F26 MUSIC, CINEMA, PLAYS, openings - Monthly in a comprehensive calendar & articles equals ART FARE Maga- zine. Look for it at newsstands and bookstores all around Ann Arbor. cFtc TIRED of trying to find parts for your foreign car? Try us. OverseasI 12 every night. 22F23 CLASSIF I ED ADVERTISING POLICY Advertisements may be removed from publication, but will be billed according to original number of days ordered. This policy is Appli- cable as well to ads requiring pre- payment, i.e.. no refunds. AD SUB- MISSIONS, CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS MUST BE MADE BY 12:00 M~OON OF T7W DAY PRIOR TO THE DAY THEY APPEAR IN THE PAPER. "Help Wanted" ads cannot discrimi- nate on the basis of sex, color, creed, or national origin to any extent (i.e.. "preferably" is still discriminatory). "Found" ads are run free-of-charge to a maximum of 3 lines for 3 days. Information regarding content of classified ads cannot be disclosed p r i o r to publication. Advertisers names may NEVER be revealed. Number of lines in advertisement is determined by total number of words-5 words/line. A WORD: Hyphenated words under 3 charac- ters. Hyphenated words over 5 char- acters, I.e., phone numbers-2 Words. PERSONAL BOARD EXAM TUTORING Enrollments now being accepted for S. H. KAPLAN tutoring courses to prepare for the rupcoming. M.C.A.T., D.A.T., and L.S.A.T. Board Exams. Call (313) 354-0085. cFtc XEROX AND OFFSET COPY QUICK '70 MGB ROADSTER............$2495 '70 OPEL GT. blue, 4-speed ..... $2595! -TOYOTAS- 1969-1972 all models to choose from: 100 per cent warranty on engines,I transmissions and diff, for 1000 miles or 30 days. 1973 DEMO'S - Real dollar values. -DOMESTICS- '72 INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL-ALL wagon. Justalike new, 11,000 miles, P.S., P.B. Sale..$2995 Toyota Ann Arbor ~~ apply from 3-5 weekda 2365 Jackson Rd. cCto 8 MONTH FALL WINTER LEASE AT UNIVERSITY TOWERS APTS. S. UNIVERSITY AT FOREST 0 5 minutes to class 0 FURNISHED APARTMENTS 0 HEATED SWIMMING POOL 0 RECREATION ROOM 0 STUDY LOUNGE *PIANO ROOM * FREE WEEKLY HOUSEKEEPING MOVIES AND PARTIES VISIT OR CALL 761-2680 cOte 1010 CATHERINE STREET. Large 2- bedroom deluxe units. Fully furnish- ed, air-conditioned, dishwasher, bal- cony, parking and laundry facilities, convenient to campus and hospitals. Call or see resident manager, 663- 5026 or call Tower Associates, 668- 6230. 59C20 Where TENANTS COME F IRST ! For a Campus Apt. Offering Many Additional Features CALL MAIZE & BLUE Management 300 S. Thayer, Suite A I 761-3131 cctc McKINLEY ASSOCIATES Fall Rentals-Campus area Efficiencies, 1 and 2 bedrooms in mod- em building and older houses. Stop in at 616 Church for our listings or call 769-8520. cote MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS 907 N. Ma in 769-7935 cNtc NEW FUN TYPE Restaurant n 100 full-time and part-' ployees. Positions available COOK WAITER FOUNTAIN BUSING DISHWASHER and CASHIER And one or two full-tim positions. Hiring will be on Oct. 3-6 from 10 a. Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor taurant located in the new1 Mall, 470 Briarwood Circle, State Rd. HELP! The Michigan Daily needs work on the Business Staff. openings in the Displaya staff, classified, circulation tional advertising. If you ested, come on in. Ask. for or Dave. 764-0560. ays the Daily. dF33 - --1217 S. University 769-0560 TIRED OF ACADEMICS? Expressive cFtc 46H23 ELECTRA GLIDE IN BLUE. Benefit movement workshop, Oct. 19-20. Mar- OIBOceetnb - film preview, Oct. 4, 8:15 p.m., Briar- garet Blood, 2005 Penncraft Court, COMIC BOOKS, science fiction, base- now hiring I wood Mall. $5 tax deductible dona- 769-0046. 