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September 22, 1973 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1973-09-22

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94C t i ian Bathj
Eighty-three years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Football in 1907:
Serious business

420 Moynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

News Phone: 764-0552


An arrogant refusal

TfHE REGENTS yesterday again refused
to make public the salary lists of fac-
ulty and administrators at the University.
We find this refusal in the face of sup-
port for Regent Dunn's proposal from
students and student organizations, leg-
islative action and opinion from the state
attorney general to be deplorable.
The Regents have arrogantly acted on
behalf of an ultra-secretive University
administration which claims that pay
scale discrimination within the University
is being eradicated. However, we cannot
take their claims on faith alone. The peo-
ple in this state have a right to know how
their tax funds are being used. The stu-
dents at this University have a right to
know how their extremely high tuition
monies are being spent.
THIS CONTINUED secrecy must stop.
The appearance is that the admin-
istration and the Regents have something
to hide, despite their pious pleas to the
contrary. This impression, whether true
or not, will continue until the figures are
made public.

This newspaper has argued editorially
in favor of such publication for several
years. We have seen the Relents refuse
to act in the past many times, even after
three institutions in the state, Delta Col-
lege, Saginaw Valley College and Michi-
gan State University released their fac-
ulty salary lists.
The Daily, along with Student Govern-
ment Council, the local chapter of NOW,
Herself newspaper, and several other lo-
cal groups began legal action last spring
against the University to force release of
the lists. Unfortunately this action has
been stymied.
Then yesterday, in the face of an opin-
ion issued in August by Attorney General
Frank Kelley that public institutions
must release such information, the Re-
gents again refused to order it done.
WE ARE NATURALLY disappointed by
yesterday's vote. However, we will
continue to pursue all possible routes to
force the University to release the faculty
salary information. The lists must come

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'I wouldn 't want you to feel guilty because you
were in a position to contribute to inflation!'
Farah Co. continues to fight
unionizing effort of workers

E VERY NOW AND then I like to
spend a long afternoon poking
through the junk and clutter which
makes its home in musty corners
of old attics and basements.
A streak of compulsive anal re-
tention in my ancestors has left
as its monument, shelf after shelf
of queer, dusty old boxes of for-
gotten correspondence, tied up
neatly with twine and preserved
for posterity, as if waiting in anti-
cipation of those idle days when I
have nothing better to do than
wallow in the past.
Now mind you, most of this junk
chris parks
is just that - junk. And the bal-
ance of the rest of it is of inter-
est only to those of family. But
occasionally one comes across the
"Gem" - a letter, post card or
picture which reaches across the
generations and brings a smile of
recognition, or "says something"
about a place or time.
BACK IN THE early 1900s, be-
fore kids jetted home on youth
fare for spring break and talked
to their parents between times on.
Ma Bell's generous 5 cents p e r
minute, students used to write
letters - to mom and dad, sis-
ters, brothers, aunts, uncles, you
name it.
One of my "treasures" is a let-
ter from a University law student
to his sister who was going to
school out east. It is dated No-
vember 18, 1907 (that's nineteen
aught seven).
The letter concerns (what else?)
a football game. But :lot j u s t
any football game. Michigan has
been defeated, which is in and of
itself, of course, grounds for deep
depression. But what is worse,
Michigan has been defeated by one
of those (sneer) "Eastern" schools.
To his sister out east, the young
man writes:
"OF COURSE you have had am-
ple opportunity by this time of
hearing M(ichigan) run down and
degraded on account of the game
Saturday but . . . I have an ex-
cuse for this failure to whip Penn.
No doubt had things been Rllowed
to take their natural course and
progress uninterrupted by the
treacherous decisions given by the
referee, there would be a jig in

