RELEASING FACULTY SALARIES See Editorial Page C I 4c Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom ~Iaiti; INSPIRATIONAL High- O Low-47 See Today for details Vol. LXXXIV, No. 14 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 21, 1973 Ten Cents Ten Pages t\/ j ^T f MUSEE N Nv -APP MiCALL rDY NY Y 250 and 330.*, * ...are this week's winning lottery numbers. Check it out, you may be rich. " Strike support grows The tuition strike gained another shot in the arm yesterday as two more organizations - the Undergrad- uate Political Science Association and graduate students in American Culture - added their endorsements to the proposed action. The poli sci undergrads, in addition to endorsing the strike, called on the University to "ease residency requirements for- out of state students." At a noon meeting 20 grad students in American Culture voted to back the strike charging that the tuition in- crease threatens to "exclude all middle and lower middle class students" from the University. The meeting also called for a complete reevaluation of the financial aid and tuition rate systems. Frozen fans If you're planing on being in Alaska Saturday, don't worry. You can still hear the Michigan-Stanford foot- ball game. Alaska's Midnight Sun Network - which in- cludes stations in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Ketchikan and Juneau - will be carrying the play-by-play across the frozen wastelands of the North. Network officials say they have been deluged by calls from Michigan fans and alumni in the 50th state who want to hear the game. Sportscaster Tom Hemmingway's play-by-play description will be carried from the WUOM studios here to Seattle by telephone lines. From there, it will be car- ried up the Canadian west coast to Alaska by micro- wave. Game time in Alaska is 9:30 a.m. 0 Rally set Organizers of the tuition strike have called a rally for 11 a.m. today on People's Plaza to bring the strike's demands to the attention of the Regents, who will be meeting in the administration building at the same hour. The protest will begin with a march from the Diag and focus on demands for re-evaluation of the University residency requirements and imple- mentation of the 1970 Black Action Movement Demands. " Oops! Due to a typographical error, a story in Wednes- day's Daily incorrectly reported that there are currently 80 University research programs dealing with acupunc- ture. The story should have said 80 universities have re- search programs. The University itself is not currently conducting any research on the subject. Economist speaks James Duesenberry - chairman of Harvard's de- partment of economics - told those attending the 8th annual William K. McInallyLecture here yesterday that the conflict between price stability and high employment is the most pervasive weakness of Western society. The noted economist called for price controls for highly concentrated industries along with wage controls early in economic expansions. He also said simultaneous mone- tary and fiscal measures were necessary to control demand. H. Happenings . . . . . . are topped by the Sly concert tonight at 8:30 in Hill And. . . . if you're into something slightly more mellow, "Miriam and friends", a folk group from Oakland University, will be at the Union Gallery at 8. . . . it's International Folk Dance time in Barbour Gym from 8-11 p.m. . . . and the rest is mostly movies. For a full listing and capsule reviews see Cinema Week- end on p. 5. 0 Trouble for Spiro Signs increased that the federal investigation of Vice President Spiro Agnew was about to resume, either before a grand jury or in a court fight. U.S. Attorney George Beall, who is directing a grand jury probe in Baltimore of alleged political corruption in Maryland, was reported to have been in Washington several times this week. " Sextuplets gaining Three of the five surviving Stanek sextuplets in Denver were gaining in their battle against the lung disease which killed their sister Julia. Doctors said the three babies, who had shown signs of hyaline mem- brane disease, were in satisfactory condition. The other two babies, both boys, were reported in good condition. " Auto workers vote Voting on a new contract for auto workers at Chrys- ler began with the first local reporting saying more than 82 per cent of its members approved the pact. Most of Chrysler's 127,500 workers represented by the United Auto Workers vote today and tomorrow. Ballot- ing is to be completed by noon on Sunday. If a majority approves, Chrysler employes will go back to the plants on Monday. 