51F28 ball cards, paperbacks, CURIOUS time em- tion. Proceeds to Spaulding for chil- --~ -USED BOOK SHOP, TOO! 340 S. State as: dren to pay for the adoption of a AIR HOCKEY TOURNEY. $200, First (upstairs), 761-0112 (open 1-6 p.m.). child. Tickets: Leslie Office Supply prize. October 14, 8 p.m. Register at 2231 W. Liberty, or at door. 63F24 Summer of Forty, Too, S. State at WANTED. One or more volunteers to _______ ______________ North U.' 28F33WATD On ormevlutrso WN URE u work with Boy Scout troop. Southeast WE WANT YOU WHERE MARGINAL PRICES buyq Ann Arbor area. 971-4547 or 971-4354. Looking for a way to spend ity diamonds-Austin Diamond, 1209" 58F08 ne pantry those free moments in .BUMPERSTICKERS custom printed conducted j?? while-U-wait! $2. MBL Press, 1217 m.-5 pm. your day... 2 FREE GAM ES 2 Prospect, Ann Arbor. 761-0941. cFta and Res- THE MICHIGAN DAILY Business Briarwood Staff needs your help. Be it adver- with this coupon WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY - Tradi- I-94 and tising, circulation, sales or whatever. come in and relax tional, Creative, and Custom: 3 styles, 33H25 come in and join us. Call Bill, Ray P I3NcB L ALLEY pe ranges. Call Weddings by Da- ----- or Dave for further information or PALL vid at 769-0053 or stop in-=Suite 318, stop by the Daily building anytime. 1217 S. University the Campus Inn. 9 to 5:30, 10 to 2 on dFtc Saturdays. (Member, Professional ______ ___ cFtc Photographers of Ann Arbor, Inc.). people to SINGER NEEDED for working lounge PEOPLE'S PRODUCE CO-OP cFtc . We have band. Good money! 764-1099. 03F23 A REAL ALTERNATIVE____ advertising -------------- 769-3995 5-8 P.M. DAILY THE COPY MILL and na- cFtc 211 B. S. State: 662-3969 are inter- U -_ ___-e-t FOR QUALITY COPIES AND OFFSET rBill, Ray at MARTY'S.., c c l I MUST SELL-Classic Goya Guitar with EXPERIENCED motorcycle mech. will_ case: $175. Call Dixie, 764-8569 or 971- tune-up your motorcycle at your 1583 after 5:30. 20X26 home. Call 485-2278. 97Z26 FISHER STEREO 125 USED SOLEX. Like new $149. 769-0465 New. Garrard Turntable and AM-FM or 769-0467. 13Z23 Tuner, speakers XP55B, $200. 663-5670 - ------- -- days, 769-1348 eves. 25X28 LOST AND FOUND HERB DAVID-GUITAR STUDIO FO ------ ---- Unusual and ordinary instruments, FO D-Male grey cat in WE. 7A23 offered, made, repaired-also carved 648d23 and inlaved. Accessories, lessons. 209 S. State, 665-8001. cXtc Adorable, cute, gentle, brown with GUITAR LESSONS black markings and white. Call Stev- Class or private instruction - all en's Co-op, 816 S. Forest, 761-1059,. styles. Our studios also accommo- immediately. dA23 date banjo, flute & recorder, key- - ----- ---- dat bajoflue &recrde, ky- FOUND: Gray-white long-haired cat in board, bass drums, clarinet, oboe, Woodbury Gardens. Mitch 663-3708. & sax. Call Ann Arbor Music Mart, dA23 769-4980. cXtx "-' I u~~r~jun"-vl: xuung nLrL-Laireutclnx_ SITUATIONS WANTED WILL BABYSIT in my vegetarian home for 3 or 4 year old. 971-9353. 84023] HELP WANTED, --- -- '.'''------ - - -- - _ - - PART-TIME Warehouse type work-4 hours eac hafternoon-3, 4, or 5af- ternoons per week according to your schedule. $2.60 per hour. Must have own transportation. Carpenter Rd. lo- cation. Call Mr. West at 434-1250. 