Ann Arbor at the present moment
instead of gloom."
Obviously, effete easterners do
not subdue'Michigan without con-
siderable assistance from the forc-
es of evil and sample luck.
First of all, Penn's only touch-
down was "a fluke". This act of
fate, however, "did not dishearten
the players a little bit and they
went back into with a fierce de-
termination to rip Penn up . "
MORE BAD LUCK ensued, how-
ever. The Wolverines scored but
the play was called back. A n d
although "every man in the bleach-
ers swears that it was the dirtiest
piece of work ever seen on the
gridiron," the "dirty little welp
had the say and authority as re-
As a sort of post script to t h e
wholeaincident, our law student
adds menacingly, "it was well for
that miserable little paid traitor
that he sneaked out of town im-
mediately after the game." One
shudders to think what would have
happened if he had stayed on -
a man who sold out Michigan to the
But the damage was done, and
"that dirty piece of work and the
knowledge that the official himself
was arrayed against us as well as.
the Penn team was too much."
Of course, it wasn't just a
treacherous official that sunk the
men of Michigan. Those "Eastern-
ers" play dirty - not like t he
wholesome, corn-fed sons of the
middle west.
OUR UNWITTING historian re-
lates that the team "came out of
the gamde looking like defeated
prizefighters for the reputation the
Penn men have for dirty-playing
is world-wide and they lived up
to it to the best of their ability."
The thought of those "Eastern-
ers" gloating and crowing o v e r
their ill-gotten gains was just too
"I only wish I could be there
for a day or two and help defend
Michigan against the attacks, from
the Easterners ..."
But virtue will triumph.
"Some day we will show them
what a Michgian team can do when
she is given a fair chance. That
is all she, asks for, a fair chance,
and I will wager that the boys will
attend to the rest of the program."
And (gosh) he almost forgot,
"The fudge and stuffed dates went
like hot cakes."

Congressional inquiry needed

has found itself in an embarrassing
situation in the aftermath of the Chilean
coup of ten days ago, especially in the,
light of the narrow escape of the Ama-
teur Athletic Association (AAU) swim-
ming team which returned Thursday
after' dodging bullets in Santiago.
Only through pressure on the State
Department from Sen. Edward Gurney
(R-Fla.) and Rep. Paul McCloskey (R-
Calif.) were the swimmers able to return
when they did.
The State Department has admitted
that it knew of the coup 48 hours in ad-
vance, and yet, made no attempt to warn
or detour the swim team. An official ex-
cused this on the grounds that not every-
one in the department knew of the im-
pending coup, and that the American
embassy in Santiago was ignorant as well.
THE CABLES contained in the Pentagon
Papers indicate that communication
between the State Department and
American embassies is usually better than
the spokesperson would have us believe.
However, if the embassy personnel did
not know, one good reason might be that
News: Dan Blugerman, Cindy Hill, Char-
les Stein, Rolfe Tessem
Editorial Page: Marnie Heyp, Z a c h a r y
Schiller, Eric Schoch, David Yalowitz
Arts Page: Diane Levick
Photo Technician: Karen Kasmauski

the State Department did not wish them
to know, to help insure the success of the
coup. The American government's antip-
athy towards Allende was no secret.
In military overthrows of governments
a lot of innocent people often are killed
in the shooting. The fact that the im-
pending coup was known to the State De-
partment and the department neverthe-
less took no action to protect American
citizens in Chile indicates at least a cer-
tain amount of callousness on the part of
American officials.
In previous years, after all, alleged dan-
ger to American citizens has been used
as an excuse to intervene in other Latin
American countries.
WHAT IS MORE, suspicions of some
form of U. S: government involve-
ment in the coup still remain, largely due
to the State Department's own state-
On Thursday, a senior official refused
to answer questions trying to ascertain
whether the government had helped fi-
nance the coup. The issue of financing
the coup, he said, would be discussed
only in closed-door session.
The question is, of course, what infor-
mation can only be discussed behind
closed doors? A denial of financial in-
volvement certainly does not require
closed-door protection.
The actions, and the inactions, on the
part of the State Department in particu-
lar and the U. S. government in general
deserve attention and investigation. Pub-
lic hearings by Congress would appear to
be a proper course of action.

