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September 23, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-09-23

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See Today for details

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 16 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 23, 1973 Ten Cents

Eight Pages plus Supplement

ol verines

de frock


Vietnam rally planned
Local members of the Indochina Peace Campaign,
Medical Aid to Indochina, and the Interfaith Council
for Peace will hold an organizational meeting tonight for
an October 1 rally which will feature appearances by
J'ane Fonda and former Daily editor Tom Hayden. Hay-
den and Fonda are on a national tour to organize action
against U.S. support of the detention of political prisoners
in South Vietnam. People interested in planning for the
rally are invited to attend tonight's 8 p.m. meeting
at 332 S. State.
Happenings .. .
feature a Faculty Chamber Concert at Rack-
ham Aud., 4 p.m., and a wine and cheese party for
the Association of Jewish Grads and Faculty at Hillel,
1429 Hill, at 8:30 p.m. . . . movies include Kazan's Viva
Zapata at Cinema Guild, Arch Aud, and Rohmer's My
Night at Maud's at Aud. A., and tomorrow, an Eckankar
-"The Ancient Science of Soul Travel"-discussion group
meets at 514 Monroe St., at 7:30 p.m. .
Nixon vetoes aid bill
President Nixon yesterday vetoed as inflationary a
bill he estimated would cost up to $800 million dollars
more in government relief to victims of natural disasters.
He said the government has a clear responsibility to help
disaster victims who cannot help themselves, but that
"those who have their own resources should notbuse the
general taxpayer as a crutch." The veto was Nixon's
seventh this year, most of them for economic reasons.
Ar gentinian election
Argentine voters go to the polls today to most likely
vote General Juan Peron back in to power more than
18 years after his nine-year strong-arm rule came to an
abrupt end. Besides Peron, three other candidates will
be running' for the presidency. There appears little
doubt, however, that Peron will be elected to the
presidency for the third time. His supporters claim that
he will poll as high as 64 per cent of the popular vote
to win the election outright. But two of his rivals predict
he will be forced into a runnoff election, which would be
damaging to his image as the only unifying political force
in Argentina.
Actress dies,
Diana Sands, the black actress who rose to stardom
n "Raisin in the Sun," died Friday' night of cancer at
the age of 39. She won critical acclaim for her per-
formances in "Tiger Tiger Burning Bright," "Blues for
Mr. Charlie," and "The Owl and the Pussycat," among
others. Divorced once' and childless, she is survived by
her mother Shirley. Sands, sccorned roles she felt de-
meaned blacks, and more than once observed that aud-
iences tended to ignore color in "A Raising in the Sun."
"I think that's what I'm trying to say as an actress -
that we're all human."
Two rescued
Two Seventh Day Adventist teachers wer reported
in high spirits yesterday after a British vessel rescued
them from a two-month odyssey of hunger and death
aboard a capsized sailboat in the Pacific Ocean. James
Fisher, 26, and Robert Tininenko, 34, lived on canned
sardines, peanut butter and trapped rainwater. Tininen-
ko's wife Linda, 24, died Aug. 11 - one month after the
boat capsized. The three left Tacoma, Washington July
2 for Costa Rica to do missionary work.
Martha Squawks
Martha Mitchell says she wants John back, and that
she feels "abandoned" and "mentally tortured." Mar-
thasalso said - in a television interviewataped for broad-
cast tonight, "Well, I guess he's mad at me for throw-

ing his clothes out for one thing." "And then I think he
just, he thinks that I'm just overly wrought and that
I should have some care," said the former attorney gen-
eral's wife from her spacious Fifth Ave apartment in
New York. "But I'm not, I'm not at all . .
Nixon funny
President Nixon yesterday let out the word that
Henry Kissinger not only is the first naturalized citizen
to serve as secretary of state and the first who has been
to Moscow and Peking, but the first since World War II
not to part his hair. The only other contender was Dean
Rusk, but according to the White House barber, "He
didn't have much hair, but what he had, he parted."