0 Ott the inside . . Clark Cogsdill writes about Willie Mays on the Sports Page . Arts Page features Cinema Weekend .. and James Wechsler writes about the possibilities of recall and vote of confidence procedures for the Presi- dent on the Editorial Page. ROUGH NIGHT FOR MALE CHAUVINISTS By AP and Reuter HOUSTON-With an incredible barrage of dazzling cross-court shots and blistering overhand blasts, Billie Jean King silenced self-styled male chauvinist Bobby Riggs in a straight set victory before 30,000 partisan fans at the Houston Astrodome., The brilliant 6-4, 6-3, 6-3 victory, billed as the "Battle of the Sexes," humbled the court clown Riggs who had helped promote the match with a continual stream of anti-feminist slurs. NOT TO BE intimidated, like Riggs' triumphs previous female opponent Margaret Court, wounded King took control of the contest from the greatly a outset and never let up during the two ing thep hour match. mins by "She was just too good for me," the himselfK bespectacled Riggs commented after the fend offt thrashing. "She was much too quick and The 55 just made better shots," he added. complete King made no statement following the games in match, but none was needed. Her stun- his powd ning win spoke for itself. lessly as ner by h ALTHOUGH THE set too might better During have been hailed as the battle of the for a br in battle of , neither King nor Riggs seemed affected by recent madladies. Dur- past week both had gobbled vita- the bottleful-Riggs to psych and his opponent and King to the after affects of the flu. i-year-old Riggs appeared to be ly exhausted by the final few which he was unable to control er-puff serves and watched help- King pushed winner after win- im. the last set Riggs also asked ief time out claiming his right wrist and forearm had cramped, but the die was cast by then as King's victory seemed certain even to the most ardent Riggs supporters. THROUGHOUT THE match King main- tained her characteristically unemotional demeanor-only breaking into a smile when her opponent hopped the net to offer congratulations. Mobbed by throngs at courtside, King received a hug and kiss from her hus- band who also acts as the star's manager. Confounding oddsmakers and pundits Szuba flies exes King copped the $100,000, prize with rkable ease, but both shared in the rse television royalties and adver- revenue generated by the century's closely watched tennis match. PLAYING THE crisp ground strokes mpeccable volleys that won her five >elton titles, King had every facet r power game working to perfection. gs, however, saw his entire array nk shots-lobs, drop shots and the -fired back with machine-like pre- See KING, Page 7 tome fter flela y could to get the, team home." But the staffer added, "Their timing was sort of semi-poor. The State Department is extremely helpful - when they can be, that is." AAU officials said the team's coach, Jim Montrella, "has some bitter words for the government," but Montrella could not be reached for comment yesterday. HE AND his team spent more than a day in downtown Santiago as bullets flew and military jets See SZUBA, Page 2 from Chile snspenseful By CHUCK BLOOM and DAN BIDDLE Special To The Daily DETROIT - University swim- mer Tom Szuba finally came home yesterday from strife-riddled Chile after a high-level government sna- fu over the evacuation of Szuba and seven other American swim- mers delayed his return. "It's a wonder I've gotten home," said the smiling athlete after his long journey ended at Metro Air- port. "If it weren't for some gov- ernment pressure in the States, I'd still be there." SZUBA AND the other swim- mers, members of an Amateur 'Athletic Association (AAU) good- will tour of several South American cOuntries, arrived in the Chilean capital of Santiago four days before the military junta ousted Marxist President Salvador Allende. State Department officials in Washington admitted knowing of the coup 48 hours in advance, but no apparent effort was made to detour theAAU group before the shooting started. The group of athletes had orig- inally planned to leave Santiago and head home a week ago, but the junta imposed tight restrictions on outside travel as the right-wing palace coup triggered violent clash- es between the military and Allen- de's supporters. A SERIES of phone calls from some of the swimmers' worried parents led Sen. Edward Gurney (R-Fla.) and Rep. Paul McCloskey (R-Calif.) to put pressure on the State Department to expedite the group's return. The eight swimmers left Chile Wednesday with their coach and chaperone on a United Nations charter flight to Buenos Aires, where a Braniff Airlines jet picked them up and delivered them to Mi- ami yesterday morning. The State Department had ear- lier issued official assurances that the group was in "absolutely no danger." But the athletes said they spent several days dodging bullets in downtown Santiago. A SPOKESPERSON for the State- Department's Cultural Affairs Of- fice maintained yesterday that "we had no way of informing" the AAU group of the Chile coup be- fore it occurred. "Not everybody knew about the coup ahead of time," the official said. "I didn't know about it. If the Santiago embassy had known, they would have informed the group and gotten them out. But he indicated that the State Department would examine its own actions in the matter at de- briefing sessions next week. A STAFFER in McCloskey's of- fice said the State Department told the congressman last week "they were fully aware of the sit- uation and doing everything they SGC takes new 'strike actions Daily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM TOM SZUBA (left) is greeted by his family at Met'ro airport yesterday after returning from the strife- torn capital of Chile. Szuba, a Michigan swimmer, was stranded for six days because of travel restric- tions imposed after last week's military takeover of the country. He and eight other swimmers were par- ticipating in an AAU-sponsored tour of three South American countries. 