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September 21, 1973 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1973-09-21

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Page Two


Friday, September 21, 19 1 :5

Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, September 21, 1'~/i


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FRIDAY, OCT. 5, 1973

Courts create confusion on
new ward boundary proposal

Henderson Rm.
Michigan League

1 :30 a.m.-8:30 p.m.
activities for children

Entertainment, History, Art, Work, Politics

I h D " I1 I P . wt-


More Profitable T hanStudying?!?


(Continued from Page 1)
was approved by the former Dem-
ocratic - Human R i g h t s Party
(HRP) council last December.
The ward plan tends to favor
t h e liberal - radical constituency
within the city but the Republicans
who now control council have
made it clear they would like to
alter the configuration to give
more conservative voting blocs in-
creased power at the polls.
LONG TIME GOP figure John
Hathaway filed suit last December
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against the ward boundaries claim- blocked from drafting corrections
ing the plan violated city and other and seeking aonther hearing at the
legal requirements. The city at- circuit court level.
torney's office contended the al- Campbell added that the judges
leged errors did not render the who issued the August ruling in-
plan unconstitutional. Since the Re- tended council to make only "min-
publican majority on council took or corrections" in the plan. "The
office, however, the city has plead- ruling also did not authorize a
ed "no contest" to the errors. completely new Ward' Boundary
Hathaway's suit was appealed to Commission or apportionment
the State Supreme Court which plan," he said.
ordered the present plan to be
used for last April's city election IMMEDIATELY following t h e
but also tossed it back to the cir- August decision, Stephenson an-
cuit court "for a hearing on the nounced plans to form a new com-
merits." mission but has since abandoned
The court never held such a the idea.
hearing. Instead the judges issued While Campbell said he hoped
their August ruling, stirring up a his statement would aid "the pub-
legal battle over the constitution- lic interest" by clarfying the
ality of that decision. issues, the various legal challenges
DeLOOF AND the attorneys rep- probably cannot be resolved in
resenting the Democratic Party time for next spring's city election.
have contested the ruling, sending The ward plan must, be ready
it to the state Court of Appeals. by Jan. 1 because at that time
They expect a decision within sev- persons seeking office are required
eral days. to file petitions of candidacy. To
Campbell also indefinitely ad- fulfill that obligation the candi-
journed a motion filed by HRP dates must know in whih wards
lawyers asking that council be they live.
Salary issue aired
in Regents meeting
(Continued from Page 1) ulty. "During this process we have
But I personally think the truth I had no emotional breakdowns, up-
will make us free." heavals, or mass resignation, or
any of the bugaboos that have
EDUCATION Prof. Frederick been dragged out in association
Goodman spoke for the faculty with the proposal," Wright said.
governing body, the Senate Assem- SGC attorney Tom Bentley. and
bly, and its executive committee Susan Hart, representative for the
the Senate Assembly Committee on Women Law Students Association,
University Affairs (SACUA). spoke on the legal precedents for
Goodman reviewed statistics of disclosure, with regard to the is-
faculty response to the disclosure sue of invasion of privacy and ac-
proposal. Senate Assembly last countability of tax-supported uni-
winter voted down 34-7 the con- versities.
cept of disclosure of salaries along Both indicated that Kelley's
with data on sex, race, position, opinion is justified by recent court
and duration of employment. This decisions in the state.
information was demanded in a ---- -
Daily-SGC lawsuit.
A proposal to disclose name and \7u ba ho m e
salary only was also voted down
34-12. And 68 per cent of 1600 fac-
ulty respondents to a survey ques- after ordeal
tionnaire on the issue said they
were opposed to disclosure.
WE HAVE the feeling that the IntdSantiago
public concern which allegedly
motivated this demand can better (continued from Page 1)
be served by other means," Good-
man said. He said many faculty strafed the city before - U. S.
members feel the "sensational ef- Embassy managed to ferret the
fect" of a massive disclosure of group to a Peace Corpsman's
individual salaries would infringe home in the safer outlying sub-
on their right to privacy. urbs.
James Taren, professor of sur- After a long-awaited reunion
gery and neurosurgery, claimed with his family, residents of Dear-
"the use of simplified data might born, Szuba recalled suspenseful'
invite irrational comparisons." moments in the unscheduled part
Where individual salary data has of the tour:
been released, he contended, "It When the fighting broke out,
has caiised embarrassment tor we were right downtown in the
has ansd emarrssmet tpoorer section of Santiago, sur-
poorer faculty and has had no dis- poe eto fSnigsr
cernible effect on richer faculty." rounded by Allende's supporters.
"ThiefUnietri shoulty.veWe were only a couple of blocks
sociey by ry h servingthecase ofrom the capital building when the
knowledge, and serve the cause of, air force came in and bombed it
knowedg, ad srve he aus ofto the ground. I was so close, on
knowledge by preserving the fac- the 17th floor of this building we
ulty's right to privacy," Taren were staying in, that I practically
ad could have reached out and touch-
LAW PROF. L. Hart Wright told ed the jets as they passed over on
- -. --:..-,. - . bombing runs."







SZUBA SAID military troops
opened fire on a house where sev-
eral swimmers were staying when
a sniper was spotted there climb-
ing over the wall. "Bullets went
all through the house," he recalled,
"It was a lucky thing no one was
Szuba and his family were irked
at the State Department's behavior
in the affair: The swimmer noted,
"When you get a phone call at 3
a.m. saying you've got two hours
to catch a plane, you know some-
thing's wrong.
"The strange thing is," Szuba
mused, "the day the coup broke
out was supposed to be a fun day
for us. We had finished all the
swimming clinics and we were
going to Valparaiso for the after-
noon. Then we got a phone call
saying that the Navy had taken it."




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