26H24 EARN $1.50 SUBJECTS WANTED for simple Psy-_ cholinguistic Experiment. Must be 1 native speaker of English and be- tween ages 19-23. Call Sandy, 764- 0349, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 31H25 IF YOU are taking a 1st or 2nd year French or German course you have a chance to make some money and make your studying easier. Cal s764- 0560, 9-11 am., ask for Don Burns. dH25. WANTED-Part-time, night operations' International Air Freight, Metro. Air- port midnights. Ideal for college stu- dents. Must be bondable. Chauffeurf license preferred. Contact Mr. Hart (313) 729-4301. 85H26C WANTED: Experienced BREAKFAST COOK. APPLY IN PERSON. 2800 JACKSON AVE. 54H29 .4 4 ~~mmm THE DAILY NEEDS YOUR HELP ! dHtc HOUSECLEANING-6-8 hrs./wk., yard work 3-6 hrs./wk. $2/hr. Also truck needed. 761-1932. cHtc "Y" Still Needs flag football instruc- tors for afternoon classes. Good part- time job. Ann Arbor Y, 350 S. Fifth St. 663-0536. 83H23- 'wall-of-Slax" - Flared 'n Cuffed GRAD C Knit or Knot nights, Jeans 'n Jackets MARTY'S MEN FASHION CLOTHING 310 S. State St. cFtc ANS YOUTH FARE CARDS, Charters, C R A Groups, Getaway programs. Call Cin- H 0 R di Hopkins, TWA Campus Rep. 769- 0634. cFtc RE 1 RE iABLEr OFFEE HOUR returns Wed. 4th floor Rackham. Try it. eFtc SWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE RECTILINEAR III's Pair $275. Call 769-3166 persistently. 71X23 MUSIC, STRIINGS 'N' THINGS Acoustic Instruments and acces- sories, lessons and expert repairs. Old Martins and Gibsons Guild gui- tars in stock, Prices 20% of f. 668-9836. 516 E. William. cXtc SAVE 30 PERCENT on most musical! instruments. Call Steve, 761-7209, or Cherie, 761-7991. 80X16 STEEL STRING and classical guitars, finest quality, 40-50% off list. Classi- cal guitar lessons-all levels, accredit- ed by UM. 662-1775, 665-7348 till 11:00; pm.cXtc FOUND: Young short-halred yellow- gold male cat. Found corner Packard and Main. 665-6862 aft. 9 p.m. dA23 REWARD! Grey shaggy 60 pound dog. White chest. 665-4945. 70A23 WANTED TO RENT MUST ESCAPE DORM. I seek a quiet room in boarding house, apt., or frat for fall. Jim 764-6990. 12L23 NEED AN inexpensive place to live. If you know of one close to campus, please call Linda or Michele at 763- 1107 or 662-6744. If not there, please leave a message. dLtc .ow ATTEDI WOK << i ABORTION SERVICE Clinic in Mich.-1 to 24 week preg- nancies terminated, by licensed ob- stetrician-gyngcologist. Quick serv- vices will be arranged. Low rates. CALL COLLECT (216) 281-6060 24 HOUR SERVICE cFtc ALA MIL PLA STE M LUC I N R FRE OS i ANK TRAV WHA RAE RUSE NA 0 IGO AST1 IV£S DSKELTON TORT URAL ELECT ASKA ENDOW LK TORf LIN AYFOR SPANIE ERE NASA GLA AT ES RISERS CR0 SHIN CK BLUEAN6 L R£ BARS ARAM E 0 ES MASSA SS TYRE ESTA DO YO U FIND LIFE A BIG JOKE? If so you might be interested in working on the University's new humor magazine, the MICHIGAN LAMPOON. Call Tom (764- 0822) or Jeff (764-0835). CROSSWORD PUZZLE CITY COMMUNE welcomes single par- ents. $135. Children appreciated. 663- MARTIN GUITARS D-18, D-28, D-35,1 1392. 02C23 12-strings ready to be enjoyed! Apollo Music Center, 769-1400. cXtca Daily Classifieds Get Results DETROIT FURNITURE RENTAL VISIT OUR NEW SHOWROOM- 3090 CARPENTER RD., CORNER OF PACKARD 'I GUITARS, AMPS, PIANOS. Fender, Hohner, Maestro, G i b s o n, Martin, Guild. One-stop center. Apollo Music, 322 S. Main, 769-1400. cXtca APOLLO DRUM CENTER--Drum sets, over 20 sets in stock: Rogers, Sonar, Ludwig, Gretsch, Singerland. Priced right deals. 322 S. Main, 769-1400. cXtc OPEN 10-6 DAILY 973-9230 eCto. FOR SALE LARGE, one bdrm., furn., a/c, near 6x9 ORIENTAL RUG. Almost brand campus: State and Packard. Immedi- new. $37. 