First half play
key to 47-10 rout
It was more than a typical Michigan rout, the 47-10 past-
ing the Wolverines handed the Stanford Cardinals "yesterday.
It was more than revenge for the Stanford victory in the 1972
Rose Bowl. It was notice loud and clear that this year's Maize
and Blue is one helluva football team.
From the opening kickoff and the resulting Michigan
touchdown through Mike Lantry's two record field goals to
the final Stanford incomplete pass, the Wolverines dominated

this game.
THEIR CONTROL of the fumb-
ling Cardinals was simply awe-
some. Not even the semi-comic ef-
forts of the Stanford marching
band could salvage the day for the
t visitors from the West.
Michigan's mastery was appar-
ent from the opening whistle.
"I thought we struck early and
stayed right after them. The
first drive was a good one. I was
really pleased with it; it was
rock 'em sock 'em football"-
Bo Schembechler.
SET BACK to the 15, 85 yards
from pay dirt, the Wolverines be-
gan boring away immediately.
Faced with a second and eight situ-
ation, the Wolverines established
one of the keys to victory-that the
right side of the Stanford defense
was vulnerable. On 'the right side
the Cardinals feature All-America
candidate end Roger Stillwell and
tackle Joe Martin.
But the Wolverines did not back
away. Once the Maize and Blue
adeterminedthat theavaunted right
side was vulnerable, you could
smell the sweet fragrance of roses,
two years too late.
Pecking away at the quick Stan-
ford defense, the Wolverines nib-
bled for first downs. A Shuttles-
worth p 1 u n g e and a Franklin
scramble accounted for two along
the way.

Daily Photo by TOM GOTTLIEB
JUNIOR tailback Chuck Heater (44) tries to elude Stanford linebacker John Snider during Michigan's 47-10 rout of the Cardinals yesterday.
Heater carried the, ball 11 times for 47 yards and was a key element In the Wolverine's ground attack. Michigan accumulated 257 yards rushing
and added 95 yards in the air.
Speclation a-boutAge

- Speculation grew yesterday. that
Vice President Spiro Agnew's re-
signation was imminent, but an Ag-
new spokesman said the Vice Pres-
ident was not a. quitter and it
would be totally out of character
for him to resign.
Rumors Agnew may quit were
heightened by his glaring absence
from the White House swearing-in
of new Secretary of State Henry
HIS FAILURE to appear at the
ceremony coincided with a report
that Justice Department officials
now believe they have the evidence
to convict him in connection with
alleged pay-offs from contractors
while he was governor of Mary-
But Agnew's press secretary, J.
Marsh Thomson, explained his ab-
sence by saying, "He did not go be-
cause he had some prior plans.
There is no more significance to it
than that."
Thomson also announced that the
Vice President is setting up a legal
defense fund to fight any prosecu-
tion he may face on possible cor-
ruption allegations, which 'Agnew
has described as "damned lies."
THOMSON remarked in a tele-
phone interview that the signifi-
cance of the decision to set up the
fund should not be missed.

ation gi
The thrust of his remarks ap-
peared to be that the Vice Presi-
dent believes he has done nothing
wrong and is unwilling to step
down voluntarily from his post.
The fresh wave of rumors that
Agnew may be planning to resign
followed a report in the Wash-
ington Post yesterday that his law-
yers were negotiating a deal with
the Justice Department under
which he would resign and plead
guilty to a relatively minor charge.

lins strength

CBS NEWS later reported that
the Justice Department's top law-
yer, Henry Petersen, was taking a
tough line and would not agree to
let the Vice President go free even
if he resigned.
According to CBS, Agnew has on-
ly offered to resign in exchange
for a promise he will not be pro-
secuted at all.
But CBS quoted a source close to
the negotiations as saying Petersen

would 'not agree to this be
was confident he would g
PETERSEN was quotes
source as saying, "We've
evidence, we've got it co
There were other indica
new may have decided to
attempt to remove him
See AGNEW, Page

UGLI m aintains houv

HOWEVER, THE proof domina-
tion was yet to come. On a third
down and seven on the Michigan
cause he 49, Franklin faded back and hit
et a con- tight end Paul Seal with a perfect-
ly thrown pass on a down and out,
much of to the delight of the
d by the -assembled multitude of 80,177.
got the Grinding goalward in that typi-
ld," CBS cal Michigan "plough 'em down"
style, the Wolverines tallied the
first score of the ball game with
s - 7:46 showing on the Stadium clock.
fight any Franklin took off from the Stan-
from of- ford eight, running the option that
is the- Wolverines' money-maker.,
2 Stanford halfback Jeff Kagen came
-- -- out of the secondary to meet him
at the Cardinal three. Just at the
moment of collision Franklin un-
loaded the ball to the trailing back,
Chuck Heater, and the Tiffin,
Ohio junior waltzed home with the
"They're a better team than
that. You give us the ball that
many times and we'll score."
-Bo Schembechler..
o 6 p.m., Stanford, heralded as one of the
dnight. best passing teams in the nation,
IKS have attempted to establish their run-
ning game on the ensuing kickoff.
funds for The attempt failed.
a n says, On the second play from scrim-
personnel mage, linebacker Steve Strinko
ear in a rapped halfback. John Winesberry,
cuts have end Walt Williamson had the ball,
s of em- and the Wolverines found them-
selves first and 10 at the Cardi-
iized any nal 15.
ld result See MICHIGAN, Page 8

