UFW FACES THE ENEMY See Editorial Page 11 4c it~g~~ :4Iadii RAINY High-80 Law-S9 For details, see Today Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIV, No 23 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 2, 1973 Ten Cents Ten Pages IF I.U SEE NEL\S HAPPENCALL76-DALY Snowden new CULS head Raym'ond Snowden, former dean of student affairs and associate professor of social work at Bishop College in Dallas, Tex., has been named director of the Coalition for the Use of Learning Skills here at the University. Snowden, 33, will also serve as an assistant professor of social work here at the University, in addition to his duties as director of the counseling service. State of the Cosmos October will bring shorter days, the Hunter's Moon, and, two meteor showers, says University astronomer Hazel M. "Doc" Losh in her monthly "State of the Cosmos" message. Of special interest should be the two meteor showers, the Draconids beginning on the 9th and the Orionids beginning the 22nd. Overall "Doc", Losh predicts that October skies should be among the year's best. " Elephant' s requiem The Daily's Cincinnati Bureau, ably staffed by Jona- than and Terry Miller, files the following tearful report: Tyler the Elephant's circus career has ended in a blaze of gunfire. The 16-year old, three-ton Indian elephant, valued at $30,000, signed her own death warrant when she attacked her trainer between shows of the Ringling Bros.- Barnum and Bailey circus Sunday night. The trainer suffered a broken leg and police were called in to deal with Tyler. "She got out of control," a -circus spokesman said. Police sharpshooter Donald Ritter did the deed with two shots into Tyler's skull from a highpowered rifle. The deceased beast, who performed in 2300 shows, was loaded into a dumptruck by two cranes and shipped to a 16 by 35-foot final resting place at a suburban Cincinnati land- fill site. Happenings .. . . ..include the LSA coffee hour, today at 3 p.m. in the History of Art department on the second floor of Tappan Hall ., . . and a poetry reading by C. . Williams at 4:10 p.m. in Aud. A of the Modern Languages Bldg. ... looking to tomorrow, our Congressman Marvin Esch will be on campus from 12:30 p.m. until 2 in the Faculty Club Lounge in the Union. He will be in his Ann Arbor office tomorrow from 4 p.m. to 6. If you have questions or gripes, see him. " Segretti pleads guilty Political saboteur Donald Segretti pleaded guilty yes- terday to violating federal election laws during last year's Democratic presidential primary in Florida. Se- gretti's guilty plea was to three charges, including con- spiracy and distributing political literature which did not identify the persons responsible for it. 0 High Court convenes The Supreme Court has begun its 1973 term, but the five-minute opening ceremony gave no hint of the critical constitutional questions awaiting the justices. During the court's three-month recess, the Watergate scandal has produced questions about President Nixon's White House tape recordings of Watergate related conversa- tions. Oral arguments in the cases already selected for the court begin next week. 0 Petersen defended The White House claims Atty. Gen. Elliot Richardson has assured President Nixon that Justice Department official Henry Petersen was not the source of a con- troversial news leak on the investigation of Vice President Spiro Agnew. The Veep, in a speech Saturday, accused Petersen of being out to get him. " Fleming By DAN BIDDLE University President Robben Fleming yesterday responded to K increasing debate over the tuition hike by releasing a "simplified but Fleming agre accurate" breakdown of the bud- wer questions getary needs that led to the 24 per in a publicf cent fee increase. Friday at 3 p Fleming's lengthy explanation, phitheatre. Th printed verbatim yesterday in the session came University Record, the administra- for Student S tion newsletter, repeatedly empha- son, Student+ sized that the numbers involved in President Lee arriving at the hike were "simply A panel form our best estimate" and "can turn sentatives of out to be too high or too low." ganizations h suggested. IN A RELATED development, Fleming'sa issues new data on fee hike Simplified' budget figures raise more questions ed yesterday to ans- on the tuition issue forum scheduled for .m. in Rackham am- he request for such a from Vice President ervices Henry John- Government Council Gill, and The Daily. nat, including repre- several student or- as been tentatively, accounting appeared to raise as many questions as it answered. While citing some fig- ures mentioned in earlier state- ments from University officials, the president introduced "the addition- al problem" of a $1.4 million "con- tingent liability" ordered by Cir- cuit Judge William Ager in last April's ruling against the Univer- sity's residency regulations. The $1.4 million would cover retroac- tive tuition payments for 1972-73,' as ordered by Ager. Ager's decision invalidated the six-month non-enrollment rule for out-of-state