761-8473, Terry. 06B23 ate rental. $195. 769-6303. 64023 _ _ __ _ _ FOR SALE-Men's winter coats, excel- TWO BEDROOM, mod campus apt lent condition. Leather Bush coat Furnished. 761-3131. cCtc size 40, $40. White Canvas coat size' BARGAIN CORNER 40, $15. Brown Tweed coat size 42, $40. Call Steve eves., 761-1664. 24B25' Pointing the way towards BARGAINS and SALES SAM'S STORE LEVIS - DENIM TRADITIONALS .... 8.50 BUTTONFLYS.......8.00 BOOT JEANS..... 8.50 DOUBLE BED for sale, $10. Call Debbie, 761-4861. dB23J SAILBOAT - International 470 class. North Sails full race. Asking $1400 ,vith trailer. Aubrey Meyerson. 1-356- i 4980. 11B23 MUSIC LOVERS: FOR SALE: ORCOA portable electric organ w/stand, wench, music; GE Record Player, ste- reo automatic w/separate speakers; VM Tape Recorder stereo 4-Trk w/ separable speakers. Call 763-6602, eve- nings. 46B19 SUBLET DOUBLE ROOM available for male at Baits, $400. 665-7613. 23U28 SUBLEASE-One person, U Towers, less than their regular rent. Call 662-5135. 6-9 p.m. 8U23 PETS AND SUPPLIES BEAUTIFULLY MARKED Siberian hus- ky bitch; 16 mos.; housebroken, af- fectionate with children. $15, Call 769-2697. 62T25 BUSINESS SERVICES rI CALL 764-0557 a Classifiled Ads ACROSS' 1 Penetrate. 7 Joined the tennis set. 13 Rags. 14 Wyoming city. 16 Sibyls. 17 Lambs and lions. 18 U.S. currency. 19 Longed. 21 Cashew. 22 Came down. 24 Aborigines of Borneo. 25 Spouse. 26 A long time. 28 Meet. 29 Mutter's husband. 30 Cookies. 32 Not a single buyer. 34 Autos, 36 Aswan Dam river. 37 Broadcasting places. 41 In.- (truly): Archaic. 44 Any law or decree. 45 Like: Suffix. 47 Pastoral. _ . n n "y r n JACKETS..........10.50 LEVIS-CORDUROYS BOOT JEANS .... BELL BOTTOMS . . HOODED SWEATSH I RTS .. . 8.50 9.00 6.98 ------------------------- I Ad Copy: I ~ I I I I I I ---'---- - ----- '- --- I I I I I I Section of classifieds:I UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES WORDS 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days add. 0-10 1.00 2.00 2.40 3.20 3 90 4.50 .55 11-15 1.15 2.30 2.90 3.90 4 80 5.60 .75 16-20 1.30 2.60 3.60 4.80 5.90 6.80 .85 21-25 1.55 3.10 4.30 5.70 7.00 8.10 1.05 26-30 1.80 3.60 5.00 6.60 8 10 9.40 1.20 31-35 2.05 4.10 5.65 7.40 9.05 1U.50 1.35 36-40 2.30 4.60 6.30 8.20 10.00 11.60 1.50 41 -45 2.55 5.10 6.95 9 00 10.95 12.70 1.65 46-50 2.80 5.60 7.60 9.80 11.90 13.80 1.80 INCHES 1 2.80 5.60 7.60 9.80 11.90 13.80 1.80 2 5.20 10.40 14.65 19 10 23 45 27.60 3.60 -4-4-4- 4 opr. '73 Gen'l Features Corp. 49 Oriental name. 50 Customs. 52 Part of TV. 53 Type of dance. 54 Rues 56 One - time. 57 -Raise. 59 Twisted in a spiral. 61 Die for reshaping cartridges. 62 Blackboard cleaners. 63 Horses. 64 Lapels. DOWN 1 Conditional releases. 2 Language of music. 3 And so forth. Abbr. 4 Count (with ".on.") 5 Belief. 6 Literary compositions. 7 Floating organic life. 8 Bowling alleys. 9 Uninteresting. 10 Vegetable. 11 Issue. 12 Thinner. 13 Yesterda's tomorrow. 15 Natural fats. 20 Weather prediction. 23 Farm machine. 25 Discern: Colloq. 27 Carmen country. 29 Courage. 31 Sign of a hit: Abbr. 33 Poetic- contraction. 35 Nosy ones. 37 Large sea duck. 38 Mexican food. 39 Reversed dactyl. 40 Ancestor. 42 The one who pays the check. 43 Beach garments. 46 Mile.high city. 48 Starring roles. 50 Doled (out). 51 Main Street feature. 54 Demolish. 55 European. 58 Compete 60 Employ. 5 w - - 1i i i 9i 9- - - i - - i - i i I 16 18- 1± 10 T 2t t2 DOWN COATS ... . ARCTIC Z5 from 37.50 31 32 35 36 33 j I I 0 O i 0