'NO COMMENT': State Dept. silent on By JACK KROST Student Government C o u n c i 1 (SGC) last night voted to put money and manpower behind the tuition strike while endorsing three new strike demands proposed by the Student A c t i o n Committee (SAC) Wednesday. SGC allocated $300 to SAC for strike organizing purposes and gave $400 to its own newly-formed four-person strike advisory com- mittee. THE COMMITTEE was given two functions: to act as a liaison with SAC, teach fellow groups, and other campus organizations in- volved in the strike; and to pro- vide SGC with recommendations for further action in the matter. Council gave its support to SAC's new demands calling for "re-evalu- ation of criteria for residency status, re-establishment of in-state tuition status for teaching fellows, and an accurate and' complete statement of financial information from the University." SGC also threw its support be- hind a rally scheduled for 11 a.m. today at People's Plaza to bring strike demands to the attention of the Regents, who will be meeting at the same hour in the adminis- tration building. IN OTHER major action, Coun- cil voted down a proposal to hold a special campus-wide referendum on the controversial "10-10-10" rep- resentation system. The plan, U.S. ac WASHINGTON (Reuter) - A senior State Department official yesterday refused to publicly ans- wer questions on whether the Unit-, ed States had financed opposition to the ousted Chilean government of Salvador Allende. Jack Kubisch, assistant secre- tary of state for interamerican af- fairs, told a House foreign affairs subcommittee he expected the United States would recognize the new military junta very soon but that the issue of financing the op- ,ions 111 position should be discussed only in a closed-door session. AFTER THE subcommittee hear- ing, reporters told Kubisch his re- luctance left the impression that the United States had provided some financial support to opposi- tion groups in Chile. Kubisch replied that this was not what he intended to imply but he would stand on his statement. The United States had pre- viously made no secret of its dis- like for the Allende government, *Chi'le which nationalized U.S.-owned cop- per mines and other U.S. proper- ty. THE ISSUE of U.S. finance was raised by the subcommittee chair- man, Dante Fascell, who asked whether the United States had, di- rectly or indirectly, given finan- cial support to groups opposing Allende. Kubisch reiterated U. S. denials that it was involved in the coup itself. "I just want to emphasize cate- gorically that we were not involved in any way ,not the U. S. govern- ment or any element, including the Central Intelligence Agency," he said. Kubisch, questioned on whether the United States would recognize the military government which ousted Allende, said recognition does not imply approval of another country's form of government. "MY STRONG presumption is that we will. We have not decided yet, but I think it will be very Lee Gill which gives SGC voting power to specific school and college con- stituencies within the University, was put into effect in last April's all-campus election. Opponents of the representation plan have claimed that it is un- wieldy and would make SGC elec- tions complex and unmanageable. Presumably, the plan will be in effect during SGC's next all-cam- pus election, slated for Oct. 9, 10 and 11. See SGC, Page 7 VOTE TODAY Ward plan plagued by legyal challenges Regents hear arguments on, salary publication By GORDON ATCHESON A statement issued by a circuit court judge yesterday with the in- tention of clarifying the already- muddled ward boundaries contro- versy has apparently only succeed- ed in making the situation even more confusing. Judge Ross Campbell said that a previous court order remanding the nresent ward plan to City Coun- decision as granting council the right to redesign the wards. Campbell's statement, however, was made "in an advisory capac- ity" and does not legally change the prior ruling. "Campbell modified the intent of the order but council can still do anything it wants to the plan," said Peter DeLoof, an attorney renresenting a nrivate citizen on- By REBECCA WARNER Moving toward today's vote on a controversial motion to force Uni- versity disclosure of employe sala- ries, the Board of Regents yester- day heard an hour and a half of argument from a broad spectrum of student and faculty spokesper- sons regarding the proposed dis- closure. The highlv contested resolution Daily and Student Government Council (SGC), however, the Uni- versity has stalled action on the proposal, claiming such disclos- ure would represent invasion of the privacy of faculty and admin- istrative staff members. Dunn said yesterday that a re- consideration of the disclosure is- sue seemed "very appropriate" in lig+ of Klln'c ninin Ni nd what's being done with money." their "THE' DAILY and the student body isn't willing to take the Uni- versity's word for what's being done. We want to know for our- selves," Parks said. SGC President Lee Gill told the board, "SGC and I still go on re- cord as believing that the only way