students seeking resi- dency and lower in-state fees; the judge further ordered the Univer- sity to refund the difference be- tween resident and nonresident fees to those out-of-state students who would have qualified for residency since April 1972 were it not for the six-month rule. THE SUPREME COURT reaf- firmed Ager's ruling in June; the University is appealing the retroac- tive rebate order. The $1.4 million figure was never previously mentioned in any of the several explanations offered by of- ficials since the fee hike was ap- proved more than two months ago. While Fleming's report offered no comment on the previous ab- sence of a "contingent liability", one University official suggested yesterday that the figure had gen- erally been excluded to limit the number of students who would ac- tively seek tuition rebates stem- ming from the Ager decision. THE REST of Fleming's mathe- matical explanation follows the same argument offered last week by Chief Financial Officer Wilbur Pierpont. Pierpont, however, claim- ed the increase has a "weighted average" of 20 per cent rather than 24; the figure affirmed by the Of- fice of Financial Analysis. Flem- ing appeared to sidestep that dis- pute as neither figure was used anywhere in his accounting. Fleming contended that the fee hike is needed to cover the follow- ing budget needs: See FLEMING, Page 2 Flemings 'State of U', speech hits education troubles, Daily Photo by KEN HNK Anti-war activist and Academy Award winning actress Jane Fonda urges Americans to become more concerned about political prisoners being held in South Vietnam during a local press conference yester- day. RALLY AT HILL Hayden, Fonudaurge release. o Viet po liticalprisoners By PENNY BLANK President Robben Fleming de- livered his tenth annual "State of the University" speech last night to an audience of about 250 faculty members, their wives and families, and a handful of students gathered in the rust colored Rackham Aud. The speech, while not directly touching on the recent tuition hike controversy, did coveruthe broader issues of financing public educa- tion as well as the general goals of higher education. FOLLOWING AN introduction by Senate Assembly Chairman Fred- rick Goodman which described Fleming as'"a surfer taking on the big waves of social reform," the president delivered a 45-minute speech composed largely of gen- eralities. He spoke broadly of the probable and justified increase in widening of the proportions paid by the in- diiduals and the society for public institutions. "We still agree upon a division (of cost), but our ideas of what constitute a suitable proportion for each are changing," Fleming said, not mentioning current tuition d.s- putes directly. HE CITED yesterday's New York Times story which advised that students may be expected in the future to carry from one-third to one-half the direct institutional costs incurred by the university. He admitted that such an alloca- tion to the student may cause "a growing resentment on the part of the lower middle class" toward lower income students. Despite recognizing the "formid- able debt by graduation time" faced by students in the future as a "deterant to the educational pro- cess," Fleming offered no solutions or insights for solving the problem. W I T H INFERENCES to the Watergate investigation, Fleming spoke of the university's role in imparting values to their students. Calling it a "spectacle of ethical standards gone berserk," he ob- served that "many of the young people who have testified to poli- tical deceit, criminal behavior, and unethical conduct are fully equip- ped with degrees from distinguish- ed American collegiate institu- tions." "Why did we have so little im- pact upon them?" he asked. FLEMING PROPOSED several means for bringing together work and study, the intellectual and the See FLEMING, Page 7 By SUE STEPHENSON "Oh, come smile with us, it helps to make the days seem less like years. Oh, come smile with us, smile beneath your tears." Ringing out from singer Holly Neer, these words, expressing Viet- namese prisoners' sentiments, fill- ed Hill Auditorium last night dur- ing a program sponsored by the Indochina Peace Campaign. THE CAMPAIGN - headed up by actress and activist Jane Fonda and her husband Tom Hayden - is sponsoring a traveling lecture ser- ies aimed at pointing up the plight of political prisoners in South Viet- nam. The program consisted of music and speeches by Fonda, Hayden, a former political prisoner in South Vietnam and an American who was a POW in North Vietnam. HAYDEN, a former editor of the Daily and a long-time anti-war ac- tivist, was the evening's first speaker. "We're trying to refocus public attention on the hundreds of thous- ands of political prisoners in South Vietnam jails," Hayden said. "Three months after the Paris Peace agreement was signed," Hayden said, all political prisoners should have been freed. This is not the case." JEAN - PIERRE DEBRIS, a French mathematics teacher in See HAYDEN, Page 7 // Daily Photo by KEN FINK JIM BARAHAL, self-proclaimed leader of the movement to dump Michigan basketball coach Johnny Orr, stands high atop a building and exhorts Saturday's football fans to join his campaign. S On the inside . . Vice President Agnew 's examined on the Editorial Page . Borus looks at Dennis Franklin's current troubles are . . Sports Editor Dan middle finger on the Council tentatively approves new ward boundary proposal Sports Pages . . - and the Arts Page looks at Aldo Ceccatoathe new director of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. 