EL PASO, TEX., is a textile
About 20,00 textile workers are
employed in the city, most of them
- as with the majority of the city
The biggest firm in town is the
Farah Manufacturing Co., which
employs 14 per cent of the local
labor force. And since May 9,
1972, there has been a strike at
What has made the 16-month-long
strike the focus of national press
coverage is both its resemblance
to laborsorganizing movements of
the 1930s and its implications for
unionizing the South generally.
Only 2,200 El Paso textile work-
ers are union members; because of
what the New York Times calls the
''enormous pool of cheap Mexican-
American labor," El Paso has the
largest unorganized supply of
clothing workers in the United
The strike at Farah is essential-
ly one over union recognition; the
3,000 employees who walked out
demand representation by t h e
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of
America (ACWA).
A UNION VICTORY at Farah, it
is generally agreed, would be fol-
lowed by general unionization of
the largely open shop clothing
plants throughout thearea.
Moreover, attorney George Mc-
Almon, chairman of the Committee
for Fairness at Farah, believes a
union victory would eventually lead
to unionization for all the under-
paid, unorganizedaChicano workers
- retail clerks, car washers, lauin-
dry workers, assembly line work-
ers, etc.
McAlmon says wage rates along
the entire border could be af-
Company President Willie Farah,
with the support of much of the El
Paso business community, has
fiercely resisted the strike, insist-
ing that the company will never be
Through a nationwide boycott of

Farah, however, the pants manu-
facturer took an $8.3 million loss
in the year ending Oct. 31, 1972.
pany figures, dropped 21 per cent
during the third quarter of fiscal
1972, seven per cent in the fourth
quarter, and another 17 per cent
in the first quarter of 1973.
Thestrike and the accompany-
ing boycott, which have been sup-
ported by the AFL-CIO and a nan,-
ber of prominent national political
figures, bearszsomeresemblance
to the unionization drives of 4!0
years ago.
The way an ACWA publication
puts it, the strike is one to protect
"from a feudal system that per-
mits their employer to fire
them for any reason or no sea-
son, boost production stand-
ards without consultation, spv
on their activities, h o u i d
them with unmuzzled police
dogs,shift them from job to
job without any explanation,
and indulge in a number of oth-
er actions that the National
Labor Relations Board has of-
ficially called illegal."
There is no job security at Farah;
wages start at $1.60 an hour.
It is, however, more the ques-
tion of dignity than any single
econoinic issue which brought the
workers out on strike.
WILLIE FARAH points w i t h
pride to the clean, well-lighted
plants: the free coffee and rolls
available for breakfast; the free
bus service from downtown El
Paso to the plants; the prescrip-
tion drugs offered without charge
to workers, and a host of other
company practices benefitting em-
But striking Farah workers ob-
ject that it is not patronism they
need, it is the power to control
their conditions and their lives.
During the strike, Farah h a s
intimidated strikers with the use
of guard dogs, maintained close
surveillance over their workers,
curtailed all conversation among
employes during working hours,

and threatened workers . w i t .h
"harsh treatment' if they became
active in union affairs.
Partly because of these meas-
ures, but more a consequence of
the already mentioned low-paid la-
bor force in El Paso and neighbor-
ing Juarez, Mex., strikers have
not brought a majority of Farah
employees out of the plants.
THE STRIKE has received the
support of El Paso's Catholic bis-
hop, the Most Rev. Sidney Metz-
ger, who sent a letter to all U.S.
Catholic bishops asking that they
bring pressure on retailers not to
reorder from the company.
But Willie Farah is adamant:
There will be no union at his com-
Farah says that foreign competi-
tion is creating a grim situation,
and that American workers have
to learn to work. 'There are two
billion foreigners out there willing
to work for 10 cents an hour," he
said. "We've got to whip 'em with
American know-how and the will
to work."
His superpatriotism is illustrated
best by the company's refusal to
buy any non-American made pro-
duct. Willie Farah also boasts that
no foreigner has ever worked for
the company.
The Federal Equal Employment
Opportunities Commission finally
obtained a 'court order which re-
quired him to hire authorized Mex-
ican aliens.-
STRIKERS HAVE hopes that the
nationwide Farah boycott will
eventually force absettlement,
pointing to the drastic drop in
the value of Farah stock as well
as falling company sales.
Ann Arbor residents may shortly
become aware of the boycott, as
several local stores - including
the Checkmate Shop and Fiegel's
Men's and Boy's Wear - c a r r y
Farah pants.
Detroit boycott organizers are
apparently interested in bringing
the boycott to Ann Arbor. Some
of our clothing stores - as well as
the Farah strikers - could well
afford such a move.