Kissinger after the swearing-in
ceremony yesterday at the White
t aksoath*
of office
Kissinger was sworn in as secre-
tary of state yesterday with a
pledge to work for' a "world at
peace with justice, compassion
and humanity."
Chief Justice Warren Burger ad-
ministered the oath at a White
House ceremony.
KISSINGER, 50, who negotiated
the Vietnam cease-fire as Nixon's
national security adviser, will
continue to servedin thatecapacity.
He took office a day after winning
Senate approval on a 78-7 vote.
Born in Furth, Germany, Kis-
singer fled to the United States
with his family in 1938 to escape
Nazi appression of Jews. In an
emotional, eloquent speech after
taking the oath of office he said
it is "very significant that for the
first time in our long history, a na-,
turalized citizen is the secretary
of state for the United States."

in face of
By SUE STEPHENSON already cau
The University's Undergraduate reduce UGL
Library is managing to hold its mer to save
own against increasing costs and he had con
decreasing dollar value, but this cutbacks in
may not be the case for long, decided aga
according to spokespersons for the Fall hour
library system. 2 a.m. closin
"We've reached the stage where were not r
any further reductions in finances into the tern
will result in drastic cutbacks in sight. "Fran
sei'vices," says Frederick Wag- Wagman say
man, director of University li- Presently;
braries. Monday thr
THE FINANCIAL squeeze had to 2 a.m.,

sed library officials to
I hours over the sum-
money. Wagman says
sidered extending the
to the fall term, but
inst it.
s, which allow for a
ng time on week nights,
esumed until a week
-m because of an over-
nkly, I forgot about it,"
the UGLI is open
ough Thursday 8 a.m.
Friday 8 a.m. to 10.


c utc

Community clinic for women
holds course on health care

p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. t
and Sunday 1 p.m. to mi
caused other problems.
"We don't have any f
improvements," W a g m
"and we've reduced the7
budget for the third ye
row." Personnel fundingt
resulted in reduced hour
ploye service.
"I feel we have minim
harmful effects that cou
from these reductions,"
ONE SINGLE bright sp
horizon of library financ
"sizeable increase in
fund," Wagman says.
Last spring "the govei
fice and legislative coma
ognized an inflation fact
brary improvement;" sa
Smith, vice president for,
affairs. This factor pro'
the book fund increas
Although the increase i
when compared to past f
is small in comparison
year's book expenditures,
says. Last year the libr
special funds from oth
ments to meet increasi
of books and journals.
there will be no shorteni

"Do you know any good gyne-
vologists at Health Service?" a
local woman inquired early t h i s
week. "Because most of them are
really rough there; they really
:Jon't care."
The woman who asked this ques-
tion was attending the first meet-
ing of the Women's Health Series,
a collection of discussions on wo-
men and health care sponsored by

"As people decide medical care is a right, they're
demanding a better quality of health care.. ."

eot on the
;es is the
the book
:rnor's of-
iittee rec-
or for li-
ys Allan
vided for
e, Smith
s sizeable
unding, it
to last
ary used
her allot-
ing costs,.
A N says
ng of the

SANTIAGO (Reuter) - Chile's
military junta, after announcing
a ban on marxist political parties;
yesterday issued a list of its ten
most wanted men, including the
leaders of the socialist, communist.
and revolutionary movement of the
left (MIR) parties.
s Simultaneously, a junta member
revealed that 7,000 prisoners were
still being held in a Santiago foot-
ball stadium, and that 30 members
of the leftwing administration of
deposed President Salvador Allen-

Chile junta, sets bean
on left-wing parties,

retary - general of the communist
party, and Miguel Enriquez, leader
of the MIR.
Meanwhile, the junta indicated
that it was pushing ahead with
plans to. abolish Chile's 47-year-old
republican constitution, despite
strong criticism last night from the
Christian Democrats - Chile's big-
gest political party.
Air Force commander and a mem-
ber of the four-man junta, denied

ple decide medical care is a right,
they're demanding a better quality
of health care. To make meaning-,
ful demands on the medical profes-
sion we have to know something
about health."

hope women will attend whichever
meetings interest them. The se'ries
is offered as a provisional effort
while the WCC is in the process of
finding funds and facilities for
their medical operation.

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