0 A2's weather Looks like our rain gauge will be back at work today. Remember the storm that has been sitting over Missouri since last week? Well it's finally moving and will be passing over us this morning. There'll be trailing scattered showers which will be with us throughout the day with most of the heavy precipitation in the morning hours. Maximum temps today 75-80 with minimums tonight under mild conditions 59 to 64. says 'Dump Orr' By GORDON ATCHESON City Council last night tentatively approved several alterations in the present Ward Boundary plan amid long, often bitter debate and char- ges of gerrymandering. The changes drafted by Republi- can Mayor James Stephenson es- sentially shift one group of about 700 voters from the GOP dominated Third Ward into the more liberal Fourth Ward and another block LSA faculty gives approval to revised tenure guidelines from the Fourth to the Third. MANY OBSERVERS charge the GOP is attempting to insure a Fourth Ward victory in next Ap- ril's city election.This year they won the area by a narrow margin thanks to a split in the liberal-radi- cal constituency. The measure passed by a 7-4 tal- ly. Only the Republican council members voted in favor of the plan. Stephenson claimed the changes" were made "only to correct er- rors" in the original ward boun- daries adopted last December by a Democratic - Human Rights Par- ty (HRP) coalition on the prior council. JERRY DeGRIECK (HRP-First Ward) termed the move "partisan politics" designed to insure Repub- lican domination of the city. "The GOP is a minority party trying to give themselves an artificial ma- jority through gerrymandering," he added. Attacking the proposal as a "shame", council members Carol Firm holds deposits despite state ruling ation has been under legal fire since enacted. Recently the Cir- cuit Court tossed the planback to council for amendment. That rul- ing, however, has been challenged as unconstitutional and were the See COUNCIL, Page 7 By CHARLES STEIN Jim Barahal has never voted in a S t u d e n t Government Council (SGC) election. Yet this year he is running like a man possessed-passing leaflets, kissing babies and making speech- es-in one of the most vigorous bids, for an SGC seat campus ob- servors have seen in recent years. Barahal is a man with a mis- sion or as he puts it, "a singular dream." That dream is to dump Michigan basketball coach Johnny Orr. THE MOVE to dump Orr is the sole theme of Barahal's candidacy. When asked how to stands on other issues, he replies indignantly, "Are there any other issues?" Appropriately enough, Barahal, a senior running in the LSA cate- gory, has dubbed his nascent or- ganization, "The D u m p Orr Party." Al Bier, a Barahal asso- ciate, is also on the ticket, but he is running simply because it takes two candidates to constitute a ,,O rtvz plans to use his position to organ- ize petition drives, rallies and if need be, "direct action" to accom- plish his mission. Direct action in this case might includettaking over the court dur- ing a basketball game with 2,000 angry fans and remaining there "until Johnny Orr leaves Crisler Arena with his suitcase in hand." See SGC, Page 7 CSJ Voids AprilUH election, By JEAN LOVE Central Student Judiciary (CSJ), the University's student judicial body, last night voided one of three By CINDY HILL The Literary College (LSA) faculty yester- day approved a new tenure policy redefining faculty job classifications. Among other things, the new policy-actual- ly a revision of guidelines passed during the student was narrowly defeated. The committee serves as a largely advisory body on academic affairs. THE ISSUE of tenure reclassification had hung up the faculty since February, 1972. The By STEPHEN SELBST Despite passage of a tough new damage deposit law last spring, some 700 former tenants of Sum- mit-Hamilton Management Corpor- ation are being systematically de- nied return of their deposits. The law states that if a landlord does not return damage deposits to tenants within 30 days of term- ination of the lease, the landlord can not legally withhold or deduct processing Ypsilanti area tenants first, but the spokesperson added, students in urgent need of their money were having their requests expedited. IN VIEW of their noncompliance with the law, it is possible the company is opening the way for a spate of lawsuits. The spokes- person for the firm stated Summit- Hamilton wasn't aware of any suits being filed yet. "We explained the