New Canada law
aidsU.S. exiles
THE CANADIAN government has enacted an amendment to the
Immigration Appeal Board Act that will be of great benefit
to the many American war resister exiles living in that country.
The amendment provides that every exile in Canada who ar-
rived there by November 30, 1972, irrespective of how he came
there or under what conditions he remained, may appeal to have
his residence in Canada legalized. The action states that this
opportunity is for one final, not to be repeated period of 60 days,
beginning August 1 and ending September 30, 1973.
It is imperative that whatever is done be done quickly. It is
expected that the Canadian government will be extemely lenient,
this last, single time, in applying the standards for becoming
'landed' and that almost all applicants will quality. An exile who
becomes landed under this new law will still have the choice
of returning to the United States when amnesty is granted.
Contact directly any exile in Canada that you know and urge
him to get in touch with the aid center nearest to him. If you
have relatives or friends who have a son in Canada write to them
immediately advising them to contact their son with this informa-
THE CANADIAN aid centers are listed below. Those who do
not find an exile aid center listed which would be convenient
write to: National Council of Churches, Room 766, 475 Riverside
Drive, New York, N.Y. 10027 for information.
1) Toronto Anti-Draft Programme
11% Spadina
Toronto, Ontario
2) Winnepeg Committee to Aid War Objectors
175 Colony Street
Winnepeg, Manitoba
3) Montreal Council to Aid War Objectors
3625 Alymer
Montreal, Quebec
4) Vancouver Committee to Aid War Objectors
Suite 204
144 West Hastings
Vancouver 9, British Columbia
5) Calgary Committee on War Immigrants
Box 3234

Letters to The Daily

I ea

To The Daily:
author of Thursday's editorial, "An
unwarranted crackdown." The po-
lice department's efforts can un-
doubtedliy be put to better use al-
levating bike theft and other more
serious crimes rather than park-
ing violations. However, I do take
exception to the statement that
"illegally posted handbills . . .
(are) yet another offense (on) the
ever-growing list of victimless
We are all victims of indescrim-
inate posting of handbills of lamp-
posts, windows, trash cans and
other more ingenious locations. We
are so overexposed to obnoxious
advertisements that we have evol-
ved a "tunnel vision" which en-
ables us to ignore the mess. It is

all, the visual pollution of Ann Ar-
bor would be reduced.
-Lee Katterman '74
Sept. 20
To The Daily:
LET ME CLARIFY my role on
the Institute for Social Research's
studies of delinquent behavior de-
scribed in the Sept. 15 Daily.
I was not involved in the re-
search activity; my contribution
was to use the data obtained by
Dr. Martin Gold and other Insti-

tute researchers to co-author ",he
article which, as the Daily account
says, was published in the cur-
rent issue of Psychology Today.
I share responsibility with Dr.
Gold for conclusions, interpreta-
tions, and recommendations put
forth in the Psychology Today ar-
ticle but I should not be credited
with the conduct of the actual re-
search projects from which the
data were drawn.
-Bill Haney
Managing Editor, ISR
Sept. 17


Contact your



Sen. Phillip Hart (Dem), Rm 253, Old Senate Bldg., Capitol
Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515.

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